17302687? ago

I don't think learning cancer is not natural or is manufactured would put 99% in the hospital. I think it is a much bigger disclosure that may truly shatter our world view. More like the Matrix, some people will simply NOT be able to process the truth and will choose ignorance and slavery.

17295984? ago

I mean...

IF this were true, and 99% of people would need to be treated if this came to light, then NOT bringing it to light is one of the most evil acts I can conceive of. To let those people go untreated would be appalling. How could you possibly condone not exposing this?

17293470? ago

This is a bit much. Cancer has always been around. No doubt that it has likely increased with all of the crap everywhere.

17290765? ago

Feeding us the remains of others. Try as hard as you can to make your food from scratch. Even the bread has bromine Everything unatural is designed to wear us down.

17289535? ago

B17 targets a protein only found in cancer cells and kills them.

Budwig Protocol is a quick and natural way to oxygenate the body. The oxygen doesn't kill the cells, it helps to repair them.

Black seed oil has a number of anti-cancerous properties, mix a spoonful with Manuka Honey and it is very powerful.

Something I discovered recently that helps to repair damaged cells right down to the mitochondria and dna plus also happens to be the most powerful antioxidant we can consume is hydrogen infused water. It's anti-inflammatory and completely natural. The hydrogen bonds with oxygen free radicals (these cause the most damage to the body, they try to find other molecules to bond to and end up damaging cells in the process - the main cause of ageing) to produce water, hydrating the body. Consuming 1.5 litres of this water is like consuming the same antioxidant content as 1500 bananas or 600 apples!

17291174? ago

Nice summary thanks. Like the other questioner, more information on hydrogen water? This info from dr sircus? Any links or physicians to recommend. Have u heard of GcMAF and dr Bradstreet?

17293472? ago

I haven't heard of Dr Sircus, nor GcMAF or Dr Bradstreet.

I can't remember how I stumbled across it. It's a big thing in Japan, part of their culture there. They have been drinking it for years, and bathing in it too. They have done many studies, something like 1000, to test the effects of hydrogen water with many ailments, cancer, diabetes, arthritis etc.. It appears to be beneficial in man different ways and from what I've read, inflammation is one of the biggest causes of disease and pain and hydrogen is very effective at minimising it due to the way that it combats the oxygen free radicals that are the biggest cause of inflammation.

I can't recommend any links in particular but if you do a search for molecular hydrogen water and you'll find numerous sites and studies about it.

I've been very surprised with how it has affected me but then everyone is different so results will be different for everyone.

17305729? ago

Thanks for the info. I work with a Japanese trained acupuncturist. We will discuss hydrogen water. Dr Bradstreet used GcMAF granulocyte macrophage activating factor as a 6 month IV drip for curing autism in his son. Went from banging his head against the wall at 3 to graduating high school. He gave a talk at autism one 2015, missing his son's graduation from high school to give the talk. 2 weeks later the FDA had raided his lab and he was found shot gun blast to the chest floating in a river which they ruled suicide. The Japanese scientist that researched GcMAF had all his articles rescinded from publication, and 2-3 Swiss clinics were shut down that were successfully treating stage 4 tumor cancers. Now u hav to go to Japan to get this naturally occurring immunopeptide in IV drip while we sell much less effective immunotherapy here still dosed with radiation. GcMAF can be grown in yogurt and dosed with vitamin d but the IV form is the most effective. A Japanese man did use the yogurt based GcMAF on his mom with pancreatic cancer as she was dieing. She recovered fully. I've had 2 acquaintances die of pancreatic cancer lately, one was a scientist's son. People don't want to step out of the box and try new therapies unless stamped by the FDA. The corruption in our beaurocracy has to be fixed, the money strings cut. The only other person I've heard of who has survived after a pancreatic cancer diagnosis is Ruth bader Ginsburg... https://www.saisei-mirai.or.jp/en/macrophage_eng/

17309860? ago

Thanks for the info, interesting stuff.. I've never heard of GcMAF, I'll look into it. Always good to file these things in the back of the mind just in case..

It's incredible how many stories there are out there of people who have managed to improve their conditions with natural processes instead of 'FDA approved' methods, ie chemicals, drugs or radiation. It makes you realise how crooked the system is, especially when you hear about people who have helped people survive horrendous conditions ending up being arrested or worse. It's disgraceful.

It'll be interesting to hear what your acupuncturist colleague says about the hydrogen water though. When I go to New York to visit a relative, he goes to a Chinese acupuncturist and it does him a world of good. I'm not too fond of needles so they also do a massage that hits the nerves like the needles. The first time I had one, I felt like I had been run over by a steam roller but after a few hours I felt really good. Need to find one near home, haven't done so yet..

17327991? ago

He knew about hydrogen water, has used it, interested in working with it again. Thanks

17328071? ago

Interesting.. I still can't help thinking that it's knowledge that has been kept from us. It's so simple, cheap, natural and does such wonders for the body, it's everything that the big Pharma companies don't want for us..!

17291020? ago

My understanding is that ozonated water does the same (I mean O3 capures another O free roaming radical. Whether Ozonated water is better or not as good as hydrogenated water, I don' t know. I usually do 2 months O water and 2 months H water. What are your thoughts on that, please? At the moment, I am looking at the Earthpulse re mitochondria healing. By the way, there are cheap hydrogenators for water called Hydrogen bottles (some on Am...).

17293267? ago

Not sure about ozonated water. From what I've read, you don't want ozone in your water at all.

The way the hydrated water works is by simple electrolysis, the hydrogen gas dissolves into the water and the oxygen is ejected through a small exhaust (be cautious of cheap bottles, it's advisable to find a water bottle with the pem/spe membranes - it separates the oxygen from the hydrogen. Also look out for an exhaust to discharge the oxygen gas out of the water. The bottle I bought has the membrane but not the exhaust so the oxygen bubbles up to the top of the water instead of outside the bottle. Not essential but from what I've read, better to get rid of the oxygen altogether).

