16670016? ago

The distilled essence of this mind control/propaganda is confusion and the destruction of a societies's moral fabric. The MSM is indeed the enemy of the people. If we had a truthful media this whole cultural nightmare would end in 3 months. We actually have a silent majority of people that work and have common sense. Every wacko out there now gravitates to the Democrypt party but this party is imploding and will end up marginalized in political discourse over the next few years. The Trump era will finish them off.

16628936? ago

I agree--this is sheer insanity!

16613381? ago

cause they hope people(the sheep) will try and be like them , so they create a following out of thin air. multiply it, reduce the Original concept of creation and spread their perverse lifestyle. their perversion is to dominate. btw. i don't think they do any service to the true lgbt's that will get the backlash as well from this enforsed push. these people are finally free and accepted but might have to turn back into closets for safety later on. people will grow severe intolerance towards/will be unable to see the difference btween true and forced lgbt.

16611438? ago

it atomizes the population so it can never get consensus thus allows anyone in power to be in power unchallenged. Notice that no matter the issue the media always takes the most divisive topic, the most divisive subject.. mostly to make sure you can never be a cohesive group of people who could agree on anything... look around no one can agree on anything.. it is and was the point..

16609571? ago

Jews are an even smaller percentage and no one bats a fucking eye that they are the puppetmasters of all evil for fucks sake

Look at the schlomos during the SOTU. Bunch of hunchback penguins

16609173? ago

Control my friend, control

16606843? ago

On LBGT our Islamic brethren have it EXACTLY CORRECT!!!

16606834? ago

You said ram.


16606657? ago

They have to get gay shit normalized so they can then get tranny shit normalized so that they can then get pedo shit normalized

16606572? ago

Communism worships the state and natural bonds and instincts, and loyalty to the nation, are seen as competition to blind devotion to the state.

16605826? ago

I don't believe it's 4.5%...maybe 2.5%. That number sounds awfully high.

So long as gays are discreet and don't shove their sexuality down my throat - oh shit, no pun intended - I say live and let live. I really dislike the flamers, trannies and crazies who can't figure out what they are from day to day even though they were born with either a penis or vagina. Very rare to be born with both. I say Screw 'em if they demand we "cisgender" normies change our beliefs and vocabulary because they can't cope with the natural order of life.

16605092? ago

0.45% more likely.

16605072? ago

It's corruption. They're not after adults. Their after kids with immature brains, and stunted development in shitty govenment schools.

Russia actually has sensible anti-corruption rules. You can live your life with whatever vices, but you're fucked if you try selling your disease to kids.

16604605? ago

Faggots should be hung.

16604537? ago

Artists are even a smaller percentage. Maybe we should round them up and gas them, or better yet, cull them in the womb?

Fuck off.

16603999? ago

It's not 4.5%, it's .045% thank you very much!!

16609821? ago

That's still too many disgusting cocksuckers in the World.

16603489? ago

That's what they do....ram things down throats

16603457? ago

It's less then 4.5% . True Gay and lesbians are just 1.3 to 1.8%.

Since it is a "glorified" victim class many younger kids profess they are LGBT to get attention.

The real numbers haven't changed much in 45 years.

16602977? ago

4.5% of the population to vote blue

16602425? ago

Scott Lively - 5 stage process - culture conquest - begins with request for tolerance, once tolerance is acheived, then there is a demand for acceptance and equal status, then comes celebration: everyone must accept and promote homosexuality as a good thing, then forced participation for all in gay culture and finally, punishment for all who disagree.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI_0G2Ouz2oYouTube - 9 min mark

16601736? ago

Reality is under 2%

16603431? ago

Yes, it’s around 1.8%. These msm shitheads would have us believe it’s closer to 50% queer nation.

16609780? ago

If their numbers get any higher there will have to be a declared bounty on them. Cocksuckers offer nothing to society.

16625594? ago

A bounty! ROFL!!

16600864? ago

If you believe the crap on the TV, our country must be like 50% LGBT, 50% interracial couples, 50% muslim, and 100% women who support killing their own offspring. The MSM is too over the top to stomach.

16603509? ago

There you are being honest, reasonable, and smart again. You would make a shitty demonrat.

16602088? ago

Exactly...they are trying to normalize it and then normalize it to all the children and next generations, so they will think they have to do these things to be cool "like their heroes on tv and in movies". HOLLYWOOD IS DEMONIC!

