Magical Times are upon us
The shills become the bad actors at the end of a string connected to the organ grinder
NOW the organ grinder gets punished and the monkey(shill) goes free
You are probably confusing us with your demented grandma. The fact is that many "boomers" were blessed with a proper education, held many different jobs, probably ran their own business and, now retired, have more time to do research than working millenials. And, in the UK, the brexit vote was dominated by "boomers" who understand the threat posed by the unelected bureaucrats of the EU. After brexit, the UK politicians will no longer have the excuse "the EU told us to do it". They'll answer to We, The People.
do we have proof the DS can no longer control our weather. I dont believe this, we still have strange weather occurrences, wind, snow and chem trails. can you provide proof
Just another thing that happened on 11/11/18. The day that POTUS went to American WW1 cemetery in France. I remember watching on tv, POTUS making the long walk on his own in the pouring rain. He looked so alone and exposed I could hardly bear to watch it (almost haunting in a way - sorry for choice of words). I believe there was something very significant about this. Maybe it will come out in time, that this event was somehow connected.
Him, less than 9 others, out in front of the Patriots of the .mil and alphabet agencies, and a hunned gorillian anonymous keyboard warriors. But, he's leading from the front, and it's lonely out there, and he's a big target. Pray, you kekkers!
Very good work and we're grateful you are all starting to see their true powers and technology.
At this stage, I invite some of you to start to consider the sun's "rotation" (not orbit) and how it affects meridians lines, and what the radiation from the sun can actually do when WE use it properly.
There is a reason the Spiral was attacked by the pedo masons during PG, and why some of you are triggered by that symbol.
The triangle spiral is a code, but the concentric spiral is the key. Asia was ahead of us with somatics and have mastered much more than we can share right now.
Does that have anything to do with Free Energy? I read that the technology to capture Earths energy/electricity waves exists but it's being kept from the public because it would destroy the oil industry. It works in the same way as radio waves but at a different frequency.
GWHB’s dad was Tesla’s assistant and was the one giving the inventions to Thomas Edison because Testla didnt want to profit, but make the Earth a better place.
Dude... straight from national geographic article about it:
"However, there was no big earthquake kicking off the recent slow waves. Adding to the weirdness, Mayotte's mystery waves are what scientists call monochromatic. Most earthquakes send out waves with a slew of different frequencies, but Mayotte's signal was a clean zigzag dominated by one type of wave that took a steady 17 seconds to repeat. "17 seconds, when that is NEVER seen
Maybe they did, but it’s being rounded up because they don’t understand the implication of every 17 secs for 17 mins.... or even better... every 17 secs for 17 mins and 17 secs... in fact if it were every 17 secs, that would not work with 20 mins... it would have to be either 20:07 or 19:50 so definite fudging / rounding. Question then is how much. Would like to see the data.
Yes, I read it when it came out. And I know Q's post in ref. to WW, etc. Hoping this ties in to the CERN collider, etc. and all the evil associated with HARP, etc. and tools DS has that have not been disclosed. Thanks.
PS...I'm a chick, not a dude. No problem though; I don't scathe easily...which is why I am on the boards.
You guys crack this chick up. I warned you...I don't scathe easily. Grew up fighting with 2 brothers who were twice my size. I carry a gun and a bible. Love the the guys (dudes). Stay strong Patriots !
Thanks for that...Q posted "Think WAVES" and "WW" in response to angry comments that nothing happened that day (post 2527). It has been known since at least 1997 when former defense secretary William Cohen gave a speech on terrorism at the Univ of Georgia that electromagnetic waves can be used to trigger earthquakes or volcanoes. Nat Geo article about the event on 11/11/18 is hilarious..."Strange waves rippled around the world, and nobody knows why". kek
I was always curious if this “wave” was caused by something else like a nuke destroying a DUMB.
Off-topic but supports my theory in general:
(That is how they got the tsunami going in Japan for the Fukushima false flag event by using underwater nukes because remember the Japanese population was never warned about an earthquake happening prior and were going about their day unaware of the dangerous imcoming wave. It is also interesting to note that this disaster took place on 04/11/2010.)
Getting back to Hildabeast, her timing was impeccable along with the strange “I was thinking about moving to New Zealand” comment.
if this is true, reveal it. Cast it into the light. Show the world. Reveal the true deep state, and what they were holding us hostage with. Expose their crimes, make it known.
