17528407? ago

Sounds like a fucking paintball gun.

17516122? ago


17514864? ago

No wonder they’re shouting from the rooftops that sharing the video can get you 12 years in jail like that poor NZ teenager.

They don’t want anyone investigating this video

17514440? ago

I'm gullible. Extremely. I get caught up in everything. Could possibly be why I'm so obsessed with Q and my family thinks I'm nuts and wants me to stop talking about child trafficking.

What I've learned because what I'd call my "trusting" nature. Or my ease at believing something if a convincing enough argument is presented and requires any work on my part whatsoever to debunk. I've learned to get in the mindset of believing it and then immediately get in the mindset of not believing it. I prepare myself for both with arguments for both. The flat Earth is a good example of this. They put a lot of leg work into it and some of their arguments seem convincing from a superficial level. The implications of a flat Earth are insane. A global conspiracy meant to enslave the human race. Hmmmm... Ok. I'm prepared for that... Now, on the other hand. Flat Earth RS are out of their minds. Ya. I'm in that camp until the slave masters unveil their master plan. Bwahahaha.

Now... Back to the video. I watched it and it's sickening. Just like I watched the video of the girl getting her head sawed off. Seriously disturbing. You lose sleep. I watch to educate myself so my head isn't buried in the sand. I also read and watch the counter arguments for the same reason. I don't want to be oblivious. IF this was CGI, it changes nothing for me, if it was real but a FF, changes nothing. However, where my current thought process is, this guy was a psychopath, potentially had some outside motivation or funding to help him proceed. He killed a bunch of people at a mosque. Now, where the sickness comes for me at this stage is the media's hypocrisy in coverage. Blame us! You have to be fucking kidding me. Night club with gays. Don't blame Muslims. Blame guns. Parkland, don't blame mental health, blame guns .. one dude claims 8chan and they lose their fucking shit. It's pathetic. It shows their pervasiveness. It shows that they have never cared about a single victim. They only care about agenda.

For me. That's where I'm at.

17514074? ago

Hope no one finds out that he is a member of Mossad

17513536? ago



Obviously you're living in an alternative universe.

Trump tweets and Condemns New Zealand Mosques ‘Massacre,’ Where 49 Died.

Unless you're saying Trump is part of the FAKE shooting narrative?

My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques. 49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured. The U.S. stands by New Zealand for anything we can do. God bless all!
— Donald J. Trump ([@realDonaldTrump](https://voat.co/u/realDonaldTrump)) March 15, 2019

Like I have said and will continue to say. Q'tist's are the most dumbed down people on planet earth.

17514355? ago

do explain why when the guy in the video rushes him, he makes several shots into the wall at point blank range, and there was absolutely no damage to the wall done at all, nothing. also at other times he shoots the carpet right in front of him, and nothing at all happens to said carpet. why is there NO blood splatter, that's not how things work man, someone can come in after a crime like this and tell you the angle and position of the weapon, as well as the person being shot, just based on the blood that would be all over the walls, but look at the walls NOT A DROP OF BLOOD, youre the one in an alternative universe to not see this is complete bullshi. he goes around and shoots people over and over and over AND NOT A SINGLE ENTRY WOUND is shown. COMPLETE FUCKING BULLSHIT

17514412? ago

Again, do explain why the Trump tweet if it was fake.

Are you saying Trump is part of the Fakery?

17527398? ago

youre kidding right?

17513433? ago

Gunshots recorded on standard cameras usually have problems because of the suddenness and decibels.

17513413? ago

Somehow every shooting ends up being “faked” blah blah blah. How about trying to prove it was not faked?

17520001? ago

It's easier to do it for real then to fake it IMO. I don't think Deep state give s fuck so why fake it.

17521963? ago

Because the people in the Mosque in question are allies with the deep state. In this case it makes much more sense to have them play along as actors rather than actually kill them.

