17185165? ago

I think that this statement means that the truth will drive most people stark raving mad, including the psychiatrists and psychologists (spit)

17180985? ago

I have been thinking about this Q drop and wonder if it means people will be going to the hospital to get vaccines against cancer, alzheimers and diabetes. Notice how the cabal doesnt suffer from these diseases? If there were such cures, wouldnt everyone be going to get them when they are made known and available?

17180577? ago

They are sending shills like OP here! ;)

17180566? ago

Q111 & Q142 The Truth Would Put 99% Of People In The Hospital

Any Q followers able to explain how you could take Q seriously after that?

17180453? ago

Aliens in control. Up your games bitches. The greys are afraid.

17189818? ago

This news wouldn't put me in the hospital.

17179674? ago

I think its the truth that our bodys are just avatars, and not REALLY us, that our existence is virtual, nothing is ACTUALLY real in this reality and that the REAL us is in another dimension. The REAL us is actually one entity experiencing itself through this construct like an octopus with trillions of tentacles. This real us, this entity, itself, doesnt even know how it came into existence and created this construct to to try figure it out.

17182942? ago

Good lord, no wonder so many of us off ourselves... "Get me the fuck outta here..."

17180509? ago

love the speculative ending!

17179614? ago

Obamacare is effectively deaf and the wall is being built. WTh ?

17180503? ago

speak up, sonny

17179576? ago

When truth starts coming out I think we're gonna have to help non red-pilled friends and family, and maybe equally important, to help each other on here stay the course. We're not alone when we have our anon network. Anons on here have helped me stay strong many times over.

17179291? ago

I think we’re gonna find out that human meat is being sold and packaged with hamburger meat, etc...

17179567? ago

yes, and I fear women have been using 'anti-aging creams' in their makeup bags and it will be revealed that vampiric stem cells from abortions have been used in their products.

human meat is being sold and packaged with hamburger meat

2:18 For what goes into your mouth will not defile you, but what comes out of your mouth, that is what will defile you.

Yeshua knew - gird up your loins with great strength.

17183012? ago

I have a feeling a lot of women already suspect this and don't care. As long as they look younger.... because afterall... if you're a woman and you're not young, the tv tells you, you have ZERO worth. This is why the media's influence is so dangerous. It seductively on a conscious level and malevolently on a subconscious level, instills a gripping fear in people over different things. (Women: loss of love, loss of revelance, if you look old.) It makes people NOT give a shit about evil, as long as THEY are getting what they want. As long as they are getting THEIR problems solved (in this case, anti-aging.)

17184234? ago


99% being hospitalised means 99% can be saved?

<1% that can't be saved???;

The Truth Would Put...

USA (http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/us-population/)

population: 328,348,835

328,348,835 x 0.01 ≈ 3 million Americans in chains/arms of the law

WW (http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/))

population: 7,688,481,777

7,688,481,777 x 0.01 ≈ 76 million humans In chains/arms of the law???

HUGE numbers.

Truth saves.

17182857? ago

This realization DID hospitalize me. I became extremely afraid, but by losing everything I gained TRUTH.

How do we rebuke them with love? I forgive them for what they do. I cannot allow this to continue for the sake of my children and my ancestors.

-bridge it

17179177? ago

What do you mean he “couldn’t get Obamacare stopped”? He removed penalties for non compliance. . The government not being able to fine you for participating effectively kills it. You are technically legally required to participate, but POTUS removed the penalties for not doing so. People need to understand this. He did not get a full repeal, but he took the teeth out of the law.

17184930? ago

Yes the penalty is gone. That is great for people that had to pay for their own health insurance or pay the penalty. Now they don’t have a penalty but have no health insurance.

17179644? ago

Wouldnt it be ironic if 99% of the population had to be hospitalized under Obamacare because of Obama and Hillary?

17178904? ago

I too wonder myself where i get my strength from, from knowing all this evil, from being sexually abused for years as child, and still standing, still managing to love my family, still managing to go to work, whilst working with ignorant people. How i keep this information in and carry on trying to live a "normal life" I'l never know, ive been to the bottom of depression and clawed my way out for my family. Love is what keeps me going and the pursuit of truth, its a hard lonely road, but here i am.

17189598? ago

God has a plan for you. Satan is always trying to find a way to keep you from finding your true work. I hope you find healing and purpose, that your suffering was not in vain.

