vito55 ago

Somalis are the worst. More niggerish than even Ethiopians. Only niggers of that caliber would shit in a wall. Really?

nate_higgers_ ago

they would punch holes in the drywall and piss and shit into the wall until it filled up, before moving to the next one. This went on until they had filled up almost every wall in the house.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ. I could sit and ponder for weeks on how to exact revenge against a landlord and not come up with this idea... I'm equal parts repulsed and impressed. Fucking wow...

FreedomWarrior ago

How the fuck are all these Somalis getting here? I felt my IQ drop looking at one and exchanging a few sentences.

SchwoogNite96 ago

They were probably trying to figure out the insulating "R"-Value of niggerturds.

RacistJew ago

Yes I am sure that is it.

1Icemonkey ago

I have an acquaintance who runs a few air bnb locations. During the Northern California fires two years ago, he reached out to some charity announcing he would like to lend his space to some “refugees”. He meant people displaced by the fires, as there were thousands. Instead, a fambly of Afghan refugees showed up. This was a fully furnished four bedroom house mind you. They all slept on the floor in one room, and shit and pisssed all over the floors in the other rooms. They completely destroyed the place in thirty days.

RacistJew ago

I know you are not lying, just like my friend was not lieing, but I just can't fathom it!

Derpfroot ago

There's that post from the chans about the niggers that infested the high-rises in South Africa, but the power was shit off, so they just thought the elevator shafts were toilets. They are so much more disgusting than people realize.

RacistJew ago

Wow. So that is the fate of zoo York, la, and San Fran in 10 more years.

kreepyasskraker ago

Na LA and San Francisco are going to be another Mexico. Niggers don't stand a chance against bean pickers.

RacistJew ago

Good point!

AFlyOnTheWall ago

Renting to Somalians? Shit, they’re the niggers of Africa.

enginedriver13 ago

This reminds me of how the EU has/had been dumping huge broods of afro-savages into small underpopulated villages in Italy. The houses in these villages are very old one bathroom affairs, on narrow streets. The afros just go out and piss and shit in the streets in broad daylight all day long, overwhelming the impoverished municipalities' ability to keep the roads clean and disinfected. So hateful.

RacistJew ago

Does a monkey hate the zoo? Not sure if hate or just a result of chimpness, or both?

Mrsfattmatt ago

American niggers do this too. I once had to make a home visit on a client who’s plumbing was bad. They removed the toiled and just shit in the hole that was left. For months.

RacistJew ago

Good God.

GoyGenius ago

Its horrible. They piss in broad daylight, there's shit everywhere. I've been taking photos just to document how bad it really is. I can't wait to move out of here

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Can you post some of these pictures?

octogod ago

i don't know what's funnier, that story or that you're a jew on voat.

RacistJew ago

I love this place. Only place I can speak my mind. Being here has definitly refreshed my world views as well.

voatuser1128 ago

I love this place. Only place I can speak my mind. Being here has definitly refreshed my world views as well.

What's the Jew plan with all the unlimited migration stuff? You can do a internet search and find tons of Jewish groups whom are pro-migrant. I mean once the West is filled with Jew hating Muslims, doesn't that fuck you guys over?

RacistJew ago

I have no idea. Honestly the huge influx of muzzies is the only thing stopping me from thinking Jews are really in ultimate control. Because you are right, we hate eachother with a passion and they outnumber us 10:1.

Some people have theories here That Jews think they can control the muzzies? I don't see how. But lots of American Jews are retarded crazy fucks so I have no idea.

Not like Israeli Jews are pro immigrant!?

TheKalergiFan ago

outnumber us 10:1

lol it's 1.8 billion mussies vs 15 million jews

You're outnumbered over 100:1 and the white attack dogs that keep them at bay are being destroyed....

RacistJew ago

Target rich environment. Shit, I need more ammo.

Yeah I really don't understand what is wrong with 80% of American Jews. Either they lost touch with reality being surrounded by wealth in the big cities, or just went insane, or really are not that smart. Or someone else is in control who won't be as affected by the muzzies. But in reality everyone is affected by them, and I don't think they can be controlled. A society full of oeople like them always crumbles.

Israeli Jews know how to handle arabs and how important borders and a homogenous culture is.

voatuser1128 ago

Comment with a huge list of pro migrant Jewish groups and pro migrant comments from prominent Jewish leaders for extra reading.

RacistJew ago

Thanks for the link. Sent it to one of my friends I am trying to wake up.

I don't deny it is happening, but it seems like such a staggeringly retarded plan I have a hard time believeing/understanding it.

Like who wants to live in a world full of brown retards?

Israel__rules00 ago

wait are you actually a jew who isnt anti white?

RacistJew ago

Why would I hate the one single race that creates civilizations on this sad little planet!?

I am technically ethnically Jewish, but my kids will technically be white.

I care about both races, and I want both to survive. But my primary loyalty is to Jews, it has to be right?

I wouldn't think twice about killing socialist American jews though. But given a pure Jewish genicide type situation I would have to defend my fellow tribe.

I hope the US fractures along political rather than racial lines, and I can fight along side you crazy bastards.

kreepyasskraker ago

Thats good, we will let you pick your execution method when the day of the rope comes.

RacistJew ago

I already picked it. If I can die in a pile of empty brass and dine in Valhalla I will die happy.

con77 ago

fucking cave men

vito55 ago

Cave men had more respect for their environment. At least they had some modicum if decorum.

RacistJew ago

I bet cavemen were cleaner then that.

con77 ago


onezeno ago


So much for Jews being smart.

RacistJew ago

Got me