When you drink it, the hydrogen (H2) goes into the bloodstream and bumps into the oxygen free radicals (O) to form H2O, or as we all know, water. There are other free radicals but we need some of them, this doesn't affect the good ones, only the bad ones. It's selective chemistry, very clever. That process mops up the most damaging free radicals that our bodies produce and turns it into harmless natural water that help hydrate more effectively, reduces inflammation, reduces (or in my case eliminates) pain and so much more..

I can't help thinking it's knowledge that has been kept from us as it's so effective.

I haven't heard of Earthpulse, don't know what that is.

17293960? ago

Thank you for your comment. Ozonated water is part of the Bob Beck' s protocole. Yes I do realise my unit is cheap and in the future I' ll get one with a membrane. But quite a few things to buy right now. For the earthpulse units, they are good for people who can' t sleep well -which is very damageable to people' s health, thankfully not our case- but also just to sleep in a beneficial magnetic field (sometimes it is called magnetic supplementation). There is a video about the magnetic fields that the creator of those units has done, which is very interesting. Here it is https://earthpulse.net/welcome-to-pemf-newsletter/?nm=confirmed&nk=25014-d10571bf62 it is 10 minutes long and every second is worth a pound of gold! Let me know what you think...

17300720? ago

Thanks, I'll look into them..

17288498? ago

Perhaps 99% are just dumb and never heard of a carcinogen.

17291052? ago

Carci what? :-)))

17288469? ago

No...I think THAT would put 99% of the people in their lawyer's office suing the government. Doubtful this would ever be publicly disclosed.

17288274? ago

Anything in excess causes cancer.

Sunlight is necessary for your health. Too much causes cancer. Vitamins and minerals, same thing.

Anything in excess causes cancer. That includes things that are necessary to keep us alive.

17291285? ago

Orthomolecular medicine is the use of high dose vitamins to cure disease. Vitamin c is antiviral, antibiotic and anti toxin. See doctoryourself.com magnesium is low in 70% of the population. Vitamin c is necessary for mitochondria to make atp energy. Cancer cells suck up all the glucose around them and create it own blood circulation systems into the tumor. Cbd and the endocannabinoid system can cut off the blood supply and kill the tumor. Cutting down on sugar and going keto is a good idea, dr Warburg of Germany was allowed to continue his research during World War II because hitter was afraid of cancer. The war on cancer was declared during the Johnson administration. Another war that goes on and on because it's profitable to the elite pharma and medicine machines. Read Mary's monkeys about JFK era CIA lab runner. Mary a high school student could create cancer in months with high dose radiation and the CIA was using her research trying to kill Castro with cancer. Want to go thru those airport scanners again?

17288169? ago

that the uranium one deal money was not taxed

17288155? ago

The KJV of the Bible, God tells us that fasting is good for the body periodically. I don't believe that sugar is the catalyst but stress sure could be. God says not to worry. We should care more about where we go when we die then what we die from. To the sub though, maybe 90 percent of the people will be in the hospital because there is an actual cure and we all go to get it. Who knows, but I would rather know where I am going and being with the Lord that gave me life than what will take my life without salvation.

17287573? ago

Refined sugar is poison

17287349? ago

Learning that Israel and the diaspora are not our allies and, in fact, hate us and work tirelessly to destroy us. 70% of Americans polled said they would die for Israel. That is SICK.

17287428? ago

Do you really believe that poll?

17287217? ago

Yeah, probably...and also child sacrifice and rape, and the whole planned WWWIII thing to reduce the worlds population to a controllable level for the elite to put the remainder of us into complete servitude.

17287103? ago

Cancer means business. No cancer means no business. Who profits off of cancer? Hint: It's not your mechanic.

17286913? ago

Why do you think that over 80 naturopathic doctors who were doing amazing work were killed? Everything we need to care for ourselves is in nature. That's where medicine started. That's where our medicine should come from!

We've been told that "Eastern Medicine" is a hoax. That true medicine is "Western Medicine". Why have some cancer treatment centers started looking to eastern and natural treatments in conjunction with their treatments?

At one time, medicine was about TREATING THE WHOLE PERSON and not just putting a band-aid on the current ailment but getting to the root cause of the ailment. That is REAL MEDICINE! Not drugs. Drugs are for profit to keep you sick and returning for more in order to keep making money.

Indigenous peoples around the world who haven't participated in "medicine" as we know it, do not have cancers like we do. Why? Look at what they eat and how they prepare it. They don't spray it with chemicals. They don't put preservatives in it. They eat REAL foods. They look to nature for cures for their ailments. And, it doesn't cost them a penny.

17286815? ago

... learning your Big Mac has baby meat in it.

17286190? ago

Got cancer? Stop all sugars and push towards alkaline.

17301221? ago

the military recommends soldiers drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking soda every day

17286520? ago

THIS! Cancer feeds off of sugar. Cancer cannot survive in a healthy oxygenated alkaline environment - your body.

We are being killed by our poisoned food, our poisoned water, our poisoned household products and more! It's intentional!

17285907? ago

I shit you not- Iliterally had the OP's message pop into my head this morning.

Some context: I work in a school setting and saw the "free breakfast" they provide for the kids. It was all sugar- those nasty yogurts that are PURE sugar and have no nutritional value whatsoever. I thought "cancer is coming to us from this food".

Imagine the start this post gave me when I read it.

17285956? ago

Now keep paying attention to odd coincidences you can't explain like that.

17287301? ago

There are no coincidences

17285861? ago

No man, that is potentially an obvious thing to learn. It has to be much more fucked up than that.

Please see my thread here:


17285751? ago


17301212? ago

with microsalsa!

17285728? ago

That MATRIX movie is REAL

17285628? ago

There does seem to be a pointless presence of dyes in many products. Why does shampoo, laundry detergent, or toothpaste need to be colored when you're going to see it for at most a few seconds before it turns into colorless lather? Why do most pickle products include Yellow 5 when cucumbers themselves are not yellow on the inside?