A great link for everyone that shows worldwide happenings such as earthquakes, natural and weather events, crime events, epidemics and biological hazards...
I have suspected that the 2010 earthquake that hit Haiti was man made. I did research, and there were already hordes of deep Staters gathering in Haiti in 2009. This makes me all the more sure of it
I have a feeling they got the National Park system to pay their bills for them but they still control it. Honestly I didn't know that shit though and that is a really good sign.
I’ve been asking this and have been called crazy by many of you fuckers on here and Chan’s! I’ve been hearing on the Oregon coast for 10 years that the “big one” could happen any day. Agenda 21. Wipe the coast with a 9.0 earthquake and massive tsunami.
Yea definately move east side of rockies but at 2000 feet above the plains. Id suggest alaska n idaho or n dakota n.w montana.
Did Q's 17 second earthquake sequence cause the big quake in the Matanuska Valley in Alaska? There was a lot of damage there and it was right around the same time. Nobody killed, thankfully.
Supposedly - scalar waves can be created using some type of equipment. Unlike regular waves - scalar waves are all spin and have no side to side or up down motion (think of a whirlpool that spins vs ocean waves that go up and down). The theory is that when two scalar waves meet (ie two whirlpools) they can interfere with each others spin thereby releasing the energy in them as regular waves that move up and down or side to side.
With regards to Fukushima, it's believed that the DS caused several scalar waves to meet up right at the weakest point in the fault line which caused the earthquake in Japan and the eventual meltdown.
Although I have heard about 'electrical' scalar waves - possibly being created by HAARP - which could heat the upper atmosphere and create/change storms and the directions they travel in; and about the possibility of using electrical scalar waves to melt rocks (near fault zones) deep underground which could cause earthquakes - I didn't know about the possibility of creating non-electric scalar waves such as those found on 11/11/2018
Either way - it's possible that they have some new technology which they are keeping under wraps.
The biggest problem with electrical scalar waves though is that there is the possibility that we accidentally create a doomsday scenario. It seems that even creating small electrical scalar waves caused the sun to start belching solar flares in earth's general direction. Perhaps they have fine tuned their devices, but it still remains a possibility that misusing this technology (or using it incorrectly) can cause an extinction level event where the entire surface of the planet gets burned off. Followed by all of the hundreds of nuclear reactors going into meltdown mode making the planet uninhabitable for tens of millions of years... if we ever get the atmosphere back.
Well of course they're all theories. If you will notice, I started the entire comment with the word "Supposedly". I've never tried to portray any of this as fact - but, as you say, perhaps my writing style does 'seem' to portray it as such. That was not my intention.
I myself have not seen a shred of proof to show me an actual scalar wave can exist. However I can't see radio waves either - even though we now know that radio waves existed for billions of years. It's only when Tesla and others started to fool around with antennas and generators that we started to see the real world applications for a hidden form of energy. Same with radar.
In the same way, I keep an open mind about scalar waves because I have no idea what the scientists are developing in their secret military labs. Have they developed scalar waves? Can they control them? Can they cause an ELE? I don't know - it's all theorizing at this point to try and understand phenomenon which we have never before seen in nature - such as the earthquake which happened on 11/11.
The fact is - when WW2 happened, people were absolutely terrified by the weapons which came out and were truly surprised by them. No one realized that the various countries continued to develop weapons in secret so that when WW2 came out, most people believed it would just be a repeat of WW1. But after things like blitzkrieg, panzer tanks, english radar, rockets, jets, and finally nuclear weapons came out - it was truly a shock when it all came out in public view. I would not be the least surprised that when the next global conflict comes out, that we will truly see a bunch of horrific weapons come out which we can hardly even imagine at this point. Scalar waves, drones, microwaves, particle weapons, voice of God, bio-targeted diseases, invisibility cloaks, etc. Who knows what the war machines have come up with in the 80 years since the last world war.
With regards to Fukushima - did they use theoretical scalar weapons to heat up the fault line at a weak point and cause a massive catastrophic slip? I don't know. I haven't seen any definitive proof of that. However, there have been others who contend that both the Japanese quake as well as the tsunami which caused several hundred thousand deaths in Indonesia were caused by scalar weapons. For me, currently there is not enough evidence to make that conclusion, but if new evidence is presented in the future, I retain the right to change my mind.