17184542? ago

It is wonderful that you have a family and made it this far. I hope you will find peace and happiness

17186485? ago

Thanks anon, i do have peace & happiness, knowing ive never mirrored this suffering onto anyone else.

17191955? ago

There are victimizers and victims, but you are neither, you are victorious.

17186493? ago

Bless you and thank you!

17183314? ago

God bless you! The fact that u havent transferred ur anger and pain on to others speaks highly of u. I hope u found + influences and mentors to help u along the way. I've worked with adolescent and teen offenders for about 8 years in one of my jobs, and they almost all started off as victims. I'm impressed that youve managed to have the empathy to realize what that abuse did to u and chose not to re-enact the deed from the other perspective! May u always take pride in the fact that ur a fighter and have heart! #WWG1WGA

17186736? ago

Thanks so much for the reply, ive never wanted anyone to suffer the way i have, so ive always sought to protect, even when some haven't deserved it, even when ive been at my lowest, im wise and strong now, i broke threw barriers i never thought possible, all on my own i might add, ive never really received any help, doctor tried putting me on meds, but i never took them. My mom spent years on them and thats why her eye wasn't on the ball and her boyfriend, whom i thought was my dad got away with what he did, thankfully for her, i dont hold it against her, i forgive her, for all the lies, even bringing me up as his, ive never met my real dad, i wouldnt want to either, anyways thanks again.

17179030? ago

Just keeping hanging on. Dont let the demons in - stay busy and purposeful and loving - life will get less lonely when we are able to put ourselves out there. It has been a long winter with twists and turns and constant changes. Spring and hope are right around the corner. Find the beauty in the world and tune out all the ugliness for a hour or two. Recharge!

17182663? ago

Thanks for the reply anon, i'm looking forward to spring as i really love gardening, so thats another hobby that keeps me busy and purposeful, because it is the key isn't it. and as the saying goes..The devil makes work for idle hands. Thanks again.

17184032? ago

Be well wwg1wga

17178892? ago

The truth needs to come out. It's a cheap response to say, sorry, we can't tell you. The people need to know so they can vote and act accordingly. The people responsible need to be HELD RESPONSIBLE.

In order for the people to reclaim their government, they need to know the truth. Anything else is just a cop-out and I don't believe the 99% thing. It's just another lame excuse.

17178857? ago

I'm a Q and Trump supporter 100%. That said, I have a question that has me confused:

Why did Trump move our embassy to Jerusalem?

Is Bebe a white hat or black hat? Israel is trying to take him down too.

Where do we stand on this?

When he did that it alarmed me tremendously because it's written in the end of times prophesies.

17180653? ago

Might as well ask why he's surrounded himself with them for decades, and even gave them his family.

17180501? ago

For over 2,000 years every generation has declared that Jesus is returning and judgment is surely right around the corner. Some generation is going to be correct.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we should think often about the fact that He is coming soon and that every person must stand before Him to give an account. On four occasions Jesus Christ instructed us to be ready. The apostle Peter points out (2 Pet. 3:3-13) that such foolish scoffers fail to note that God spoke the universe into existence by His powerful word and that He has given us an object lesson of the terror and power of His judgment in the flood. The present heavens and earth are being reserved, not for a judgment of water, but of fire.

The only reason God has delayed judgment is His great patience as He waits for more to come to repentance. Part of me looks forward to the day of Jesus Christ return. The other part of me aligns with God and His patience giving more people the ability to repent. I am ready for His return with full knowledge that Jesus will return or I will die today.

17179258? ago

Wow? Revelations spoke about the United States (which wasn’t even thought of yet) embassy being moved to Jerusalem? I missed that one.

17179067? ago

...no it's not.

The temple is, not an embassy. Unless I missed something

17178784? ago

Trust Sessions. Misterms are safe, retard.

17178711? ago

Welcome to the war. There are aliens.

17178687? ago

Let them come! Frostmourne HUNGERS!!!!!

For the truth.

17178641? ago

They told us the primary goal was the safety of the people, slow and steady will win the race.

17178583? ago

So what happens when we find out what the ingredients of a Red Pill are???

17178567? ago

shill post with shills upvoting it and responding to it/each other.