17285373? ago

I see posts waiting for Trump to "unseal" secret cures for cancer. There may indeed be something held back but the truth is THERE ARE ALREADY cures for cancer. Watch "The Truth About Cancer" series (first 2 episodes on youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqJAzQe7_0g) to learn how Pharma became BIG Pharma, literally removing a better practice of medicine (prevention, nutrition, homoepathic) through funding universities.

A quick emergency of article of links of cures can be found here.

17285354? ago

Cancer has been around a very long time. There is an increasing number of nonsense threads here to try and distract or divide us. WWG1WGA. A cure for cancer is a different thing. Q discussed cures, not causes, no 3rd party communication.

17285341? ago

Smoke or ingest cannabis and you will be at much less risk.

17285208? ago

Everyone by now knows someone who has had Cancer and the numbers must be much higher now because I’ve known many and two I was related to passed away. Think how many people will be outraged!!! This will only be ONE shoe that drops.

17285099? ago

Then how in the hell did dinosaurs get cancer?

17304748? ago

They did? Thought they succumbed to sun shielding due to meteor impact. >>> Made oil ;)

17301207? ago


17285030? ago

This, and knowing the pope rapes kids and adores satan

17285006? ago

Indeed this would be very disturbing to most people but it is something that we can do something about by persecuting and prosecuting those involved. There are other things that are more disturbing i.e. cloning centers and abduction during REM sleep based on revelations of Donald Marshall and others. I know for most people this is a bridge too far but I find his testimony and other circumstantial evidence as indicative of some truth in what he said. For those inclined to do research connect some threads: Washington State, Whidbey Island, hi-jacked crashed plane, missile attack on POTUS, previously washed up body parts in area as reported by coroner, RCMP cover-ups, Royal Family involvement in cloning centers, ideal location for cloning center would be an island, explosions on Whidbey, and elite ownership of island etc etc. Read Donald Marshall Revolution website. There is more to Whidbey Island than is immediately apparent. The advanced nature of cloning would be very very disturbing to most especially considering the REM sleep abduction aspects of it. I am doing research on this but help would be good and any other insights. Cloning has been going on since 1945. Just think of the advancements in this evil science in 60 plus years.

17284886? ago

They've known cancer is a fungus since the 1930's.

Cancer is Candida albicans and has been weaponized to be more deadly and yes things like HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) are like rocket fuel for this new form.


17284806? ago

The increase in rates of obesity and probably cancer & mental illness have occurred too rapidly for it to be genetic. So what has changed? The FOOD we consume. Get off sugar, question ALL Lab made food, and WTF do they even pump into cattle now? The meat in the U.K. tastes NOTHING like U.S. beef. Buyer beware. Also - Venison with Deer wasting disease. Filter the shit out of your water, go ORGANIC, plant a garden, do not trust the FDA, read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

17301198? ago

distill the water, it's cheaper and doesn't require filter changes (just vinegar to clear out the crud, but a timer can help reduce crud from forming by stopping it before it runs dry)

17323028? ago


17284760? ago

While people often say they do not trust the government, finding out just how evil the government is will be life shattering for 99% of the population. I slowly woke up, and it each step was difficult to swallow. I can’t imagine a normie getting it all at once. No doubt I’m not fully awake yet. I’m sure full revelation would damage me too.

17284745? ago

No. That isn't paradyme shifting. The true nature of reality, the religion hoax, truth about ETs... shit like THAT would put a lot of people in the hospital.

17284781? ago

This is a more.... literal interpretation

17287267? ago

V/pizzagate was almost enough to put me in the hospital. I go online looking for awful stuff all the time but I lost sleep during the time the comet pizza stuff was being made public

17284689? ago

No, not for me. This is already widely known. It's something else.

17284633? ago

What about cervical cancer which is caused by being a slut?

17284613? ago

Fasting will cure cancer. Check out the Snake Diet on youtube

17284608? ago

I have a really dark imagination, and I read way too much conspiracy stuff so here's my attempt at a reality that would put 99% of people in the hospital:

How about that the Sumerian Kings list is not an exaggeration and there were people who lived thousands of years in the past. They did it through cannibalism. Currently, there are people who are 500 years old that look 30 and the only way they've been able to maintain themselves is regularly eating babies. Think of all the stories of alleged baby farms in Aftica or Brazil or famous Hollywood actors telling stories about finding dead babies in freezers and the container full of aborted babies thst was discovered. These extremely old people control the world and they have secretly constructed and control the world's economic and political system with the sole purpose of supplying them with fresh baby and aborted fetus meat.

Without bringing in extraterrestrials, that's about the most screwed up possible reality I can come up with.

17284582? ago

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17284549? ago

I got an 'invitation' letter to get a vaccin against a very serious disease... Only for 14-18 y/o. I wont get it because even if its a real threat, I beat Lyme disease within two weeks a few months back (with antibiotics ofc) but I havent been sick ever since so I trust my own immune system more than a lame vaccine

17284526? ago

THEY LIVE is a documentary.

17284481? ago

When they learn that, they will get out of the hospital lol and we will demand to break all chemotherapy Mechines that do more harm and kill you faster than the dam Cancer

17284314? ago

I think there is a dual meaning to the "99% of people in the hospital" statement. I believe the Cabal has a cache of biological agents. It's not far fetched that they could amass and store such a thing underground. Look at big pharma, do you really think that if some entity with power and LOTS of money and a good backstory (maybe even backed by a Western European nations' deputy of public health) came to pfizer, J&J, Roche holding AG...etc.. they wouldn't lend their researchers to help build out viruses "for further research"? Remember the Svalbard seed vault that Norway built? That wasn't the government that funded that, it was a private entity. I wouldn't put it past the Cabal to do something similar. I wish I didn't work a 80 hour work week and could do more digging into that.

17285014? ago

The cabal owns the patents for a majority of the biological weapons.

The news is reporting 1000+ deaths from measles in Africa right now. Measles?? BS. Scare tactics to go get our biological weapon injections. Be careful who you trust. Medical mafia is corrupt.

