17749491? ago

Funniest shit I've seen on here in ages. What a fucking tool.

17750004? ago

Here's the deal. This dude has been doing this all along. Or, perhaps his crew has been doing this all along, and he's the sacrificial lamb that's testing the waters here at voat after the new software installation that I suspect has happened here in the last 24 hrs. Think on it, I surely am.

17755599? ago

Yuppers. These people are usually pretty fuckin' obvious, even when they do forget to switch accounts, be it deliberate or calculated.

17748791? ago


liberals are fucking retarded...😂

17748674? ago

Same one as the other post? These people are idiots and pretend to know more than we do? This proves the anti Q shills have low IQ

17748869? ago

Yes, same as other post with more replies from "OP"/[S]. Archived as well too.

17747510? ago


17747187? ago

not only will he lose the paycheck.. hes going to get murdered. they kill for those kinda of mistakes. hahahaha. this shils going to die! fuck you shill, enjoy your painful suicide. you deserve it.

17746909? ago

Nothing better than watching an anti-Q user lose all of their cockiness when they fuck up.

17746778? ago


I believe it is this.

17747208? ago

hahahaahaha covering up isnt going to sae you from your handlers killing you. die shill! why are you still alive? Go to sleep bitch.

17746792? ago

Nobody believes that you believe that.

17746802? ago

Don't care what you believe.

17747101? ago

Is that you Buddah? You been at this shit from day one.

17746839? ago

Then why did you delete your submission?

17747110? ago


17746859? ago

Because of the glitch. I was commenting on other posts. Have no clue why they showed up on my post. I'll re-post another time.

17748807? ago

your handlers are gonna kill you for that fuck up.. 😂😂😂 you deserve it

17747218? ago

shill you are cooked. embrace your death. it will be painful, yes, but necessary.

17746879? ago


You're really invested in that one aren't ya?