FAKE JEWS = Luciferian pedo talmud (manmade) ACTUAL JEWS = Messianic Jesus Following

17179112? ago

FAKE JEWS = Luciferian pedo talmud (manmade) ACTUAL JEWS = Messianic Jesus Following

Agreed, except it's actually Babylonian / Egyptian, but where in the OP does it say anything about Jews? Nowhere does it say anything about Jews.

17185567? ago

The comments are/were full of muhjoofags at the time I posted (last night).

17187795? ago

How does that prove that the OP was a shill? You came to Voat, which is full of people who really don't like "Luciferian pedo talmud" Jews, specifically because those same people ban them from any other platform for talking about it. Why are you surprised to see people talking about that in the comments? What do you think that paid shills actually pay people to shill?

If shills are paid by people who want a single mixed race undercaste dominated by an international one-world-government, why do you think that people attacking the "Luciferian pedo talmud" Jews in the comments are paid by them? How does this even make the slightest bit of sense to you?

17209479? ago

Hey fucking asshole. The luciferians use "Jewishness" as their cover. Its in the fucking bible "Synagogue of Satan". Go kys.

17209962? ago

Are you a bot? Did you read the post you responded to?

17178924? ago

you're on voat, you're sharing the website with voaters, YOU came TO US, remember. we're all here reading the stuff you people are posting here as well, and we're commenting too.

you lot always by default, in classic indoctrinated cognitive-dissonance style, dismiss EVERYTHING that might upset your frail minds as 'muh shills' because the truth is...

Q is right.

You cant handle the truth.

17185619? ago

the truth is there are enemy agents here spreading lies (for example: the jews are responsible for EVERYTHING). Derp.

17198813? ago

those aren't enemy agents, those are your vanguard, mister keyboard warrior.

17209492? ago

Assholes spreading lies about Jewish people are no vanguard they are the enemy pure and simple. God wins.

17219332? ago

you'll find yourself fighting on the wrong side, friend.

but if you want to go die for israel, that's your choice to make, and i'll be happy to pull the trigger on you.

don't say that nobody warned you

17178848? ago

I too have noticed, shill's upvoting and sticking together in their shill posts lol what they dont realise is, we know what they're doing, and their silly childish games have no effect on grown up minds. They are so in the open its laughable.

17185558? ago

yes exactly. their responses to me tell-all.

17178561? ago

I guess I've lived too damn long to listen to any messages that aren't backed up with actions. Blah, blah, blah. That's what politicians do. All I see is our lives being pushed towards imminent gulag status and everyone waiting around for someone else to do something.

17178526? ago

This post is from a couple months ago, same subject. Has 781 comments. I saved it because there are a lot of really interesting theories.


17178837? ago

Wow! The comments were endless on the link and mind boggling. People were in a strange mood. Now I am in a strange mood. This whole Q thing is so exhausting - I get through it by imagining the criminals on Q's list are like kids waiting for the punishment they know they have coming but they dont know when it is going to arrive. I imagine them looking around at their fine things in their fine homes and touching their fine jewelry and counting their fine money and knowing at best they will be living in a concrete cell and at worst hanging from a gallows beam. Yes, hospitals will be full when it starts crashing down.

17179189? ago

You're good at reading energies, anon. There was the same strangeness in the air that night as there is right now. Preternatural. That must be why the posts were revisited.

To make it even more intense, thunder just broke out, directly overhead, as I'm writing this. (On the coast in SoCal.)

Q is awesome.

17179542? ago

No coincidences. The world is a collective mirror.

17179370? ago

When thunder rolls, enlightening follows. Preternatural describes it perfectly. Q is awesome.

17178525? ago

Getting Christians to reject the Jew will be a Herculean effort. Christians love Jews even more than their own family members.

17189611? ago

Are you kidding me? JEWS KILLED JESUS. Christians love Jesus. It isn't that fucking hard.

17179266? ago

How do we account for the Roseanne persecution? She’s a Jew and she seems very pro trump/America and anti cabal? They also ruined her.

17198703? ago

Simple, she's either bit the hand that feeds her or she's staged opposition. You forget in her new show she was normalizing that child trans shit with her show.

17178710? ago

because God says jews are his chosen people... Makes you wonder if jews invented christianity to make europeans subvert themselves to jews

17198646? ago

Wouldn't be surprised.

17189620? ago

You need to read the rest of the Bible. The Jews are no longer the chosen people. Those who follow Jesus are grafted in.