16600803? ago

Identity politics is all the left has left. They have no policies that serve everyone. They therefore choose to divide us with crazy SJW accusation.

16600801? ago

Sadly its just part and parcel of nations who reject God and now face abandonment judgement. And no, you reading this, you don't have to believe in God, its your right to choose what you believe in, but as nations, the west, we built our national foundations on Christianity and Biblical principles. We lost our way long before the now current attacks on the family, which is just a continuance of the consequences of turning our backs on God as nations.

This is nothing new either. The Old Testament can be summarized as the historical account of a nation - Israel. And right through the Old Testament there is the repeated pattern of a nation obeying and acknowledging God, thus prospering and living in peace, to rejecting God which eventually leads to the nations destruction. That's the Old Testament in a nutshell. A repeated warning, with examples, from God to Man of benefits and/or consequences of obeying and acknowledged God or rejecting Him. Plain and simple, in black and white, no excuses.

The LGBT situation is just a part of a nations fall that leads to its ultimate destruction. As has been demonstrated time and again throughout the Old Testament, when a nation repents, turns from its wickedness, and acknowledges God, that nation is spared judgement and continues to flourish and prospers in peace. There is literally no other way. If America and the west as a whole is going to escape the coming judgement, there must be repentance of wickedness and acknowledgement of God.

It can happen. Nothing is impossible with God. But personally I don't see it. Not now, not today. But I do see one last fight for what's right taking place in the world. Hell is at the door pushing hard for control and this will ultimately come down to either we turn back to God as nations or we will lose everything and our destruction is guaranteed. And maybe it was meant to end this way for the west? Many righteous people were taken into captivity during Biblical times when their nation was destroyed. To live out their lives under a foreign and Satanic system, hoping and praying God would bring them home and give them another chance.

God always did for Israel, God delights in keeping His promises. Our savior Jesus was to be born of that nation, so God always made a way for them to return and rebuild. But once Jesus fulfilled His mission Jerusalem was destroyed and Israel was scattered to the four corners of the world as prophesied. Gods promise stands true and Israel is again a nation, and the west, the bride, the church, is nearing is completion. Israel will stand alone against the entire world under Satanic control. It is clear to anyone paying attention where we are heading and the Satanic control systems taking shape before our very eyes.

I fear the west will continue down its current path of destruction. The LGBT situation proves the direction we are heading. Globalism, Islam, Communism, all Satanic weapons who's purpose is the destruction of Christianity and the countries who were founded upon it. This is the real war being waged against us.

16600793? ago

They do not have pride in who they are, so they want to force everyone else to call them "normal" so they can feel that their situation is just like the average ordinary person. Why do the Dems tie into this with such passion? I think it is a couple of things. One, they have chosen to try to form an aggregate of every politically correct minority they can think of and try to compete against the majority typical American working person in pursuit of African style tribal politics. Two, they are attempting to muddy the waters to allow more room for potential election fraud because they realize that even their aggregate of minority groups do not form a majority of the American electorate.

16600662? ago

Well, We are short on Rope. That is the reason.

16600564? ago


16600537? ago

Its pretty simple actually, churches in America are filled with coward men taught by hireling preachers that teach God loves everybody. Satan(501C3) manages things very well clearly. Dilution, tolerance, and apathy.

16600352? ago

The intent of the LGBT movement is to complete the destruction of the American family structure and to destroy the healthy distinctively male/female sex roles in society. Men have been throughout history protectors and women nurturers. There's nothing wrong with that.

16600139? ago

Just to ruin your life! That gives them such happiness.

16600090? ago


16600015? ago

When a person allows their sexual preference/sexuality to become the core of their personality that is a HUGE problem. A persons sexuality is not something to wave like a flag of pride and demand others ACCEPT it, its only a small part of your being. It should never encompass all that you are as a person, its a private matter that needs no acceptance, because its private. Those who make it the WHOLE of their being and feel compelled to openly express their sexual preference/sexuality for the world to see........ARE EITHER DEVIANTS OR ARE MENTALLY DERANGED. That goes for straight people also, if all you think of is sex, if sex is your core..If all you can think of is pussy/cock....you have a HUGE issue. This type of behavior will NEVER be accepted because its FUCKING GROSS!

16600771? ago

Meanwhile, you masturbate as well as fornicate.If you have ever engaged in anal or oral sex with either gender you too are a sodomite. Its always been one sex(heterosexual) and only two genders. See where you're missing it yet?

16599991? ago

Because they are faggots. They take the gift of life and spray it into shit. How can you expect any rationality? Freaks and degenerates should have 0 power.

16599970? ago

Satanic Agenda

16599779? ago

The official LGBT movement is a mercenary ring with its roots in the Vatican intelligence network. Sending them money counts as "charity."

16599759? ago

{{{They}}} condition you to be afraid to speak no matter what abuses you see.

16599758? ago

No way in hell it's 4.5%. Less than 1%.

16599730? ago

Transgender is .06%. 90% of transgender commit suicide prior to surgery etc, and 90% commit suicide after. Why are they vaporizing such a small group who are innately unhappy?

16599727? ago

In reality they are far fewer than 4.5%

16599724? ago

ram this down everyone's throat

Well, that's what they do, don't they?

16599662? ago

I don't believe for a moment it's even as high as 4.5%. More like MAYBE 2%

16599652? ago

It’s amplified to keep us divided and preoccupied. Left vs Right

16599617? ago

Because it ISN'T REALLY 4 5% as that break any norm. Doubt it goes past 2%. The other 2.5% are just confused from the constant shelling of social acceptance.

16599605? ago

I'd like to see Joe Rogan be the government liason to the lesbian community. I can imagine how wonderful it would be because Joe is so soft spoken. Ever meeting would have Joe saying FUck you or you have to be shitting me with that crap.

16599576? ago

About 10% of animals are gay, why not people?

16599768? ago

Just because a dog humps your leg doesn't make it gay or you attractive. WTF did you get that statistic? Did you poll some squirrels or some stupid shit like that? Or likely you just made that shit up because 1 out of 10 dogs humped your leg.

16601045? ago

It was a female dog, I'm not gay!

16599942? ago


16599548? ago

  1. Depopulation agenda 2. Satanists love anything against what is said in the bible.....Satan is the original gangsta of the resistance

16599516? ago

It is the normalization of the absurd and the destruction of the normal by evil. Once one standard or normality is broken, the next level is challenged until all we will be left with are #FERALHUMANS. Ur choice. GOD wiped them out more than once and will do so again. Coming soon to a theater near you.

16599503? ago

Q: Since homosexuals do not reproduce, why are they the most vocal supporters of a woman's "right" to kill her own baby? Why is it there concern?

A: Because sex free of social responsibility inevitably leads to unwanted children. Killing children in the womb is their answer.

This is a historical patterns. Christianity spread through the Roman empire in competition with free sex cults. The sex and death cults left unwanted newborns outside their city walls to die or be eaten by wild animals. Early Christians rescued and adapted these babies. That was one of the factors that caused Christianity to grow so rapidly.

16601873? ago

OMG, did you notice in the SOTU speech--none of these demonic women in white stood for the innocent babies who have no voice!! They are JEZEBELS!! Just like my minister in Alabama said, President Trump and our country is being bewitched by the SPIRIT OF JEEBEL!! Horrible...I'm glad my sweet Mom isn't here to see this ! This is truly a turning point in this country!! These demonic women have nomercy for innocent babies' lives and no concern for the security of our citizens!

16604989? ago

That is what Jezebel brought with her the Astarte/Isis fertility cult of temple prostitutes, and tranny prostitutes, and BDSM, to rope everybody in. The flip side is the child sacrifices to Moloch.

16599402? ago

Death agenda

16599323? ago

Because it's just slightly better than the Jews over-representation in everything, so it's a great scapegoat.

16599242? ago

The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

16599219? ago

DS globalist clowns weaponized everything to divide and conquer.

16599210? ago

4.5% is an inflated number and a lie

16605866? ago

I think it’s around 1% maybe 1.5%.

16599151? ago

Part of Alinsky tactic.

16599150? ago

Because our social engineers know it is a 100% effective way to destroy a culture/civilization.
Is this happening anywhere other than western nations? It is pushed by government propaganda and legislatures in the USA, Canada, Australia, and European nations only. China has them treated in mental institutions. Is it pushed in India? Any Nation in Africa? The Middle East? Anywhere other than western nations? No, it is not. Destroy the family, and you destroy a culture. This is being done with malice and forethought. They know exactly what result they are looking for. And it is moving along at warp speed, with little or no opposition to what is clear and self evident insanity.

