17458448? ago

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17451574? ago

Tried it now says account is terminated. No video. They dumped the whole thing. It's getting hot now!

17455323? ago

It's not only "no longer available" on YT, but also on the other links below at Bitchute & Invidio.

This is why Q has said to archive EVERYTHING offline.

17451363? ago


17450869? ago

Jewtube ated it. It ated da video. All eated. Boo.

17449669? ago

Bad video doesn't make casings disappear.......... they would be clattering around on the ground....... visible......... don't shill by pill..........

17448471? ago

Video compression.

Just stop. This is some Alex Jones Controlled op BS. False flag doesn’t mean fake. Stop shilling.

Or go jerk off to the moon landing hoax and flag earth! Those are disinfo too!

17452264? ago

Ok Goy

17457932? ago

Lmao whatever you gotta tell yourself. Your words mean nothing on an anonymous board. Only a low IQ buffoon would make assumptions like that!

How about you actually address the content of my comment instead of name calling...

17461757? ago

What content? Your kike handlers removed the video.

Now fuck off Goldstein.

17461793? ago

Murrr murr mur mur murrrrr!

17448895? ago

Stfu. Let others talk for you

17449389? ago

Low IQ

17462266? ago

But High all the time!

how's your day friend?

17449386? ago

Nah. I speak for myself faggot.

You’re glowing.

17448502? ago

There’s plenty of evidence that people actually died. So focus on motives and connections. Not low IQ conspiracy theories that make zero sense. Some people just take it too far.

17452274? ago

Really? Glad you're on your knees for your telly.

17447069? ago

That is weird as hell - I know Hollyweird is full of satanic idiots, but even those baboon should be able to figure out how to fake a video with bullets landing on floor.

Definitely something there.

17446426? ago

John Podesta there a little while before the attack, calls NZ a "juicy target."

It's looking more and more like a FF, and was identified as such in the beginning.

These scum democrats had to go somewhere they weren't being watched.

17445664? ago

Idk, still think its real. its insane. :(

17452225? ago

Yes people very well might have died but the shooter was probably an agent and the event was mostly all staged/allowed to happen. Who knows..

17445735? ago

The casings / shells to the bullets DISAPPEAR!

Holy shit man, watch the actual video and go to minute 8:30 to when the MOSSAD FAGGOT runs out of the Mosque. He unloads 30 rounds and the shells DISAPPEAR! It almost looks legit for 2 seconds, then no other casings show up on the ground. They['d be scattering all over hell at that point. Complete bullshit. Go to a shooting range for even half an hour and observe how casings land and scatter on the ground.

17446986? ago

The jig is up for this false flag. The video was a production. When he first enters the mosque there is a barefooted guy crawling away that he terminates and is laying dead in a angle. https://magaimg.net/img/7ifo.png The shooter then goes to the back room for a minute and a half or something like that and when he comes back out the guy is still laying there dead. https://magaimg.net/img/7ifp.png BUT the guy is no longer barefoot, he now has on blue socks.

I feel this cannot be reasonably explain unless you admit it was a studio production. nobody is going to have put socks on someone that's shot while the shooter is a room away shooting more people. and so were supposed to believe that he went and got on his socks, came back to the same exact spot, and same exact angle and die again?

Add to that this suspicious video of a mosque preparing for a false flag. https://www.facebook.com/laurelgertie.tulsa/videos/126289368450848/

and the video where the shells appear to disappear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HQC-ZxqaVs&feature=youtu.be It doesn't make this crime much smaller, but it does prove they seem to be trying to pull off a mind f@@k.

17448534? ago

Someone with enough points make a fucking post with only the socks! Plain and simple! You could say it's s(h)ocking!

17448206? ago

Glad you posted... Sat. am I saw that as well but didn't want the flack. Also when he first started shooting at the entrance. Notice the gloves... few frames forward on left arm, glove & sleeve separate exposing skin & lower arm. skin color? thin? as he gets just inside on floor on right by table looks like a rifle. BTW it looks like he is glove-less in your vid but not the same hand & arm entering building.. Is there conf.that mosque is in NZ? No prayer rugs to be seen... anywhere!

17448408? ago

he throws the rifle down when he first comes in the door, and switches to a different weapon, I noticed that when I first watched it, but he does it so quickly you might not realize he had left the rifle at the door on the way in. I also noticed that he enters again and the guy is barefoot again. so that's weird.

17445554? ago

I wonder if someone came in there and filmed source footage, and then used that to create some sort of augmented reality (VR) scenario. where they modified the video to look very realistic, and released it and the manifesto. you could pull this off with a 360 degree camera and a sweep of the facility, you could probably take that and modify from there and create a very realistic looking video that appeared to be a real-time event. Meaning could this be a studio production?

17445038? ago

So how many actual deaths? Fewer than 10? 5?

