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17728569? ago

That's ridiculous. Asians are racist. Mexicans are racist. Fraternities like Freemasonry are segregated. Hinduism has a caste system that's racist to the core.

And the mother of them all, Talmudic Judaism, is super racist. Pretty sure ththe Talmud predates the Democratic party by a very long time.

17730245? ago

^ Found the "They want you divided by race" dumb fuck shill!

Keeping our eyes on the ball while you FAIL in dividing this movement.

Did the red carpet reveal of Q anons in Michigan make you crap your pants?

Why did they choose Michigan? A formerly dominant Demokkkrat state?

If there are that many in Michigan, how many do you think are in Trump voting states?


17733125? ago

Q's the shill fag. Keep believing as hard as you can until the trap closes and you realize Q fucked you.

17733883? ago

What is the opposite of Q? Hillary? I'l stick with Trump and Q, thank you.

17734273? ago

^I'll stick with my low IQ insults and delusions, thank you.

17731900? ago

So pointing out there other people are racist against other people is dividing? Your logic makes zero sense. This Q movement is so fucking dumb. It's like a couple hundred people on voat calling each other shills.

17731032? ago

There is a difference between a shill and someone with a valid point of view. Just because it isn't your view doesn't make it a less valid point. Attacking the person instead of the argument is also a shill/liberal tactic. ^ When the shills are hitting us ignore them.