17847578? ago

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17846359? ago

everywhere now? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3116888 Nickelodeon, the BBC, Fox, Playboy, Vogue, Hollywood, Scientology, Immigration, NZ churches, Carribean, Music Industry, 'Uncle' Terry, Jeffery Epstein, Eric Schneiderman, Allison Mack.

17734569? ago

'A house in New Orleans........ It's been the ruin of many a poor girl ... Great God, and I for one .... Who is Rachel Chandler?' https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3129743

17734556? ago

Rachel Chandler - the Rosetta Stone of modern trafficking? J'aimelesenfants, James Alefantis....Child Handler, Chandler ... Why is Rothschild unhappy with Q ?? https://www.voat.co/v/AskAnon/3112482

17735538? ago

J'aimelesenfants/James Alefantis?... I missed that, and I'm Canadian, tabernac!

17734498? ago

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17734474? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3129743/17733477 There was something going on a year or more ago about some honeytrap - blackmail den in New Orleans with hookers and kids. Brad Pitt was involved - anyone remember?

17294017? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3089008 The unbelievable non-prosecution agreement received by Jeffrey Epstein, both Republicans and Democrats corrupted? They helped a Prolific Child Abuser ??

17294556? ago

soap box looks weak @Caveman_in_a_suit shills and voting riggers banned ... whats mainstream media like these days? are the criminal creeps getting exposed @DiscontentedMajority @lollo9990 @Spenglerian @oy_stopthehate ?

17294852? ago

That reminds me, I haven't shilled anything for awhile...

17133185? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3071094/17114529 What we know for sure is the press will spin anything they find.

17018206? ago

he's on tv a lot @quantum1234 @DanaNordic for some strange reason I think he acts, he lies, I don't think he likes America very much ... defended an industry that abused women, trafficking of people, drug running connected industry and is near people who pimped young people out to others ... Kirsten Gillibrand's father ties to NXIVM cult and once lobbied for them and Keith Raniere. @Empress

17020863? ago

a strong religion but corrupt weak degenerate mind

17052931? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3060680/17016725 let them call in the debt

17017823? ago

He's Alan Dershowitz an (((American))) lawyer not sure how he got the history of his dead wife memory holed from the internetz, maybe he knows everyone at Jewooogle or something? and corrupt EU will soon pass 'Right to be Forgotten' to paint over past crimes?

17734537? ago

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17017869? ago

I didn't kill my wife! Sykes character in the movie says Give me a break will you? I'll tell you what I told them a year ago, I wasn't in Chicongo that night, 6 gorillion people verified it

17017981? ago

always around weird crap @Patriotic_Legend who the what? @EuropeNeedsFixing @Himfirst he is defending Weinstein now

17017945? ago

pretty sure this Liar is cancer maybe something worse @KarlKastner @RogerMoore0017 @CluelessInTheDark

17184021? ago

@Anon1986 he's creepy for sure @ninjajunkie @LakotaPride @sosat_menya_reddit @godsstudent time is running out for the soap box shill btw

17184495? ago

Patriot truth is amazing and the power it carries.

17017470? ago

Sue Barlach Carolyn Cohen? The media are not allowed talk, no free speech? first wife they wouldn't name and an overlay Dershowitz's later case defending Claus von Bülow ? He does not know about the Barbary Wars between the US Marines and the North African moslem pirates? Alan Dershowitz's suggestion that a 40-year-old crime committed by a 'lone gunman' - a Christian Arab who moved to the United States at age 12 the brother of murdered President JFK - could be counted as "the beginning of Islamic terrorism in America" ?? Rosicrucianism ? a Lutheran? ? Ancient and Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis? The first 1993 World Trade Center bombing, he has weird opinion on that one? He's one of the original smut merchants? NYC Marriage License Indexes (1904-1995), which confirms Sue Barlach and Alan Dershowitz married in 1959; they are marriage license number 7364. I would be willing to say that some of this was buried who UFOs, Aliens? Israel? Freemasons? or by Alan and the rest by the Barlach family? Dershowitz used his litigious skills and prestige to threaten and discourage CNN, which was then owned by Ted Turner, from broadcasting the unsavory news of certain events? Dershowitz is strongly opposed to firearms ownership and the Second Amendment, saying that it is `an anachronistic drafting disaster that does not belong in any constitution or bill of rights. Dershowitz spoke on the television news regarding New York Governor Elliot Spitzer's alleged use of a prostitute, saying on CNN that reaction to the charges was "overblown" and that he saw no reason for Governor Spitzer to resign. On MSNBC, Dershowitz said, "You know, big deal ... In Europe this wouldn't even make the back pages of the newspaper." How weird is this guy the story of how the ambitious, controversial lawyer, known for defending wife-beaters, wife-killers, the use of torture, and the apartheid militant Jewish state of Israel? Dershowitz changed his degenerate tunes recently, is he still radioactive, sleazy toxic, and surprised many by becoming an outspoken supporter of Trump? Why would anyone want to be near this sleazy talking head??

17017723? ago

soap box @Stonenchizel dindu nuffin ! @MortonLoothorKodos @albatrosv15 who died when? @LakotaPride https://voat.co/v/QRV/3060816/17017388 'Yeah, I just assumed he murdered her. He’s a hateful little goblin.'

17019968? ago

He might not had to kill her because he is a high rice Jewish Lawyer and has many private investigators that work for him and would be willing to do his dirty work at a price. Which would be easy and not any problem for him.

17052877? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3064291/17050456 It's time for another anti Masonic movement and political party.

17018633? ago

Kill yourself

17018661? ago

wheres the money come from @Wahaha u allowed name kikes and kebab? @Redcobra

17020972? ago

What the fuck are you

17019221? ago

This post here seems to look like it’s signed by me @redcobra or maybe someone pinging me but I wouldn’t know why.at any rate wall of text isn’t getting my read and you should’ve put a (to) between allowed and name.

17017002? ago

@MuckeyDuck ok but he's not Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, does Generation Z know who he is? @WhiteRonin @MDE_ALWAYS_LIVES !? @ragnnohab @TraditionalCode0

17017636? ago

greatest ally?

17017792? ago

but niggaz @DrSelfAppointed why are you doing this soap box !? @plankO @battleaxe253 !! @Lateknighttt @BlowjaySimpson

17018185? ago

Biggest fan?