17279486? ago

This is ‘The Plan’ ... trust it

17279082? ago

Judaeo Christian Western Civilization is the most compassionate society the world has known. The Bible teaches Liberty, and how to use Liberty to build others up, never to tear down. Biblical Liberty requires an orderly and disciplined lifestyle, that we love our neighbor, and respect the liberty, rights, and property of others. Islam can never assimilate into Western Civilization because it sees itself as supreme and it's "sacred" text teaches world domination, as opposed to Biblical living, with teaches "love thy neighbor as thyself."

17281767? ago

OT teaches obedience based on fear and deadly force.

NT is a mixed bag. Galatians and John teach liberty based on morality....the rest....

17283217? ago

"ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of God." - 2 Tim. 3:16

It's all God's word, but correct, Christians are under the authority of the New Covenant. The New Testament agrees with itself... it's all about Him. The Holy Spirit makes the believer righteous by the indwelling presence of a Holy Spirit - the result is Liberty, no condemnation, and a life of Victory.

17280459? ago

'Judaeo Christian'

I stopped reading there.

'Judaeo' crucified Jesus and mocked him.

Christian see Jesus as the son of god. The Alpha and the omega.

He will come again to pass his judgement.

1/2 'Judaeo/Christian' will be happy to see him :D

17283158? ago

"Christian see Jesus as the son of god. The Alpha and the omega."

Wrong... Jesus defined Himself as the Alpha and Omega... no Christian ever "defined" Jesus Christ... he defines Himself in His Word, the Bible. "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty." - Rev. 1:8

The Jews did not take Jesus life... YOU did, and I did. He was sent by God to die for sin. (The Roman's actually crucified him at the order of Pilate.) Remember, the Jews were under Roman occupation, and the Jews had to acquire permission. The Jews lost the right of Capital punishment under Roman rule.

17284174? ago

interesting and thanks for the read.

Pontius pilate (the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea) had to wash his hands.

The 'Romans' didn't act to 'their' law -the order came from behind the scenes/behind the veil.

sound familiar?

He will come again in order to judge the living and the dead.

17278563? ago

A dramatic visual presentation, using gumballs, which clearly demonstrates the futility of using immigration as a means to help the worlds poor:


17281162? ago

Saved. I like this one

17280478? ago


17277899? ago

I misread “running” as “ruining”, and the title still worked.

17276445? ago

and us jews won't stop until every last white goyim is replaced

17278153? ago

Curse you Noseberg!

17275425? ago

I'm in BC Canada, they're pouring them in this country. I went to Costco today and must have heard 5 different languages being spoken. I just hope my taxpayer dollars weren't filling all their carts but I'm sure they are.

17275865? ago

I feel for you fren. DOTR is coming. Stack guns, ammo, food, first aid, and supplies. You will need them.

17279293? ago

This is true. And don't forget friends, and skills. Nobody can survive alone.

Having said that, remember that your goal, for at least the first year will be to not participate in the fighting. It will be too frantic and confused and desperate. Ever been in a wild brawl? People fighting everywhere? There is no safe place in that kind of confusion, so you can always get popped out of nowhere. We don't have fly-eyes that let us see in every direction.

So the best strategy is to have a good, obscure hiding place that is hard to reach on foot. Then you want to let all of the unprepped kill each other off and starve and die of diseases while you and your family wait it out a long way away, quietly and secretly.

17281181? ago

Good call.

17274000? ago


17281807? ago


17273714? ago

Is that Kalgeri Alburda Canada.............eh?

17273284? ago

Every day I go out in the world and I am surrounded by foreigners who don't speak my language. People who don't share my values and don't love my country.

Every day my country is exploited by people from other countries. Every day my tax money is given to people in other countries as charity. Every day my money supports white replacement. Q says to trust the plan. What exactly is the plan?

Patriots have no skin color? Then why does everyone who isnt white taking advantage of those who are? Why are white countries the only ones that are mandated to be completely overrun with foreigners who aren't my skin color? Why is it "racist" for me to want my people to be preserved? Other races will not ever look out for me. My own government will not look out for me.

What the fuck exactly is the plan? More immigrants than ever? How about we protect our own people before we start having a single additional immigrant? Why are we protecting Israel and Chinas interests? Why are the people of the United States required to do this?

What the fuck is the plan Q?

