17694581? ago

Shill post with fake upvoating

17692317? ago

Can I get that as a motivational poster?

17691947? ago

Can we just make another term for those individuals conspiring to "DIVIDE" us. Lets just group them all together regardless of origin and call them CUNTS....nah...HUMAN SCUM.... name them and call them SCUM.

17691718? ago

What's going on with the upvotes!!! I dont have enough to down vote this. When I did downvote it momentarily dropped 30 points!

I smell a rat in the algorithm!

17690288? ago

They keep pretending they aren’t white.
The only choices for race are Caucasian, Asian & Negroid. Anything else is ethnicity. He’s Caucasian.

17690263? ago

(((Jews))) = bad news

17690100? ago

All of this stuff is fake!! Its the white goyim who are evil!!! Israel is bestest ally and jews are gods chosen to rule over the goys. Bow down, sheep.

17689651? ago

Not even concerned with radicals whether they are White Supremacists or Jewish, Black, Yellow, Red or Brown. You all are loony IMHO.

17689450? ago

Christians won’t like what I’m about to say;

All religions and all power structures are simple tools of the enemy we are fighting. Yes. Including Judaism and Christianity.

17692461? ago

All religions are tools used to control people.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

17690055? ago

I'm a Christian. and I approve this message! Zionist Christianity, occultist Christianity, everywhere! John Haughey = Zionist, Binney Hinn = Jewish "egg" gatherer, Carl Lentz = Occultist. (First hand know Calr Lentz practices Witchcraft. Started that Demon whore down cuz he was pissed at me for sharing the Holy Spirit with the crowd when he was working them up into a trance with hillsong music. He was looking at me with anger until I put my hands down and stopped sharing.

17689317? ago

Bunch of racist bastards, go on, say it out loud, you know it's true.

17690619? ago

And what's the problem.

Everyone is allowed to be racist except the White Man?

Fuck off you muslim kike!

17690645? ago

I'm Christian, dude.

17690954? ago

Then you should hate all anti-Christs!

17688682? ago

Allah is Satan

17688644? ago

Evidence he said this?

17688288? ago

My Italian FIL was a tough union cement mason. Contractors worked these masons like dogs; pouring concrete without stop in order to get the floors, walls and highways in. But ya know what he said? He'd rather work for a Jew contractor any time over any another contractor because they were considerate and didn't screw with your pay. I was a contract LE administrator for 16 years before I retired (40+ years in LE), My last supervisor was Jewish and he was a great guy.

A person's heart is the best indicator of character, NOT his/her race, sex, hair color or religion.

17691018? ago

Someone could tell the same kind of story about a Nazi who was just a swell guy.

There are plenty of Jews who will jew you out of money. That’s why they became a verb to describe just such a situation.

17690887? ago

I like my owner too

17690072? ago


17688471? ago

Yes of course but you're missing the point. I can hate Islam and realize that not all Muslims are bad.

I can hate Judaism and realize that not all Jews are bad.

17690975? ago

You think we should be inviting millions of Middle Easterners into our country then eh? “Diversity is our strength” huh you stupid faggot?

17699219? ago

The only way you could arrive at that conclusion is if you head is firmly embedded up your ass.

17705051? ago

Then how do you feel about having so many Jews in positions of power (media, banks, finance, lawyers, Hollywood) and how is it any different than having Muslims in the same positions?

17709581? ago

How do you feel about so many Italians being in positions of leadership of criminal organizations? You use an awful wide brush to paint your bigotry.

17711274? ago

This is what real bigotry looks like you retarded faggot:


17715982? ago

You still don't get it you ignoranamus... Judaism is all Jews. Look it up. Don't reinvent words to excuse your ignorance. I refuse to argue with 9 year olds.

17716511? ago

You are so hung-up on leftist talking points about "MUH RACISM" and "MUH BIGOTRY" that you are letting a bunch of Jews who hate this country destroy it from within you worthless pussy. Go back and read Washington and Jefferson and see if they were such big pussies as you are, having to qualify everything with caveats so as not to offend sensitive nancies.

17693445? ago

Fuck no I don't. They need to stay in their own countries. Doesnt I have to hate the ones over there. The ones over here though

17688578? ago

"For a group that claims to be so red pilled they always seem to gasp whenever you tell the truth about Jews."

Spoken like a true shill. You just grouped all the Jews together. ... like a shill.

17691040? ago

Omg oh noes! You worry about all the petty shit leftists have taught you to worry about. Police his language instead of grasping the larger truth that he is pointing out. Dumbfuck.

17688663? ago

Not me. Read what I said. It's about idiology, not people.

