17132196? ago

Rizvi Traverse Management LLC owner's home was the one raided by FBI a few weeks ago.....I'll go look for the sauce.

17126703? ago

Remember when there was a post like this about the reporter who died in a hotel room? Then it turned out he was a huge faggot sticking meth and everything else in the room up his asshole.

17128378? ago

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

17127108? ago


17125496? ago

This is just plain addiction running it’s course. Nothing smells off about it

17125280? ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square,_Inc. | https://archive.is/F5C6B

Emphasis my own.


Square received angel investments from Marissa Mayer, Kevin Rose, Biz Stone, Dennis Crowley, Shawn Fanning, MC Hammer, and Esther Dyson.[45] Since then, it has raised several additional rounds of funding:

  • Series A funding from Khosla Ventures[45]
  • Series B funding from Sequoia Capital[45]
  • Series C funding from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers[45]
  • Series D funding from Citi Ventures, Rizvi Traverse Management, and Starbucks[46]
  • Series E funding from Goldman Sachs, Rizvi Traverse Management, and GIC Private Limited[47]

17126089? ago

Where have I heard Rizvi Traverse before?

17126550? ago

Q posts 200 and 208:

Rizvi Traverse Management.

Happy hunting.


Rizvi Traverse Management.

Very important.


Linked to Al Waleed bin Talal and Jamal Khashoggi if I'm not mistaken...

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suhail_Rizvi | https://archive.is/9r28T

No direct mention of either in the above, but...

Here's a photo containing Rizvi, bin Talal and Khashoggi - I'm fairly certain it's legit, too. Several old sources appear to have existed for it, though pulling up working archives is a bitch:


Now, apparently, Suhail Rizvi has ties to bin Talal's Kingdom Holdings, both as an investment advisor and a major shareholder:



Reuters confirms that Rizvi Traverse Management LLC has financial ties to Twitter and Square, Inc.:


This arabnews.com article, incidentally, speaks of KHC having invested in the Rizvi Opportunistic Equity Fund III:


This businessinsider.com article, though, is a proverbial goldmine. Read it. Even skimming it for 'big names' is an eye opener:


17132538? ago

There are so many names popping up now I can't keep up. Just discovered a childrens animator named Laybourne connected to Oprah, and his wife, who founded Nickelodeon, are on Epstein's flight manifest. That name has never popped up on v/pizzagate before.

17138895? ago

Is there a connection between Laybourne and the above? Still waking up on this end.

17146768? ago

Not that I've seen. The Laybournes appear to be the child propagandists of the Clinton Cabal. And apparently, their kids did a raunchy incest skit. It's in the v/pizzagate thread comments.

17146808? ago

Pssst. It's me.

I must rest. I fucked up. Class in a couple of hours again.

That said...

Rizvi, Vivi, Apple, NeXT, you get the rest lol.

I'm sure other connections can be made via Vivi.

17130809? ago

Agreed. Very nice dig. Article mentions Suhail rizvi and vivi Nevo which both link back to all the major players in the tech/Hollywood/etc scandals.

Weinstein, DiCaprio, Dorsey, apple, heads of google and on and on. All linked via these dudes. Read the last article at least.

17128118? ago

Nice dig anon, thanks!

17125080? ago

Although Vinograd posted a video of her own comments to Twitter over the weekend, backlash was relentless not only to her Hitler remark, but also to CNN's decision to hire Vinograd as a national security analyst -- a seemingly nonpartisan title -- without clearly reminding viewers that she works at the Biden Institute.

"That thing where you are QAnon-level crazy but you are still allowed to be a 'national security analyst' for CNN," Matt Wolking, a GOP congressional communications director, wrote on Twitter.