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17741796? ago

I looked up the definition of retard, it turns out it's a Freemason that goes to church on Sunday to worship Jesus!

17742237? ago

I'm a freemason and I go to church at least once a week to worship Jesus Christ. My Masonic Bible is the King James Version of the Holy Bible. Do you have a problem with the KJV?

17752684? ago

I question your faith to be honest. If you are a true christian, why do you need a masonic bible? that does not make sense to me. What is difference between a KJV and a masonic book? Have you checked or do you just take someone's word? You cannot serve two masters. It is either God or Evil. why do you feel the need to go into a closed door group to help people? Does your church not have ways to minister and help people? if your church does not, then i question if your church is bible based. I find your duality very troubling and not christian.

17752776? ago

Fortunately, I don't get salvation from you so I don't really care what you think of me, now go away and stop bothering me.

17743027? ago

Do they not have in the front and back before the Bible pictures of the Babylonian Gods? Also their own interpretation in the forward before the bible begins?

17742612? ago

I have a Masonic KJV too and you're right, its just a KJV with some emphasis on the layout of the Temple in the beginning. However of you're a mason and trying to be a Christian then you have to drop out of the Lodge and quit. Just going through the first 3 degrees is an unChristian heresy. For one, Jesus said to swear no oaths. Also your oaths involve a penalty to be butchered like a pig if you reveal certain secrets. Lastly, your reenactment of the slaying of Hiram Abif is a blasphemy on the Christian baptism.

17754583? ago

To me those things don’t mean much...we swear oaths probly more often than we realize. What prevented me from joining the lodge was to swear that you are in darkness and searching for the Masonic light. They also never mention Jesus. Jesus is the light, I cannot have Jesus then swear I am in darkness. Freemasonry is also just a form of Gnosticism, which usually follows Lucifer, or to them, the “light bearer.”

17747690? ago

Perhaps but I was raised in 1982. I became a Christian in 2002. I became an Independent Fundamental Baptist in 2018. On the other hand, that allegory about Hiram does not pretend he came back to life, that he died so that we might be saved, and it even explicitly states that there is no path to salvation in Freemasonry. It's simply a club. The Hiram allegory is very different from Christianity and in fact, my Lodge has mostly Southern Baptists as members.

17748077? ago

It's not just a club. It is the gnostic religion.

17751987? ago

No it is not but perhaps some other groups are like the Rosicrucians.

17742402? ago

I'm glad the return comments show, your time has been spent bending a knee to Lucifer! What do you seek, the light! The lightbringer or the angel of Light is Lucifer! When you're a 33 you will have to accept that! Satan's home is in a Freemason Lodge!

17749576? ago

The 33rd degree only exists in the Scottish Rite, and it's an honorary degree, given to people in the lodge who have dedicated a lifetime of charity work and mentorship. It's given to old guys as a way of respecting them.

17751254? ago

Freemasons built the Denver Airport! Case closed you're evil!

17750237? ago

Jesus Christ was never part of a secret society! Freemasons are judgemental about who is allowed to join. That's why you have special Prince Paul lodges, for the blacks! Ask yourself why there needs to be a special Masonic Bible? Maybe things have been changed ! I have seen it with my own eyes! Maybe your ranks not high enough, but there are plenty of Freemasons who have admitted to worshipping Lucifer the angel of Light, the lightbringer, some of us who know him as Satan! YouTube Freemasons admitting to worshipping Lucifer you will see a lot of confessions! I know your heart is good, but your desire to fit in with a powerful group has led you astray from the way of Jesus Christ.

17742415? ago

That's a Pike delusion. I'm not in the Scottish Rite.

17742505? ago

You think you're a follower of Jesus Christ? Ask yourself has Jesus Christ ever visited a Masonic Lodge? If Jesus Christ walked this World In the Flesh today, would he spend his time in a masonic lodge? Why do Masonic lodges have their own special Bibles? Why in the one you read, the King James version are there Pages devoted to Sun God worship or idle warship! Your Bible has been altered and you don't want to see the truth! Lucifer is waiting for you! He does not share power! I would recommend you watch the video, the one right above the comments. If you can't comprehend the video we are all commenting on, I'll just say a prayer for you! I can lead a horse to water can't make him drink it.

17743061? ago

Jesus wouldn’t spend time in any modern church. They’re all corrupted.

17743292? ago

How could Jesus Christ save the world if all his time was spent in a small Church?

17742609? ago

The masonic version of the KJV is about as blasphemous as the word 'judeo christian'

It has all these extra pages added were they do the whole schtick about how Jesus and the apostles are all just used to reprisent astrological shit, they say all religions are telling the same story etc...

Rest assured, there is nothing christian about masonry.

17744718? ago

They think the Trinity of God, Christ, and the Spirit are 3 "hidden" stars in a some far away constellation. That is where they think we came from, and where we are going back to. Maybe it is, but the Lord does hide himself in some secretive fraternity with orders to kill each other over some man-made truth.