17689076? ago

I read it, You have it in for Judaism ... that means all Jews.

Judaism[joo-dee-iz-uh m, -dey-, -duh-] WORD ORIGIN
* the monotheistic religion of the Jews, having its ethical, ceremonial, and legal foundation in the precepts of the Old Testament and in the teachings and commentaries of the rabbis as found chiefly in the Talmud. Compare Conservative Jew, Orthodox Jew, Reform Jew.
* belief in and conformity to this religion, its practices, and ceremonies.
* this religion considered as forming the basis of the cultural and social identity of the Jews
* Jews collectively; Jewry.

Take this as helpful criticism, you need to be more precise in your language.

17693427? ago

I think you're replying to the wrong person

17689379? ago

Boom! This right fucking here! Perfect comment!

17688976? ago

yes. well said

17688185? ago

Funny how these threads pop up so early in the morning... like Arab time. From a non-practicing Catholic, I believe the Muslims are much worse. Some of the Jews believe that us goys are going to be their slaves after their messiah shows up... why would they want us dead? On the other hand, those muslim sand niggers are taught that only their religion is correct, and all others must convert or be killed. I'll take Israel every time... although they're going to be disappointed when Jesus returns.

17691066? ago

You need a GoFundMe page for your one way ticket to Israel or what you unamerican prick? If you have such a hard on for Israel I would love to send you there permanently.

17701941? ago

What did I say that was un-American? Too bad we couldn't discuss this on person. I detect Muslim POS, am I right???

17705042? ago

I was replying to a lot of people, and think the response I sent you was by mistake. Either way, Israel sucks ass, and many Jews are sociopathic against whites in a hidden and plotting way while Muslims are stupidly open about it, so you tell me which is worse. And no, I am not a fucking Muslim. My ancestors are confirmed here since at least early 1700s, mostly Scots-Irish. I'm in Appalachia.

17705399? ago

Okay, my apologies then. I'm on the western side of the U.S (Nevada). My mother was born in Scotland to an Irish mother and Scottish father. My father's family were Pennsylvania Dutch. My point is, that one is the lesser of two evils. I'd much rather be allies with Israel than Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc.

17705456? ago

I don't think Jews or Muslims understand the concept of an "ally" in the same kind of brotherly way that white western nations do. They only understand how they can take advantage of someone in accordance with their own peculiar interests. Washington and Jefferson were already coming to that realization with the Muslims (Barbary pirates) in 1785. Jefferson had to go to war with them after they just kept pushing us more and more and more. Not much has changed since then.

17690561? ago

Fuck the jews and moslems, I hate all semites!

17688158? ago

For a group that claims to be so red pilled they always seem to gasp whenever you tell the truth about Jews.

17688797? ago

Calling our elite 'a bunch of child molesting satanists' =/= offensive

calling our elite 'jewish' == highly offensive.

17689307? ago

Because you’re saying all Jews are bad when you get lazy with your words. There are good Jewish people in the world and that is simply fact.

17690963? ago

Stop trying to litigate language like a fucking Jew.

17690137? ago

Behind everything degenerate bad you will always find a group of jews. Yes, all jews have Satan's blood and are prone to evil the same way niggers create most violence

17690144? ago

Simplistic views.

17690252? ago

You are shilling for satanic jews.

17689606? ago

Literally everyone 'gets lazy' with their wording.

There are good Jewish people in the world.

Yes, and there are good satanists, yet I don't see QRV talking about 'the good ones'. There are good nazis, yet churchhill didn't talk about 'the good ones'

17689692? ago

We are ALL imperfect.

17696446? ago

Being imperfect is different than being a black hearted, evil fucking jew.

17699413? ago

I agree. Actions.

17692011? ago

But especially Jews.

17689683? ago

Nazi Germany should’ve been our ally.

17689663? ago

I agree. I don’t give a fuck what your personal religion is. Satanists too! Unless you enjoy sacrificing children and/or drinking their blood...then... Your actions are all that matter.

Most German Nazis were good people fighting for their country.

17706193? ago

How stupid are you?

17689486? ago

100% agree. Unfortunately the ones with ALL the power are pure evil.

17687901? ago

How fucking retarded do you got to be to see braindead white millenials walking around pushing hatred of whites, and look at all the groups involved (millennials, democrats, college professors) ...

Then skip everyone involved and say "reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it's Joooooos!"

Why do you stupid fucks give the millennials a free pass, give the democrats a free pass, give college professors a free pass? I'll tell you why.

Because you're all fucking libtards.

17690103? ago

the braindead milenials pushing white hatred do so at the behest of their TEACHERS in colleges and high schools, who are pushing cultural marxism.

who are the ones behind cultural marxism?


you gotta look past the length of your nose.