At this point, my only goal is to inform others of the possibilities and to think 'outside the box' (just as Q has asked others to use their own minds and do some digging as well).
I agree that various evidence and "official" statements indicate that scientific advancements exist which are far beyond what is made public.
But I have seen so much pseudoscience snake oil claims for worthless product scams which incorporate "scalar" one-thing-or-another as the reason why it is supposed to work, that any time I see it used to explain something I immediately think "pure BS."
Any bells ring when a certain Chinese 2020 free money asshat showed up. Sounded like rebranded cabal white dragon shit to me. Starting to think ol ben may indeed have inside info but these folks are not pro patriot.
The guy I can't figure out is RDS. Fulford seems to be getting closer to RDS and that guy says all the right things, but he comes off as someone I wouldn't want to be stuck at a table with for even five minutes.
Every single article I've read that has covered this 'event' has never shown or linked to a seismograph. Yes there are Schumann Resonance readings you can look up but that wouldn't allude to much relativity. If they refused to publish a seismograph reading in any of these articles, then anyone with at least two brain cells can assume it's either extremely classified or complete bullshit.
I'd like to see an example of what you think should be released. Obviously it should already exist for other events. Please go find me an example of what you're looking to see, perhaps just find it for any other earthquake or reported abnormality in the past 5 years. Once you prove that you're looking for exists, then we'll try to find it.
BINGO! To let that tidbit of detail out would force them to admit they're in an all out but silent war against the cabal that has kept us slave ridden for centuries.
On the 17th day of February, AND on the 17th day of March, the Schumann Resonance was whited out for 24 hours from 7am EST to 7am EST of the next day. You can view the Schumann Resonance graph here:
It's not exactly accurate, but I was just using the term as a way to say that there was high intensity energy up to 40hz (or more) lasting for 24 hours straight, with only a few gaps.
HAARP, it's the High Altitude Aurora Research Project. There are now many of them over the world, and, there have been at least one generation after (NEXRAD), and perhaps more.
I wouldn't assume it was an accident at all.. Trump can be above ground and in charge, he's the president. The deep state rats may have copied the Vietcong tactics and went underground as they can't run their operations publicly. Instead of making weather like we did to rain them out in Vietnam, white hats just crushed them like a can (all theory...)
Another one... maybe that was their hide out after releasing some crazy bio weapon.. for now we have no clue. Hopefully they'll be transparent enough one day to tell us.
DUMBs. According to David Wilcock, it even surprised the white hats as it caused even more destruction to the cabal's bases than they intended. From what David says, many of them were the elite's "refuges" but now, they can't even go hide underground and nuke us all on the surface.
That’s not a maybe. Base Continuity of Government scenarios since Sputnik were “get everything underground so birds can’t see it”
Think of meta data collection now the 60s. They had eyes in the sky spotting traffic routes etc and chasing those down. Hell Ho Chih Minh routes were actively underground in many areas because of overflights from F-4s and the like constantly looking for whatever to napalm before B-52s could blanket the areas.
There is absolutely underground shit. My question is w NZ so siesmic / volcanic would it even slow them down or actually aid them?
Think. If the region is “active” you could bore and find underground caverns etc like Submarines use whales to blend in
Thank you. So the "too nice", "too perfect" wave began off the remote Mayotte French Island near Madagascar on 11/11 with no known related undersea earthquake and rang the earth like a bell every 17 seconds with no other larger or smaller waves. So it was a notification warning bell to the DS that the Q team had taken control of a wave technology the DS planned to use to harm humanity for their evil plans. Possibly something related to the 5G 6G wave tech where the DS could use it to harm us, but Trump knows the Whitehats now have control of the wave tech to help heal us instead. Ex.: Sound waves of music can soothe, bring joy, help us concentrate, or really irritate the hell out of us. Music to soothe the savage beast?erhaps we will be told for sure in the future. Interesting none the less. Well I'll just call it the Q wave heard round the world.
17610391? ago
Magical Times are upon us
The shills become the bad actors at the end of a string connected to the organ grinder NOW the organ grinder gets punished and the monkey(shill) goes free
17605748? ago
“11-11-18 The world will be unified Q” GUT- Grand unified field
17605129? ago
Notice the 45!
