17606115? ago

The proof is they have taking down the testing movie

17604954? ago

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17580741? ago

Great to have the breakdown and research. Thank you for sharing.

17611513? ago

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17580135? ago

Wow great work!!!

17579274? ago

Great dig anon!

17578790? ago

I'll admit I didn't read the whole thing. I'm tired. Tomorrow. But , didn't they arrest some guy from Denmark for California fires before the last tragic fire? I remember thinking "we have people from Denmark in the US now?" Of course I didn't think he was guilty, because I know about their toys. Anyone else remember this? It was over the spring or summer.

17578126? ago

Excellent find!! chans are going to work this i'm sure. time to check the video again...

17577956? ago

Copenhagen Industries Promotional Video

17577929? ago

lifted my shoulders

FYI Danish anon, this is called a "shrug"; "I shrugged".

17577894? ago

An anon went down the same path here on except he was thinking Paintballs 8chan

17577884? ago

This is overflowing with coincidences,
but as Q says, "There Are No Coincidences". imo, you're truly on to something. I saw the vid w/in 12 hrs or so of the incident. I don't usually EVER purposely watch IRL death or gore videos or pìctures. At. All. I have way too hard of a time getting shit like that out of my head, so I avoid.

However, something told me to just click on it & let it play out. In the past, when I've clicked on something that might show irl death or traumatic woundings, etc,
I've always gotten this feeling, sort of like that moment when you're hovering at the tip top of a roller coaster right before the drop (which I actually really love)
but I get that feeling in a VERY BAD, VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, VERY FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT SORT OF WAY when I'm about to see something awful.

Let me tell you how ODD it was to be able to watch that whole entire video & feel...nothing.

I don't mean that I'm unaffected by anyone who may have actually died/been killed, because that stuff makes me sick to my stomach, makes my heart pound, makes the palms of my hands sweat (no idea wtf that is about, though~ sweaty palms? wut?) and a cold, sinking feeling of absolute dread & fear.

(I found out later I'd seen a clip, not the whole thing, but I saw him pull up, get out, walking in shooting, through the building for several minutes), but still, (strictly from my point of view & in my opinion), none of those "shootings" on that video were legit murdered while we watched. I felt like I was watching a badly made homemade video/movie project.

It reminds me a LOT of the White Helmet fuckery.




📍▶I realize these children 💥❌📍(WARNING - LINKED BELOW)📍❌💥 are actually dead, I just included it to further show the absolute FUCKERY these people will stoop to to keep their FAKE NEWS NARRATIVES ALIVE....
They KILL people...THEY KILL KIDS,
JUST TO KEEP THEIR EVIL PLANS & NARRATIVES ALIVE!!! God, Jesus, Mother Mary, Angels & Saints Be With US! Amen


ThanQ for sharing this, Danish Anon ~

Sorry I wrote such a huge post/wall of text~

God Bless You & Yours
WWG1WGA (•◡•ʃƪ 🐸🗽✝💗FOR GOD AND COUNTRY 💗🕊🗽⚖🐸(🌸◡‿◡)7 #TheGreatAwakening #Q

17584512? ago

You're welcome - and thank you for your post - I agree

17577650? ago

Wow...great work, Danish anon!!!

17577336? ago

And the Rothschilds have quite a few of their kiddies in Tasmania.....

17576606? ago


17574930? ago

And you wonder why the want to ban sites like Voat...

Good work.

17574626? ago

Ill leave this here, easier than writing out these talking points. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iC5h8wDBDM&t=1842s

17574588? ago

Great Post and Great work anon, and it was not too long it was great ty!!

17574869? ago

Thank you - sometimes you know, you think you give too much info and write too much, and in that way scare off the non-nerds, but I'm glad somebody recognize it, and actually read through it!

17573387? ago

....worked with Obama! What are the odds!??

17579059? ago

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17573479? ago

Yeah right?!!!!!

17572741? ago

Great post!

17573744? ago


17572659? ago

The spider web is vast. The Cabal tentacles reach into most nation corrupting their leaders and elites. Thank you for the info Patriot. I'm sure it's on the Q Team radar.

17573737? ago

You're welcome - and I hope your right! My country needs saving too - but for the last many years I've been focused on you, America, and I will continue to do that because I believe in a domino world wide effect, with our POTUS (sorry, hope I'm not upsetting anyone, but he's my president too). I love Donald Trump! And Q (-team) of course, I've waited for them for many years, and when I first met them on 8chan in 2017 I knew I had to contribute and hang in - this might be our only chance to actually make a difference for the generations to come.

17572337? ago

You're on 8chan now. Good post Danish anon!


17572405? ago

Wow! Thank you for telling me. I am happy my work paid off, so we the people can get wiser!