17292364? ago

You're right. It's a tough decision for me...vaccinations. I've had tons...I'm active duty though so I don't have a choice. Aside from some PTSD, I'm fine. My kids are also ok with the standard vax's. They're fine. But I do know several of my Brothers and Sisters who have no family history of any mental disorder or auto-immune (type I diabetes for example) disorders and shortly after vaxxing they get hit. It's happened on 5 occasions I can think of, in guys' families in my current unit in the last year 1/2. I feel like I'm in a dark room with a knife and no idea where the enemy is coming from. The enemy has NVGs and can strike at will. I am highly untrusting in many situations but for fucks sake the medical side has snuck up on me. It's one of those givens..that really as you put it shouldn't be.

17284212? ago

Cancer TREATMENT is the real disease.

17283941? ago

Note, Q said hospital, not morgue. That's specific. We all might have something that can be scanned for/removed in a hospital but wouldn't kill us. Mind control?

17284621? ago

Started looking into smart dust and morgellons... just pray they did not already unleash it.

It's like a nano Tech smart dust that grows like mycilium.

It's dormant and infecting 100 percent of humans and animals. Morgellons is what happens when your body rejects it, so it seems.

There are just to many people with symptoms and med Dr's are ignoring and shaming them. Manufactured control

It may turn out this dust will turn on when 5 G is enacted. Deep and dark holes like this need further eval$

17298287? ago

I've been performing a detox regimen for several years to combat Morgellon's, smart dust, whatever. I have collected many specimens. I am nearly clear, feels good man.

17284910? ago

Most of the world has Morgellons now.

17283911? ago


17284674? ago

You think humans have been taking Iodine for hundreds of thousands of years? Because we have been around for that long. And many many text talk about us having life spans in the 1000's. Stop looking for bandaids and learn to take care of your meat vehicle correctly

17286110? ago

I think he means it in the sense of combating what we've been fed and are breathing.

17393343? ago

Yes, it's a very important missing element for the whole body and we get very little to none any more unless we decide to supplement. Couple that with the fluoride present in many municipal water supplies, fluoridated water present in much of the food that's grown and stuff on the shelves, chlorine all municipal water supplies, bromine in many flours, prescriptions and some sodas, and widespread perchlorate contamination of our water supplies and the picture is not pretty.

Iodine is not only necessary for the production of thyroid hormone, it is also responsible for the production of all of the other hormones of the body. Adequate iodine levels are necessary for proper immune system function. Iodine contains potent antibacterial, anti-parasitic, antiviral, and anticancer properties. Iodine is also effective for treating fibrocystic breasts and ovarian cysts. It's concentrated in the thyroid, breasts, ovaries, prostate but the whole body must have it; it's even more important with the amount of poisons that we're immersed in now.

17287327? ago

He believes its the cure to help with the sickness sugar causes. But, if you stop eating sugar and bullshit. There is no need for a bandaid.

17393364? ago

That was some conversation you had with yourself to conclude what you wrote in response to my one word: iodine. Perhaps you should educate yourself a little more before making such a nonsensical statement.

17410709? ago

Educate myself on what bandaids I need? No thanks i would just rather eat a healthy diet, and have no need for bandaid supplements because I can't stop putting trash in my body.

17288375? ago

Iodine is great for combating all of the fluoride in our water supply. Stop being a sanctimonious dipshit when you don't know what you're talking about. You assumed he thought it was for fighting the effects of sugar, but all he said was "Iodine....."

Why are there so many people, like yourself, who speak so confidently about shit they have no actual idea about? You legit sound like a boomer, even if you're not. Are you going to tell me Iodine is a bandage as well? Fluoride isn't a problem? Any other dumb fucking shit you'd like to regale us with?

17288600? ago

Rofl you act like i haven't had this conversation before, oh wait..... Lol its still a bandaid regardless of how you use it or what you ise it for.

17297452? ago

You're a lonely lonely person -never wrong and will doubledown over the smallest shit. Of course you've had this conversation before. Let me guess; it wasn;t with an actual human, in your presence. That seems like a place no one wants to be. But fuck everyone who hasn't done all the same research you have, right? What a lonely lonely faggot lol

17305245? ago

Lol, yes so very lonely. Is it difficult to understand you're wrong about what youve been told? Of course not, its easier to just project. ..

17308139? ago

I'm glad you were finally able to be honest with yourself. It's a really big step in the right direction. Your mother would be proud. Your father will never be though. Can't blame him though.

Just thought it was worth mentioning the reason no one takes you seriously -besides the obvious stuff, is the fact that you want to sound smart, but can;t even properly punctuate a sentence, and have no idea how an ellipsis works, to name a few. This is why I know you're a boomer. You're dripping with it.

17314502? ago

Lol im trying to sound smart now. Iodine is good for removing the poison. "Well stop taking the poison and you don't need the bandaid" "Stop being a sanctimonious dipshit when you don't know what you're talking about" Rofl πŸ˜‚ okay

17289004? ago

"You think humans have been taking Iodine for hundreds of thousands of years?" Yes you fucking idiot, it's not like iodine is some magical new substance.

Seaweed, kelp, most fish, and unpasteurized dairy. Louis Pasteur didn't do his thing til 1864 so yeah, we used to get a lot more iodine in our diets for more than thousands of years.

Supplementation might not be as good as getting it naturally from foods but it is better than not getting it at all.

17289153? ago

I like how you agree, but you do you...lol. hey its your body. Do what you like, in the end you're the only one who has to suffer through what you feel.

17283893? ago

Finding out that CNN is fake news would do it for most normies.

17283835? ago

There is actually going to be a huge paradigm shift when we learn the truth that the medical profession has been completely wrong about the basic cause of cancer for the past 60 years. The Cancer Genome Atlas project started in 2005 was a failure and showed that cancer is not in fact cause by genetic mutations in nuclear DNA. Turns out it is actually caused by damage to mitochondria. The genetic mutations seen are downstream effects not the cause of cancer. Read Cancer as a Metabolic Disease by Thomas Seyfried PhD. However there are billions of dollars invested in the genetic model so it's going to take doctors a long time to get red pilled on this.