17604340? ago
Holy hell, you boomers are so damn stupid.
17606090? ago
You are probably confusing us with your demented grandma. The fact is that many "boomers" were blessed with a proper education, held many different jobs, probably ran their own business and, now retired, have more time to do research than working millenials. And, in the UK, the brexit vote was dominated by "boomers" who understand the threat posed by the unelected bureaucrats of the EU. After brexit, the UK politicians will no longer have the excuse "the EU told us to do it". They'll answer to We, The People.
17602963? ago
One thing I can't get over is the fact that where the seismic activity originated, near the island of Mayotte, there is an exact geographic triangle surrounding the island.
This leaves me without words. Is it alien? Is it a massive military construction? Is it godly? It certainly doesn't appear natural. What, then, is it?
17606080? ago
Also odd that Mayotte is a French Island and I believe the yellow vest protests started around this time.
17600761? ago
The shot heard around the world.
17600081? ago
Mayotte island is where the wave reportedly originated. Same region that Malaysia Airlines MH370 (missing passenger jet) debris was found.
17599923? ago
Proof of said terror weapon or fuck off.
17606157? ago
So nobody is allowed to speculate or to form a hypothesis then? Ever heard of the scientific method Einstein?
17600820? ago
17599845? ago
do we have proof the DS can no longer control our weather. I dont believe this, we still have strange weather occurrences, wind, snow and chem trails. can you provide proof
17599093? ago
Wasn't this the shot heard round the world. Rang the Earth like a bell.
17601469? ago
Ding ding ding, we have a winner!
17600677? ago
17598648? ago
People underestimate how amazing this was.
Where are the shills choking on their tongue on this “coincidence”?
17598574? ago
I remember this from before.
It's fucking nuts to think gravity control is real now.
17597983? ago
Just another thing that happened on 11/11/18. The day that POTUS went to American WW1 cemetery in France. I remember watching on tv, POTUS making the long walk on his own in the pouring rain. He looked so alone and exposed I could hardly bear to watch it (almost haunting in a way - sorry for choice of words). I believe there was something very significant about this. Maybe it will come out in time, that this event was somehow connected.
17605767? ago
With anons, our potus is never alone.
17600804? ago
My God, how I love that man!!!
17598054? ago
He knows that he is trying to stop world war 3, and maybe he was thinking of what happens if he fails.
17600854? ago
Him, less than 9 others, out in front of the Patriots of the .mil and alphabet agencies, and a hunned gorillian anonymous keyboard warriors. But, he's leading from the front, and it's lonely out there, and he's a big target. Pray, you kekkers!
17604351? ago
Thanks to Alex Jones big mouth, President Trump has 3 security rings, private (Blackwater) security, Marines, and USSS.
Perhaps one of the rings set up a perimeter especially in LOS areas well beforehand. He may have been alone, but I doubt he was really alone.
17598959? ago
That's frickin deep and sad when you dwell on it
17599985? ago
The bravery of this man is mind blowing. If you search for it you can check it out. I was so concerned for his safety. He did it anyway.
17597900? ago
Very good work and we're grateful you are all starting to see their true powers and technology.
At this stage, I invite some of you to start to consider the sun's "rotation" (not orbit) and how it affects meridians lines, and what the radiation from the sun can actually do when WE use it properly.
There is a reason the Spiral was attacked by the pedo masons during PG, and why some of you are triggered by that symbol.
The triangle spiral is a code, but the concentric spiral is the key. Asia was ahead of us with somatics and have mastered much more than we can share right now.
17601577? ago
You should give us some more dirt on the DS. We require complete transparency so this will never happen again. Show the world their true evil.
17627456? ago
You can start here if you are genuinely interested in truth or objective truth
17600656? ago
Does that have anything to do with Free Energy? I read that the technology to capture Earths energy/electricity waves exists but it's being kept from the public because it would destroy the oil industry. It works in the same way as radio waves but at a different frequency.
17605802? ago
17601393? ago
Tesla knew stuff. John Trump knew too. DJT has it all.
Space Force just tip of iceberg
17604383? ago
GWHB’s dad was Tesla’s assistant and was the one giving the inventions to Thomas Edison because Testla didnt want to profit, but make the Earth a better place.
17606919? ago
Curious George
17598988? ago
Electric universe is where this is heading
17610417? ago
'They' have hid our magnificence from We the People
17601510? ago
Concave Earth
17598006? ago
This symbol? 🌀
17598262? ago
17597580? ago
Yes, I remember reading about this and being skeptical. I hope this is true; and if it is; the good guys are in control.
17597716? ago
Dude... straight from national geographic article about it:
"However, there was no big earthquake kicking off the recent slow waves. Adding to the weirdness, Mayotte's mystery waves are what scientists call monochromatic. Most earthquakes send out waves with a slew of different frequencies, but Mayotte's signal was a clean zigzag dominated by one type of wave that took a steady 17 seconds to repeat. "17 seconds, when that is NEVER seen
17598645? ago
I wonder why they did'nt do 17 seconds for 17 minutes instead of 20...
17600916? ago
Maybe they did, but it’s being rounded up because they don’t understand the implication of every 17 secs for 17 mins.... or even better... every 17 secs for 17 mins and 17 secs... in fact if it were every 17 secs, that would not work with 20 mins... it would have to be either 20:07 or 19:50 so definite fudging / rounding. Question then is how much. Would like to see the data.
17597764? ago
Yes, I read it when it came out. And I know Q's post in ref. to WW, etc. Hoping this ties in to the CERN collider, etc. and all the evil associated with HARP, etc. and tools DS has that have not been disclosed. Thanks.
PS...I'm a chick, not a dude. No problem though; I don't scathe easily...which is why I am on the boards.
17598013? ago
Are you a chick, or a real woman? I’m going with REAL WOMAN because you have a beautiful, intelligent brain. You have my respect, m’ lady...👍👍👍
17598854? ago
17598073? ago
Tits or GTFO
17598890? ago
You guys crack this chick up. I warned you...I don't scathe easily. Grew up fighting with 2 brothers who were twice my size. I carry a gun and a bible. Love the the guys (dudes). Stay strong Patriots !
17598536? ago
close your eyes, imagine the best tits you've every fucking seen -- then, GTFO
17597545? ago
Thanks for that...Q posted "Think WAVES" and "WW" in response to angry comments that nothing happened that day (post 2527). It has been known since at least 1997 when former defense secretary William Cohen gave a speech on terrorism at the Univ of Georgia that electromagnetic waves can be used to trigger earthquakes or volcanoes. Nat Geo article about the event on 11/11/18 is hilarious..."Strange waves rippled around the world, and nobody knows why". kek
17604676? ago
Thanks for bringing up waves because that reminded me of the massive 78 foot wave close to New Zealand shores that occurred on May 11, 2018.
Coincidently, Hilabeast Clinton was in New Zealand for her “I am so important & I am better than you” speaking engagement on May 7th 2018:
It is also interesting to note that Hildabeast that the news reported this on May 7th 2018:
I was always curious if this “wave” was caused by something else like a nuke destroying a DUMB.
Off-topic but supports my theory in general:
(That is how they got the tsunami going in Japan for the Fukushima false flag event by using underwater nukes because remember the Japanese population was never warned about an earthquake happening prior and were going about their day unaware of the dangerous imcoming wave. It is also interesting to note that this disaster took place on 04/11/2010.)
Getting back to Hildabeast, her timing was impeccable along with the strange “I was thinking about moving to New Zealand” comment.
17607101? ago
Fukushima happened 4 11 2011
17615018? ago
Corrected it thanks.
17602362? ago
NASA says it cause by Lightning.
17597878? ago
Haven't you seen Undersiege 2?
17602025? ago
No I haven't...but I just read a synopsis of the plot...particle beam weapon...hmmmm ... interdasting
17599826? ago
Is part 1 where the chick pops out the cake?
17600827? ago
Erica Eleniak....mmmmnmn
17604362? ago
I'm a brainiac with a veiny sack....resting one the brow....of Erika eleniac
17597500? ago
Does that mean this bastard is not threatening us with an earthquake?
17601312? ago
Looks that way. Those bastards.
17597265? ago
They still have weapons left. Be vigilant and continue to pray.
17597131? ago
if this is true, reveal it. Cast it into the light. Show the world. Reveal the true deep state, and what they were holding us hostage with. Expose their crimes, make it known.
