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octogod ago

i don't know what's funnier, that story or that you're a jew on voat.

RacistJew ago

I love this place. Only place I can speak my mind. Being here has definitly refreshed my world views as well.

voatuser1128 ago

I love this place. Only place I can speak my mind. Being here has definitly refreshed my world views as well.

What's the Jew plan with all the unlimited migration stuff? You can do a internet search and find tons of Jewish groups whom are pro-migrant. I mean once the West is filled with Jew hating Muslims, doesn't that fuck you guys over?

RacistJew ago

I have no idea. Honestly the huge influx of muzzies is the only thing stopping me from thinking Jews are really in ultimate control. Because you are right, we hate eachother with a passion and they outnumber us 10:1.

Some people have theories here That Jews think they can control the muzzies? I don't see how. But lots of American Jews are retarded crazy fucks so I have no idea.

Not like Israeli Jews are pro immigrant!?

voatuser1128 ago

Comment with a huge list of pro migrant Jewish groups and pro migrant comments from prominent Jewish leaders for extra reading.

RacistJew ago

Thanks for the link. Sent it to one of my friends I am trying to wake up.

I don't deny it is happening, but it seems like such a staggeringly retarded plan I have a hard time believeing/understanding it.

Like who wants to live in a world full of brown retards?

Israel__rules00 ago

wait are you actually a jew who isnt anti white?

RacistJew ago

Why would I hate the one single race that creates civilizations on this sad little planet!?

I am technically ethnically Jewish, but my kids will technically be white.

I care about both races, and I want both to survive. But my primary loyalty is to Jews, it has to be right?

I wouldn't think twice about killing socialist American jews though. But given a pure Jewish genicide type situation I would have to defend my fellow tribe.

I hope the US fractures along political rather than racial lines, and I can fight along side you crazy bastards.