17294177? ago

are you my twin? i love that book.

17291250? ago

I think the "medical profession" doesn't know shit about fuck all.
There was a study a couple of years ago about chemotherapy and the % of people still alive (not necessarily cured, just alive) after 5 years of treatment, and it was less then 3%. It also showed the success rate for different type of cancer and IIRC a third had 0% success.

17292427? ago

Just the way they want it. Huge profits to be made from chemotherapy and cures are rare. People suffer through horrendous treatment, go into temporary remission, then in a few years die of their cancer. In the meantime hundreds of thousands of dollars have been made off them.

17290527? ago

$75 on Amazon. Can you share the essential bullet points?

17294156? ago

search his name on YouTube

17290680? ago

Dr. Seyfried is a brilliant researcher. His book is long and pretty technical but if you want a shorter version that summarizes the salient points then read Tripping Over the Truth by Travis Kristofferson. It is well written, a fascinating page turner and a much quicker read.

17286748? ago

Correct... my daughter (19) was DX in Jan 2000 w/ALL Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (pre B Cell). I dove deep as during a 2.8 yr fight for survival lost @ age 21, made my quest for reasons that much more intense. It is rare for a teen to get ALL yet I lost count on the number I met during. They had never been ill, were athletic (drank lots of water) & no family history of cancer. I spent hours learning about blood cells & diseases cause/effect. Then in 06--7 I the Genome Database was put online. I had results from specific tests on which genes ALL had mutated. That led to exposure to petroleum or by products of like Gas/fuel. Then I remembered a call way back from DC not govt. affiliated. ?'s were about distance to Landfills, water supply, factory's, papermill's,ect., relation to residence & yrs. So our landfill, water co dig led me to our Cnty. river management co. They control from ground level down. That convo enlightened me to a multiple revelation of aquifers & actual maps of whats below & flows. Long story but our water comes from a private co. drawn up a blk from us & we live on top of an underground river/aquifer. Which also flows toward us from landfill. Up to that point I thought I finally knew what caused the ALL, I believe in divine intervention and this old man came to collect our water bill & I saw the owner was in the duley. The man was a talker, telling me about the closed convenience store 1/2mi up & how EPA was there taking soil samples. They had removed 2 tanks. He said they had never removed the original when they put in the new. EPA found that the old tank had leaked & it took 60 dump trucks of contaminated soil removed & incinerated. Within 6 mo. Store owner sold all of his 32 to a out of state co. There are no Statue of Limitations but you have to find an atty like a Erin Brockovitch. (pro-bono). Just wanted to say voat is a godsend & the vast goat backgrounds if united could make/change one butt at a time. Also @puttitout TY, U R 1 unsung hero, Namaste

17292852? ago

"Watch the Water "

17304249? ago

No doubt

17288158? ago

That is so sad. We are all being slowly poisoned from multiple sources: food, water, vaccines, pharmaceutical drugs, high altitude aerosol spraying, EMF radiation. There's evidence of a high incidence of ALL among youth and high school soccer players especially goalies. Turns out the artificial turf they play on is often made of ground up car and truck tires with all the associated carcinogens. Horrible. The European competitive swimmers only swim in salt water pools not chlorinated because they know the chlorination is carcinogenic. Unfortunately American kids are stuck swimming in chlorine.

17287536? ago

Fascinating. Thank you for taking the time to share that.

17285718? ago

And most chemicals damage the mitochondria, including pharmaceuticals. This has been shown again and again.

17283805? ago

Or how about the gigantic leak of radioactive material into the pacific after fukashima. I started having serious health problems not long after.

17283790? ago

Sugar feeds cancer cells

17293903? ago

Here is issue with starving cancer to avoid sugar. Your body has this interesting fail-safe system that never lets your blood glucose level drift below a certain number. So, cutting out sugar will just make the body use its remaining resources to produce the glucose on its own. Once with cancer patients lose appetite stop eating altogether. They certainly are not stopping at Krispy Kreme every hour.
Its what sugar does to your waistline that can lead to cancer. The real root problem of the worldwide obesity epidemic β€” and cancer as a result of obesity β€” has to do with too much caloric intake and lack of enough movement.

17304209? ago

I posted sugar feeds cancer bc it is medical advice given to a friend with cancer. The oncologist stated 'Sugar feeds cancer cells.'

17311028? ago

Sorry your friend has cancer. I lost both of my sisters later in life to cancer. Often times without clear evidence we tend to blame one of our prejudices. I am not at all saying a lot of sugar is good for you. It seems every year a new item pops up to blame for cancer deaths. This year is the war on sugar.

Of course, the undeniable answer is that glucose (the form of sugar used most in the body) feeds every cell in the body, and is so important to the function of your brain that the body has several back up strategies to keep blood sugar levels normal. Even without any carbohydrate in the diet, your body will make sugar from other sources, including protein and fat. So, should you completely avoid sugar? No β€œYour body’s cells use sugar to keep your vital organs functioning,”

Moderation in everything you eat is healthy eating. Some studies done with laboratory animals have found links between artificial sweeteners and cancer. But, no proof exists that says artificial sweeteners definitely cause cancer. Consider that we all will eventually die and will die of something

17328130? ago

Thank you. I agree that we'll all die of something - just thought it was interesting. Personally, I ignore a lot of doctors and listen to what my body is craving.

