17018717? ago

CFR? Atlantic Council? The 300? I wish it was Mr Rogers.

17018503? ago

The Q Clock is much more than meets the eye...


17017875? ago

Q is PamphletAnon + wife and friends. Spiraled out of control because they started cashing in on it, merch etc.

They use trumptwitterarchive.com to create deltas because it's got a low latency delay which allows you to see tweets quicker.

JAMES COLEMAN ROGERS from Virginia is the primary person behind this.

17017709? ago

A team of rogue C_A assets. Probably a whole fucking placeholder company

17017540? ago

Q's arch opponent is the author of the 4AM talking points. Q Drops vs DS Drops. QTeam <9... DS Team <=>9?

17016847? ago

RBG does.

17020539? ago

Just did a belly laugh. Thanks.

17016777? ago

Rogue CIA= Black-hats. Black-hats writing the 4 am talking points, imho.

17017176? ago

I think this is the case. The swamp is deep and wide.

17017241? ago

And full of danger!

17016771? ago

Probably someone like VJ or Brennan.

17017402? ago

This is my guess. Someone not IN the gov't but closely associated with the upper levels of gov't people and happenings. It's probably also not singular but a team of reprobates that does the dirty deed.