One reason that we must see the downfall of the cabal is that they are clearly holding back effective treatments for all kinds of diseases. If you simply search medical journal publications there have been many reported breakthroughs that are simply never followed through on. It's like some kind of hit squad is pouncing on university research labs whenever a discovery is made and reported and the research stops. The symbol for the medical industry is the caduceus, a wand with two snakes winding up it and angel wings at the top. This wand belongs to the Greek god of knowledge, Hermes. Knowledge, gnosis, gnosticism. Also if you study gnosticism for long enough you'll see that they think the uninitiated are disgusting animals in a state of fallen matter. Why would they let the "light" of their gnosis shine on anyone else but themselves? They dont want to cure us, they want us miserable and suffering.
17541887? ago
It never made sense to me why we have no cure for cancer after millions (billions?) of dollars raised and decades of research invested.
17542302? ago
There are cures for many cancers. Curcumin is one of them.
17541703? ago
Anon don’t forget the fear mongering and stress caused by their rules they make us live by. All helping to lower our life spans.
17541603? ago
No, the symbol for medicine is the rod of asclepius, the Greek god of MEDICINE and healing. It's a staff with ONE snake.
It got mixed up with caduceus, a rod with TWO snakes associated with messengers via Hermes the MESSENGER god by numpties who don't know how to do research.
17541504? ago
Cures are suppressed. But I know for a fact there are good people involved who are trying to get them out there. Part of the reason some things are suppressed is because of the ways the cures were developed. Think mad scientists with access to body parts from PP. hard to explain how you came up with a cure when it is from an unknown “creature”.
17540166? ago
There’s no profit in curing people.
17539758? ago
For anyone who wants to test their preconceived notions on disease, look up Dr. Hamer's 5 biological laws of nature
17539707? ago
There are so many cures out there separate from pharma. Look into Dr. Leonard Caldwell, Mark Sircus, The Truth About Cancer, The Truth About Vaccines, Cancer Tutor website, The Magnesium Miracle (book), Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox (book), colloidal silver, and oregano oil instead of antibiotics, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT), alkalinity, the power of essential oils, apricot seeds and vitamin B17, cannabis oil, spirits of pine oil (true, pure, turpentine), boron, electro medicine, hyperthermia and the list goes on and on. The information is out there. If you live in a state that doesn't license Naturopathic Medical Doctors ((NMD) then get involved in helping to change that or move to a state that does. It's amazing how much is offered and how little it costs compared to allopathic medicine. Most insurance doesn't cover NMD visits, but that's a good thing because the insurance industry isn't mandating how they treat you. Average price in my state is $150 per visit and you get a whole hour of the doctor's time. Blood work and lab tests are covered by most insurance, just not office visits, IVs etc.
No, I'm not an NMD self promoting. Just sharing how wonderful life has been for me after making the break from the disgusting stranglehold of contemporary medicine. You have to work at it, but it's very liberating.
17544902? ago
Well said.
17539111? ago
Let your food be your medicine and your. Medicine be your food...
17538930? ago
Notice how the elite never get sick unless they need a sacrifice?
17538918? ago
The cabal owns big pharma. Their job is to keep people functionally sick. This will keep us working so they can rob us through taxes, yet sick enough to continue buying their drugs (that make us sicker) to make trillions more. It's truly a sick and twisted fraud scheme!
17538486? ago
You fall for the ‘CURE’ fallacy.
Look at ‘PREVENTION’ not Cure.
The Water - The Poisons in our food - Microwaves, 5G, WiFi etc - Plastics - Fragrances
It all killing us or making us and our children sick.
Research that !!
17537419? ago
The cure for AIDS is cash. If you're rich and privileged you live.
17537283? ago
They want you short lived and dumb with a medical issues as a detriment to wealth creation and inheritance wealth.
Motive is simple. Its the most profitable and suits the needs of those making the decisions.
17537253? ago
Royal Rife is real. Stephen Hawkins. QE. All his early tests had 100% treatment success on TERMINAL cases. John Hopkins data proves it.
They thought he was going to destroy the medical field.
17543814? ago
In a post a few weeks back, on this forum, there was this same kind of discussion and someone mentioned Royal Rife.So, I did a search and was amazed and pissed as hell at what I found. This guy was a genius. He's the perfect example of what's wrong with society, not just medicine. If your cure/invention is going to cut into someones profits, or you won't cut them in, you and your stuff is toast. There is evidence that hydrogen peroxide has healing properties but, big pharma/medicine doesn't want anybody to know about it because they can't patent it and control/profit from it. Then there was an article the other day about the doctor who is using peoples own stem cells to treat her patients and they are trying to shut her down because there's no profit in using people own tissue to cure an ailment. And on and on it goes. I remember when my Dad and his buddies would talk about the guy that invented the 100mpg carburetor and how the oil companies bought him out and shelved it. I was just a kid and thought it was just bunch of guys bullshitting over a few beers. But, as I get older and see more of this shit going on, and has been going on for a long time, it makes me wonder. And seriously pisses me off!
