17614152? ago

A buddy of mine accidentally touched off a 12 ga. round in the cab of a pickup -- he was 16. The shotgun was pointing straight up and blew a fist sized hole through the metal roof -- the sound was deafening. Our terrorist can't bust the windshield with several 12 ga rounds? Uh-huh....... Right...... Looks like hand stacked BS.........

17611381? ago

While folks are concentrating on holes in the widow-I’m listening to the sound. That’s not. A 12 gauge shotgun going off in a car. Let’s be honest.

17614282? ago

Exactly. Sounds like a Daisy air rifle. XD

17614376? ago

Yes, pay no attention to the ACTUAL FUCKING VIDEO, shill. Haha! Show those holes in the video. A screen shot will suffice. :D

17623172? ago

This was covered on 8-chan and they already shown it was real.

17614302? ago

*After effect.

17623177? ago

Already covered on 8-chan showing it was real.

17625234? ago

If it was real, why doesn't the 12 guage break the glass? 3 times and no damage. Holes were made after. If you're able to see a crack in the windshield you sure as fuck would be able to see 3 huge holes. Go shill somewhere else, faggot.

17629891? ago

You can see it, but the video high compression makes it almost impossible to see. You can certainly see the shotgun shatter the side window and glass shards. So go fuck yourself, your an idiot.

17635384? ago

It's "you're",you fucking retarded faggot.Oh,OK,retard.You can see a hairline crack in the windshield in the video but not 3 fucking golf ball sized holes? You obviously never heard a 12 guage before. Hint: It doesn't sound like a fucking Daisy air rifle. XD

17639081? ago

I don't know why I have to keep telling people, but it seems people do not know how to do their fucking own research.

Already covered on 8-Chan https://files.catbox.moe/z909zw.PNG https://files.catbox.moe/dcpscq.jpg

That covers the holes. Now, about the sound. What makes you think the sound you are getting from the live stream in any way resembles the full sound of the actual event?
This video, from a CCTV, not only gives an idea of the actual loudness of the gunshots, but also collaborates when the side window was shot out. You can even see the shards of glass on the ground after the shot.


So stop claiming these were fake guns and CGI.

17641400? ago

Fake. Explain to me how the guns in the shooters video sound like an air rifle. This video sounds like an actual gun. Totally fake.

17625627? ago

8 Chan already debunked it limp dick.


17635338? ago

"Debunked", yeah,OK. Tell me how you can see cracks in the windshield but not 3 huge holes.in the video? Show me a screenshot with the holes showing in the video,faggot. You obviously never heard a 12 guage before,retard.

17639102? ago

I don't know why I have to keep telling people, but it seems people do not know how to do their fucking own research.

Already covered on 8-Chan https://files.catbox.moe/z909zw.PNG https://files.catbox.moe/dcpscq.jpg

That covers the holes.

17609281? ago

OMG - that is HILARIOUS! How could this guy not realize that it was clear as day that there was GLASS on his windshield and windows as he was fake shooting at invisible targets from inside his car. This made me laugh out loud. And that pine tree air freshener swinging the whole time just made it even funnier - LOL! Thanks for sharing!

17609107? ago

Auto glass fag here. NO way a winshield survives any shotgun blast. I used to shoot them to demonstrate the difference between standard glass, and bullet resistant shielding.

17609234? ago

Why, hello fellow glazier. I laughed when someone suggested the frame of the windshield pushed out. I'm like, faggot, do you even know what a 12 guage fired on laminated glass would look like? Butyl tape and urethane aren't "pushing" away from anything, lmao. You could put a giant suction cup on a windshield and pick the car up. Only thing that's coming off is EVERYTHING EXCEPT THE FUCKING GLASS ATTACHED TO THE BUTYL AND URETHANE.

17608947? ago

Go shill your shit somewhere else.




'they added it after the arrest!!!' --- faggot OP

17609000? ago

The only faggot here is you. It's funny how the holes aren't in the ACTUAL FUCKING FOOTAGE. Fucking retarded homo. Haha! Spin that, faggot.

17609080? ago

It really is tiresome. I just took these screenshots -- can you see the difference between the two?

https://files.catbox.moe/tk6zgr.png (before sidewalk haji blasted)

https://files.catbox.moe/c4xezt.png (after sidewalk haji blasted)

17609122? ago

Of course a compressed air round will crack the windshield. There isn't three holes like in the "after" picture. Talk about tiresome, eh? Haha!

17607694? ago

What type of ammo did he shoot, can anyone tell?

Here's a couple of videos for comparison:

Video 1: Cop shooting through windshield with pistol

Video 2: Shotgun at windshield with different types of ammo. Skip to about 10:00

These don't include slugs but you can see from the two videos that the force tends to crack the glass quite heavily. Distance will obviously change things a fair bit but still, I would expect to see pretty obvious damage from a shotgun inside a car. Any thoughts?

17608413? ago

I'd say compressed air rounds. (it's a thing)

17607349? ago

Windshields don’t shatter !!!

They are safety laminated.

There ARE holes in the windshield if you study the video.

It seems that some is CGI (outside footage) and some inside, the rest is staged with actors, dummies, blood squibs etc.