16609737? ago

Cocksuckers need to go back in the closet. Their public displays of how proud they are to be defective are disgusting!

16601527? ago

You're exactly right. The Roman empire was practicing it in their palaces and behind the veil.

16600676? ago

The engineer is satan and yes its very much global Same shit since biblical times just a different day

16599001? ago

The tyranny of minorities.

16598955? ago

Demonic forces (LGBT, Communists, Luciferians, Leftists, etc., etc.) always represent a small minority of any given population. Despite this fact, they always seek to impose themselves upon the majority, even if they need to do so by violence, force, propaganda and other totalitarian methods. This is precisely how we know that these forces are inherently demonic.

16599604? ago

AND all the endocrine disruptors in the food, water, and personal products...ain't helpful. Got a can of Chicken soup in the cabinet that's heading for expiration. The plastic lining on the interior of the can leaches bisphenol A into the food. If I eat it, the bisphenol A level in my blood will increase a LOT. It's an estrogen mimicker, my body can't tell the difference between it and the real hormone. Then there's the hormones they've been feeding the kids. like the Bovine Hormone (rBGH or rBST) It's been in the milk, cheese, anything derived from dairy for years. Government says it's no bigee. But in one generation, the average cup size for American women increased by a full cup. Hasn't breast cancer also gone up for some unknown reason? That ain't natural. How many man boobs do you see on younger men? Mess with peoples hormones, it's gonna have an effect.

16601991? ago

You are right and this is so sick...Almost everything you buy has SOY in it!! Why. Phyto-estrogen!

16606449? ago

And after 3,000 plus years of being part of their diet, look at Asian males. Don't see many body builders or Alpha male celebrities from that part of the world.

16598877? ago

Because the only way they "procreate" is through child molestation and they need to break societies morals and ethics in order to get to your kids.

16598872? ago

Because if everyone, or most accept them, it gives (in their heads) legitimacy to their perversion. They want it forced into our school system so that kids will grow up with the perception that perversion is ok, normal, and will feel free to test it out.

16598839? ago

Thank you. It's time for America to take back the narrative & the country. The real battle is between God & Satan in the form of Good vs Evil. It's time to step over to God's side!

16598812? ago

"Muh OPEN LGBT style is bad!"

No, you're so fucking wrong I am laughing.


It WILL be purged.

16602022? ago

OH, I hope and pray this is so, but maybe not unless God does a cleansing.

16598779? ago

Its also less than .2% of 1% of the population. I fucking hate liars. That's why in the educ, er, indoctrination system is pushing it. DemoFrauds. ACTUALLY fucking children for 3 decades.... And they love to tell us how much they care about "the children....."..... Frauds.

16598764? ago

It's called societal subversion/demoralization. Here's a condensed video of former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov from 1983 explaining it all, it's a good watch if you haven't heard of him. https://youtu.be/rB8dxgFI0vg

16598716? ago

Exactly. It makes zero sense.

16598623? ago

I don't want to know about straight people's sex lives either. I'm tired of sex being everywhere. It's how we procreate, it's not supposed to be literally everywhere, pushed as some form of fun or entertainment, and especially not pushed on children.

16614326? ago

Exactly! I've been thinking about this a lot lately, we have turned sex into a perversion, rather than honoring it as the way we bring new life into the world, and now we're being punished for it☹️

16598607? ago

Sex is defined as marital relations between a husband and wife for the rearing of children (kids + unity)

LGBT dismantles the kids + unity and makes sex all about selfish pleasure seeking and self-fulfillment.

LGBT justifies fornication which is just sex for the sake of sex as a recreational activity. Increase in fornication leads to increase in diseases (make $$$), increase in abortions (make $$$, human sacrifices), increase in societal instability and loss of the nuclear family (population depends more and more on the state, e.g. welfare, as the traditional family safety net disintigrates). As society becomes even more chaotic, we will cry out for a savior (i.e. big government) to save us from our sins. Then you do this on a worldwide scale and get your one-world government.