17273249? ago

I've read about the Kalergi Plan 10 years ago, but I have yet to meet anyone IRL who has even heard of the guy. When I mentioned his plan to "dilute" the European population, they look at me like I was a Martian.

17272422? ago

FTFY; Kalergi Plan

17272347? ago

Upvote 88. Dubs of truth.

17272300? ago

17272194? ago

We are WATCHING History being REWRITTEN on a DAILY Basis......So...... Why does mass immigration always happen into western nations and no other?.....ANSWER=Genesis 3:1-15=lucifer=the Serpent-Hebrew=Nachash=a Whisperer or Enchanter-NOT a literal Snake, but More like a SEDUCER of SPEECH.....the so called Jews of Today are NOT of the SEED=Hebrew=ZERAH=Literal OFFSPRING-Blood of YAHWEH God.....thus the CURSE of Gen 3:15=SEED of the Serpent Who SEDUCED=to lie w/EVE=and the OFFSPRING from this was the SEEDLINE of the lineage of CAIN=Cannites......

Because In Genesis Chps 1-3.....It says YAHWEH created Everything KIND after Kind.....=No Race Mixing=YAHWEH is A Father Who Commanded HIS {Adamic} WHITE RACE to remain PURE=WHITE w White=KIND After Kind.....therefore lucifer-the Destroyer and his Kind from Seducing EVE=his OFFSPRING=CAIN/CAINNITES which was to DESTROY the ENEMY RACE=US-Whites=YAHWEH'S Biological Offspring.....thus the REASON the JEW had to STEAL our IDENTITY and Mix their father's Blood w/Ours=EVE......the Other RACES Biblically are Called the "Beasts of the Field"=Hebrew in the Strong's Concordance 1945 can be a 4 legged Creature-Animal or a Two legged Individual......thus CONTEXT of the Passages-Scripture References bring the CLARITY to the difference...... ........the Race of ADAM-Whites are Only about 7,500 Years Old.....the Other Races=CREATION, not Literal Biological SEED-Offspring of YAHWEH......in fact STUDY the Skulls of a CAUCASIAN,NEGROID,ASIATIC and there is NO WAY we are KIND after KIND......

......NOTE the GENEOLOGY of ADAM is NOT w/ Cain nor ABLE but w/ SETH forward=LUKE 3:38=ADAM was the SON of YAHWEH GOD...also NOTE..this means the MESSIANIC BLOODLINE-GENEOLOGY had to be PURE otherwise YAHWEH the Christ would have ...ADAM in the 1945 Strong's Concordance=says this-to Show Blood in the FACE-ie:flush or turn Rosy=RED-RUDDY; Also=a SPECIES-Individual-Man(KIND)......WHY does this MATTER??? There is Only ONE Race that this is Exclusive to=the White Race.....so SETH,HEBER=HEBREWS,SHEM-SHEMITES,Abraham,Issac,JACOB ISRAEL and his 13 Sons- Tribes=who as Jeremiah the Prophet told them to FOLLOW the Setting of the Sun=WEST=the WHITE WESTERN EUROPEAN NATIONS built by Us and Wherever We have gone-the luciferian JEWS have FOLLOWED Us and have sought to DESTROY and OVERTAKE Our People,Land,Farming,Inventions,Our MONEY etc.....

NOTE.....NEVER in the Bible is ISRAEL called a Land Mass- Reflecting GEOGRAPHY-It ALWAYS refers to Jacob-Surnamed ISRAEL the MAN-NOT the so called LAND of ISRAEL=How they Used the BALFOUR DECLARATION =http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v06/v06p389_John.html.....The BRITISH had Rightful Control because they are of Jacob's Son Joseph who had Twins=EPHRAIM and Manasseh....Look up the OBELISK IMAGES of EPHRAIM dedicated to Joseph's SONS as a Memorial from the Hyksos Pharaoh..... One is in CENTRAL PARK=to Manasseh....the Other in London=to Ephraim.

The BIBLE says Very Clearly in John 8:44-47 King James Version (KJV) 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?

