History of Ismailis (Satpanthis) ?? Why did the Aussie guy who shot the Mosque in NewZealand spend so much time in Bosnia, India, Balkans, Turkey and Pakistan? (hooktube.com)
submitted 5.8 years ago by 3099258?
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17414399? 5.8 years ago
Down the rabbithole, whats he doing with Turks, Bosnia, Pakis ? @DeltaBravoTango @HitlersMomWasAJew afaik the bosnian izetbegovic was ismaili ? @ShitPostMcGee @muffalettadiver @pickledbeerninja the Aus dude in NZ dude was having a lot of special trips overseas
17414587? 5.8 years ago
The Real Agenda: After NZ Mosque Attack, Calls for Eliminating Voat and 8Chan https://voat.co/v/QRV/3098603/17408371 We moved from reddit to here and now it’s clear we’re just gonna all have to get an apartment together.
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17414399? ago
Down the rabbithole, whats he doing with Turks, Bosnia, Pakis ? @DeltaBravoTango @HitlersMomWasAJew afaik the bosnian izetbegovic was ismaili ? @ShitPostMcGee @muffalettadiver @pickledbeerninja the Aus dude in NZ dude was having a lot of special trips overseas
17414587? ago
The Real Agenda: After NZ Mosque Attack, Calls for Eliminating Voat and 8Chan https://voat.co/v/QRV/3098603/17408371 We moved from reddit to here and now it’s clear we’re just gonna all have to get an apartment together.