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17431967? ago

They don't belong here

17433229? ago

Why was the dude in Turkey, Bosnia, N.Korea and Pakistan? 'highest probability British MI6'

17434876? ago

Wouldn't any normal, non-clown traveler have to answer for that travel itinerary when entering a western nation?

Unless this guy worked for a 'non-profit' (ngo's being a popular cover for c_a operatives so that doesn't preclude clown involvement) or was a member of press (with credentials and published work) he would have explaining to do at a customs check. And my guess is end up on a watch list.

There was a person with my name (about 20 years older than me) that did something that slows up my processing upon US re-entry when returning from foreign travels. Customs agents sit up and do double (or triple) takes at the desk. Look at me look at computer, look at me, look at computer. The customs automated machines flag me and make me see a real person. I have been asked if I have ever visited ___ country or renounced US citizenship.

I only know the 20 year difference part because I asked an agent once what the deal was, as this tends to happen to me. The agent wouldn't offer anything except my age was too low (by 20 or so years) for me to be the person indicated on their record.

17433252? ago

And we all know that Britain now serves the Antichrist