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17727212? ago

OP does not speak for the Q community. (((He))) only speaks for himself.

17727514? ago

He speaks for me

17727573? ago

Mossad approves this message.

You should all trust the Jew.

17727599? ago

CIA Deep State approves of your message.

17730183? ago

What do we do about the Jews who have not broken laws or taken evil actions?

Is it illegal to hold ANY ideas?

Even ideas that you’d consider dangerous to our way of life?

Can we start prosecuting based on someone’s ideas/thoughts?

What do we prosecute in a court of LAW? Actions. It’s all that matters.

We combat bad ideas with our ideas. We don’t get take action against an entire group if individuals have not taken action/broke laws.

You muhjoo shills hirt our movement whether you see it our not. You are the enemy.

17730463? ago

I answered your question here:

17730608? ago

But it’s not all Jews. That’s just a fact. What do we do about the Jews who have not taken action/broken any laws?

17730685? ago

I answered your question here: