17771557? ago

s = subshitter

17756928? ago


17755530? ago

They always run coordinated talking points. If you look on other websites and see the exact same terminology being used as a motif, things like "MUH JOOS", specifically that phrasing, you can see this is a shill line. People are being paid to say it. They say it here and they say it on 8ch. Every day. Every hour of every day on 8ch Qresearch threads a team of people is posting about this.

Every hour of every day there are people paid to derail discussion at 8ch Qresearch, here, 4chan, 8chan, etc. The 4chan is actually at this point owned by shills. It was sold or access to the IP logs and content was sold to badguys.

It's going to get worse, they are going to keep hiring more people, until the organizers get arrested. Instances like this are a result of poorly trained new hires screwing up on the job.

"Shill" in the context of Internet forum flora means someone who is paid to disrupt, derail or alter the framing of a conversation. It also means someone who is paid to push certain viewpoints in these same arenas.

17754674? ago

Wow.... amazing... alot of the "Qutiny" movement must be comprised of pathetic shillery. Seeing evidence of it once in awhile is a nice reminder.

17754231? ago

They must have new recruits that didnt listen in shill boot camp. Someone did the same a few days ago but was smart enough to btfo when I questioned him.

17753906? ago

WTF, he couldn't even phone a friend to get his back from mommy's basement? kek

17753532? ago


17752986? ago

Is this due to that pop-up that was occurring earlier? Something about checking 1s and 0s... maybe Voat made it to where people can only have one account from one device and that guy didn't catch it? 😆 I sure hope so haha

17752777? ago

Funny parody video of a shill at https://youtu.be/PFQ7jA2kkaY?t=102

17752486? ago

The SHILL original poster (OP) deleted her/his post. Archived after the shill OP deleted her/his post at https://archive.fo/INFp2

17752104? ago

Great catch, OP.

Dang moonbats.

17752103? ago


17752066? ago


17751567? ago

Qtards are touched in the head

17751443? ago

How funny to answer your own post, "ya, you Nailed it! That's some funny shit!

17750691? ago

OP posts are always purple for me. I’ve seen this phenomenon happen a few times over the past few months. It’s fucking hilarious. And sad.

17749840? ago

stupid shills

17749589? ago

They use this tactic to silence us, only instead of shill, it's racist or white supremacist.

17749502? ago

The copypasta JIDF shill does this bullshit all the time. Usually switches accounts, but his posting style is so blatant anyone with any sense can see whats going on.

17749324? ago

The word shill was created by the CIA?

Lulz. Retarded.

But yeah they will fuck up and do this sometimes

17748905? ago

Lawls. Define "projection".

17748754? ago

😂😂😂😂 liberals are stupid..

"these people are stupid " ~Q

17748688? ago

And this is their life.

17748561? ago

Hahaha all the replies are the same [S]hill

17748087? ago

Fake and gay

17750717? ago

Nope. I’ve seen this happen numerous times with shills. It happens on the Chan’s too.

17748222? ago

Gay and fake

17748008? ago

jews run this site and love to pretend to be christians

17748031? ago

You may be dumber than the OP of the archived submission, unless of course you are that OP, in which case you've outdone your own stupidity.

17748063? ago

inspector gidget up in here

17747458? ago

I’m too stupid to understand what’s going on here.

17747537? ago

The [S] stands for "submitter", so it's really obvious that the person wrote the post, then commented on it several times as if they were different people

17750701? ago

They have a low IQ....which is fine....but not when they’re being a dick.

17750707? ago

You CAN’T be stupid AND a dick. It just doesn’t work like that.

17748365? ago

Copy all🙏🏻

17747986? ago


17747505? ago

OP of archived submission(now deleted) forgot to change accounts before replying to their own submission pretending to be another user.

When called out for it, they tried to blame it on site issues which ceased hours earlier and had absolutely no bearing on their mistake.

Just further evidence of the ineptitude of the anti-Q crowd.

17748730? ago

Must be Microchip again. He can'f screenshot right, can't fake scrolling screen right, and when caught, must blame it on the site. Looks just like him.

17748004? ago

and THIS^^^

17747145? ago

Omg shills are fucking retarded they cant even handle anonymous sockpuppets, That shill is going to get 86'd kekekekek.

17746968? ago

So the dude stayed logged in as the original poster and then congratulated himself on his great post? That's what the [s] means? Does it kind of imply that he may have been the only one in the thread? --NotARealGoat

17748585? ago

Yep of all the replies all but one was the OP. He seems to have been ignorant to the fact that while the forum is anonymized, the OP does get called out on replies. (With a [S]

17752615? ago

17748585 is correct. [S] means the original poster. Also know a "submitter". On VOAT, the [S] means "Submitter". When reading the comment it is useful to know who is the submitter or not. Also it is useful to exposed shills/people with immature behaviors.

For those not familiar with the shill's strategies. One of their strategy is electronic false flag. For example the shills create FAKE evidence of violence and FAKE division. To do this the shills create multiple VOAT accounts. Log-in the first account to create fake discussion calling for violence and division. Then the same shill log-in their other fake VOAT accounts to post comment on her/his own discussion. Supporting the fake violence he/she created himself. Then after this the shill claims that they have evidence that the VOAT users are violent, or divisive. Next they use this fake evidence to censor, block, control.

17753164? ago

Do they actually moderate shills?

17754566? ago

Now they do! Le'ts just hope any blocks are being monitored for patterns. That would make for a nice chapter in the history books.

17749705? ago

ThanQ so much i didn't know that.. I was wondering what the s meant but figured it was a stupid question to ask ..

17747530? ago

Yeah, [S] stands for "submitter"

17746934? ago

buhahhahahahahahahahhahahahahaha. wait........ im gonna say it.........


17748317? ago

Was that someone pretending to be an idiot or an idiot doing idiot stuff? We can only carry so many idiots before the whole thing collapses and I don't want to admit we've already passed the threshold.

17746726? ago

Reddits gay

Kill yourself if you post or browse there

17750850? ago


17746712? ago


There are issues going on.

17747206? ago

How's your leg doing Buddah? Are you still the best guitar player in the world? How's that 10,000 acre farm you just bought?

17747155? ago

hahahaha issues have nothing to do with your failed attempted shill post. you are a faggot. you are a shit tier scum human. you will be lawfully executed for your crimes. I will piss on your burned corpse after the execution and laugh.

17746743? ago

Too late for excuses, sunshine. You fucked up.

The issues stopped hours ago.

17746790? ago

Really. Then why does Voat keep checking my browser between threads. DWEEB!

17747307? ago

Voat's checking your 1's and 0's so ppl like you don't shit-up the board the way that you do.

17746819? ago

Because you touch yourself at night. Probably to kiddie porn.

But in all seriousness, that you don't know what the bits check is about, shows everyone how out of place you are in these parts.

Do please dig yourself in deeper. You're almost at 6ft :D

17747215? ago

I’m pretty sure mommy jerks him off at night, so he doesn’t “sin”.

17746869? ago

Uh huh.

17746291? ago

That pesky little [s], lol

17746262? ago

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