17328305? ago

Freemasons Are Definitely Doing Damage Control on Voat https://voat.co/v/QRV/3066194

17324982? ago

Polanski types & Macron is the conspiracy? Rihanna giving a speech in Paris when she met with Macron as an Ambassador for the Global Partnership of Education. She didn't even finish high school. ... . shut it down and walk away. Just look at the elite of Belgium. the island conspiracy? https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/3092071 So, I just happened to be perusing Epstein's LBB for another post when I thought I'd check out a random name on his list: Lisa Heiden.

In this article we have pics of LH with her husband Adam Koffler at Art Basel Miami Beach. I think Adam is heavily into Miami real estate. http://worldredeye.com/2016/11/george-lindemanns-housewarming-in-celebration-of-art-basel-miami-beach/

Adam's brother is Logan Koffler.... vice President of BlackRock.

(see :  Ronald Bernard "BlackRock Inc owns the largest share in the biggest 299 companies in the world") and other voat posts where both Epstein and BlackRock are mentioned here.

Further in his resume....

Before joining BlackRock, Logan was a Vice President at Teneo Strategy, a global CEO advisory firm. He worked across clients - Fortune 50 companies, city agencies and NGOs - to design and implement public affairs campaigns, including strategies for traditional and digital media, corporate positioning and stakeholder engagement. He also served as a speechwriter for Teneo’s CEO clients and executive team.

Prior to joining Teneo, Logan served as the Senior Foreign Policy Associate in President Clinton's Office and the Clinton Foundation. As the President’s primary brief writer on issues related to foreign affairs, Logan helped formulate the President’s position on sensitive geopolitical issues. He also worked in support of the Foundation’s international initiatives, helping manage relations with foreign governments and Heads of State.

Prior to joining President Clinton’s Foreign Policy team, Logan worked as the Special Projects Manager at the Alliance for a Healthier Generation - an initiative of the Clinton Foundation and the American Heart Association. In addition, he served as the Director of Communications for the Global Leadership Institute in Boulder, CO where he helped develop and manage a month-long program providing student leaders with skills and resources for social entrepreneurship. In 2007, Logan spent time with the Law and Justice Unit at ABC News where he co-authored news reports.

And apparently in 2007 Logan was at the Institute for Shipboard Education where he 'circumnavigated the globe studying in 12 countries with guest professor Archbishop Desmond Tutu'.

Desmond Tutu you say? Voat post:

Absolute Proof of (Satanic) Horror involving Child Molestation and Disposal in The Netherlands

    [https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1732692/8480557](https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1732692/8480557) (comment by [@TheWhiteKnight](https://voat.co/u/TheWhiteKnight) )..

    Edit 3; Desmond Tutu is ook 1 van de ambassadeurs, dit is alleen maar een gedachtenspinsel, maar hij heeft ook een Child youth care centrum. Richard Branson, een andere ambassadeur, was hele goede vrienden met nu veroordeelde Jeffrey Epstein (van Pedophile Island). Zijn eigen eiland ligt dr ook vlakbij. Nogmaals, dit is ook weer een gedachtenspinsel.

        Google Dutch translator: Desmond Tutu is also one of the ambassadors, this is just a principle of thought, but he also has a Child youth care center. Richard Branson, another ambassador, was very good friends with now convicted Jeffrey Epstein (from Pedophile Island). His own island is also nearby. Again, this is also a principle of thought.

Another voat post: [https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1516813](https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1516813)

    ..FBIAnon said that Muhammad Yunus needs to be looked into .. Yunus was a Clinton Foundation donor, and one of his charities, Yunus Social Business GmbH, teamed up with the Clinton Foundation in Haiti to "solve social and environmental issues in Haiti by bringing sustainable, productive, and socially responsible forests to the country" via the Haiti Forest initiative. …

    "These days, Professor Yunus spends a lot of his time travelling. Since stepping down in 2007 from the 'Elders' – the elite group of elder statesman and world leaders that includes Nelson Mandela, Jimmy Carter and Desmond Tutu – to concentrate on his work (the first person to leave the exclusive group), he has become a perennial conference-goer. Today is no different. He bounces through the hallways of the convention centre hosting the One Young World conference – established to nurture the leaders of tomorrow – stopping occasionally to bat away praise or answer a question from a precocious young delegate....

    "After telling the youngsters at the One Young World conference – where he was greeted by the screams of 1,000 vuvuzelas – that they should 'take chances', he confirms later that he thinks 'The world will be changed by young people. After all, it is my generation who got things wrong. We have created a world that is not happy. We created poverty and unemployment. But these kids still don't realise how powerful they are.'"

Hmmm... didn't we hear that same speech (more-or-less) just recently given by Prince Harry? Just sayin...

and there's this: [https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2433886](https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2433886)

    Scilla Elworthy, founded Oxford Research Group, "helped to set up The Elders Initiative and acted as an advisor to Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Richard Branson."

    She is a patron of Peace Direct with Helena Kennedy who is connected to the Rockefellers.

[Will come back to that morsel in another post.]

Lisa Heiden's sister is Leslie Wolfson (also mentioned in Epstein's LBB): http://www.wireimage.com/celebrity-pictures/Leslie-Wolfson-and-Lisa-Heiden/107607543

Here they are at a 2015 gala for Voices For Children Foundation : http://worldredeye.com/2015/01/2015-be-a-voice-feel-the-passion-gala/

a Miami not-for-profit organization advocating for children in foster care, and Harry Winston, Inc., the international fine jeweler and watchmaker, served as hosts to approximately 500 of Miami’s most influential and philanthropic individuals for the organization’s 30th anniversary “Be A Voice, Feel The Passion” gala.

In this image we have Lisa and Leslie with Marianna Olszewskia and Terri Kahan

Marianna Olszewskia has been mentioned in the Panama Papers:


In April 2016, the BBC, using documents leaked as part of the Panama Papers, detailed her use of the services of Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca to provide a false beneficial owner in order to repatriate to the United States money she had invested in a secret offshore company without her name being disclosed in the transaction.


In 2004, The Telegraph reported that Olszewski's engagement to Charlie Butter, godson of Queen Elizabeth II, had been called off. In 2007, Olszewski married Christopher Robert Rounick in New York.

Funny, there's the Royal family being mentioned again – coincidentally, of course... more to come..

17324998? ago

Tutu a Masonic and Mandela a Freemason?

17324620? ago

he was 15 and she was 39 ?? babylon elites have blackmail on? isle of Saint Martin? globalist French politician, ex Nigeria and a former Banker of the Rothschild & Cie Banque ... Cultural mixing, the commie globalist islamo and perverted Kike War Against Europeans and white Christian Americans in Advertising ... https://imgoat.com/uploads/f8229696f7/173167.jpeg the Role in the Porn Industry Anonymous | Anons? France is No Longer France?

17327223? ago

Which came first the globalist mason or the global jew type? @NeoGoat @ToFat2Fish ? end of the scam @Two_Soup @TheodoreKent ? @FormerBaltimoreRes rumors of a New Orleans connection