17513333? ago

There's two videos, the one that is extremely hard to find and is real, and the more readily available "fake video" which is the same video but has the blood edited out and whatever other movie magic they did to it.

Their goal was to have a bunch of articles saying "Don't watch the video, don't." or something and then when everyone goes and finds the easier to find "fake video" hopefully someone will call the whole thing out as staged so they can call us psychotic, and have a bit of evidence for once. Today my news feed was flooded with "smoking weed makes you psychotic" which is a complete 180 from what the news has been saying the past few years, but is probably an attempt to link smoking weed with being a deranged conspiracy theorist.

They did the same thing with Donald Glover's "This is America" video. "Please don't meme Childish Gambino, it distracts from the message of the video, which is gun control" because the outcome of that was everyone meme'd Childish Gambino and forgot about the message of the video, which seems much more like an advertisement for Walk Away than a video about gun control because shooting or something. The MSM knows most everyone dislikes or out right hates them, so they control the narrative by controlling the Streisand Effect. "No, dont make memes about his very important video on gun control" when the intended effect was for everyone to be too busy making memes to spite the media to read the message that he is screaming, "RUN AWAY. GET OUT."

17513077? ago

Q 3083 These people are sick & evil. It is not a coincidence. It never is." Q

Would q have said these people are sick and evil if it were staged and nobody died? FF yes, but IMO a real attack.

17512263? ago

It could be a false flag, but it also might not be. Critical thought should be applied to both possibilities. If legit, the fear is it's not yet time for Islam to start its war against the indigenous western peoples. The attack is feared could cause the war to begin prematurely so the outcome ends up undesirable. That's why the Netherland attack was barely reported and censorship is such a popular strategy.

17512001? ago

The fact that "random guy on Twitter" thinks that "of" is a verb doesn't do anything for his credibility.

I of to go now.

17511960? ago

Bullshit bullshit bullshit not even looking call me unscientific or whatever

They want us to say this is fake, the Sandy Hook play, which either was fake or the gv killed them leaving Patsy.

I doubt it was fake if they were so bold as to video. It doesn't need to be fake, so why would it be fake?


17513184? ago

Exact opposite. They don't want the video spread because of precisely these discoveries

17513318? ago

Hi it's still a trap. I great work on thus, but the weak Spot is exposing the training and TimeLine first and then when the story crumbles then come in with this hard.

Has to be done in sequence of the will Lib blame to much and distract with virtue signals

17513267? ago

Well, I always favor the exposure of the immutable Truth. So, if it is fake, the exposure of that to me is good. Even if it occurs gradually over time. Because the Truth is immutable the exposure over time is just fine.

17512736? ago

They say its fake so it takes the steam out of anyone who watched it. Wouldnt want Caucasians getting any ideas. Just keep looking down and coughing up the tax dollars white man.

17511601? ago

It really seemed like the first magazine was not actual gunfire. It also really seemed like the last two or three were. Very strange.

17512514? ago

I've seen some short clips briefly. The first thing I noticed was the guy shooting through his windshield... Had it been shot out previously, leaving no jagged pieces? Then somebody pointed out the bullet casings flying out and never hitting the ground. You don't need combat experience to see that.

As a former IDF infantry sergeant and defective Mossad sayan, I don't need to analyze the footage to know the manifesto is bullshit, Berton Tarrant is an intelligence agent, and there is always a false flag. I never question the casualty counts on these massacres. Some parts may be fake. They do have crisis actors, but the spies and generals don't hesitate to order and carry out mass killings of innocent people.

17511524? ago

Considering Oz and NZ is their last stand, of course they 200% need a FF to control all information

17520577? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3098745 The Christchurch shooter visited Pakistan in Oct. 2018. He said Pakistanis are the most kind-hearted hospitable people in the world. Why would a white supremacist who hates Muslims visit Pakistan?

17511399? ago

Also the targets of these atrocities are designed to "immunize" real criminals who are affiliated with the target.