17546332? ago
Right on both subjects.
17539313? ago
I have a frequency machine based on Rife technology. I use it often and love it!
17544390? ago
What kind of machine do you have? As the commenters above you said, I learned about Rife from this sub just a couple days ago. And although I do agree that frequency and vibration is the keystone to the universe, as I was researching the particular machine, I discovered they were made in China.
I don't trust anything from China.
17536840? ago
"What if Cures exist?" -
Great thread where everyone talks about tips to live and eat healthier.
17536680? ago
They want us all dead, they poison our air, water and food. Its time we take back our planet and hang all these mother fuckers.
17537395? ago
Right. Not just dead but also preoccupied. How much investigating the evil will one do if his child is dying of cancer? Personally I spend most of my non work time caring for sick parents. Heart disease = #1 killer in US. Scientists can invent a gun that causes heart attacks but sorry, can’t fix that heart unless we cut you open to the tune of $100K.
17536552? ago
17538482? ago
17540700? ago
17536497? ago
Talk to veterinarians, they make breakthroughs all the time that stick. We haven't had a medical breakthrough since polio was almost extinct, you see how they stopped that from being eradicated completely, they keep it alive in petri dishes and deliberately inject people with it and call it a vaccine.
What was that hippocratic oath again?
17536722? ago
hypocritic oath, more like :D
17544051? ago
Or Ex Dee ?
17536032? ago
Research Alkaline Body
17536004? ago
If you arw a super nerd in your basement with dumpster dived electronics being prototyped into half innovations...
You are probably being listened to
If you design a holographic display that uses labgrown crystals and novel scanner technology and talk too much about it...
17535963? ago
The same goes for Tesla related technology and tapping the zero point field for free energy. At least skunkworks might be coming through weather cold fusion generators
17535752? ago
Cannabis The Panacea, cures all diseases and replaces all medicines with its collection of over 700 medicines that fuel our body's endocannabinoid system. My book called "Cannabis IS the Panacea" will be released in a month. Look for it if you want proof.
17540444? ago
Got science to back this up?
17537836? ago
Take care of yourself
17535846? ago
Hey hey! Cannabis isn't the panacea my friend, black seed oil is the one. It is an oil extracted from the seeds of Nigella Sativa and has been known about since the dawn of time. Its also called Kalonji, you can get in on fleabay.
17539747? ago
Cures everything but death!
17535909? ago
fuck off with your black seed oil, cannabis is illegal because it is the panacea.
17536022? ago
I second the Black Seed Oil and use both.
17535770? ago
Cannabis doesnt cure hearing loss and tinnitus.
17535900? ago
that's damage not a disease
17539176? ago
Not all hearing loss is damage (permanent). Some hearing loss is temporary and can be caused by fungus (yeast and black mold). Cannabis is wonderful for many things, but the only thing it does for mold toxicity is help alleviate the associated pain and give the body more energy through restful sleep. In this way it helps the body become stronger to fight the mold, but it doesn't get rid of it by itself. I know, I've tried it.
17536805? ago
17535697? ago
I've been taking c60 for a year. 58yo. Great results. Research at redlion biomedical
17535657? ago
almost sounds like energy companies when someone comes up with a better more fuel efficient idea. do we have a conspiracy here? /sarcasm
17543875? ago
Most big corporations don't know they can save up to 33% of their power just by making sure their load per phase is balanced. There are simple tricks that cause huge changes in efficiency that aren't utilized on purpose. No one wants an innovater.
17545171? ago
more Kwh used = mo' money
17558158? ago
No shit. Doesn't mean those KWs are being used efficiently. It's like when rednecks think their pos used ram is fast once they remove the muffler.
17535411? ago
Prior to big pharma, Pine Gum Spirits (turpentine) was listed as a remedy for nearly everything and many of us remember our grandparents taking it with sugar to kill parasites and candida 1-2x per month.
17539263? ago
17535754? ago
I do this, be sure to use "pure gum spirits of turpentine" and not the petroleum version
17535211? ago
I wonder how long American lifespans would increase once the Jews aren't poisoning our air, water and food?
17538277? ago
900 Years
17540742? ago
900 would be lovely.
17540840? ago
17540949? ago
I'm still reading LOO so I didn't get to that point yet. Thanks.
There's some Biblical suggestions for that age too if I'm not mistaken. Nephilim is another interesting Biblical consideration.
17541045? ago
The more I read the more connections it makes, I'm on.... session 40 I think. Here's some more material, I'd suggest reading the Hidden-Hand stuff, it's pretty good and doesn't require too much Lo1 knowledge to understand. - Very short Synopsis of The Law of One - Introduction to the material - First session Link A Text To Speech Program Audio reading of all sessions - Dialogue with "Hidden Hand", Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider A Book by the "Instrument"
17541114? ago
Saved. I am starting with the reading of the illuminati 00363 link but I'll jump to Hidden Hand then come back. My inner ADD likes to jump :)
17541230? ago
That's the link I was referring to. The posters name is "Hidden-hand"
17543517? ago
Ah yes. Very interesting stuff so far... pretty much confirmed everything I believe metaphysically and then expounded on it a bit further in a way that didn't have any perceivable holes. Very interesting to consider at the very least.