17689060? ago

Joe Biden now says he hates himself for being white.

17687977? ago

They're racist just like OP.

Attacking classes of people instead of individuals based on their actions.

17690090? ago

calling people racist is a callingcard of the commies, you idiot. form an argument!

17694383? ago

exactly! These shills are so brainwashed they don't realize how OBVIOUS they are! You can tell by how they form a sentence, punctuation, etc., pitiful! 😆

17687819? ago

Jews bragging about white genocide. Could fill a massive tomb with all of the available quotes, many of which are also on film for fucks sake.

Had any other race made the comments... God have mercy on you people what is it going to take to wake you up.

17693269? ago

Here's a start


The seat of global power and control will be Jerusalem with the Jews in charge  http://magaimg.net/img/7biu.jpg

They will disarm you so that you cannot prevent it.  http://magaimg.net/img/7iwn.jpg

White Genocide Is Real In Their Own Words Full Documentary  https://youtu.be/kNmYfxaAPG0

Immigration They are replacing you...  http://magaimg.net/img/7gbu.jpg

The U.N. has a full report on how it's happening  http://magaimg.net/img/7ivr.jpg http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/ageing/replacement-migration.asp

It all started with The Kalegri Plan for the genocide of whites  http://magaimg.net/img/7gu1.jpg

Kalegri, Rothschild, U.N. connection/plan for the genocide of whites.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gck.jpg

Kalegri plan impact on the UK.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gco.jpg

Prominent Jews openly admit to advocating and enacting white genocide through mass migration.

Jews freely admit to their central role in the mass migration of military age African and middle eastern men.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gbx.png

Prominent Jews state that the goal is to create a global race of brown people with lower IQ and easier to control.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gby.jpg

Rabbi Haviv at the World Jewish Conference reiterating that the goal of mass immigration is the end of the white race.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcb.jpg

Again, Jews openly admit they are behind the immigration of Africans and South Americans into Western nations with the purpose of genociding whites.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcc.jpg

More pervasive proof Jews are behind the immigration push and genocide of whites.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcd.jpg

Itemized list of Jewish pro immigration organizations advocating for mass migration into the West.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gce.jpg

Compilation of Jews advocating and implementing migration policies to genocide whites.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcg.jpg

US Jews demand Israel export unwanted African migrants to white nations.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcq.jpg

Jews advocating and enacting mass migration into white nations to genocide whites. Mega compilation.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcr.jpg

More extremely prominent Jewish figureheads openly advocating for genociding whites.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gct.jpg

Israel can protect their borders but not the U.S.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcj.jpg

Multiculturalism is bad for Israel but good for everyone else.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcn.png


Diversity is a cancer pushed by the Jews to destroy society from within. 1. http://magaimg.net/img/7gcn.png 2. http://magaimg.net/img/7gbx.png 3. http://magaimg.net/img/7gby.jpg 4. http://magaimg.net/img/7gcb.jpg

Whites on the chopping block. The Jewish lead genocide.  https://youtu.be/kbqq5JHUolk

Destruction of white identity by historical revision and installation of white guilt

Only 1.6% of the population owned slaves at it's peak in 1860. Only .35% of these were white.  http://magaimg.net/img/7etl.jpg

Ben Franklin warning against the Jewish invasion. http://magaimg.net/img/7egs.jpg

At the height of the slave trade 78% of slave owners in the U.S. were Jewish.  http://magaimg.net/img/7fqp.jpg

75% of Jewish families in the major southern cities owned slaves. 40% of the total Jewish population in the US owned slaves.  http://magaimg.net/img/7fql.jpg

The Jews have been THE central group in slave trading and owning throughout history.  http://magaimg.net/img/7fqn.jpg

The Jews were so dominant in the slave trade that slave auctions were not held on Jewish holidays because no-one would show up.  http://magaimg.net/img/7fqo.jpg

Media in all forms

It's time to take the mask off of who exactly runs the media in all forms, tv, movies, pornography. This is the main mechanism through which the Jews maintain control.







17694591? ago

Thank you whoever you are

17696114? ago

You are welcome fren. Meme in good health

17687922? ago

There are whites who brag about Jew genocide.

It's individuals, god versus evil, not class against class.

Crooked Hillary tried to facilitate a nuclear war that would have killed millions. She's not a Jew.

You "muhjoo" anti-Q shills are PANICKING.


17690847? ago

Go back to Israel. Q: We’re saving Israel for last. For a reason.

17690107? ago

How do you know for sure she isn't a jew?? She sure surrounded herself by them her whole career.

