17666644? ago

"As Nature Made Him". A God book on his tragic life. It is a hard to find this seminal work.

17666039? ago

Trannies go back to ancient Rome.

17745312? ago

Therefore, we are cursed with it and we should do nothing to reverse it - specifically not talk of it - here or anywhere else. There was a time not so long ago it when "it dare not speak its name".

17666791? ago

to ancient Egypt.

17734494? ago

This creep always on Television?? Weinstein, 'Bibi', von Bülow, Damiano, SueBarlach, RobertKraft, R. Kelly, the Bankers, Epstein, O. J. Simpson, NYC, Florida, Mexico, Fire Seen on Private Island https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3060845

17735551? ago

Interesting link.

17665723? ago

What a tragedy, both of them dead from a progressive experiment gone wrong.

17733855? ago

'This was an interesting video. I've no doubt that the Smollett family was knee deep in pimping out their kids. But I also doubt Jussie would rat on his fam and Dem friends. If he did I would grudgingly give that faggot some respect. Still doubt it. If Jussie flipped, the cabal would make sure he got a date with a red scarf and doorknob. You know. Jussie couldn't take it anymore so he suicided. A win win for the DS. Jussie probably knows this.' https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3129420/17733482