Reaction against the Jewish synagogue killings in Pittsburg make people afraid to go after guilty Jews.

Reaction agains the Christchurch incident will make people wary of appearing racist when pursuing radical muslims.

All divisive false flag bullshit. The criminals need to be arrested and punished,

I don't give a damn whether they are black, white, catholic, Jewish, or muslim. The criminals are just terrorizing and distracting the public.

17520613? ago

he was friends with Turkey, N.Korea, Bosnia and Pakistan https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/3101187/17439445 'strange goings on or just conspiracy talk?'

17511348? ago

If we know the camera used, someone can fire a gun at a range while streaming it and then compare video audio for artifacts clippping etccc

17514282? ago

Also need the same camera, a room with the same-ish acoustic and use the same video compression.

Sound recording is an art - literally everything can distort / create weird artifacts.

17511549? ago

This is good

17511317? ago

My opinion is that the event is a false flag.

My opinion is formed by the following circumstantial evidence:

  1. Podesta's pre-visit.
  2. Persistent repeat of the same atrocity scenarios by Deep State interests.
  3. Too many discrepancies in published video and audio. 4.Remote location, Too difficult for Americans and even Aussies to get to the scene.
  4. Host government a member of Five Eyes.
  5. Immediate political reaction to capitalize on anti-gun and free speech restrictions. The reaction of establishment media to suppress video is unprecedented, and in marked contrast to the "official" sources looking to maximize exposure.

Lastly, I do decodes of Trump tweets. In my opinion there have been clear messages in his tweets that indicate the Christchurch incident is a FALSE FLAG, whether or not people have been killed.It is a staged event...FAKE NEWS

17525371? ago

Fuck off with your retarded, schizophrenic numerology tweet decoding faggotry. Deranged numerology freaks like you have done more to damage the Q movements legitimacy than any shill. You're a warped, mentally ill, lonely faggot.

17526281? ago

Learn to read..

My decodes have nothing to do with "numerology" or even Q for that matter..

Legitimate intel groups and police, as well as criminal organizations, use them all the time. The Child trafficking rings had their own language, there is an FBI lexicon of their terminology, which they used "in the clear", in public.

President Trump has the NSA and intel on his side. Do you think they are unfamiliar with coded messages sent in public ?

Have you ever watched a football game ? Do you realize there are coded messages spoken and signaled by both sides, on every play ?

What makes you think it is so far-fetched that Trump would use signals in his public tweets ?

But do me a favor, don't answer... there is a better solution for you: Don't read my posts.

Have a nice day.

17511562? ago

Can you breakdown your decodes? It would be appreciated

17512819? ago

Here is one decode that boils down to 15 GCR, which I interpreted to mean a 15 nation Global Currency Rest, based on a gold standard

Donald J. Trump Wed Jan 30 2019 11:25:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

When I became President, ISIS was out of control in Syria & running rampant. Since then tremendous progress made, especially over last 5 weeks. Caliphate will soon be destroyed, unthinkable two years ago. Negotiating are proceeding well in Afghanistan after 18 years of fighting.. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 30, 2019

My decode 15 GCR

Structure: There appear to be four parts or ‘clauses”. With the opening “W” the target may be in the first clause.
“W ISIS S & running rampant…S last 5….C ...2……N (ing for ions) Afghanistan 18 “

Note 1.” running rampant” should be looked at Note 2. Ampersand = -19 Note 3. two Note 4. “Negotiating “instead of “Negotiations” Note 5. AFGHANISTAN=100 Note 6. 18 years

Clause 1. When I became President, ISIS was out of control in Syria & running rampant W 9 P ISIS 19 (-19) (running rampant) W 9 P 9-19-9-19 [19 (-19)] W (9 or I) (P) 9-19-9-19 [ -] (running rampant) Clause 2. Since then……….5 weeks. S=19, 5=E. S/19 and 5/E Clause 3. C-2. But “unthinkable two years ago” may be instructed to reduce or add by 2.

