For anyone who doesn't have a copy of the Christchurch Shooting it can be download from the PirateBay This video is even disappearing from the Torrents so Back it up off-line. (
submitted 5.9 years ago by 3107349?
17511787? 5.9 years ago
Video here also.
17510204? 5.9 years ago
It should rebloom often.
17508679? 5.9 years ago
I bet tons of people, whatever their motivations, have the original footage saved off-line.
17508896? 5.9 years ago
I guess some people just really like watching brown people get shot.
17517191? 5.9 years ago
A lot of people aren't picky about color, they just like to see the worst this world has to offer. Liveleak has been going since '06.
17509456? 5.9 years ago
I like watching the bullet casings magically disappear into thin air.
17509030? 5.9 years ago
That's if anyone actually got shot....
17508157? 5.9 years ago
Watch it alongside the commentary in this great QRV link:
17511787? ago
Video here also.
17510204? ago
It should rebloom often.
17508679? ago
I bet tons of people, whatever their motivations, have the original footage saved off-line.
17508896? ago
I guess some people just really like watching brown people get shot.
17517191? ago
A lot of people aren't picky about color, they just like to see the worst this world has to offer. Liveleak has been going since '06.
17509456? ago
I like watching the bullet casings magically disappear into thin air.
17509030? ago
That's if anyone actually got shot....
17508157? ago
Watch it alongside the commentary in this great QRV link: