17464255? ago

I have a copy of whole video and the people rehearsing before that was just posted here. Archive everything.

There are shell casings on the ground.

17459423? ago


The reason people are disputing this is because they like to spread disinfo. Make it seem like something crazy is happening, (disappearing casings for example) then everyone jumps on the bandwagon and starts yelling about the disappearing casings as rock solid proof it's fake. Then more evidence comes out (a clearer picture or what have you) that the casings are actually there on the ground. Then everyone says "oh yeah, those idiots thinking it's fake because of the disappearing casings, etc." and then BOOM. That's what gets stuck in people's minds. "No, no it's real, the whole "fake" thing was debunked, the casings were there... " etc.

It definitely does look like the casings are disappearing, but you gotta take it easy and not claim "PROOF!!". Just share what you think and let others decide for theirselves. If it comes out that the casings ARE there on the ground, then no harm, no foul. Don't let them manipulate you into thinking you have proof, YET. Share and be skeptical with everything, even your own proofs.

Just a few thoughts. peace.

17459532? ago

I am not just looking at the disappearing casings.

We are not just looking at the disappearing casings.

No one in their right minds will just look at this video and say "FALSE FLAG!"

So why are you here?

17459600? ago

Dude, what I wrote is good advice for ALL events that happen. I'm not just talking about THIS NZ shooting.

It's advice for ALL potential false flags.

I'm using this "disappearing casing" thing as an example. I would think you would say "YEAH GOOD ADVICE!" instead of asking me why I'm here. If after reading what I wrote, you don't understand why I'm here, I don't know what to tell ya, dude.


17459292? ago

Well that sure is misleading as fuck. Watch the actual video yourself a few times.

17459260? ago

Cheers mate. Save, save and save!

17458905? ago

Qoomers think they found new conspiracy

17458515? ago

The bullet casing are there on the ground next to the pole, it's just fucking shitty quality. Watch more closely.

17459890? ago

I came here to say this. You can clearly see them bouncing off the sidewalk and see them adding up in the driveway,like cigarette butts.

17459006? ago

Watch them, some disappear from the ground.

17458637? ago

What, do you think people are blind as well as dumb?

17458739? ago

I thought they were disappearing too untill I looked really closely myself. You can see some bounce off the fence even.

Just telling anons to decide for themselves.


17458948? ago

Why remove the video? Why remove the channel?

Fuck off bud.

17459035? ago

They seem to be removing anything and everything related to the shooter, are you really that surprised?

Again, just telling anons to decide for themselves what they see because I don't see any disappearing casings.

17458425? ago

If someone does, whats the best way to share it?