17543767? ago
Yeah I really like it. Even if you just take it as a self help sort of thing, its really great.
Thats mostly what the book is about, balancing yourself.
17537719? ago
Not just lifespans, but the quality of life.
Nearly 20% of our GDP goes down the Black Hole of Healthcare.
17540195? ago
This sick thing is that if people are sick in America it means their economy is doing better. More people sick equals more jobs and more being spent on healthcare. It’s a sick fucking world we live in.
17540327? ago
17538965? ago
That sounds like an awfully conservative figure. I haven't looked into it, but it would be shocking to be that low.
17536035? ago
Thebest medicine outaide matrual food is good philosophy, appropriate attention.
Living past our normal age migjt have karmic consequences
17536462? ago
Ha ha - that reminds me of a old paranormal themed television show I used to enjoy. I can't recall the name, but in one episode the team of paranormal investigators were called to a hospital were an extremely high percentage of people were unexpectedly dying. Everyone at the hospital was blaming one old woman for being a witch or being cursed or something... But it turned out the woman was being kept alive through force of will alone. She spent her life trying to find he adopted daughter and her force of will was warping the natural order of things and causing people around her to die prematurely. They located her daughter, who died of old age 40 years earlier and informed her and she finally died.
17536587? ago
No. Look.
We are presented with two different things: the desire for long life and having long life.
To achive long life from desire for it leads to one future.
The path to long life without nessicarily craving it is another.. Lets move on..
Those who have already craved longer life you must see as less virtuous. They consume more only to sustain a breath like many and squander time by being a fatass and costing ppl shit(crudely put).
Those who just get longer life probably have either a great purpose or kind abiding or both.
Have a nice day
17535644? ago
I’m not sure people living till a hundred + would be a good thing.
17535814? ago
thought people in the bible lived hundreds of years?
17536407? ago
Until God changed it to 120 years. If I remember correctly.
17536256? ago
They did.
17535683? ago
Why not, if you're healthy?
I suspect most of the dementia problems are caused by our food, air and water being poisoned.
17535773? ago
and denial and hidden truth that parasites and fungus cause most of our diseases
17536023? ago
Parasites and fungi cant live in an alcanaized body
17540342? ago
What the fuck are you typing.
17540640? ago
17535725? ago
AND maybe medicine and I say that for a reason
17535613? ago
Fuck off you communist pig. Yes we know who you Jews haters are, communist infiltrators posing as patriots. Your days are numbered.
17535798? ago
Lol. Found the Jewish shill:)
17535692? ago
I'm sorry that facts and history are your enemy.
17535160? ago
Big Pharma is one of the greatest evils we face, thank God folks are finally waking up to the fact they are poisoning us in every way.
Decarboxylated cannabis oil is a panacea:
17536679? ago
Fox News has been pushing some European study that says weed causes schizophrenia
Tucker tows the line
17561437? ago
I'm pretty sure it does, if you smoke too much of it. High THC levels these days.
The trick is to be responsible, just like with anything else. Thanks to the potency, I visit a dispensary 2-3 times a year, and that was when I was smoking way too much. For most people $100 will buy a year supply.
17562238? ago
I agree with moderation 100%
I don’t agree with the government outlawing a plant of any kind.
17536975? ago
Weed isn't what it used to be. It does in fact contain approx. 30% or more thc now. Not a good thing. Especially for younger people. Which fucks with the brain, which can cause schizophrenia in some cases.
17546711? ago
The problem with marijuana appears to be that it is a medicine plant.
The drawback is that it lowers your alertness while it makes you feel good.
It seems that the derivatives can be very useful, however, and also the plant fibers as cloth, rope, and other things.
It should not be illegal, because that merely creates a black market for it which helps criminal organizations. A lot of the attraction to it is because it is illegal.
All of the facts about it should be honestly studied and released to the public.
If you go to work stoned, you get fired. Plus DUI, and so forth. If the public knew about it they wouldn't abuse it because there is too much risk of ruining their lives and harming others. There may be a few people, like glue and paint sniffers, but even that seems to be dying out because it's no longer "cool."
17540419? ago
If yiu didn't abuse your children, they wouldn't be schizo.
17540393? ago
Schizophrenia is an environmental disease that affects people who are predisposed to this sort of mental breakdown. All weed will do is aggrivate an EXISTING mental condition, it will NOT CREATE a mental condition.
17539600? ago
Fake news. Zero proof that weed causes schizophrenia. None. You’re literally repeating msm propaganda. The levels don’t matter. Have you ever heard of dabs?
17538286? ago
Got a source for that? Never heard that.
17536536? ago
Cannabis doesnt cure blindness, deafness, or tinnitus, and it doesnt regenerate limbs.