17572269? ago

Mange Tak !!! Well done !!!

17572502? ago

Selv tak! Dejligt at møde en herhjemmefra :)

17571998? ago

Great work! Thank you!

17587729? ago

So let's say, hypothetically, that you want to fake this. You've got fake guns, fine. But that's not enough.

Who was driving the ambulances? Many ambulances from several hospitals showed up. Paramedics went inside the mosques to (pretend to) treat the wounded and identify the dead. But there are no dead or wounded, because you've faked this. So the ambulance drivers and the paramedics - they also have to be in on the hoax.

So okay. The plan is, we fake the attack and we've hired actors to play paramedics and we've purchased ambulances and staged them. When the 911 calls start coming in, we'll show up in our fake ambulances. But that's not enough.

The hospitals are real. The employees of the hospitals are real. They're all watching the news and hearing about this terrible attack. They're all getting ready for the dead and wounded to start arriving. But there are no dead and wounded. I suppose the doctors and nurses at hospital A could assume, "maybe they all went to hospital B" and the doctors and nurses of hospital B could assume, "maybe they all went to hospital A" - but then what did you paint on the side of your fake ambulances? Someone had to see "Christchurch Memorial Hospital" written on the side and made a call to that hospital. What happens when the hospital says, "uh, none of the dead and wounded were brought here."

What happens when the doctors from the various hospitals are all playing golf together and realize that none of them saw a gunshot wound?

And here's the real kicker: why would the elites bother with all that? Are you suggesting that they give a single shit about 50 muslims??

Face it, if they wanted to false-flag this, they would MkUltra a guy and set him loose with real guns. They wouldn't fuck around with fake guns, fake ambulances, fake paramedics - hundreds of crisis actors and people who have to told this is all fake and paid and watched for years afterwards to make sure none of them reveal the truth.

That's fucking retarded. If you're at the meeting in the underground illuminati bunker and someone proposes that complex operation, you would tell them it's fucking retarded. Just massacre some muslims and call it a day.

17592074? ago

They usually take them to a Mariott Hotel, and they don't even hide it. Read old articles about terror attacks in Europe, they always say they had to treat the patient in a hurry, and therefore very convenient a Mariott Hotel is almost always on the same road or close by. I haven't check if that's the case here

17598622? ago

So I'll just repeat myself: why go through all that trouble? Do you think the illuminati is too scared to just outright murder 50 muslims?

Why fake it? Why not just literally go in there and shoot people? What is the advantage of buying out a Mariott and hiring literally hundreds of crisis actors and other people who have to be in on the ruse? Why do all of that when you can just, you know, shoot people?

17604728? ago

They do that too

17589636? ago

ONA ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3114838 David Wulstan Myatt (born 1950), formerly known as Abdul-Aziz ibn Myattand Abdul al-Qari,is a Tanganyika-born British author, poet and philosopher, the founder of The Numinous Way, a former British Muslim, and a former neo-Nazi. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Myatt The counterterrorism author Jon B. Perdue describes Myatt as "[a] British iconoclast who has lived a somewhat itinerant life and has undertaken an equally desultory intellectual quest” and is "emblematic of the modern syncretism of radical ideologies".

Myatt is regarded as an "example of the axis between right-wing extremists and Islamists", and has been described as an "extremely violent, intelligent, dark, and complex individual"; as a martial arts expert;[ as one of the more interesting figures on the British neo-Nazi scene since the 1970s, and as a key Al-Qaeda propagandist.

Before his conversion to Islam in 1998, Myatt was the first leader of the British National Socialist Movement (NSM), and was identified by the British newspaper The Observer, as the "ideological heavyweight" behind Combat 18.

17579017? ago

I don’t rule out glow in the dark type shit. But it’s up to the public to stand up to the bullshit the government tries to pull.

17587051? ago

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17572019? ago

Glad you liked it!

17571923? ago

Holy sheep shit. Real digging done right.

Almost the entire shit show in nz was cgi

17581508? ago

Yes - as one other anon said, this was supposedly live-streamed on FB -- but that was when FB was down. So... he posits that the whole thing was videotaped, edited, CGI added, and the mosque set up to look a certain way for the 'live action' part for the accidental witnesses.

The most stunning evidence is that no one is screaming. We've all seen the shootings in the ME with the arabs screaming and yodeling - or whatever that is... lalalalalalalalaalalalala Not one of those, no one really freaking out. Strange. No surprise NZ is censoring. The govt is probably pissed they did such a half assed job on the video

17572039? ago


17571917? ago

Wow! Thank you for sharing!

17572048? ago

Of course

17571122? ago

👏👏👏 Good work anon

17571159? ago

Thank you patriot

17570941? ago

Clap, clap, clap, clap...... well done patriot.

17570953? ago

Thank you