17597123? ago
A great link for everyone that shows worldwide happenings such as earthquakes, natural and weather events, crime events, epidemics and biological hazards...
17596897? ago
That was always my curiousity - New Zealand is a hot spot for seismic activity naturally sooooooo
HAARP would decimate the fucking area like a sorority girl going through a bottle of ranch dressing
17596830? ago
17597240? ago
Preach sister
17596819? ago
Old news and was discussed heavily here back then. That said still very interesting and good for new eyes to see, since theres a LOT of new eyes.
17596778? ago
Q wave. Shot heard around the world.
17596759? ago
I have suspected that the 2010 earthquake that hit Haiti was man made. I did research, and there were already hordes of deep Staters gathering in Haiti in 2009. This makes me all the more sure of it
17596740? ago
look up HAARP
17596717? ago
Wonder if it could set off Yellowstone?...
17597030? ago
Naw but the nukes the Rockefellers have at their massive ranch south of Yellowstone sure could.
17601679? ago
That ranch has been part of Grand Teton National Park since 2007
17603075? ago
I have a feeling they got the National Park system to pay their bills for them but they still control it. Honestly I didn't know that shit though and that is a really good sign.
17596702? ago
Maybe a signal to Soros type creatures who were thinking of hiding deep underground.... bugs can be exterminated at any depth.
17596917? ago
Soros-Creature: What is it, my Precious?
17597707? ago
17596693? ago
I’ve been asking this and have been called crazy by many of you fuckers on here and Chan’s! I’ve been hearing on the Oregon coast for 10 years that the “big one” could happen any day. Agenda 21. Wipe the coast with a 9.0 earthquake and massive tsunami.
17603101? ago
Yea definately move east side of rockies but at 2000 feet above the plains. Id suggest alaska n idaho or n dakota n.w montana.
17605911? ago
17613444? ago
Tg the spelling nazi are here. I dont know what id ever do without them. Perhaps id burn books.
17601481? ago
17596688? ago
Did Q's 17 second earthquake sequence cause the big quake in the Matanuska Valley in Alaska? There was a lot of damage there and it was right around the same time. Nobody killed, thankfully.
17596647? ago
Full Speed Ahead on shaking California apart from the continental US still, right?
17596531? ago
I felt a strong disturbance in the force that day.
17596498? ago
Think Fukushima
17601404? ago
Read that fukashima was sea bed nukes.
17597605? ago
What could ot have to do with fukushima
17598971? ago
Supposedly - scalar waves can be created using some type of equipment. Unlike regular waves - scalar waves are all spin and have no side to side or up down motion (think of a whirlpool that spins vs ocean waves that go up and down). The theory is that when two scalar waves meet (ie two whirlpools) they can interfere with each others spin thereby releasing the energy in them as regular waves that move up and down or side to side.
With regards to Fukushima, it's believed that the DS caused several scalar waves to meet up right at the weakest point in the fault line which caused the earthquake in Japan and the eventual meltdown.
Although I have heard about 'electrical' scalar waves - possibly being created by HAARP - which could heat the upper atmosphere and create/change storms and the directions they travel in; and about the possibility of using electrical scalar waves to melt rocks (near fault zones) deep underground which could cause earthquakes - I didn't know about the possibility of creating non-electric scalar waves such as those found on 11/11/2018
Either way - it's possible that they have some new technology which they are keeping under wraps. The biggest problem with electrical scalar waves though is that there is the possibility that we accidentally create a doomsday scenario. It seems that even creating small electrical scalar waves caused the sun to start belching solar flares in earth's general direction. Perhaps they have fine tuned their devices, but it still remains a possibility that misusing this technology (or using it incorrectly) can cause an extinction level event where the entire surface of the planet gets burned off. Followed by all of the hundreds of nuclear reactors going into meltdown mode making the planet uninhabitable for tens of millions of years... if we ever get the atmosphere back.
17604052? ago
You have combined two different science theories into something which you seem to portray as a proven scientific fact.
Not good.
17609943? ago
Well of course they're all theories. If you will notice, I started the entire comment with the word "Supposedly". I've never tried to portray any of this as fact - but, as you say, perhaps my writing style does 'seem' to portray it as such. That was not my intention.
I myself have not seen a shred of proof to show me an actual scalar wave can exist. However I can't see radio waves either - even though we now know that radio waves existed for billions of years. It's only when Tesla and others started to fool around with antennas and generators that we started to see the real world applications for a hidden form of energy. Same with radar.