17304226? ago

And my friend is not fat

17304216? ago

This is VEGHEAD. Why is my post anon? I'm logged in

17297721? ago

It's not as much of an issue as this sounds. You're taking about gluconeogenesis, and it occurs in your liver. it's well known, and yes, even when your sugar intake is zero, body fat contributing the maximum it can through caloric deficit, and eating a keto diet, gluconeogenesis will continue to produce blood glucose well after your liver glycogen is gone. the keto-cancer research field doesn't talk about raw glucose numbers, but a ratio called GKI, or glucose-ketone index. Take your blood glucose number, divide by 18, then divide by your ketone number. A GKI below 1.0 is epic and usually takes fasting for a period, but I commonly achieve this by intermittently fasting every day and eating only once per day. between 1 and 3 is a therapeutic GKI. 3 to 6 is still enough of a ratio for weight loss. above 6 means either your glucose is high or ketones are low, or both.

the lowest blood glucose I've had while keto-fasting was 55. I was fine, because my ketones were high. with a well-adapted liver, fasted high intensity interval training will push gluconeogenesis hard, raising my blood glucose to ~110 for about an hour. this is not the same effect as eating sugar. I'm forcing the mitochondria in healthy cells to oxidize fats. They have to be good at it. Because carbs are not a dietary source, they must be made, true. there is no surplus of glucose, though, because supply is now in balance with demand and controlled by the hormonal control of metabolism.

17306358? ago

Ketone diet works on many metabolic conditions - any links on high intensity interval training? Did no know its effectiveness was related to glucose burning. ThankQ

17287205? ago

Not totally convinced on the sugar deal. If so, I'd have had something long ago. My sugar consumption is heroic.

17304221? ago

Good genes?

17291547? ago

Sugar doesn't cause cancer, although pesticides and artificial sugars likely do. They're just saying sugar feeds the hell out of cancer cells, whereas other forms of energy are used by good cells but not cancer. So you can eat sugar all day every day but if you don't get a mutated call from UV light/chemicals/whatever the fuck then it won't progress. But if you did develop cancer then sugar would let it take over

17294785? ago

OK, that's just about the expected reply. Suppose it makes sense, too. I've always avoided artificial sugars (except those contained in other products). Don't drink soda, mostly water, coffee and juice. But, SWEET coffee. Lifestyle will kill me first, I think. Too old to recover now.

Maybe one of those everlasting life cures that seem on the edge now could come in handy. Then again, who wants to live for 800 years?

17294090? ago

sugar raises insulin, and lots of disease pathways are downstream of insulin. Additionally, if you do not occasionally force your cells to use the oxidative metabolism pathway (fat burning / ketone creating), you are removing one of the selection pressures on pre-cancerous cells. one hallmark of cancer cells is that they've lost their ability to undergo oxidative metabolism and are forced to split sugar (glycolysis) and ferment the downstream byproducts for additional energy.

if presented with an artificially sweetened drink (milligrams of splenda, for example) and a full sugar soda (35 grams of sugar), I would sooner drink the artificially sweetened one, if I had to. the dose makes the poison, and human metabolism is not prepared for all the wet carbohydrates we currently drink.

17289930? ago

Your immediate concern should be type 2 diabetes not cancer.

17287476? ago

Honestly... You'll probably get it. Sorry.

17287398? ago

Genetics, yo.

17286435? ago

Remember when there was an actual conspiracy to blame fat, and scientists lied and pushed sugar onto the masses back in the 60's? WE're still dealing with their bullshit, with foods advertising being "fat free!" like its some sort of good thing (and packed with sugar instead so its edible.

17300481? ago

It's more that sugar companies who had a massive amount to use paid scientists to lie for them. Or at least 'find' evidence that supported their claims.

17287207? ago

It's very annoying to try to convince people that sugar is much worse than fat, or that the least healthy part of a pizza is the dough, not the cheese or grease.

17286479? ago

Goes back to Prescott Bush and his sugar cane in Cuba. This is (part of) why he had his son pull the trigger on JFK.

17284895? ago

sugar feeds a fungus

17295673? ago

If you have healthy gut flora, sugar is a super food.

17285023? ago

Many cancers are a fungus, and can be treated very (very) easily and cheaply. Read about a Dr. in Mexico that was using sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and many were flocking to him. Not sure what happened or if he's still doing this form of cure. Also, I've read about keeping your body in proper PH balance (acidic = good for disease growth of multiple kinds, alkaline = bad for disease - balance is the key though). Lastly there's vitamin B17 as a preventative measure, which can be purchased from Mexico, but not USA.

17288817? ago

Many cancers are a fungus

Jesus fuck just shut up already. Learn what either the word "cancer" or "fungus" means (ideally both), and then please just shut the fuck up already.

17291577? ago

Go away CUCK. Go clean up yo mama's gash from that MS13 gang bang.

17292950? ago

Waaa waaa waaaa science is an evil liberal trick, now listen to me spouting the wise wisdom of the man who I paid a mere $49.99 dollars for to hear is revolutionary cure to cancer.

17300488? ago

Cancer?? Just ingest some eucalyptus oil, it'll go away in a couple months. A few mil should do it :)

17297390? ago

And u suck jizz CUCK bouy. Clean up on aisle o mama

17298760? ago

The really amusing part is that your petulant bitching about someone having the audacity to bring science into your alternative cuckery circlejerk is literally more intellectually valid than the entirety of the argument you're being criticised for.

Quite an achievement.

17302698? ago

FUCK OFF. Don't you have anything better to do, like clean up mama CUCK. You really need to get fucking life you piece of shit.

17307915? ago

waaaa waaaa leave me in my safe space where I believe cancer is a fucking fungus

How about make me, cuck?

17307988? ago

Oh how ORIGINAL... Not only that your stupid as FUCK. (Advice: don't bring your pencil-dick to a GUN fight) Got if fucktard?

17308064? ago

Not only that your stupid as FUCK

*:laughs in a grammatically correct manner: *

17286935? ago

lol "B17" will give you cyanide poisoning

17287418? ago

ahhh no it will not. That's the LIE they tell to keep people away. It has TRACE amounts, and target the cancer cells. I take it, and have never had any issues.

17287313? ago

CaUsE iT kiLlS tHe CaNcEr So GoOd. DaMN GuBbErMeNt KeEpIn Me FrOm mUh CurEs.

17300496? ago

This thread is hilarious. This is why I come here. Idiots trying to science.

17314438? ago

Same. They really think they got it all figured out. Bunch of rednecks with bb guns.

17362755? ago

Always entertaining to sit back and watch nature take its course.