17190585? ago

I'm afraid I have read or heard everything already

17179071? ago

That's a modern doctrine, based on perversions of the Bible.

17178937? ago

this is ONLY written in the later versions, written.... by jews.

NO older version of the bible mentions anything like that

17178484? ago

Only nukes or biological warfare would put 99% in the hospital.

17179313? ago

Really? Or maybe finding out that everything you see on tv from commercials, tv shows, movies both adult and children is propaganda. Finding out 3 our of 4 politicians work for a foreign special interest? To find out that millions of Americans voted for an illegal alien for our president who then proceeded to tear America apart from within like a devil. When we realize every fucking war we’ve fought over the last 70 years has been fake, for the rich to get richer.... the death of so many for what? When we realize that our vote never really counted anyways. When we find out how bad the media indoctrination has been, the coordination between all major news corps in accordance with Hollywood and govt laying out one narrative to be pounded into our heads in a cultural echo chamber. The betrayal many will feel. What happens when the world finds out that govts r participating in human trafficking? On a global, govt sanctioned scale? Wars and natural (or not so natural) disasters faked to create chaos in an attempt to trafficking more people. What happens when we find out why these people r primarily being trafficked? Sex? Yeah that could make some sick but most can handle that because we r getting used to it, desensitized. But what happens when we find out that this huge global human trafficking operation is done in order to feed the elite with children to be consumed, have their blood drank (andrenechrome), and to have satanic rituals performed on them including tortured and murder. What happens when the masses find out that by torturing a child before death releases certain chemicals into the blood making it an intoxicating drug? What happens when millions of Americans figure out that they’ve allowed this to happen? Not only allowed it to happen but voted for it? I think this puts many many people into a hospital anon?

17185925? ago

What you said is all true. The hospital part always puzzled me because so many people don’t have access to hospitals. I shouldn’t take the 99% part to be an absolute.

17183183? ago

Voted for it and PAID for it. While we get sicker and sicker, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. When you find out your loved ones who died horrible, painful deaths from curable illnesses, died in vain. It's all just the tip of the iceberg, so much anger, shock, confusion, (did I mention ANGER) would be unleashed, the world, would absolutely grind to a HALT. When that happens, it's a domino effect that would result in mass chaos, starvation, and death.

The other guy said "only nukes or biological warfare" would put 99% in the hospital. Bullshit. The truth, the whole truth being revealed will be equivalent to a nuke going off, you don't even need a damn nuke. It would be complete chaos.

17185064? ago


17179546? ago

I am calling an ambulance for myself right now after reading your graphic comment anon. We know a lot and are on the tipping point I think.

17179597? ago

Kek!!! U and I will be ok anon. We’ve had time to let this stuff sink in. It’s the abrupt slapping of this truth that’s going to consume some.

17179098? ago

It would put a shit ton in the morgue, not 99% in the hospital.


Q111 - HUMA and Obama "The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital."


Q142 - Trace the Bloodlines "The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital."

111 says the complete picture would put 99% of Americans, then the World in parenthesis. Usually when Q is talking about the whole world, it's WW, or worldwide. Do you know what that's about? Anyway, since it says "the complete picture" it's reasonable to think Q is talking about mental breakdowns/insanity brought on by full understanding. It it most likely an exaggeration used to relay just how horrible the truth is concerning the information from that drop.

142 is creepier in subject matter imo, albeit much more intriguing. When taken alone, the reference to putting 99% in the hospital does sound like there is something that would hospitalize people for physical trauma. However, that doesn't make a lot of sense. Again, Q is most likely pointing out that most people couldn't handle the grisly truth and most would go off the deep end.

It's a good time for Patriots to really practice remaining calm under all circumstances. Reacting (especially over-reacting) every time we hear something we don't like shows a lack of understanding at best. It can also be dangerous to "freak out" when blindsided.

I hope by now there are more than 1% of humans that could handle any kind of revelations, even ones involving themselves. I also hope Q was exaggerating for emphasis!

17185973? ago

Good thinking!

17179070? ago

Nukes wouldn't, most would be dead in the streets. Biological wouldn't unless it was very slow acting even then it would probably be neighborhood level triage care as hospitals would be overwhelmed too fast.

Maybe it's eluding to the decline of testosterone in men and the rise of estrogen in women. Would explain the rise of men acting like women and women acting like men. But, it's probably just bullshit.