In the same way, I keep an open mind about scalar waves because I have no idea what the scientists are developing in their secret military labs. Have they developed scalar waves? Can they control them? Can they cause an ELE? I don't know - it's all theorizing at this point to try and understand phenomenon which we have never before seen in nature - such as the earthquake which happened on 11/11.
The fact is - when WW2 happened, people were absolutely terrified by the weapons which came out and were truly surprised by them. No one realized that the various countries continued to develop weapons in secret so that when WW2 came out, most people believed it would just be a repeat of WW1. But after things like blitzkrieg, panzer tanks, english radar, rockets, jets, and finally nuclear weapons came out - it was truly a shock when it all came out in public view. I would not be the least surprised that when the next global conflict comes out, that we will truly see a bunch of horrific weapons come out which we can hardly even imagine at this point. Scalar waves, drones, microwaves, particle weapons, voice of God, bio-targeted diseases, invisibility cloaks, etc. Who knows what the war machines have come up with in the 80 years since the last world war.
With regards to Fukushima - did they use theoretical scalar weapons to heat up the fault line at a weak point and cause a massive catastrophic slip? I don't know. I haven't seen any definitive proof of that. However, there have been others who contend that both the Japanese quake as well as the tsunami which caused several hundred thousand deaths in Indonesia were caused by scalar weapons. For me, currently there is not enough evidence to make that conclusion, but if new evidence is presented in the future, I retain the right to change my mind.
At this point, my only goal is to inform others of the possibilities and to think 'outside the box' (just as Q has asked others to use their own minds and do some digging as well).
17612627? ago
I agree that various evidence and "official" statements indicate that scientific advancements exist which are far beyond what is made public.
But I have seen so much pseudoscience snake oil claims for worthless product scams which incorporate "scalar" one-thing-or-another as the reason why it is supposed to work, that any time I see it used to explain something I immediately think "pure BS."
17601485? ago
Gravity waves...
17598475? ago
Fukushima was manmade. Fulford isn't accurate about everything by a long shot, but I think he's spot on on Fukushima.
17601442? ago
Yup. Fair assessment.
Any bells ring when a certain Chinese 2020 free money asshat showed up. Sounded like rebranded cabal white dragon shit to me. Starting to think ol ben may indeed have inside info but these folks are not pro patriot.
17606675? ago
The guy I can't figure out is RDS. Fulford seems to be getting closer to RDS and that guy says all the right things, but he comes off as someone I wouldn't want to be stuck at a table with for even five minutes.
17598356? ago
Could Obama have set an earthquake?
17597117? ago
Still creeps me out. Northern hemi is effed. For pretty much ever. Cesium w your Stronium, anyone? Double dose before your double dose
17598658? ago
What is this in reference to?
17599746? ago
17598463? ago
i knew a band named double dose back in the 90s. they were brothers -- twins, in fact. also, they did acid
17598633? ago
Oh the 90s. That about sums up high school for me. “Fuck this reality”
17596471? ago
Well I mean if they're so 'baffled' by it perhaps they can release the fucking readings and let someone else figure it out?
Why have we not seen any actual graphs for this supposedly amazing seismic event yet?
17596507? ago
Did you google?
17596738? ago
Every single article I've read that has covered this 'event' has never shown or linked to a seismograph. Yes there are Schumann Resonance readings you can look up but that wouldn't allude to much relativity. If they refused to publish a seismograph reading in any of these articles, then anyone with at least two brain cells can assume it's either extremely classified or complete bullshit.
17605698? ago
I'd like to see an example of what you think should be released. Obviously it should already exist for other events. Please go find me an example of what you're looking to see, perhaps just find it for any other earthquake or reported abnormality in the past 5 years. Once you prove that you're looking for exists, then we'll try to find it.
17596836? ago
BINGO! To let that tidbit of detail out would force them to admit they're in an all out but silent war against the cabal that has kept us slave ridden for centuries.
17596404? ago
On the 17th day of February, AND on the 17th day of March, the Schumann Resonance was whited out for 24 hours from 7am EST to 7am EST of the next day. You can view the Schumann Resonance graph here:
Anons are missing clues!
17605751? ago
What is “whited out” anon?