Clause 4. “Negotiating are procceding well in Afghanistan after 18 years of fighting.” N…A…18.

Spelling: ing subbed for ions. 30 is put in instead of 57. Variable meanings…”reduce by 27” seems likely. Afghanistan=100/10/1. 100-27=73=GC

N (-27)… A (100/10/1) …18

N A ( 100-27=73)…R N A ( G C)….R 15 GCR

17512047? ago

Here is a fairly simple one, gives you an idea

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump

Thank you to Brit. This is a very big deal in Europe. Fake News is the Enemy of the People!

Brit Hume ✔ @brithume One wonders how so many falsehoods could be crammed into a single article. Proof, if any were needed, that bias makes journalists reckless. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/01/26/melania-trump-apology/

10:27 AM - Jan 27, 2019

Clues and my decode:

(27) (Enemy of the People)

T2B=24 TE=25 FNE=25 P! means take literally and perform double operation on P; may apply to full sentence or only last word.

"Enemy of the People" is literal P = 16 =1+6= 7 is double action on P! 7 = 3 +2 +2 (reverse Skull and Bones)

T2B=(24)+3 =27 (TE)=(25)+2=27 FNE=(25)+2=27

Also...Timestamp. 10:27 AM January 27.

So "27" is called for as much as 5 times in very loud and unmistakeable fashion.

27 is B-G, or G-B, or 9+9+9, or 3x9 or 39 or 93.

Here is what I think, based on recent events and context. The is an "N" in the last sentence, and the word "ENemy starts with a homonym for N. And the 93 rings a bell because there were 93 people on the plane she was on. So 27 could be Nancy Pelosi again.

However, there is another person to consider: Ruth Bader Ginsburg. R-B-G= 18+2+7 = 27 BG+BG+BG=9+9+BG =RBG

I think Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the answer.

But maybe both Pelosi and Ginsburg are indicated; but I think RBG for sure.

17511738? ago

Are you specifically interested in the ones concerning Christchurch ?

I have about 70, some are much more persuasive than the Christchurch tweets. If you are skeptical of my processes, which are self-taught, I would give you my decode on February 20, which read

AA ATLAS AF CF with MIAMI 3 in the time stamp.

On February 23, an Atlas Air Fleet jet under contract to Amazon Air crashed near Houston, en route from MIAMI, with 3 people aboard.

17511847? ago


Decode made February 20 published on reddit r/Trumptweetsdecoded u/katzendog 2 days ago Atlas AF (Atlas Air Fleet) in Trump tweet decode

California now wants to scale back their already failed “fast train” project by substantially shortening the distance so that it no longer goes from L.A. to San Francisco. A different deal and record cost overruns. Send the Federal Government back the Billions of Dollars WASTED! 9:13 AM - Feb 20, 2019

my decode C F A A* A T L A S A F 3 8 [A D D ]

Possible meanings C F = Clinton Foundation A A = Amazon Air [revised from Adam Schiff on account of Feb 23 news:] ATLAS A F = Atlas Air Fleet 3 8 = 8 3 = Hillary Clinton [A D D] = Add (command)

17511070? ago

What camera was used? There can be audio clipping

17510731? ago

The experts!

17510633? ago

“Listen carefully” ... it was faked ... FF in NZ

17510626? ago

This is retarded.

17510763? ago

Are you pointing to your pussy when you say that?

17510162? ago

It looks like what he's saying is that the ambient noise cuts out and goes to zero just before the gunshot, as if the gunshot were a sound clip pasted into the audio stream.

In the first place, it would have been easy to mix the gunshot into the audio stream instead of replacing the original ambient noise.

In the 2nd place, some audio recording equipment may have automatic gain control and a delay, so that the gain can be turned down to reduce clipping when a sudden large sound happens. I'm not saying this is the case, I'm just saying we should be careful to claim this is a proof.