47 He that is of Yahweh-God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of YAHWEH God.

Now does it make Sense as to WHY Since the BEGINNING to PRESENT DAY forward the PURPOSE of MIXING the RACES,REVISING INFORMATION, and So called EDUCATION is JOB#1=by keeping EVERYONE MIXED-Confused=So nobody would Know the TRUTH about {THEM}=Who {They} Really Are=lucifer's Offspring.....thus THEY Control the INFORMATION that leads to the so called EDUCATION, that leads to the INDOCTRINATION, that leads to the ASSASSINATION of Ones MIND !!! ...... and they the JEW are NOT of Jacob Israel they tell us this in their 1941 Jewish Encyclopedia that {They} are of ESAU-EDOM who rebelled against YAHWEH and Mixed his WHITE RACIAL BLOOD w/ all the Other Races like the Cainnite Women ......and NOW You know WHY {they} HATE Us and Are determined to DESTROY Our RACE by ANY Means Possible!!!

RESEARCH OLDER Pre-World War 2 History......Our so called Current HISTORY has and is being Changed=This is How and WHY {They} STOLE our BIBLICAL IDENTITY by inserting the WORD=JEW whereas in the Original TEXTS it says JUDAHITES or JUDAENS in Order to Indoctrinate,Isolate,Infiltrate Our Adamic White Race and by so doing=CLAIMING to be YAHWEH'S CHOSEN PEOPLE={They} INSULATE themselves as VICTIMS and Yet {THEY} have been thrown Out of Every Country because of {Their} behavior....No Wonder {They} Own or Control the MEDIA, BOOK Publishing Companies,Hollywood,the Music Industry,Geo-Political Leaders,Organizations,Banking and Sooo Much More......=THEY are building {THEIR} father's kingdom here on Earth.....YAHWEH and HIS Children are the ENEMY and MUST be DESTROYED by {ALL} Means Necessary.....but guess WHAT.....YAHWEH WINS......therefore Follow HIM and HIS WAYS=Laws,Statutes,Principles and BUILD HIS KINGDOM!!!!

.........FOLLOW the $$$ Historically and EVERYTHING PAST,PRESENT,and FUTURE Comes Full CIRCLE!!!!!!!!

Genesis 3:1= Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?


17276604? ago

This is a very interesting topic.

I just do not see evidence for this yet:

Gen 3:15=SEED of the Serpent Who SEDUCED=to lie w/EVE=and the OFFSPRING from this was the SEEDLINE of the lineage of CAIN=Cannites......


ADAM in the 1945 Strong's Concordance=says this-to Show Blood in the FACE-ie:flush or turn Rosy=RED-RUDDY

This is the first time I've seen anyone point this out.

Bonus tidbit:

1 Samuel 17:42

42 And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance.

"Ruddy" here is also from H119. Oh my, did Goliath despise David because he was white? Racism, smh...lol

17279235? ago

[1Ti 4:1 KJV] 1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

17272173? ago

Global De-segregation.

17271090? ago

Correct. IT is also about making a lot of money for NGO's.

17270999? ago

You think Kalergi was the first one to have this idea? Alexander the Great of Macedonia’s entire end goal was to mix Europeans with Asians and vice versa to create a single intermarried continent.

17279355? ago

Ha ha! I thought I was the only person who knew this! And that is the related goal of the EU types today, to re-establish the Roman Empire at its largest extent, with "Roman" citizenship for all (the Antonine Constitution of 212). Which if course means slavery and a minute and massively powerful ruling class.

17278223? ago

Who gives a shit if Kalergi was the first to have the idea? He was still the ideological leader for the pan afro-eurasian movement, and inspiration for the UN.

17270913? ago

Diversity requires no forced integration. As usual they're using Orwellian tricks of misdirection.

They're forcing integration everywhere, except foe China & Israel for some reason (and China has the empty cities to spare).

The problem is forced integration, which will end diversity.

The problem, as always, is force.

17270645? ago

Cloward-Piven strategy, Cloward-Ohlin theory/strategy and a great book, "The Camp of the Saints". Cloward and Piven were chummy with Clintons and Obamas.

17270512? ago

17270480? ago

They're also coming with diseases. /v/news/3086725/17269238?context=10

17270413? ago

Notice all the nations they have over run are countries that TRY to maintain freedom. At least they give lip service to it. We're truly NOT free.

17270279? ago

KALERGI not Kalgeri

17270278? ago

OP: It's the Kalergi-Coudenhove Plan. Not "Kalgeri". Please learn how to copy names.

17270221? ago

can we try it in Israel?

17270023? ago

THIS is the part that Boomers like to ignore.