17179606? ago

Maybe Q means that when the truth is exposed the deep state will create a catastrophy of epic proportions making millions sick or dead so the Q team has to identify and destroy all their weapons including biological, nuclear, or the super secret one used on diplomats in Cuba before truths come out. Maybe each "sacrifice" the dems make publicly results in more delays behind the scenes and the discovery of more ammunition. Q has their comms.

17186078? ago

I have similar thoughts and concerns. Sometimes I get consumed with worry and post my concerns. There are good anons that help me to focus on the goal and bring hope.

17186269? ago


17184458? ago

If I was a con-artist and wanted an excuse as to why things wouldn't happen this would be along the lines of what I'd use. On another note, I have a genuine Pandora's box for sale if your interested. Of course you could never look inside and check if it's real without ending the world...

17187421? ago

'pops latch...'

...aaaaaand...its fake and gay

17187564? ago

Give it time... It's guaranteed to kill everything on earth eventually.

*may take upwards of 4billion years to work, your mileage may vary.

17187526? ago

If only it was so easy to peer inside the Q movement/delusion/conspiracy.

17183434? ago

Yeah, I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head.

17178482? ago

I think the TRUTH is coming.

Nothing can stop it now!

[-14] for those who are counting.

And if you need a dose of POTUS handing out TRUTH, just check his twitfeed. Its now a daily barage of TRUTHBOMBS. Incoming!!!

17180580? ago

I'd like to hear the truth about why he does the bidding of the jews.

17181258? ago

I think we haven't disarmed all of the explosives they planted in this country yet.

17179682? ago

total guess. 18/19 March - around spring equinox - DARK to LIGHT ?

17178419? ago

I say "do it!" put em in the hospital.

17178410? ago

I suspect we're about to learn that the Jews have not only been poisoning our mainstream media and poisoning our government and protecting the Deep State and poisoning our legal system, but they've been poisoning our air (aluminum chemtrails), water (fluoride) and food too.

When people learn they and their children have been permanently and deliberately damaged so our minds and bodies fail 30 years earlier than they naturally should, most people will never feel healthy again.

17189541? ago

WATER POISONING - C8 - 3M & DUPONT - https://hooktube.com/watch?v=84glf6F3b-Y

17180084? ago

An average criminal steals valuable things.

These super-criminal Jews stole and molested our intelligence. Their anti-human agendas are everywhere.


There is nothing more precious than your intelligence.

Earth, let's wake up !

17180162? ago

The reason Jews are the most exiled and treacherous people in human history is because their Talmudic religion worships shekels and power and claims Jews are a genetic master race and everyone else were put on Earth as their disposable slaves.

The Talmud, the foundational scripture that defines Judaism's laws and theology, is an instruction guide on how to slaughter and enslave us all like cattle while stealing everything they can get their hands on.

17179685? ago

I suspect that when and if we learn all that, that there will be an announcement of cures along side this, or else what good would it do...

ANyways, if the Bible is at all true, it says the apocalypse (revealing) and judgement falls on the wicked, and healing comes to the righteous.

17179099? ago


That's old news, John Brennan talked about it at CFR in 2016. They call it "stratospheric aerosol injection"

17181246? ago

don't forget about fast food too.

17179690? ago

You ever hear what THEY did in Chicago to its citizens? 'testing' on them from the air!

17179358? ago

I've often wondered (along with many others, I'm sure) why President Trump has seemingly ignored the chemtrails and let them continue, in even greater measure than ever. I believe the answer was given to me through a video that showed up in a feed yesterday.

If you're ready to consider the chemtrail matter from an entirely new perspective that doesn't involve fear, consider what the man in this clip says. (I feel that you are. Seems like only people who have really done their homework on the subject know about Brennan's spiel.)

Also, I'm pretty sure that he's not religiously affiliated. He calls his higher self a guardian angel for the sake of others' understanding.


17180537? ago

What a load of horseshit!

17182735? ago

Thank you for sharing your personal opinion!

17178575? ago

I think it's if the truth came out they would nuke most of the world and keep a small percentage of people around as slaves.

17178565? ago

What is an unpolluted human capable of ?

How would they look and act ?

We have forgotten what It means to be healthy.

17180184? ago

Farm or homestead and you’ll find out

17178934? ago

you must have heard/read some of the accounts of the borderline superhuman feats of strength of the germans in the first half of WW2.