17742657? ago

Jesus Christ accepted everyone! Masonic lodges have strict criteria for initiation and accept very few! I'd say that's a polar opposite wouldn't you? This should be easy for the world to see, I guess the blinders are thick.

17742299? ago

I guess it would be as good as say like a Bill Clinton or George Bush Bible....LoL.

It’s suspect but sure, there’s truth in there for sure. Also KJ was influenced by the Catholic Church and the Jesuits.

Again, it is what it is.

Many people believe the god in the Bible is Yahweh. A jealous angry god. If you’re the true Creator- the Father- what are you jealous of?

17742377? ago

King James WAS a Roman Catholic. Get informed before you troll. It's less embarrassing.

17742390? ago

Many people think he was a Protestant-it’s a common misconception and why I made mention that he was catholic.

17742411? ago

Stop trying to save face. It's too late.

17742296? ago

as a freemason you didnt look into masonic history and albert pike, author of your scottish rite, where he points out in the PROLOGUE of his book that lucifer is your morning star and the devine being your waiting for. mason dont exactly hide it, its out there for all to see. You should have turned your back on them when you heard the name Cain, and committed that ceremonial garbage garbage to memory. you've subjugated your soul knowlingly by choice. Hey you can now be a shriner and call upon god by the name of Allah,

17742380? ago

Pike isn't in my lodge. He was a Scottish Rite guy who said stupid things over a century ago.

17744295? ago

like a tree it has many branches.

17747579? ago

Nope, not at all. It's like a field of daisies, --- lots of individual plants, not connected to each other.

17742495? ago

the only freemason i could possibly accept is a Prince Hall. They are the only ones i could put any kind of faith in that they haven't been corrupted

17742357? ago

There are millions of freemasons who do not belong to the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction and many more who don't give a flying crap what Pike said a century ago. I do not worship anyone in the lodge. It's a Masonic offense to talk about salvation in the lodge. You find salvation in Church. That's what we are told.

17747149? ago

Millions? Are you practicing that fuzzy math again?

17756387? ago

Albert Pike was a Southern Jurisdiction Scottish Rite Mason. He represented LESS THAN A QUARTER of the US masons and even less than that worldwide. IF youbhad taken thebtime to just turn the front cover of Morals and Dogma, youbwould see a note from the Souther Jurisdiction that says something along the lines of "this book is only Pikes opinion." Hmmm he speaks for all of masonry eh?? Please. Adding to that The Northern Jurisdiction Scottish Rite BROKE AWAY from the Southern Jurisdiction specifically because Pike was loopy. So he definitely did NOT represent anyone in the northern jurisdiction. People like to focus on Pike and say he represents all of masonry and its teachings. This is verifiable bullshit. Its a weak argument and shows lazy scholarship.

17747811? ago

No, in fact, I have a BA in math and a BS in another science. Plus I went to grade school and learned to count, ... an area you seem to be having difficulty in.

17748151? ago

Millions of Freemasons my balls. You’re inflated. Like your johnson you inflate you lackey

17751968? ago

Suit yourself. No skin off my ass what you believe.

17752067? ago

Excellent attitude. That kind of quitting is what we will depend upon in this total victory. Apathy is our friend.

17752761? ago

Stop bothering me with your never-ending critique of my choices in life. Notice I haven't said crap about your choices except for bother me? The truth is I don't give a flying fuck about you. Now go away. I don't care if you approve of me.

17744305? ago

you shackled your will, your soul to the will of the lodge, is that not so, you must obey a superior mason without question, always supply shelter to a fellow mason regardless of their sin. How does it go "is there no mercy for the widows son" or some combination of crazy wordage.

you have bound yourself to the corruption of Cain.

17749538? ago

There are no "superior" masons. Everyone in the lodge is treated as an equal.

17747738? ago

And you have committed the sin of pride but Jesus forgives all who ask and who are sincerely sorry and plan to change.

17749728? ago

is it pride to try and bring light to a sleeping imprisoned soul.

well i guess ill carry that sin with me to the end and hold it at my judgement for all to see.

17751935? ago


17756185? ago

ok, follow that line of thought to a conclusion, you've just condemned christ himself.

17758566? ago

Nope, you're a lunatic. You keep projecting all this stuff and the only thing you actually know about meis that I've tried to be reasonable in the face of your onslaught. Go away and stop bothering me.

17746867? ago

Complete B.S. There are no superior masons, except when lodge is called to order, there is one MM who presides over lodge business. All Master Masons meet on the level, without regard to their station in life. That is a part of the catechism. It's why Princes and doctors and sharecroppers can sit in lodge together in brotherhood.

17746964? ago

i can accept that for the common sleeping run of the mill mason.

17756448? ago

Yeah man. It makes sense right. You're a christian freemason your whole life, then when you're old they make you a 33 and tell you satan is king eh. All the masons just gladly accept that no problem eh. Makes sense.

17744554? ago

Is not Cain the serpent seed?

17743551? ago

So you believe in the teachings of JC and worship him but belong to a club where it is verboten to follow his teachings (be a witness)? That sounds legit. Either you don't understand your faith or you are not being honest about which is really your faith.

