17620170? ago

'this apparent crime against humanity by New Zealand Freemasons should see them cast out of the international order.'... ., NZ False Flag to Disarm America or even start World War III https://voat.co/v/QRV/3117803 The individual received an “inheritance” when he lost his family, a common Mossad technique for picking up promising orphaned males for mind-control projects, and spent years traveling including North Korea, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, and Syria and in training in Zionist Israel.

17618763? ago


17826256? ago

Massacre was Masonic Gun Grab, says NZ Man https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3139803

17448271? ago

an old group in North of Iran, the Clowns? Eastern Europe, North Korea and Pakistan ? those that control the flow and content of information? A senior Turkish official says Tarrant spent an 'extended period of time in the country' across multiple trips.

He says the suspect may have also travelled to countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

The official says an investigation is underway of 'the suspect's movements and contacts within the country'.

A picture posted on social media by a Pakistani hotel manager in 2018 appears to show him in the country during his time abroad. @Phantom42 @Charlez6 ? @Mr_Quagmire @American-Patriot @MrShekelstein ... People in the Britain England have been arrested for simply commenting on this shooting....world wide becoming a crime to discuss/question events? People now demonized for questioning the obvious complete BullShit official story? chopped up into 14 pieces and fed to fish. Maybe Pagan? Could be from Egypt, could be biblical ?? A Fish or a run or just mis-information? Don't worry, your guys Alex Jones and Joe Rogan are on top of it all. Nothing to see here! The Bulgarian government has also said it was looking into it all. A mass murdering killer and maybe something else strange about the Aus guy in NZ. How did he fund the years over seas?

17433055? ago

The fuck; is he actually a glow-in-the-dark nigger?

17438645? ago

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17433085? ago

This would explain the spam attack on voat by dormant accounts and the effort to get 4chan banned

17429247? ago

Shut it Down !! @Ex-Redditor @DrHatchetWound @cyclops1771 @gazillions strange about this Aus guy in NZ, all that time in Turkey, Bosnia, Pakistani Hotel?

17429229? ago

How is he spending so much time in these strange places? @observation1 @Yuke @generate @generate How is he funding trips and spending so much time with Turkish, in Bosnia, India, the Hotel in Pakistan?

17469176? ago

Indeed. Who even has any inclination to visit these places?

I was also concerned with the "bitcoin millionnaire" drop which is the perfect excuse to obscure laundering, on the surface.

But the fact of the matter is it would be impossible to get cash out of bitcoin without setting off alarms.

17416633? ago

A well groomed white blonde walking around in the Middle East for 7 years without getting killed? I don’t think so. DS / CIA asset.

17428633? ago

No doubt mass murder a terrible crime but now People post conspiracy stuff ... https://www.voat.co/v/news/3098925/17410343 'Anyone who saw the video knows that shit is all bogus, and you won't hear much more about it. They wanted to make it look like some vast white supremist group attack. They need that for their agenda. We will see how far they are willing to go/lie to keep it alive.'

17429282? ago

Lots of time in strange places, Pakistan, Bosnia, India, the Balkans, Turkey and other regions, former war zones? @Approved @Baconmon @veteran88 @CANCEL-CAT-FACTS the Aussie who shot the Mosque in NZ. Whats he doing at the Hotel in Paki lands?

17416432? ago

Fuck Turkey and the shooter.

The reason the shooter threw in calls to kill Erdogan, is to delegitimize the very few people who actually bother to look into Erdogan and Turkey.

17416116? ago

What you bet after his trial he is given a new identity and disappears?

17420582? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3099817/17420137 'Sounds like a go-getter. You ever been out'a your own state?'

17423701? ago

World traveler kiddy. And you dont seem to have any argument other than acting stupid.

17428619? ago

What other group world travels, a normal world traveler spends time with Mexican or HongKong girls, or has some beer and wine and meets an Italian girl. What's he doing with the islamics, the Shiites? then he shoots the muslim Sunni place? How did he spend so long in Turkey, Bosnia, Pakistan ... footage now getting released of his 'world travels'

17429540? ago

While puds like you sit in your mommys basement drooling over pictures of hillary. Ever heard of the US military jerkwad? Some of us defended your freedoms while you play yosi on your nitendo. Grow a pair and shut your fat lip.

17433183? ago

This is not military I'm guessing these are the same troublesome faggots who gave weapons to Asscrackistan and watched dumbfounded when their jihad buddies carried out the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, can you explain why Kennedy wanted to shatter a certain troublesome, bomb running drug running group 'into a thousand pieces' and then 'scatter it to the winds'?

17441362? ago

Yep. It is clowns and certain ..... Areas, (north of Iran) and I havent had but a sip of coffee and I cant remember its name. Has a lot of cabal symbolism in its archteture. As I said Im just getting my feet on the floor. And from the looks of it, it had to have been set up by the clowns. And there was the airline also, ...boy Im brain dead this morning. Lol. That was shuttling obamas money and ree cross money. Also have you noticed everyone is shutting down any coverage on the NZ shooting? NZ is prosecuting people for just talking about it online. This should tell us a lot. Btw we live in Asia. Im 12 hours ahead, its morning here.

