17437857? ago

? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/3101187 He is a member of the Masonic Forum in Canberra, capital of Australia, listed as something very much other than a social organization. Before the attack, 12 bombs were planted in the same area?

17427030? ago

Voat and 8ch/4ch already block for all of NZ ISP's. I had to sign up for a VPN to get here. It's bullshit

Either all the ISP's have magically all agreed to this at the same time or the whole cointries traffic is routed through a centrally controlled service doing the blocking. Like the great firewall of China.

17427112? ago

Glad you made it here Patriot. Great Firewall of China indeed.

17425655? ago

I signed up for dissenter right now today, exactly because of this

17421424? ago

Read somebody mentioned the live stream was 17 minutes.... mocking Q.

17418877? ago

Problem-Reaction-Solution is defined as the strategy of creating a crisis (the problem), waiting for a call for action to resolve the crisis (the reaction), then taking action (the solution), supposedly in response, which actually furthers a hidden agenda, usually gaining power.

17417162? ago

The Jew wants control of the narrative back. They blew their wad with their controlled MSM going so hard after Trump. They saw him as such a threat that they were willing to gamble on losing the greatest weapon they have had in all of history, and they lost.

17416296? ago

Eggsacly! And not just voat and 8chan. All voices of opposition and truth. And look at where this happened and who is going to (Christschurch) Why there? Why not some big city? Signaling something?

17425625? ago

The point of terrorism is to catch you off guard. The places you don't expect, or places where you feel the safest, to create the most fear.

17415912? ago

Funny you should say that, I'm in NZ & haven't been able to access Voat without using a VPN....

17415908? ago

Maybe we need to exploit and publicise /push the 8ch qresearch preamble denouncing violence and force, in and on Every platform we enter and spend time on.

17416037? ago

very good idea!

17416772? ago

Thanks mate. Every time you open qresearch it is in our faces. We have our Keyboard Warriors in there for sure, but anyone seriously trying to sway anyone's opinion toward exteme violence is usually jumped on and called out pretty damn quick, from my observations.

17415713? ago

I thought that was obvious lol. The whole shooting was fake. I watched it many times, all actor and fake bodies and fake everything..

17417713? ago

where is the best place to watch it?

17427258? ago

dunno, mine stopped working properly too. Cuts out after like 3-4 mins, its 8 mins-ish long.

17415569? ago

Shut. It. Down.

17414819? ago

GP gets it.

17414687? ago

Slaughtering 47.... 1947 year one of CIA. 47 is their MOST FAVORITE signature marker to use. I call complete bullshit.

17412386? ago

Those words kind of resembled an actual shitposter (and/or shill... same difference) until you get to the PewDiePie mentions.

17412077? ago

Nz patriot here . Still cant get into 8channel.

17416369? ago

try Tor browser or Orfox on Android phone or try using a VPN service

17411717? ago

Don't think 8 chan is going to go down. If FB = CIA (censorship), then 8 chan = NSA (free speech). We already know CIA and NSA have been at war, i.e. Edward Snowden. I think NSA "cleaning crew" did some damage to FB this week and CIA is retaliating against 8 chan.

17410560? ago

Arrest Podesta already !!

17409673? ago

The Left can't compete in the marketplace of ideas. They need to silence the opposing views of Patriots and Conservatives. In the old days liberals used to favor public debate. No more. No one is buying communism and they are in a rage. They don't have the ability to humble themselves and accept the loss of 2016. We're in a soft civil war.

17409235? ago

The media are desperate to link q to the NZ attack....


17417122? ago

article written by a Rothschild!

17409004? ago

Why aren’t they trying to shut down facebook? The killer live streamed to facebook!

17416007? ago

Because Q doesn't hang out at FB...

17408574? ago

Pedosta was there a few days ago, and then all of a sudden, one of their wind up toys goes active, shoots up a bunch of Muslims, and posts a “manifesto” full of lies and contradictions?

Then the PM conveniently trots out a push to ban all guns (90% of commercially available guns are semi-automatic).


17410046? ago


17408390? ago

True - could not be more obvious what these deep state assholes are trying to do. As "Q" states, these people are stupid! I, however, see divine intervention in play against the evil deep state.

17408371? ago

We moved from reddit to here and now it’s clear we’re just gonna all have to get an apartment together.

17415568? ago

No.. you were kicked the fuck off of reddit. You didn't come here voluntarily.

17417745? ago

And like a little bitch you followed along.

17419421? ago

It's free entertainment.

17414595? ago

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17408573? ago


Seems like it

17408207? ago

Knowing what we do the should be called to investigators about each lesson that require to bring down qanon i.e. the Twitter brothers and others

17408117? ago

Hoft just can't stop running his mouth can he.

17407672? ago

From article:

Long known as a haven for extremist, right-wing thought, and a wilder version of the already unruly 4Chan, the 8chan forum has courted controversy in the past. In 2015, for instance, users of the fringe site started a campaign to boycott Star Wars because it had black and female leads. In the same year, child pornography appeared on 8chan, leading Google to delist it. Channels that appear to advertise child-abuse material remain live on the site today.

These sick fuckers...... they use what they do to children and use it against those who try to expose them. It's always the same tactics. It's so obvious when you are awake.

17410352? ago

Yeah, everyone knows 8chan is for DRAWINGS of pedophilia, that is totally different than actual pedophilia. Plus that little girl is actually a 800 year old demon, so it's legal assholes.

17414449? ago

I legit lol'd

17407959? ago

^^ This

17406946? ago

There's a thread in plebbit with 30k upvotes for deleting the Donald too. Fucking faggots.

17417778? ago

they deleted the Donald?? WTF?? That's not good😔

17407527? ago

Reddit HQ is in a building on a street corner in San Francisco. A simple google search yields the address where the people who run reddit can be found.

17410687? ago

Look who the Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian is tied to. He and his wife attended Prince Harry's wedding.

17408052? ago

It would be a real shame if.....

17406593? ago

This tweet with video and "quotes" attributed to 8Chan celebrating the murders. Pretty sure the "celebrations" were Clowns trying to re-enforce the calls to take 8Chan down. These people are pure EVIL. https://twitter.com/trtworld/status/1106582073823895552

17406523? ago

Quick word of advice: if they are successful in taking down 8 and V: DO NOT hop onto whatever they offer next.

They will physically come after you personally. They will call you a terrorist. This is actual war

17410226? ago

Eventually, they will come after you anyway.

It doesn't matter if your comments are racist or accepting.

It doesn't matter if you've called for violence or spoken out against it.

It doesn't matter.

You're here and you've spoken out againt corruption. Whether you started on Reddit, the Chans, or here.

You want to stop The State.

It doesnt make a difference whether you want to try the cases in millitary tribunals or criminal court.

It doesn't matter if the charges have merit, or damning evidence.

It doesn't matter if you want them sent to federal prison, or Gitmo, or the gallows.

It doesn't even matter if you want this to be peacable, using the rule of law, as opposed to an armed rebellion.

You want them stopped and brought to justice. That's enough. Any consequences are unacceptable.

You are the generalized other.

You are their enemy. You are lumped in with Voat, 4Chan, 8Chan, The Stormer, and even(gasp!) the evil Voaters.

You need to disabuse yourself of the fantasy that you would get special treatment as "reasonable patriots" as opposed to "Evil white nationalists."

You are their enemy. They will label you however they see fit to justify your disposal.

You are to the right of Kamala Harris. That is enough.

If you think otherwise, you are a fool.

17422388? ago

Some are under no illusions to the contrary. Right now there is a large contigent of people with their faith in Q to cut the heads of the Hydra on behalf of those who seek justice. If they are able to achieve this by legal means it would allow for probably the lowest amount of life lost. If they are not, the outcome was always going to be conflict. There will likely be some kind of conflict regardless of the success of Q simply because some people are unwilling to come to terms with it. Those who have solidified their values are not scared to face this evil, to put a stop to, as you say "the State".

Q will wait until the last possible second before playing his/her hand. Q will expend as much of their ammunition as possible before playing. Q will have to do this in order to allow for the maximum spread of the message and therefore maximum mitigation of their weapons. The State's tools only work when people believe in them.

In the meantime, people will surely die as a result of these actions. Some, like those "on the outside" will have to rely on backchannel info, however reliable or not, and their own speculation / observation.

They will call all of us terrorists. Some are already calling us terrorists. I think we are already across the Rubicon. The cat is out of the bag and it isn't going back in.

17413341? ago

The ride never ends

17406452? ago

Of course. Every home in the US should have a rifleman, and a FreedomBox, in it. They must violate the right to speech so that they can violate the right to be armed so that they can violate the right to speech.

One protects the other, so they need to get rid of both. Stop enabling their narrative and pretenses. They're at war with us, and any allowances to the contrary enables them to progress against us without us showing up to defend ourselves.

