17604766? ago

Preying on the most vulnerable. So this is just one little island where they were soliciting young pregnant women directly (against their countries laws) to buy their babies. I’m sure it would be off the record so the babies where abouts would be unknown. Think how huge this whole scheme might be.

17606306? ago

NY Times: Why Jacinda Ardern Matters

Conspiracy? New Zealand’s prime minister is emerging as the progressive antithesis to right-wing strongmen like Trump, Orban and Modi, whose careers thrive on illiberal, anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant rhetoric. http://tomatobubble.com/id1298.html ?

17604738? ago

This article doesn't talk about the fact that you can't just show up with a baby one day here in the US and say "here's my baby." You can't just "hand a [foreign born] baby over for adoption." The adoption has to go through probate court here or the "adopted" kid will have no US identity. Are supposed adoptive parents scamming to get US citizenship through a falsified adoption process, or is the point to make sure there is no record of the fact that these kids have been born at all? The article seems intentionally vague or confusing about whether these babies are being born in hospitals or apartments. ""They fly them up to Hawaii, or Utah or Arkansas to deliver their babies and put them up in apartments where they have multiple pregnant Marshallese women waiting to deliver and then hand their babies off for adoption." What?

17607839? ago

Marshallese might be better off in that way if they did not have the Compact of Free Association with the US. Without that, a pregnant mom could just land on US soil in time to have the baby and then magically, a new US citizen is created. Then of course we HAVE to let the mom stay, right?

17607795? ago

There should be a way to match the number of pregnant Marshallese women flying to these locations with the number of families that have adopted Marshallese babies in this way. Although I wonder if the number of babies bought in this illegal scheme can be "hidden' among the number for legal adoptions.

17605219? ago

or is the point to make sure there is no record of the fact that these kids have been born at all?

Exactamundo. The baby can be tortured and killed in satanic ritual, or put into the MK ultra program, or kept in some Hollywood person's basement.

The mothers are probably told they will go to a hospital but are actually taken to deliver the baby secretly in a residential setting.

17604780? ago

Agreed it is vague so what did they do with the babies? Did they go right into slavery? Or did they create false paperwork and sell them? Whatever they did it wasn’t legal so the babies weren’t traceable to start with so they could do whatever they wanted.

17604118? ago

Eminem aka Slim Shady aka Marshall Matters.. just an obversation

17606329? ago


So yesterday the biggest Telco (Telstra) blocked access to various websites. The second major competitor (Optus) copied today. The websites include:


I am only posting here because I am using Opera with its built-in VPN. Gab is still accessible (for now) Zerohedge is back up.

The other interesting thing is that, of the VPN providers, anonymize.com is blocked. This is the VPN that is recommended by Gab host provider Epik (Rob Monster).

NordVPN is accessible in Australia - no problem. My suggestion is to avoid Nord.

The interesting thing about censoring Voat is that it has NO hosting capacity for video - nothing. And this is the premise that the Telcos have blocked it. So there is something VERY fishy about the block of Voat.

My guess - someone on Voat is REALLY, REALLY, over the target.

Love from Aus' https://voat.co/v/QRV/3107390

17604099? ago

Doesn't have anything to do with NZ except being reported on an NZ site

17606271? ago

Dig more? Older Hollyweird women say "Baby Foreskin" used for cosmetic procedures! WTF! ? New Zealand a connect between Indoneisa, Hawaii, USA and Asia and it has its own NZ heritage and yet is full of cults, The cult that's infiltrated NZ schools, campuses and churches https://www.cultnews101.com/2018/07/the-cult-thats-infiltrated-nz-schools.html Aussie visited Pakistan, N.Korea and Turkey and people were wonderful ... 2008 Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand) President of International_Union_of_Socialist_Youth She was also a big fan of Bush and Tony Blair’s sidekick for a while. That fact alone should worry the Kiwis. http://www.wakeupkiwi.com/real-New-Zealand-history.shtml .... International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) ?? Former Hare Krishna worshipper who swore a vow of celibacy and lived in a temple is convicted of raping multiple women https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2722110/Former-Hare-Krishna-worshipper-swore-vow-celibacy-lived-temple-convicted-raping-multiple-women.html Sean Keen, 50, was forbidden from drinking alcohol or having sex He spent a decade practicing the religion at a temple in Canterbury But a court heard Keen was a bully who raped a number of victims www.harekrsna.org/pada/ks/nv-names.htm ... Everything changed for Naomi Burnett in 1982. Born and raised as a Jehovah’s Witness in Christchurch, Naomi’s earliest memories are of a happy childhood, a loving, caring upbringing. And then, when she was 10, her uncle and aunt moved in. https://www.cultnews101.com/search/label/New%20Zealand “They’d been living in another country and were looking at relocating back to New Zealand, and we offered them the flat at the back of our house. That’s when things changed.”

.... A religious sect based on the teachings of a South Korean “messiah” and convicted sex offender has quietly infiltrated university campuses, schools and mainstream churches in New Zealand. Rosel Labone investigates.

