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17741796? ago

I looked up the definition of retard, it turns out it's a Freemason that goes to church on Sunday to worship Jesus!

17742237? ago

I'm a freemason and I go to church at least once a week to worship Jesus Christ. My Masonic Bible is the King James Version of the Holy Bible. Do you have a problem with the KJV?

17742296? ago

as a freemason you didnt look into masonic history and albert pike, author of your scottish rite, where he points out in the PROLOGUE of his book that lucifer is your morning star and the devine being your waiting for. mason dont exactly hide it, its out there for all to see. You should have turned your back on them when you heard the name Cain, and committed that ceremonial garbage garbage to memory. you've subjugated your soul knowlingly by choice. Hey you can now be a shriner and call upon god by the name of Allah,

17742357? ago

There are millions of freemasons who do not belong to the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction and many more who don't give a flying crap what Pike said a century ago. I do not worship anyone in the lodge. It's a Masonic offense to talk about salvation in the lodge. You find salvation in Church. That's what we are told.

17744305? ago

you shackled your will, your soul to the will of the lodge, is that not so, you must obey a superior mason without question, always supply shelter to a fellow mason regardless of their sin. How does it go "is there no mercy for the widows son" or some combination of crazy wordage.

you have bound yourself to the corruption of Cain.

17746867? ago

Complete B.S. There are no superior masons, except when lodge is called to order, there is one MM who presides over lodge business. All Master Masons meet on the level, without regard to their station in life. That is a part of the catechism. It's why Princes and doctors and sharecroppers can sit in lodge together in brotherhood.

17746964? ago

i can accept that for the common sleeping run of the mill mason.

17756448? ago

Yeah man. It makes sense right. You're a christian freemason your whole life, then when you're old they make you a 33 and tell you satan is king eh. All the masons just gladly accept that no problem eh. Makes sense.