17288859? ago

It's ok. We should try a different tack



17286240? ago

Out of control candida growth seems to be a main source of ill health and cancer . Looks like everyone has it, but too much sugar in diet will make it grow.

17286316? ago

Spot on. Food grade (only food grade. Pool grade is poison.) diatomaceous earth can help treat a candida overgrowth in the gut. Dirt cheap, safe, and effective. Your hair and nails will grow in healthy, too.

17287372? ago

Are you referring to H2O2? I purchase food grade h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide), and put it into my water for long term storage. You can also oxygenate your body (another cancer/disease killer) by following an h2o2 regimen .

17287434? ago

No but that is interesting.

17286434? ago

I read about this too, from volcanic ash in Montana: https://draxe.com/10-bentonite-clay-benefits-uses/

17287382? ago

Thanks for sharing this. (And it's in my state too!!!)

17287178? ago

I do a mix of diatomaceous earth, bentonite clay, and occasionally, charcoal. Don't take charcoal with other meds.

17285717? ago

That was first a doctor in Italy I believe. He injected water/bicarb solution directly into tumor and they shrank.

17283930? ago

Sugar (glucose) feeds ALL cells

17289522? ago

There's a difference between processed sugar in soda and candy, and the sugar in fruits.

17293800? ago

Processed sugar is sucrose, which is a two-sugar molecule made of a glucose and a fructose bound together. as soon as it hits your tongue sucrase enzymes begin to break it down into individual glucose and fructose molecules. the sugar in fruits vary from fruit to fruit, but are generally a majority fructose, some glucose, and other digestible sugars that are delivered as starches and broken down into individual sugars. in your body, it all eventually end up as a connection of a handful of sugars. glucose, fructose, galactose (milk sugars), mannose, etc.

there's little difference between processed sugar in candy and sugar in fruit JUICES. the fiber in fruit slows absorption and reduces the amount of insulin. it's all the same molecules, though.

17293314? ago

No shit!?!?

17284508? ago

Normal cells can metabolize ketones just fine but cancer cells can't.

17286752? ago

Do you have any idea if it's possible for cancer to die simply by living off of ketones only for a period of time? What period? A week, a month?

My understanding is that under ketosis cancer simply has nothing to eat... meaning it should starve and die. I don't know how long that would take though.

17284949? ago

Thanks for sharing that, very interesting!

17284185? ago

It can. If you starve the body of sugar it can manage just fine, but cancer takes a huge hit as it no longer has the fuel for explosive growth.

17293518? ago

I'm so happy to see this being spread. Dr. Thomas Seyfried has some videos on YouTube about cancer bring fundamentally a metabolic disease. This was known by the field of biochemistry prior to the discovery of DNA and the generic revolution. Genetics has delivered a lot of fruitful research, but research follows the money and the metabolic origin of cancer was relegated to the shadows, only lately bring picked back up.

cells can run on various energy sources. glucose is only one of them, but it feeds central metabolism. ketone energy sources are another significant energy source. a minority of energy can enter in the form of molecules that can feed into the citric acid cycle at other entry points, like citrate.

this thread warms an old biochemist's heart. to answer a question below, the time frame for cell death under ketone stress for cancer cells is weeks to months, and largely depends on upregulation of your immune system (which a keto diet does) at the same time you're starving the cancer cells of glucose. ketones themselves are noxious to cells infected with papaloma virus (warts) as well as many cancer cell types.

occasionally fasting and a low carb / keto diet is one of the most effective way to clean up pre-cancerous cell populations in your body.

God bless you all

17297563? ago

Funny thing about typical cancer treatments... The extreme nausea from chemo is part of the theraputic benefit. Nurses and doctors will try really hard to make sure the cancer patient gets some nutrition, but it's probably better that they don't, or at least the only macronutrients provided are fat.

17298236? ago

i can see that point, I think. nausea reinforces less eating. I agree with your post. What has been observed from fasting and chemo anecdote was that by fasting before, during and after chemo treatment there was a "hardening" of healthy cells against chemo, sensitization of cancer cells to chemo, and much less nausea because of (presumably) less intestinal epithelial involvement with trying to digest food while sloughing and regrowing. i think it led to at least some investigation. Fasting is the wise thing to do, even if it's not "standard of care." I imagine fats would be ok, also. I'd probably try small doses of MCT oil, because it absorbs quickly into the liver via the portal vein, instead of trafficking lower into the intestines and through the whole lymphatic system. (decreasing intestinal involvement.) MCTs are an interesting thing. in terms of energy mobilization, they are slower than glucose, but faster than most other dietary fats.

17283946? ago

Processed sugar from junk food

17284973? ago

There is no practical difference between "organic cane sugar" and "processed sugar from junk food". Poison is poison is poison. The all natural organic poison will still kill you.

17293644? ago

this is not false. the product of organic cane sugar (sucrose) is identical to the product of the most highly processed and industrial sugar beet sugar (sucrose). Sucrose is the problem, and an organic process does not help it.

17289541? ago

Um, no.

17284602? ago

Carnivore diet and fasting does wonders!

17284550? ago

Junk food is a salt lick for mind slaves.

711 and stores like that are 99.9999 poison

They took the iodine out of bread and rebranded salt so this is where people go for their fix. Totally clueless fix.

Fact is, we need salt to make hydrochloric a it for digestion. Iodized table salt is fucking great for this.

17287131? ago

"Junk food is a salt lick for mind slaves."

Brilliant analogy! Have an upvoat!

17283744? ago

Pigs don't get cancer.

17283719? ago

Probably worse..Like evil spider extraterrestrials incarnated into human bodies which are at the top of the pyramid and are called the Chimera Group. 'They' have to tell us everything they are doing (part of their black magic) and they regularly put their plans in the form of movies and TV.


17293080? ago

These are the shadow spiders during sleep paralysis?

17288535? ago

OH, The irony. Here we are in the red-pill movement, on a msg board with folks looking for red-pills, after having swallowed a few, and realizing everything they thought was true has been lies. YET, ET's are still a laughing matter from their view point. WHAT?!