17415524? ago

Throwing it out there.. Would there be any chance he was trying to secure radioactive materials from NK? Dirty bomb or something like that.. These people are desperate to do something big and you can't get much bigger than that.

Pakistan is also a nuclear country too..

17417278? ago

Do you guys contribute anything to voat or do you just shitpost? @Gravspeed @WhiteRonin @gabara @ExpertShitposter @totes_magotes anyways he sure did a lot of travel Pakis, Turks, Arabia

17419514? ago

What’s up paki dick sucker!

How you been? Have you figured out how to get rid of the rancid curry smell at you house yet?

17418112? ago

Mostly shitpost. Thanks though.

This guy's Pakistani connections put a really interesting spin on the whole thing.

17421086? ago

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17415412? ago

Why? Clown circus training

17429305? ago

Whats he doing all this time with Turkish, Balkan trip, India, Bosnia, Pakistan? @ViAik @SporadicSpasms @CowWithBeef @HenryCabotLodge is there something more to the story, how was he funding the trips and whats he doing at the Hotel in Pakistan?

17430112? ago

Something is fishy and it's scary to think about what the goals would have been if this was a false flag.

I'd rather focus on changing people's behavior in a positive way. White Christian countries are trending toward no longer being either of those things. White fertility has to go above replacement soon or extinction seems inevitable. France, England, and Germany are Muslim countries that have lots of zombie whites(non-breeding) keeping that from being official yet. Many more white Christian countries are showing signs of changing as well. Lone wolf mosque attacks will not ever change this. As soon as a country has automatic welfare for kids, reckless breeding becomes the ideal procreation strategy. Repeal welfare, breed like rabbits, or die off.

17415804? ago

Technically there shouldn't if Q is right and neutralized the CIA on that regions. But who knows.

17414321? ago

CIA training

17415928? ago

Mossad, CIA, or highest probability British MI6 - he was checking possible routes for terrorists to enter Europe. See the path, see the pattern!

17433291? ago

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17433242? ago

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17415210? ago

Thats what came to mind

17412916? ago

Clown op

17470489? ago

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17414753? ago

You forget how old these all seeing eye and pyramids are? There is a post which says old nizari ismailis are connected to the old sect of assassins from alamut, in ne iran today? the Masons, Shriners, Jesters? There is a user who says sufi gnostic mystics that influenced the jewish sabbateans, the marranos, the templars, the salonica donmeh, the young turks? These Nizari Ismailis were an order of assassins located in the mountains throughout Iran and Syria. They were led by Hasan-i Sabbah, who used the group in order to gain political power. He would send his assassins to threaten or even kill high up officials, who themselves had a lot of power. The assassins would sometimes spend years, gaining someone’s trust, and then wait the right moment to kill them.

17412261? ago

https://archive.ph/iMETr :

2019-03-16 | Turkey releases CCTV of Christchurch terror suspect at Istanbul airport | Daily Mail Online

"One woman who knew him before he left Grafton speculated to Daily Mail Australia that 'something happened to him' during his time abroad.", "She said: 'I know he's been travelling since he left Grafton."

'Australian-born Brenton Tarrant, 28, allegedly livestreamed his sickening attack on two Christchurch mosques on Friday, leaving 49 dead. '

'Turkish border authorities are also examining two trips by Tarrant to the country in 2016, CCTV footage capturing him walking through the airport in March, 2016. '

'Turkish authorities have released a CCTV picture of the New Zealand mosque suspected killer after he had an extended stay in the country in 2016. '

This has been an automated message.

17412109? ago


17433066? ago

He was doing a lot of travel before the Aus shoot the NZ mosque, whats with all the strange almost war zone trips @Heisenberg123 Is there a conspiracy here? @Onetime1 @The1stLantern @fogdryer @srayzie not sure?

17473726? ago

You can buy as many women and children your heart desires. Under the guise of work/ travel there is slot to be seen. ! 😡

17440796? ago

Hey @virge what you got to say here buddy?

17437340? ago

Stay tuned. Posting my findings tonight.

17471084? ago

and ?

17472887? ago

And? And what check post history.

17495794? ago

LINKY - This is anon, nobody sees post history

17435798? ago

That was a false flag. They are going after Sites like 8chan for “radicalizing” nut jobs.

17438572? ago

8chan is where QAnon is posting. John Podesta was in New Zealand day before the shooting and he praised politician who supports ban on gun rights. Also there's truth coming out about Obama conspiring through DOJ deal with Clinton to stop FBI into looking to Clinton emails with possibly more truth bombs coming out very soon. "Coincidence" they say. Timing is striking.

17438592? ago


17414786? ago

From 4chan - Background info on NZ Shooter https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3098487/17403194 And this is why taking down the chans is so important to them.

17412016? ago

Yes! Do not fall for the narrative from NZ. I urge all governments to dig deep into this guy!

17414668? ago

Could be something? A Hotel with connections to Pakistan and Iran? https://www.voat.co/v/AskAnon/3099258

17417147? ago

Independently wealthy, and traveled for 8 years? Hmmm.

17412052? ago


17414689? ago

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