Mark* was in his second year of a psychology degree at Victoria University in Wellington when he met Crystal in 2007. She was vivacious and outgoing; the kind of person who seemed to know everyone. Crystal was class representative, and made herself available for study-related questions. So Mark plucked up the courage to say hello. They started corresponding by email. Crystal invited him to dinner, then asked him to join her Bible study group. ... Some parents report finding their children in trance-like states. One family interviewed by North & South said their child became psychotic due to sleep deprivation. Having been taught the phrase “Say no to food and sleep”, he went into psychosis and was twice admitted to a psychiatric ward.... Elim Christian College Principal – Murray Burton – and the Justin Davis Child Abuse Leaks http://mediawhores.co.nz/2017/08/06/elim-christian-school-principal-murray-burton-the-justin-davis-child-abuse-leaks/ ... John Key, Clinton Foundation & Real Reasons NZ Has A Housing Crisis http://www.wakeupkiwi.com/real-New-Zealand-history.shtml "Families living in motels, cars, and garages; a record waiting list for state houses; Auckland City Mission forced to turn people away; homeless people dying in the street - these are the human costs of National's housing crisis."

But Ms Adams was making no apology for continuing to pay for motel rooms.

"While motels are not ideal, they are warm and dry, and preferable to families sleeping rough during the coldest months of the year.

Our priority is that those in urgent need have a place to stay while we secure them a social house."

She insisted the government was making progress housing New Zealand's most vulnerable, citing a report showing there is more social housing available than three months ago

Kirtanananda Swami was anything but the advanced spiritual master his disciples believed him to be. In fact, as Doktorski proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, he was a child molester and active homosexual who craved cocaine and indulged in gay orgies in his private quarters at the ashram. Steve Bryant, who had a grudge against Kirtanananda regarding his having initiated Bryant’s wife without his permission, as was the custom, and for then marrying off his wife to another man and helping to obstruct his access to his children, began to expose the various rumors he collected regarding Kirtanananda’s very un-guru-like behavior. As Doktorski explains, ISKCON’s theology renders any criticism of a guru as a major offense, as it is viewed as insulting a person who is considered to be “as good as God.” As one might imagine, to those living in such a fanatical cult of personality atmosphere, Bryant’s actions were taken as the gravest of grave offenses. In fact, they launched what became a systematic surveillance of his movements which finally resulted in his murder by Kirtanananda’s “enforcer” at New Vrindaban, Tirtha dasa (Thomas Drescher), who is today serving a life sentence for the murder of Bryant and one other disciple of Kirtanananda who crossed the line.

In reading this book I found several things of interest. First, the cult dynamic that grew around Kirtanananda Swami to such an extent that he could literally do nothing wrong in the eyes of most of his disciples. Doktorski accurately calls this “deranged devotion.” It would be very easy for me, as a Christian, to sit back and point the finger at such groups as ISKCON for being infected with such deranged devotion, but we’ve seen it in Christian circles as well. There are many popular evangelists, etc. who have significant followings which will defend their chosen one with all the fervor of any Hare Krishna devotee. I myself was personally the target of one such charismatic “apologist” who posted lies about my education, my personal life, and even at one point claimed my name was fake. He personally engaged in harassing me online, sending me multiple threatening messages on a daily basis, sometimes four and five times a day. His faithful followers, who obviously believed anything he said to be absolute truth, also harassed me and re-posted his calumny on other websites at his request. I had to literally threaten litigation to get him to stop sending me threatening emails. All of this anger and hate directed at me simply because I dared to disagree with him on a theological topic in a forum. It was revealed upon his death that he had been arrested numerous times for public intoxication and domestic violence. Some of his followers, still loyal to him no matter what, actually claimed he was “taken out” by some secret nefarious forces due to his prophetic insight. No, deranged devotion isn't limited to groups on the fringes of western culture like ISKCON.

Another thing that struck me about the details of the plot to murder Bryant was the lack of clear, definitive connections to Kirtanananda Swami himself. While it is abundantly clear that Kirtanananda was anything but what he professed to be, the murderer, who at first implicated the Swami directly in the plot, later said he really had no firsthand confirmation of any such directive coming from Kirtanananda. One is left with a tiny hint of doubt as to whether Kirtanananda was actually directing it or not, as he is reported by multiple sources as having made statements defiantly against the crime. Whatever the case, the Swami’s closest confidant, and lifetime homosexual lover, made it clear to the members of the murder plot that Kirtanananda wanted Bryant dead. Add to this confusing mix of finger pointing what appears to be an underlying plot-within-a-plot, possibly engineered by local law enforcement officials to take the Swami and the entire community out, and you have a truly intriguing web of lies and conspiracy. Let me be clear though, Doktorski leaves very little doubt that Kirtanananda Swami was aware of the plot and did nothing to stop it, even if he didn’t openly encourage it. He was reportedly a very tricky, manipulative personality who would have been careful to make it seem he wasn’t at all supporting it just to save his own skin if things went wrong. http://www.henrydoktorski.com/Killing4Krishna.html . ISKCON’s most notorious crime, the murder of Sulochan dasa (Steven Bryant).

17604047? ago

The Chief Public Defender, Russell Kun, is representing the defendants: Justin Aine (46), Aiti "Hatty" Anidrep (49) and Sally Abon (53).