17270150? ago

Meanwhile, in the real world, millennials and zoomers are far more supportive of immigration and sceptical of borders than boomers ever were, even at the height of the hippie movement.

17272381? ago

Late gen x and early millennials are the worst. Late millennials and gen zyklon are waking up left and right.

17279191? ago

And there it is. As soon as the boomers start dying off, now the useless millennials start blaming gen-x and "xennials".

Meanwhile, simple statistics are not in your favor, friendo. Xers are, more often than not, the invisible generation of people who are nihilistic. Hence the term "generation X" as they were considered difficult to market to.

Millennials, on the other hand, are such superficial man-child snowflakes that they buy fucking funkopop dolls at 30+.

17291792? ago

I'm basing my opinion off of real life people I know, nothing more. I put no faith in polls regardless of if the results look good to me or not. Polls can be made to give false hope just as easily as to give despair.

17299523? ago

That's a dangerously myopic view. I'd argue that a better approach is to look at a variety of sources and see where the consensus lies and apply some critical thinking. More often than not, you'll approach the truth that way.

And, for the love of God, don't get your stats from clearly biased single-issue blogs with shitty google translate English like I see some people do.

17273192? ago

Many gen x are already knowledgeable. Insult us, and you insult yourself.

17291820? ago

Many of all generations are. But exceptions don't break the rule. Most gen x I know are anarchistic if not bluepilled. Not all, but many. Just basing this off of people i know or see posting.

17291870? ago

Been redpilled since 1989. Reagan did for me. An actor for President? He was a plant by Bush Sr. For the Bush prez dynasty.

17292027? ago

Good! I'm not saying this to downtrod anyone btw. I'm a redpilled millennial and just as much of an exception to the rule myself. Just noticed lately that alot of people blame the boomers for liberalism, when in truth most aren't liberal, just ignorant to the reality of the situation. My millennial classmates are worse than any boomer I've ever met. My aunt and uncle are Dem boomers and even they call themselves independent now in shame of what the Dems have become. And they were hardcore Dems as recent as Obama.

17292104? ago

Well, yep. I've have about 500 upvotes as I have been proven right later. Lol

17278122? ago

If you stupid faggots were knowledgeable we wouldn't be waist deep in shit right now. Suck a turd.

17282425? ago

We have been warning your idiot parents for decades.

17278405? ago

The Dems are currently trying to allow 16 year olds to vote. Why? Because in general, the younger you are, the stupider you are...and the more vulnerable you are to emotional and illogical arguments. Always been that way.

17270412? ago

Where are you getting that?

17279210? ago

It's not like Pew and others don't routinely poll this stuff.

17282278? ago

Link the poll, or you're full of shit

17282461? ago

Literally 10 seconds in fucking google you complete spaz. Millennials are cancer and zoomers are worse.

17289295? ago

"marketresearchfoundation" vs Pew.

k, fam.

17270186? ago

You mean idiots who are brainwashed by Jews and globalists who are preparing them for the NWO?

17269854? ago

Continue to welcome them - We are all the same - open your hearts and homes to the degenerate horde.

Q has spoken

17279239? ago

Well said.

17273698? ago

Trust the Plan! - Q


17272513? ago

Top Kek!

sobs inside

17272388? ago

Noseberg is that you?

17270322? ago

Q said nothing of opening our homes to the outer horde.

17270405? ago

Sure he did. Read between the lines:

Open the border. 
[Whitey] gets it.
Niggers win.


17270514? ago

Where did Q say to open the border?

17270035? ago

Let them fuck your wife while you watch. You are a cuck.

17269465? ago

Yeah, right.
The continental USA is about 3,000 miles x 1,000 miles.
That's roughly, 3 million square miles.
Now, you're telling us that a handful of 10,000 people caravans per year,
are going to over run all of THAT?
In HOW MANY centuries???
In WHOSE lifetimes???
Lousy math skills, there. rofl

17270709? ago

Imagine being this fucking retarded. I'd wager a year's salary that Texas goes blue within the next 15 years. Once that happens, bye bye USA. We're powerless to stop it at this point barring some seriously unexpected SHTF scenario. The momentum is too great. We need to be thinking about Balkanization and a new, post-American paradigm.