That's how I see it anyway.

17747717? ago

It's not forbidden to be a Christian in Freemasonry. In fact, the York rite even mentions Jesus Christ by name.

17742507? ago

yea but will you accept even one Prince Hall Mason you racist.

17742278? ago

You're the retarded fish they're trying to catch! How many Idols do you worship in your Masonic Lodge? Come back to Jesus Christ You've Lost Your logos!

17742774? ago

Speaking of idols , does your church have crosses anywhere?

17743163? ago

I said I follow Jesus Christ! I don't seem to remember Jesus Christ kneeling at pew every Sunday ! church is the last place you will find me. The Jesuits worship Lucifer, the Jesuits made Freemasonry as well as the Mormon religion and have full control of Catholicism and many more! Jesus is not my idol, but my savior! We have all been Damned for our sins, Jesus made a deal for us to have one more chance! I guess you can say this is the church where I spread the word of Jesus Christ! Thanks for listening!

17742268? ago

If you have a kjv Bible try reading it. It’s says swear no oaths to secret societies. Especially Luciferian ones like Freemasons.

17746952? ago

This is utter ignorance to the context of Christ's words.

~~~ ...that the early Christians did not read Jesus’ words as prohibiting all oaths. Paul took vows during his ministry (Acts 18:18), and John records his vision of an angel who swore an oath (Rev. 10:5–6).

Understanding common first-century Jewish practices helps us see what our Savior was getting at in His teaching on oaths and vows. To keep people from breaking the law’s rules regarding our promises (Num. 30:1–2), Jewish teachers and leaders invented a system by which they could determine whether a vow had to be kept. Extrabiblical literature indicates that many rabbis did not consider it a sin to break a vow if it was not made explicitly in the name of God. Oaths made in the name of heaven or even the gold of the temple were not regarded as ultimately binding. As we might expect from sinners, this led to people making oaths by persons or objects other than God to give them an out in case they did not keep their word.

In Matthew 5:33–37, Jesus points out the foolishness of this teaching by reminding His audience of God’s omnipresence. People might think they can get out of their obligations because they did not swear an oath in the name of the Lord, but the Creator is present with those things by which people might swear, and He is the sovereign Creator of all. All things exist by His authority, so to swear an oath at all is to finally swear an oath in His name. A mere change of words does not give one a “get-out-of-oaths-free” card. ~~~

17747242? ago

You’re a satanic soros shill, butt boy. You take it up the ass from moloch mason boy! Get it? I’m at war with you and your kind.

17742386? ago

I'll be taking my KJV to church at 11:00 today.

17742595? ago

Good for you, God Bless

17742339? ago

The masonic lodge I belong to is not secret. The meetings are announced in the newspaper. There's a sign out front of the lodge announcing its location. the members wear rings, hats, and other paraphernalia telling the world who they are. The ritual is all 100% totally public. Now, if it was a secret, it wouldn't have the entire ritual on the internet. You're deluded. Go find a real conspiracy to fight.

17744638? ago

The ritual may not be hidden, but the knowledge is. I find it interesting there is some "knowledge" that is not kept "secret" (never intended to share), but rather, kept "hidden" (out of sight). Maybe it's the arc. Maybe it's Solomons ring. Maybe it's a word or vowel or spell.

17747782? ago

I'd give my masonic pedigree but ... naw, I won't. However, I know. I've been in the Grand Lodge, the Lodge of Research, and I've been an officer. And you? Nada. You know nothing.

17749042? ago

That is true. I have 3 masons in my family. They won't enlighten me. My speculation is just that: speculation.

17765162? ago

2 If you're serious and want to have an honest discussion of freemasonry then let me know but no more trying to clobber one another.

17751957? ago

Why not join and then find out what all the hoopla is? Can't pass the good morals examination?

17756735? ago

I wouldn't pass the breast test.

17765151? ago

If you're serious and want to have an honest discussion of freemasonry then let me know but no more trying to clobber one another.

17758617? ago

You're a looney. There are some lodges that admit women. They are considered clandestine lodges but they exist. In fact, Freemasonry in France admits women and they have lodges in the US under their jurisdiction. I think it's called the Grand Orient or some such thing. You say all this stuff that just isn't true. If you didn't pass a test, it would be because you could not find 2 or 3 other people to attest to your honesty.

17742625? ago

transparency does not always indicate the nature and mentality of driving forces.

the ceremonies are rituals of subjugation, anti-thesis of the freedom of the new covenant of christ.

you stand shackled.

17747699? ago

No I don't.

17742590? ago

The masonic lodge I belong to is not secret

"Fictions are necessary for the people, and the Truth becomes deadly to those who are not strong enough to contemplate it in all its brilliance. In fact, what can there be in common between the vile multitude and sublime wisdom? The Truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason." ~ Albert Pike

You sir, like all your mason friends, are a moron. I’ll fight you any day. Say when.

17756404? ago

What does the first page of that book say?? "This book is Pikes opinion and is NOT the views of masonry." You forgot to add that part.