IMHO this attack was a FF. Don't know if people died or not. Either way, the guy was not a 'white supremacist' who liked Candace Owens and vacationed in Pakistan. The attack was done or staged to give the excuse for censorship, and to change opinion.

17524092? ago

It would have been easy for Hussein to post a better forgery than the one he did. Someone fucked him over big time.

Could this Nz business have done better? Of course, in the same amount.of time.

But both what can be seen happening to the shells, the sound, definitely fabricated. The rest is confirmation.

Even normies seem to be on that line of thinking without seeing the analysis. It was all to convenient.

17537485? ago

I would love it if the video could be proven fake.

17521183? ago

"white nationalist" loves negress "candace owens....." lmfao........ the manifesto is what assures it was a false flag for me.

17512857? ago

IMHO this attack was a FF. Don't know if people died or not.

Even if there is a tiny miniscule chance that the shooting is fake, its completely unproductive. These guys could be honing their arguments but instead they're engaging in conspiratorial masturbation.

17512144? ago

Perfect explanation!

Video compresssion explains the casings as well.

17511110? ago

In the 2nd place, some audio recording equipment may have automatic gain control and a delay, so that the gain can be turned down to reduce clipping when a sudden large sound happens. I'm not saying this is the case, I'm just saying we should be careful to claim this is a proof.


17513238? ago

This is exactly what is happening.

You can hear it in the video itself, there is silence when he shoots, and then when he takes a pause shooting you hear about a 1-2 second delay and then you start to hear the mic levels return to normal and hear moaning and groaning from victims.

This, and the casings disappearing (compression loss), are both incorrect IMHO.

17519966? ago

I agree you can hear the mic cut out each shot and then come back to level. Most modern camera mic's do this which is why a lot of youtubers get lav mics to keep their voice level constant.

17510647? ago

I have seen some of the footage of the prep of actors being dead bodies, but haven't seen conclusive people that the footage was of the same event, I think it looks like it, but I haven't had enough time to analyze, etc. I also saw a clip where the person shot outside's head basically exploded which liked real to my untrained eye. Not sure it was the same event again thinking back. If there is proof of cgi and video modification, that could explain my observation. I'm hesitant to make claims without reviewing all of the evidence and theories. There was without a doubt some footage in a car with multiple copies of the gin with all the markings on it, which looked like prep for the event

17514127? ago

that was supposedly at linwood, (same day, second mosque) and if it was then it is very damning footage imo.

17519977? ago

But was it before or after?

17527497? ago

you got me man, I mean, it appears to be them preparing to shoot false flag video or something to me, they seem to be staging a false flag. Was this video leaked? and if its legit then we are to believe that this is after they were shot up like the previous tape event? then why doe it not come off like that at all. the second video doesn't make sense at all. but the first video also while can be convincing, I think the lack of blood spatter evidence, as well as the lack of damage to carpet and walls by bullets actually debunks that video as well. so this if you ask me is a leaked video of them trying to create more false evidence to support a staged event.

17510661? ago

I just saw bits and pieces of the 8 Chan analyses, didn't have time to go through it all myself. They were posting maps and scene analysis from the video clips- it looked like they were doing excellent digging as usual! Props to the Anons on 8 Chan!

17510062? ago

8chan only reposted what a guy on Twitter had said, so firstly, we shouldn't be attaching the "8chan" tag to it as if that gives it more credence because those guys can do some good shit. This is a random guy on Twitter who has given his opinion on it after running a couple of tests. There is still a lot more info needed and analysis needed before this could be described as "proven". If a load of other like-minded guys with the same field of expertise come out and say the same thing then maybe we can start thinking that things have been proven or not.

17513487? ago

^^^This should be the top post.

17513342? ago

Great job anon

17511545? ago

Get out namefag.

17513193? ago

This subverse has numbers for names, dumbass.

17514154? ago

Namefag is a state of mind like nigger namefag.

17521472? ago

Low IQ dumb fuck, your state of mind is fractured.