17607080? ago

Let us remember that car windshields are tempered safety glass and are coated on both sides. Windshields are designed not to splinter into shards. Instead they crack like a spiders-web and are held together by the coatings. Surely any gun firing directly into the windshield would cause holes, but more noticeably the glass would be shattered and "wiggly". Much like broken glass between two pieces of clear tape. Any one that has had their car windshield hit by a rock on the freeway can tell you.

17608391? ago

The door glass is tempered. The windshield is not tempered.

17606925? ago

If you look real hard you can see there is a section of the windshield missing at the bottom , that's where he is shooting out of. Missing section hard to see but there is. Peace Y

17610511? ago

A "section of the windshield is missing at the bottom"? Um, wouldn't something called "gravity" make it fall down then? I don't get what you're saying.

17608952? ago

Yeah, no.

17606883? ago

FAKE as FUCK. Obviously this is the reason that the TRANNY PM of NZ wanted it all taken down. The GOY know. IF those were REAL shotgun rounds, the windshield would be blasted OUT. End of story. ONLY satanist SHILLS would argue otherwise.

17608969? ago

And I'm 100% positive that a 12 guage doesn't sound like a Daisy air rifle.

17607057? ago

Sit down, you're drunk.


17608998? ago

There's a lot of gullible morons in this thread. OP trying to say they added the holes after his arrest.

17606489? ago

A couple other points of interest. The gun sounds like a pellet gun first of all. AND.. If you fired a shotgun in a enclosed area like a vehicle It could burst your ear drums, and definitely disorient you.

17606281? ago

How many shots did the shooter make with the shotgun out the front window?

Then look at this photo


17606583? ago

That photo is not indisputable proof so stuff it already.

17606243? ago

I've only heard shotguns fired outdoors, and they go BOOM. Even forty feet away, my ear drums were assaulted. Not phtttt.

17607073? ago

This may come as a shock but it sounds different on camera.

17606301? ago

The GoPro audio is muted. The audio heard from other sources is very loud.

17606047? ago

In the vid are shooters cars, sidewindows blurred, why ?? is there anyone in the car ??, when they tow the car no side windows blurred.

17605776? ago

You guys are full of shit

17605760? ago

It seems to me it would be easy to reproduce these lighting conditions with a junk car and try firing a shotgun slug through the window and gopro it. I think there would be a lot more smoke and it would be obvious on the window glass, but let's just try it.

17605803? ago

Who said it was a slug? It could have been birdshot.

You all are way out of your depth.

17605745? ago

I’m going to kinda just ignore shit that isn’t worth reading into anyway.

It’s meant to be a distraction etc by whoever the f did it and that’s enough for me to move along

17605740? ago

Okey, Who can dig the license plate in NZ. ??

17606018? ago

The plate was KSH90

17605588? ago

It was a black op. The cabal sent in an agent, who had help doing this. The people wearing all red were his handlers, and checkpoints so he knew when and where to go. I dunno if people died or not, but this was not a lone wolf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TSum0TG75M

17605058? ago

The first mag out of the rifle, and those shots out of the shotgun, seem so unreal to me. Seems very fake.

Unfortunately, the subsequent mags out of the rifle, and the effects of those shots on the people, look 100% like people being murdered.

It's a false flag, or maybe just a cultivated bit of terrorism, but it seems evident that people were shot in that video. This world is fucked up enough that I suppose it's possible thst some or all of the "victims" risked/gave their lives willing for some cause.

Who knows? What I do know is that, hypothetically, if anyone of them were armed and unwilling to go along with his plans, it would have made it difficult for him. Someone armed wouldn't have died trying to hide among the bodies of their congregation, but fighting. They may have survived. If two or more were armed, he almost certainly wouldn't have gotten very far.

There is no good reason why all of us shouldn't be armed, and countless reasons we should.

All their false flags to convince us to go along with their violating individual rights are actuallly advertisements reminding us we're not armed enough, and we must stay vigilant.

17608465? ago

Compressed air rounds.

17605831? ago

Unreal, as not like the last hollywood action movie you watched. lol

17606126? ago

He went on to say:

Unfortunately, the subsequent mags out of the rifle, and the effects of those shots on the people, look 100% like people being murdered.

17605039? ago

Mmmm windshields don’t shatter? This looks legit. You can see the holes in the winshiled when they tow his car.

17617772? ago

Was he firing slugs in that thing? Poor move for people huntin.... buckshot would be expected.

17604957? ago

I thought this was faked too but it's difficult to tell because of the reflection of the sun. But if you look on the dash you can see what looks like a pattern of holes reflected from the sun/windshield. What do you think the point of randomly shooting his car up is anyway? Seems pointless? Just to make the car easily identifiable? This guy has a good review on the video but he does not cover the shots into the the windshield: https://www.kurthaskell.com/blog/why-i-now-believe-the-new-zealand-event-was-a-complete-hoax-with-zero-dead

The video is still as fake as can be, as it has some serious continuity errors and much evidence of post processing that it could not have been live. People may have still been killed/injured though, maybe the video is just to set up the patsy/narrative and perhaps they sent real killers into these buildings on the day? Regardless NZ govt are seriously implicated though because of their actions to cover this up after the event, and to capitalise on the event by immediately changing laws and enforcing censorship on the people of NZ.