Hang in there guise, "The deeper this goes, the more unrealistic this becomes" so "in the end, the choice to know will be yours", because "the end will not be for everyone".

Much Agape to you Frens!

P.S. Watch the freindly fire, don't worry about the details. We All have dealings with different groups, lets just try and get past the giggle factor 1st, then we can try to hash out who's who. Cool? Truce 'till then guise?

P.P.S. I don't think I've had any negative ET experiences since Q has come along. Anyone else notice the "nightmares" (abductions) have stopped or slowed down?

17287014? ago

We can conclude therefore, that the doing of actions which are deemed 'unholy', or 'immoral', including the reversing of normalative sexual practices, is the central technique used by the Left-Hand Path initiate as KEYS to enlightenment and gain personal power.

From the comments at https://8ch.net/cbts/res/98535.html#99525

17284536? ago

Lol fucken Shills

17285750? ago

At least this one made me lol

17283759? ago

17284864? ago

πŸ˜† πŸ˜‚ 🀣

πŸ’€ πŸ‘

17284082? ago

It's my understanding the, Orion council are a positive group now and have been for some time? Is that who you mean by "Orion Group" The Chimera are bad. Other very malevolent ET groups actually fear them, and so they should. AI is heavily involved here.

17284278? ago

Kay. Too much internet for this morning.

17284191? ago

The Orion group and the Council are 2 different groups. I was just saying that instead of it being the "chimera" group it should probably be called the "Orion" group in actuality if you follow the Law of One.

17285289? ago

I guess you could say I follow the law of one but not read the book. I have however literally just bought the first RA book, which I will start reading this week. I have listened to the RA material in a narrated format on occasion.

17283481? ago

Amazing everyone hasn't figured that out on our own by now, but I guess that's the point of the chemicals and radiation, etc.

17283456? ago

So tru..

17283325? ago

I say: SO WHAT?! Put them all in the hospital! It's time the Baby Boomers died off anyway.

17283512? ago

Only if they take their fucked up kids with them, otw they need to stick around and take responsibility for the MFers they raised, who hate them and everyone their age with a real vengeance.

17283926? ago

Sounds like you had horrible parents, if you had any at all. I'm sorry for you son. We all have to make the best of what we're dealt in life. I pray that the Lord will touch your heart and you change your ways.

17284859? ago

I'm just replying to the boomer haters, since they're all kids of boomers who resent their parents and participate in divisivefagging

17290199? ago

Ah, maybe I replied under the wrong comment.

17283585? ago

Shoot them. It's that simple. Get out your gun. Line them up in your sights, and pull the trigger. That's how we used to solve problems in America and it worked.

17283628? ago

Ignore posts calling for violence

17283637? ago

That is why NOTHING will ever get done. Name one Revolution that didn't involve violence.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" -- Thomas Jefferson

17283850? ago

Why are communists obsessed with killing innocents? Especially the elderly? Oh right, you never fix anything so you have to murder anyone who points that out, and the elderly definitely notice that life is shit compared to when they were young, after the communists take over.

There's always some obsession with commie fucks on the internet, like feminists/meninists wanting to kill all the chads because they didn't get laid in high school, they all obsess over killing anyone who is similar to those who wronged them in high school, it's pathetic actually.

17283866? ago

Violence is the only way to bring about change.

17283982? ago

I'm all for a bang bang shoot shoot revolution, but let's not confuse that with genocide or mass murder of innocents simply because they exist or whatever the reasoning in this thread is. It's not a revolution to simply line people up and shoot them, that's tyranny and we don't welcome it as it has no place in the Q movement.

17284087? ago

There are 2 groups:

Those who are with us. And everyone else.

If you're not with us, you're against us. If you are advocating sitting on your ass and doing nothing, you're not on our side.

17284269? ago

If you want to organize a group to go mass murder people, you do you, I know you won't because you are a fedora wearing communist who can only project about sitting on your ass because you are ashamed of yourself everyday you wake up for it. Go ahead, organize a community event if you are so high and mighty over us.

I will play it smart and not get arrested for shooting randys because muh joos or whatever, if Q wants me to mobilize I will, if someone comes knocking asking for my guns they will regret it, if I see a group of people picking on innocents I will stand up for the innocents. Your advocation of genocide is not welcome in the Q movement and we know you are only here to help the media if a FF happens.

If you sincerely can't tell the difference between shooting tyrannical soldiers and shooting unarmed people that only you believe have wronged you, then please seek help or stick to the internet. Meanwhile I'm done feeding the troll, good day.

17284306? ago

There are no more "tyrannical soldiers". They don't wear uniforms anymore. They dress like Liberals, Communists, Democrats, and Jews. Those are the tyrannical soldiers.

17283343? ago

At least we can mow our own lawns. Go back to mommy's basement and eat your Cheetos and Hot Pockets.

17283613? ago

I got a bunch of old guys near my house. That's all they do: mow their lawns. That's the only thing they have to look forward to.

17283788? ago

That's one more thing than you have.

17283806? ago

LOL. I'm going to live another 60-70 years. You'll be dead soon. After you die, I'll buy and sell all your shit on eBay.

17300737? ago

Cosplay? You are not a serious person: just a waste of time.

17303706? ago

Q is not a serious person either. He's been running a LARP for 1.5 years now.

17283705? ago

That you know of. Dont assume..

17283471? ago

The sooner you die, the better the rest of the world will be. Hurry up! Die!

Hopefully it's something nasty and painful -- like colon cancer.

17283775? ago

At least I will have lived. Go back to your box- X or juice, doesn't matter...

17283867? ago

I wouldn't too much mind to the losers on this board. They have no clue about what's really meaningful in life. Their lives are empty, which is why they constantly disrespect older people and make bigoted commentary all day long.

17300739? ago

Top kek. TY.

17283693? ago

Haha you sound like that dipshit on Tool’s Message to Harry Manback. You satan faggots are all the exact same.

17283242? ago

Interesting take. Hadn’t thought of it that way.