17609808? ago
It's not exactly accurate, but I was just using the term as a way to say that there was high intensity energy up to 40hz (or more) lasting for 24 hours straight, with only a few gaps.
17603013? ago
Holy shit. This is HUGE!
17599152? ago
Not missing. Finding. Thank you for sharing.
17599102? ago
Wake up call.
17596220? ago
Yeah. That was known back then. Still amazing to reread. Wish to know what machine they used.
17596449? ago
The Tesla Earthquake Machine, perhaps?
17596902? ago
17599840? ago
17598440? ago
HAARP, it's the High Altitude Aurora Research Project. There are now many of them over the world, and, there have been at least one generation after (NEXRAD), and perhaps more.
17598446? ago
Thanks for the next reading choice :)
17596126? ago
It accidentally caused some underground bases to collapse as well
17596652? ago
I wouldn't assume it was an accident at all.. Trump can be above ground and in charge, he's the president. The deep state rats may have copied the Vietcong tactics and went underground as they can't run their operations publicly. Instead of making weather like we did to rain them out in Vietnam, white hats just crushed them like a can (all theory...) Another one... maybe that was their hide out after releasing some crazy bio weapon.. for now we have no clue. Hopefully they'll be transparent enough one day to tell us.
17599835? ago
DUMBs. According to David Wilcock, it even surprised the white hats as it caused even more destruction to the cabal's bases than they intended. From what David says, many of them were the elite's "refuges" but now, they can't even go hide underground and nuke us all on the surface.
17596957? ago
That’s not a maybe. Base Continuity of Government scenarios since Sputnik were “get everything underground so birds can’t see it”
Think of meta data collection now the 60s. They had eyes in the sky spotting traffic routes etc and chasing those down. Hell Ho Chih Minh routes were actively underground in many areas because of overflights from F-4s and the like constantly looking for whatever to napalm before B-52s could blanket the areas.
There is absolutely underground shit. My question is w NZ so siesmic / volcanic would it even slow them down or actually aid them?
Think. If the region is “active” you could bore and find underground caverns etc like Submarines use whales to blend in
17630530? ago
I bet it would aid them in making a base underground, but would also aid in making it vulnerable to an artificial earthquake
17598425? ago
I remember the Virginia earthquake, felt it in MA.
17596109? ago
Did it start in NZ??
17603114? ago
No the first person to hear it was a kiwi who’s hobbie was to listen or watch all the seismographs.
17606027? ago
whose hobby - not "who is" hobby
17597598? ago
Mayotte off Madagascar. (It's a French territory). Oddly, that was the day Macron admitted to MBS that he was "afraid".
17596316? ago
17596596? ago
Thank you. So the "too nice", "too perfect" wave began off the remote Mayotte French Island near Madagascar on 11/11 with no known related undersea earthquake and rang the earth like a bell every 17 seconds with no other larger or smaller waves. So it was a notification warning bell to the DS that the Q team had taken control of a wave technology the DS planned to use to harm humanity for their evil plans. Possibly something related to the 5G 6G wave tech where the DS could use it to harm us, but Trump knows the Whitehats now have control of the wave tech to help heal us instead. Ex.: Sound waves of music can soothe, bring joy, help us concentrate, or really irritate the hell out of us. Music to soothe the savage beast?erhaps we will be told for sure in the future. Interesting none the less. Well I'll just call it the Q wave heard round the world.
17603157? ago
Shit thanks for this post more hope then one could expect.
17601328? ago
Think bigger. What if gravity doesn’t work like they tell us it does?
17603134? ago
Plasma. E.u. What if all pieces to all puzzles fit. Into one equation. Ssorry for the black.phills. (Read the part with header geomagnetic reversal ) Make sure you read the reviews. And the whole discription. World in Peril: The Origin , Mission & Scientific Findings of the 46th / 72nd Reconnaissance Squadron A.) B.) C.) A+b=c 11 years = 60 light years divided by speed of the blast. I presume what we are seeing now is the start or precusor to what is coming.
17598408? ago
"...was the start of the revolution" /schoolhouserock
Research 432 Hz vs. 440 Hz. Music, indeed!
17597971? ago
Mayotte: french corruption of arabic ‘Island of the dead’
Written on crest: ‘Ra hachiri’ = We Are Vigilant