17617625? ago

Would someone PLEASE address the the strobelike flashing that may be either a flashlight mod or supposed 'muzzle flash'. It looks like a flashlight to me but I dont of anyone ever using such a mod, and if it is muzzle flash (laughable) then it is unconvincing and occurs at the wrong times unless he was shooting up the floorboards.

17618188? ago

A strobe flashlight may help blind your opponent. However I think it's pretty useless during the day. He's using it to make the video scarier and harder to make things out, but it falls of pretty early.

17639956? ago

Ok, I just wasn't sure it was supposed to be a flashlight, cuz if they were trying to say that was muzzle flash I am like o.O

You sound pretty certain, anyone else care to voice their opinion on it?

17606386? ago

Not buying that at all. That glass is intact. Reflections are there. No debri from it being broken. People here are posting videos claiming that they clear this up and they don’t.

17613384? ago

Best shot I can get is this one:


Check out the cracks in the screen radiating out from the top right hand corner of the RV mirror. Stepping through the vid it is possible to make out other cracks on the drivers side of the windshield. I would have expected the whole lot to shatter but be held in place as laminated - but obviously not certain. This screenshot was taken after 2 rounds through the w/shield and the round through the passenger side window. The first shot seems to be at a silver MPV, why? Not sure. Second shot not sure what that is at. Third through side window seems to be at a pedestrian ...

17611604? ago

Sticker in bottom left windshield also.

17606735? ago

After seeing the photos, it is possible that the holes are hard to see, window stays intact though so my initial statement isn’t inaccurate.

17604914? ago

Shooting the primers only. No gun powder, no buck shot.

17606610? ago

I tend to agree. It does not sound like a full load that was expended. Almost sounds like a pellet gun. And imagine how your ears would feel shooting a shotgun a few times in a vehicle? Something about this scenario stinks.

17605564? ago

Having made my own "blanks", no, just a primer is nothing, it would sound like a fucking cap gun. I filled my bullet cases with powder, crimped the tops, and when fired, sounded and looked like real fucking guns. My shotgun blank sent a 3 foot fireball that scared the hell outta me.

17605075? ago

Wasn't it semi-auto? Would primers only cycle?

17605128? ago

It's a pump. You can cycle anything, low powder, no powder...it doesn't matter.

17605190? ago

Does he change shotguns? I haven't seen it in a while, and must have forgotten, but pretty sure he starts with a semi-auto shotgun, doesn't he?

17618488? ago

I went backed and watch both scenes again. Yes, you are exactly correct, he starts a semi auto (his debut shooting scene) he retrieves it from the back of his vehicle. It looks like a Mossburg 590 A1 with a red dot. He disposes of it right after he enters the building, on the floor to the right. Later driving, post fake Mosque shooting, he pulls out the pump. He even has a shell issue with the second shell that he had to dig out, but you can clearly see and hear the pump. The wad is what caused the minor crack. As a career redneck, growing up in the country shooting everything I could in the 70's....I've shot everything under the sun with my first big Remington 870 Wingmaster 12 ga. It would not have blown out, but the spider cracks and destruction to the windshield would have been way more prominent.

17604774? ago

I've seen his video: it looks like a COD mod with people running across shooter's line of sight and no aimed shots hitting the target every time.

No blood.

17604769? ago

This whole shooting hoax, taken in its entirety, is complete nonsense. Remember the people playing dead in room, before he even gets there to shoot them? No blood splatter, no spasmodic reaction from being shoot, etc

Additionally Q said it was a [FF]. Wake up people.

17609656? ago

I saw the video and noted the windshield didn't shatter and he wasn't hit with any casings. It's like Sandy Hook part 2.

They know we see the inconsistencies and they don't care. They mock us every day, because the majority of sheep to believe them.

17604709? ago

There is collaborating CCTV video showing the shooter firing at two of the men in the parking lot, hitting one of them. You can see the windshield shatter. The two cars on the side of the street match what is seen from the shooters head cam video.


Headcam https://files.catbox.moe/vs7d2y.jpg

CCTV https://files.catbox.moe/97wb44.jpg

17608240? ago

Waste of time, it shows nothing

17606395? ago

This shows nothing. Thanks for the disinfo.

17604434? ago

Maybe you didn't watch the video, it's fairly clear what happened. Here's a picture of the shooter's car --


You've just been Helped™


17608527? ago

Haha. Yeah, they made the holes after they realized that they fucked up. No wonder they want the video banned. XD

17608653? ago

? You need to watch the video again.

17605818? ago

Narrative BTFO. lol

17604384? ago

I thought I heard some screams after the second shot was fired, but this does seem odd. Any other opinions on this? Needs some more eyes on it I think.

17604141? ago

I thought his windshield was blown out, but then it seemed like it wasn’t so wtf

17605053? ago

Windshields don’t blow out or shatter like regular glass you dumbass. You can see the holes in his windshield when they tow his car.

17605820? ago

These people are stupid.