17444968? ago

Fake as fuck

17448899? ago

You wouldn't notice the small bump of running someone over. Tires sink right through the body, never seen roadkill?

17444907? ago

You can see a change in pixels where the casings are landing. It's just a combination of bad video & small thin cartridges being hard to see in crap video.

17446363? ago

I don't think so bro...even in slow mo, you can see the direction the casings are going, but they'd bounce around/form a little pile even. Instead, they just vanish. I don't think that's video quality otherwise you'd never see them at all. Looks bogus AF.

17448360? ago

Have to disagree. You're talking about bullet casings that are less than a half inch thick combined with crappy video quality where you can see the pixels on the grey asphalt change ever so slightly to lighter colored pixels in the exact area where the bullet casings should be landing.

Don't get me wrong, I originally bought OP's premise when I watched the first 10 seconds. You don't really see the change in pixels until later on, when there are more casings on the ground.

17443525? ago

What about all the dead bodies in the mosque despite only a few shots fired at the beginning? He exits comes back even more people

17445472? ago

Tracey Gray, described him as a hard-working trainer but said he appeared to have been changed by his travels in Europe and Asia - which social media posts suggested included trips as far afield as Pakistan and North Korea. Ankara on Friday said it was investigating Tarrant's multiple visits to Turkey, and who he might have met while he was there. The Bulgarian government has also said it was looking into Tarrant, who apparently visited the country late last year, as well as having earlier travelled to other parts of the Balkans -- including Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. "I think something must have changed in him during the years he spent travelling overseas," Gray told national broadcaster ABC. "Somewhere along the lines, experiences or a group have got a hold of him," she said.

17444352? ago

And the dude who starts off with barefeet...then has blue socks on. Yeah...ok.

Thanks WETA! How about you pricks stick to Lord of the Rings.

17445629? ago

And the dude who starts off with barefeet...then has blue socks on. Yeah...ok.

You’re gonna have to link to a graphic depiction or I’m calling made up bullshit

17445911? ago

Oh, I see now.

Just kidding.

I’m not going to click on whatever insecure honeypot cancer link which has a fucking Facebook tracker embedded in the URL you fucking imbecile.

17445968? ago



Now try it you pussy. As if you aren't on a fucking list already. "muh VPN'...yeah, fuck you.

17446033? ago

Nah, not going to whatever that cancer site is, regardless if your knitting club shared it with you on Facebook

17446154? ago

Complete faggot confirmed.

17447552? ago

Did you post a link with a Facebook tracker and then...

17443468? ago

I think it's just the low quality video. You can see the casings all over the floor when he is inside and it's a little darker.

17444748? ago

Did you even watch the damned video .... sigh

17445019? ago

Dude, chill. I just have a different opinion.

17443693? ago

Something is low quality... that's for sure.

17444267? ago

Cognition is a privilege reserved for the competent.

17444377? ago

And cognizance would tell us that if a weapon is firing, and all things being equal, that casings would always show up and not magically disappear....then be blamed on 'thinking' it's 'low quality video' when it's the exact same quality as the False Flag Mossad fucking prick that took the live stream over Youtube.

17445722? ago

Just looked at my copy and you can see them landing and lying beside that pillar. Here's something to think about. Ever seen video of helicopter blades spinning?

17448437? ago

RPM's on heli blade rotation comp. to casings ejecting from a AR? really... did you see them eject from gun to pillar? Hardly any R visual because of body cam position,

17448643? ago

did you see them eject from gun to pillar?

No, they ejected, then disappeared right in mid air. There was a guy off to the side who then tossed the same type cartridges down at the base of the pillar where the original cartridges would have landed, if only they hadn't disappeared in mid air.

17445141? ago

Yeah, but it's a very real possibility that the casings aren't actually disappearing. You just can't see them in the light of day in a crappy quality video. So why weren't the casings disappearing inside, too? They're all over the floor inside. YES, it looks like they are disappearing, I totally get it. But I don't think they are ACTUALLY disappearing. It just looks that way.

Damn ya'll. So quick to turn on someone just because they have a different opinion or a different possible explanation for what you're seeing. I'm not the damn enemy.

17445871? ago


Skip to 8:35 onward. look to the right of the White corner of the wall and it looks like the bullets land there...and stick...and like 4 of them...then none show up and others are nowhere to be seen. It's nonsense. They would hit and roll even a slight degree. But hit and magically stick...to disappear. And no way, the camera Mossad Prick uses is quite decent quality and catches many details. No way should the bullets show in one area and just go all WETA SFX in another. Ridiculous.

17446401? ago

Hey man, you might be right, I really don't know. I just always try to look for all possible explanations. From past experience with combing over videos with a fine tooth comb, I've made mistakes in the past where I was 100% positive of something, then later found out I was totally wrong. The more explanations you can look for, the easier it is to cancel out everything that is not possible. Like I said, you may be right. I'm just not totally sure you are. peace.