17271327? ago

Truth is: we all lived through the DEM administrations of JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton, and Obama.
Each, was followed by the voters, upon seeing the huge DEM taxes, and gutted defense to get $$$ for socialism....
going back to GOP- Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Trump...
Learn from it...
it isn't the end of the world, as the national pendulum always swings back from DEM rule.
They've gone past 8 years of reign, very, very few times...

17276386? ago

I must be talking to a dipshit boomer. No other cohort could be this mindbogglingly ignorant. Look dipshit, the demographics in this country are changing, and fast. Pretty soon this country will be 50+% nonwhite. Nonwhites vote for socialism, invariably. Once the scale has been tipped, we will never have a republican president again. Look at voting maps broken down by race. Without a white majority in this country, conservatism is dead. The pendulum will not swing back this time without violence.

17276895? ago

""they want you divided by race" -Q. Yep, it worked on you....

17278056? ago

It's not race you nigger faggot...we love the beautiful intelligent innovative white race, but not the sub 80 IQ apes forced into our societies. When shtf, you'll be slaughtered by these chimps as fast as the libtards.

17278036? ago

Drink bleach you fucking low IQ boomer idiot. Humans are naturally divided by race. Tens of thousands of years of divergent evolution did that for us. Sorry, but humans aren't all equal. This is why Q is a fucking bullshit distraction that hurts the potential of a real American nationalist movement. Your grandkids are going to be hated minorities in the country our ancestors built, and it's all thanks to brainwashed airheaded boomers like you who did nothing to fight back when there was still time. Read what the founders and all presidents up to Eisenhower had to say about race and immigration. There's a reason that we limited immigration to White people until 1965. Race is real and it matters. That's reality.

17275429? ago

And each Republican spent more than their predecessors, instituted new socialist programs, and let more immigrants in than Dems. Learn from it.

17276912? ago

while the Jewish media rake in hundreds of millions, in ever increasing fees for campaign ads?

17270335? ago

It is not the land which gets overrun....it is the people and culture.

Your choice of metrics suck.

17269826? ago

It is overrun... illegals cost is 150 to BILLION per year, and are interfering in our elections (trump won the popular vote if you remove the dem cheating and illegals).

17269333? ago

European & American Immigration History and Policy

Immigration into the US was exclusively European until 1965 when the Immigration and Nationalization Act was passed. http://magaimg.net/img/7gbu.jpg

Jewish congressmen played an outsized role in the Act becoming law.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gbv.jpg

Current European immigration policy is very clearly and blatantly anti-white.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gbw.jpg

The very first immigration act by US congress only allowed whites to enter.  http://magaimg.net/img/7egt.jpg

Kalgeri, Rothschild, U.N. connection/plan for the genocide of whites.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gck.jpg

Kalgeri plan impact on the UK.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gco.jpg

Prominent Jews openly admit to advocating and enacting white genocide through mass migration

Jews freely admit to their central role in the mass migration of military age African and middle eastern men.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gbx.png

Prominent Jews state that the goal is to create a global race of brown people with lower IQ and easier to control.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gby.jpg

Rabbi Haviv at the World Jewish Conference reiterating that the goal of mass immigration is the end of the white race.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcb.jpg

Again, Jews openly admit they are behind the immigration of Africans and South Americans into Western nations with the purpose of genociding whites.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcc.jpg

More pervasive proof Jews are behind the immigration push and genocide of whites.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcd.jpg

Itemized list of Jewish pro immigration organizations advocating for mass migration into the West.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gce.jpg

Compilation of Jews advocating and implementing migration policies to genocide whites.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcg.jpg

US Jews demand Israel export unwanted African migrants to white nations.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcq.jpg

Jews advocating and enacting mass migration into white nations to genocide whites. Mega compilation.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcr.jpg

More extremely prominent Jewish figureheads openly advocating for genociding whites.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gct.jpg

Subtle Anti-white Propaganda

Climate change propaganda always portrays white children and how detrimental they are to the environment.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gci.jpg

Israel can protect their borders but not the U.S.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcj.jpg

Multiculturalism is bad for Israel but good for everyone else.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcn.png

U.S. Immigration Impact

More than $50 billion annually leaves the U.S. due to economic migrants sending money home.  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcp.jpg

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17281705? ago

Thanks T_S

17277785? ago

Never delete this post.

17273676? ago

Trust the Plan - Q.

17272394? ago

Trips confirm this redpill bomb.

17278076? ago