They control all the recent intel. The only things we can know are principles. All we need is adhere to the founding principles and wisdom of our nation. Decentralize all the things!

Every individual who respects the inalienable rights of the individual is an American, and an asset. Any opponents to any part of the Constitution/Bill of Rights are our enemies. They don't belong in the US. If they're here, we must defend ourselves.

Everything else is noise!

17406199? ago

Everyone let them get rid of Alex Jones.

8chan isn’t going to be a sword it’s politically viable to fall on.

Liberalism has been turned into full authoritarianism.

Get ready for wars and censorship in the name of what’s POlitically Correct

17405983? ago

They will go after PewDiePie as well.

17406189? ago

pewdiepiechan.org is for sale

17405668? ago

Soon they will make brentChan and chan the fucking chan out of shit. RKchan has a nice ring to it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jAMXWzmfVGY

17405524? ago

This is just the beginning. You have seen nothing yet. That is why I don't believe any of you Q-tist's have taken the REAL RED PILL and are still drinking the KOOL AID.

17411909? ago

He hanging out in Turkey? India? Bosnia? North Korea and Pakistan? ... facebook profile almost empty

17408030? ago

You have no idea of what you're speaking about GLOWFAG. Stop pretending, we all know you don't know shit.

17408464? ago

Since too many answers here dodge the truth, are not acquainted with the truth or are purposeful misdirection, let me just say, plainly, he or she who points their proverbial finger has three more pointing back at them. Good luck.

17405827? ago

How big is your cock?

17408550? ago

Ech. You are gross. Why don't you use your big boy words?

17406403? ago

Childish and totally immature. Why do you ask people that? Are you gay or a whore?

17407205? ago

Well, how big?

17407504? ago

None of your business.

17407567? ago

Well you have certainly put me in my place.

17406219? ago

Which one?

Edward Featherhands is pretty big

17405029? ago

I believe Q said Voat will eventually be taken down by them and we would only have 8 chan to migrate to. Even then, they will go after the chans, which is why Q+ has the EBS at his disposal. This is war.

17414907? ago

EBS could direct folks to military-run websites via IP (bypassing possible censorship at at the DNS-level). ISP attempts to filter out military IPs, interfering with the EBS's use, will probably end up having a bad time.

17410586? ago

Maybe government or DS C_A NSA whoever controls 8ch and wants to force that migration. Hotwheels sold out right? Who has backdoors to Voat for surveillance? Moot sold out. Reddit is being sold out to China. Gab really indy????

17408840? ago


17407280? ago

I have to think at this point there is a digital fortress around 8chan. That site ain’t going down even if the DNS key attack is employed (which it will be, thanks Barry).

Do you think this is a misconception?

17422720? ago

If we all save the IP of 8chan, Q mpas and Q pub sites then we still could reach this sites after a DNS key attack. Or I am wrong?

17417643? ago

No, I don't think it is a misconception. I have been wondering for a while why it has not been taken down or at least attempted with their usual tactic of a DOS attack. The same can be said for the Q maps, and Q pub site. If (((they))) could take it down they would.

17405206? ago


Essentially they are going after:

  • CloudFlare ( they want this BAD )

  • Registrars ( where you register your domain. You take out a registrar and Your domain never even connects. You can kill it in the crib )

  • Individual hosts

Basically they want to police the net. It should be a place for free speech but idiots out there think that if you censor x it’s safety. It’s not.

You don’t win freedom by giving into security. Freedom has a cost. Everyone screaming to take down 8ch etc for what the content is basically are endentured slaves appealing to their masters to clean up the plantation.

You can choose to leave. You can choose to go somewhere else. You can choose to stay and not be bothered. You don’t become free by shutting up others.

17413799? ago

"Just like getting rid of a terrorist’s electricity supply or preventing them from buying groceries,
cutting off Cloudflare would do little to deal with the problem"

17414734? ago

How much ya wanna bet CloudFlare == NSA?

17408625? ago

“Kill it in the crib.” Key part of their sick and demented agenda, just like babies!

17406493? ago

They did all of this to the Daily Stormer, but they found a way to get back up.

17411586? ago

None of us realized at the time, but the DailyStormer is suspected to be... Whatever.

17409789? ago

They got their .com back quite a while ago. Go ahead and check it out yourself, it redirects. Their way to get back up was to cuck, it was when they started using the term "wignat" that they got their .com back

17409263? ago

Yeah...if the Daily Stormer can get back up, anything can get back up.

17407217? ago

And Gab too. Same mass shooting then attack.