17181382? ago

LOL they were fed meth-amphetamines. Especially the tank crews. Had nothing to do with genetics.

17186793? ago

Genes have everything to do with it. Your genes determine how you will respond to those methamphetamines. There is a study devoted to it called Parmacogenetics. The jargon used in academic journals can be difficult to follow but it's explained in a nutshell here:


The same is true of any substance, from otc drugs to prescribed meds to psychedelics to hard drugs. Even "simple" caffeine. Your people group will have general, mostly similar reactions and you, as an individual, will have your own specific reactions.

Let's say there are two people who have never dropped acid. Give them each two tabs. One says "whoa, the colors were amazing! The walls were walking around and my friends looked like forest animals!" The other can barely speak about their trip. They took theirs alone, in their room, and had an extremely profound experience as their consciousness shot through the veil of reality and they had a spiritual awakening.

One person can smoke (or ingest) meth and do resaearch for three days, fully absorbed, while another is inundated with energy and moves around the furniture in every room of their house all day or walks 20 miles or engages in extremely active sex for 15 hours without stopping. Some get high and talk to aliens in an alien language.

Some people get tired from caffeine.

You definitely can group a lot of people together on their reactions but not all. Never assume someone else has had or will have the same effect as you or anyone else. Genetics matter.

17179202? ago

Not just that. Pioneer women in the United States could easily move 200 pound sacks of grain, some women even 2 at a time. People are definitely weaker, but part of that is technological advances. We have machines to do our work now. But..... part of it is we have been weakened.

17178939? ago

Nope. Do you have any info on that ?

I do know they ate a lot of meat.

17179222? ago

Methamphetamine (crystal meth) 'Pervitin' was issued to Wehrmacht troops in pill form by the millions before the successful invasion of France in 1940. Developed by the Temmler pharmaceutical Co.

17179094? ago

17179502? ago

If you try to look for Nazi fitness requirements and training routines you will only find allies re-writings of the originals.

There are crazy claims Nazi soldiers being shot if they try to leave once training gets tuf. While also mentioning much time and resources go into turning Nazi German kids in to soldiers.

I have tried a vegan diet and a balanced diet. Both without junk food and with low and then high protein. I have also briefly tried a primarily meat based diet with lots of fat. As as well as a bunch of other stuff.

I do work out a fair bit, I am not expert. My current problem was trying to squat heavy and leaning forward too much. Any way I have been track my progress.

Eating loads of organic meat was expensive so I did do it for more than a month. The good news Is I can try it again. Its only been 3 days so far and I am already feeling better. In an attempt to save money I found my self eating lots of carbs and sugar almost every day for the last month.

So I am really interested to see how this goes.

I am also interested in what how hard I can push myself and still recover in time for the next workout.

So far I found that there are loads of simple changed you can make to your work out to make a huge difference. For example training for explosive speed or slow endurance.

It seems that you can train most muscle group every 48hours. You can build up to training your legs every day.

If you train slow you will be slow. So its extremely important to preform compound movements with prefect form and slowly. But some times you want to train explosively.

I think its good that Isometric holds are coming back in fashion. I can see them being in Nazi routines. pushing or pulling against immovable objects with 100% effort.

Long story short I think we have re-Lerner what the nazi's figured out but not many people are putting it all in to one routine.

Nazi fitness requirements

100m Run: 13.4 - 14.2 seconds

200m Run: 30 - 32 seconds

400m Run: 68 - 72 seconds

Long Jump: 4.15 - 4.75 meters

High Jump: 1.15 - 1.35 meters

Grenade Throw: 35 - 42 meters

Swim: 100 meters in under 2.4 minutes, and 300 meters in under 9 minutes

17179113? ago

No image. Can you try again please or tell me what to search Google for

17178586? ago

I suspect we wouldn't have Alzheimers or Asperger syndrome and I suspect we'd be far less docile.

17181235? ago

Meaning we'd be ready for revolt, we'd break out the pitchforks and nooses.

17178876? ago

Being able to push and pull your body weight with each arm or leg shouldn't be to rear. Eg 1 arm chin-ups and pistol squats.

Also leaning and problem solving should also be better.

I think that things a simple as sink quality would be different.

17178360? ago

People can't even handle the truth on spics and niggers.

17178370? ago

Can't forget the jews too

17180388? ago

There is a really vocal group here that tries to “debunk” that.