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16830873? ago

Fuck your god. Do good things for people because it is the right thing to do, not because a book written by bronze age goat herders tells you to.

16832057? ago

This should be the most upvoated post on the sub, but you offend the tender sensibilities of the Jesus freaks here. It fucks them up to acknowledge that non-believers are good, moral people, too.

I live in a highly Christian and "red" suburb of a major metro area. Most of the cunts in my 'hood patronize "prosperity gospel" megachurches, where the BMW-driving pastors are happy to tell the rubes that Jesus wants to get them a BMW, too, if they could just provide a small, recurring token of their faith via cash, check or credit card.

As you would expect, most of the congregants are the most vapid, shallow assholes you can imagine. No thanks.

16837886? ago

Those aren't Christians.

16846652? ago

“No true Scotsman” fallacy.

I’ll be sure to tell all these people that they’re not Christians.

By their fruits ye shall know them. If you attend a Christian church, with a Starbucks and a merch shop in the lobby, and your fellow congregants gush on social media about how “blessed” they are by Jesus because of their Lexus SUV, or their jewelry, or their fake tits, or their new stainless-steel appliances... then you are a prosperity gospel Christian, and you are figuratively spitting in Jesus’s face.

16853385? ago

Mixed message? Your first two lines seem to disparage the idea of criteria for being Christian, but then you take the opposite side? It's hard to say from a pic, but from the size and style of that 'church', chances are high they are on the fake Christian side of things. But then you acknowledge that fake Christians are a thing. Here's an example of a ridiculously fake Christian.

Feminist pastor, 49, proudly unveils a sculpture of a VULVA that she had made from old purity rings - before giving it to a delighted Gloria Steinem as a token of respect and gratitude -

Probably 5% of people claiming to be (or categorized as) Christians actually are. It might be less.

16859544? ago

fair enough... my original comment was to skewer prosperity gospel. If you don't subscribe to that particular variant, then please don't take offense.