17406417? ago

  • and the obvious shill posts (put there by THEM) are there so they can have something to point to in support of their censorship

17406932? ago

Yep. This is done to sabotage any group.

At Tea Party events folks dressed up and acted racist etc

At Occupy people went and threatened to kill city officials etc

Every grass roots group is a threat so if it exists it will have attempts to AstroTurf

17404876? ago

Ding ding!

17411294? ago

hangs with Arabs, in North Korea at hotels in Paki land? https://www.voat.co/v/askvoatanon/3098594/17404485 kiwi farms also banned, Who is Sbbh and have they hijacked voat?

17404842? ago

Didn't the jerk also have a Facebook account? Where is the push to eliminate Facebook?

17424949? ago

To be fair... Everyone has a LifeLog account, whether you create one or not.

17416121? ago

Jewcinda Ahern (NZ’s PM) was an understudy of Mr. Tony ‘Slaughter the Middle East for Oil While Opening Our Borders’ Blair.

She’s a fully paid up member of the Liberal-Fascist NWO. I knew as soon as I read in the NZ Herald that she had won the Election that the days of the gun owning rights of Kiwis were numbered.

New Zealand is a well known bolt-hole for the world’s Billionaires and Oligarchs. When the manufactured crash arrives and they all jump into their G5’s to escape, there’s no way they want to be greeted by any angry armed mob in full ownership of the facts.

So, guns are going to be banned and access to non-sanctioned websites such as the Chans, Voat and Dissenter have been blocked.

Don’t be fooled by this Global Cabal FF Kiwi patriots. You’re at War for your freedom, and you just lost a major battle.

17408483? ago

It is coming slow but sure. Also, who else thinks Fuckerberg looks like a robot?

17426385? ago

loool fuckerberg this is a new one but gold !

17419735? ago

Me too. He definitely doesn't look human to me. A robot directly from the star trek movie. He seemed to be remote controlled from men in suite sitting behind him.

17409274? ago

He looks like an alien hybrid to me!

17416338? ago

Peewee Herman comes to mind.

17410340? ago

Alien hybrid cyborg?

17407441? ago

Its all about censorship of conservatives and especially white conservatives.

Its also about the 2020 election.

17406747? ago

It's kike owned and operated so it's OK Goys. Only gentile owned entities are in danger.

17407443? ago

So that's gab in the clear at least.

17410513? ago

I always wonder if maybe some of the free speech boards are government operated and this move would motivate migration. Like the migration from MySpace to Facebook.

17407696? ago

Oh vey

17404936? ago

He live streamed it on Facebook!!

17408429? ago

Disgusting. Who the hell would want to see this abhorrent attack against innocent people? Who indeed?

17430718? ago

I don't know about the innocent part, but yeah...

17410490? ago

I didn’t watch it, on purpose ... the screen shots were enough ... BUT THEN some anon said it was fake. People in white are “dying” but no blood ... made me want to see it with my own eyes

17411894? ago

I seen all kinds of blood. I suggest every patriot watch it! It’s important that we see the enemy.

17410302? ago

It was one of the top posts on Voat all day.

17406621? ago

I wonder if he waited a day for Facebook to come back up?

17410480? ago

Nah, went for their Sabbath for increased building occupancy.

17410469? ago

Cleaning crew: “you’re good to go brah

Shooter: “thanks boo”

17407047? ago

Lol wow what a thought!

17404673? ago

What about Facebook? it was live streamed on Facebook.

17404851? ago

p 11 he wanted to create division between left and right "...a dramatic polarization of the people in the United States and eventually a fracturing of the US along cultural and racial lines""

p 12 "the nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People's Republic of China"

p 19 won't your attack result in removal of gun rights? "Yes, that is the plan..."

p 25 "Conservatism is dead. Thank God. Now let us move onto something of worth""

p 33 "Green nationalism is the only nationalism" - discusses his own environmental movement

p 47 (sounds like SJW modus operandi) "Emotions rule over facts" "Stop trying to persuade the general population with statistics, charts, tablets and figures....

****** not Qanon at all ********

I searched the document for "8chan" and "Voat" and "Q" and Qanon" and it wasn't there

17406626? ago

can we say false flag operation? yeah, I thought we could.

17409939? ago

How about reading it yourself instead of blindly trusting out of context and edited wording in quotes. He is absolutely right not only about that, but he predicted how you boomers would act. You would willingly sacrifice your own people just to not be called the R word.

17408515? ago


17404555? ago

And more gun control.