17689301? ago

You defended muslim pedophiles in france...we know your intent for us, the White race.

Your anger at thr recognition of the jewish problem is clear to see.

17689225? ago

Exactly. If there’s even one Jew who values our country then what happens if we persecute them?! We lose.

17690940? ago

“We lose”? What is that even supposed to mean, you dumbfuck? If we prosecute every Jew who has committed treason or tried to subvert our government, we will finally begin to stop this madness. You must forget the 2 Jewish communists we executed in the 1950s. Imagine that on a much larger scale.

17693446? ago

Yes. Based on their actions. Jew or not. Justice.

17694205? ago

Even if Muslims don't commit any crimes, do you think we should bring millions of them into our country and allow them to vote? Why or why not?

17690033? ago

yea, we wouldnt want to have a sense of pattern recognition now, would we?!

17688545? ago

You may be right. Ever since Q sent us here, my eyes have been opened to the Jew problem. The MSM seems to perpetuate the same anti-white sentiment (and they’re mostly composed of Jews as well). I take what Q says seriously. Q certainly has been driving the point home that this is a fight between good and evil, not race or class. However, Q also said they’re saving Israel for last. It may be there is a heavy concentration of evil in Israel (The Synagogue of Satan). Israel’s involvement in 9/11 and the USS Liberty sinking are undeniable so...

17689749? ago

When Q said he's saving "Israel" for last, it was in the context of someone on 8chan asking what happened to the Pakastani guy who worked for the DNC. "What about Awan. Is Israel involved?"

Then Q said

We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


Extremely clear he was talking about the government of Israel and Mossad, and not the average Jew walking down the street.

17690871? ago

We need Jews in this country as much as we need a bunch of Muslims. Which is to say, not at all. Take your “diversity is our strength” bullshit and cram it back up your ass.

17691143? ago

If they're American citizens, what exactly are you going to do about it?

This aught to be good. I'm listening.

17698828? ago

The same thing we should do to Communists. Camps.

17701236? ago

I'd like to see you walk up to some American's house who is a gun owner and watch a video popping you between the eyes as you attempt to violate their God given and constitutionally guaranteed rights as American citizens.

17703639? ago

The constitution doesn’t guarantee anyone the right to belong to a subversive cult disguised as a religion. Is that a difficult concept for you to grasp?

17704430? ago

The constitution guarantees people the right to arms, so when you show up to their doorstep to escort them to your camp they pop you between the eyes while everyone cheers.

17704713? ago

Nope, because I’ll have a force field.

17706907? ago

Hitler's dick has a force field.

It's called your lips.

17710412? ago


17691182? ago

Ban chain migration and outbreed them.

17690010? ago

there are no "good jews".

17689259? ago

We lose if we persecute a single innocent person of ANY religion. We can be better than that.

17690892? ago

It’s not for religion asshole. It’s for treason. And enough with your weak “we’d be no better than them” bullshit based on Jewish morality. Traitors are traitors, and claiming you were just following a religion is no excuse.

17693462? ago

I suggest you and the other retards read my comment again. Slowly.

Fucking shills.

17694189? ago

I think it must be you who are too retarded to read if you see anywhere that I claimed we should prosecute innocent people. Jews are nonetheless subversive as a whole, just as radical Muslims are. If you can't understand this then I just wish I could deport you to Israel.

17688391? ago

You're missing the point entirely

17688191? ago

You're a stupid faggot.

17688215? ago

Interesting. Is this a bot designed to get people talking?

17690834? ago

Sure, and it’s from Russia too.

17687638? ago

Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:



17704641? ago

Hi @Sanegoatiswear. Making yourself at home here?

17687796? ago

But it's true. Talmudic Jews are pushing our extermination. Let the facts stand.

17698845? ago

This guy always posts the same response to every Jew thread. I see it every time it's brought up here on the Q sub. Its kinda funny he thinks voat isn't the wiser.

17687904? ago

No, individuals are, not an entire religion of people you have never even met nor even know the names to, you panicking muhjoofag.

Logic and evidence requires you to verify directly with each of the millions of Jews worldwide before you can claim that, otherwise you're accusing innocent people.

You leftist commie fucks can't grasp the difference between individuals and groups.

By your shit logic, can you be assassinated on the basis that "most violent crimes are committed by males"?

You belong to that "class" therefore by your own shit logic you are evil.

17706219? ago


You might actually be the stupidest person I've eber had the displeasure of encountering on the internet

17688502? ago

So what about Muslims?

17688075? ago

Not the guy you were talking to, new anon here.

I forget what your opinion is, would you agree that the evil cabal jews hide behind the masses of regular jews (normal people) and use antisemitism as a scapegoat?