16598562? ago

THat figure is to high. more like less than 1%

16598459? ago

To make it ‘attractive’ & acceptable to the younger kids. The celebrities have come up with a new term (to me at least) recently which is ‘Pansexual’ which is basically Bisexual except they don’t recognize the actual sex of the person. Taylor Swift, Lead singer from Panic at the disco and several others. Thought it was a joke, but I ain’t laughin no more.

16614363? ago

Wow I don't even know what to say except Thank God for President Trump!

16614411? ago

Amen patriot.

16598331? ago

As recently as 2016 I would've said LGBT was an ok thing to embrace in public. It quickly went from "love" to just outright hate for anyone that would seek to even raise an eyebrow at what they'd do in public. It's immoral and it does erode the community it's prevalent in. Enough is enough.

I do not accept homosexuality in any of it's forms. It's not ok around me and I'm not ok with seeing it in public. The other 96% of the population has rights too, it's time we assert those at every opportunity.

16600625? ago

but your fornication/masturbation history suggest you to be hypocritical in your selfish position Yes indeed they are rights, you have the right to deny.End of the day it would still be a lie.

16601266? ago

16600053? ago


Not being sarcastic here, I would legitimately be okay with this if children weren't around.

16598327? ago

To make it 45% of the population.

16598294? ago

Because we let them. Wake the fuck up people.

16598184? ago

The government must create problems so it can save you.

16598032? ago

The reason they insist on this bullshit as you say, is because debasing the nuclear family of a father and a mother creates a power vacuum which they step in to fill.

It is not so much about advocating for the LBGT it is about destroying the way people live and function.

Why does Disney, the company that started selling wholesome family values devolve into a corporate giant that sells "Modern Family" as their top TV show, pervert their sports network into a SJW network selling left wing politics with their sports.

Just look at who owns ALL the MSM and entertainment in the USA and you will have their answer. Funny enough they all can emigrate and and are granted Citizenship in another country solely based on their "race" which not even a "race'.

They sell globalism to us, and then work for a Country that believes wrongly in their own genetic superiority and divine right to dominate and subject the world to their own evil desires.

16610850? ago

Excellent synopsis anon!

See that all you fucking degenerate shillbots? You can understand and actually overcome evil not by spewing evil yourself.

16612633? ago

Speaking of which, I have seen many of our shilly friends out today?? Someone must be low on shekels!😆

16612659? ago

Yes, a lot of "muhjoo" shills, as I am sure you are very much aware of and have very close experience in.

16607468? ago

Negative. It is quite simple, you're over thinking it and projecting at the same time.

They are hijacking minority groups to gain their votes. They've been doing it for years. There is no spiritual warfare about it, it's simple human corruption and greed, for power and money.

Manipulating groups by making them feel they are victims is sort of the cornerstone of American liberals

16603467? ago

They also want to force their vocabulary into our mouths.

Not this L G . . . vocabulary. Their vocabulary is a fib, a sharp fib.










Not L G B . . . it is S H A R P F I B

16609794? ago

You forgot Nepotism, Narcissism, Discrimination, Deception, Mental Illness & Lack of Capacity for Rational Thought.

Not sure how to work all that into your acronym...

16602859? ago

Its the Luciferians (not the joos, not the muslims) Operation Chaos ongoing -- which Trump and Q fight.

16609578? ago

Its the jews. Zionists. Israelis. Jews are satans children

16619105? ago

You are of Satans children, faggot, not the joos. Jews are fine just like Christians are fine. Asshole.

16598708? ago

Exactly. They push anything that is Anti-God and Anti-Family.

We are in the midst of Spiritual Warfare on a scale not see before in the US.

16598873? ago

in the US.


16601349? ago

The degradation of society has been pushed by this perverted anti-family, anti-God agenda of LGBT and all its ilk. I have close members of my own family who don't even speak to me, even my own daughter, because she feels that I choose to obey God and therefore she feels that she can just isolate me and at some point, I will curse God and embrace that lifestyle and at that time--she would be kind to me. I think that I have made my choice. I believe there are going to be many situations, such as the right to life for babies and maybe elderly soon--that will be a matter of taking a stand and protecting the lives of the innocent. I believe Chrisitan persecution will become greater. The only thing standing in the way of this fall into the abyss is our president, in my opionon. I think we have to pray and be in prayer for our nation and the ones who are trying to walk in God's ways. I was watching these ugly women in Congress tonight that have zero class how they were all glad handing each other in their white garb--when they should be dressed in the darkest of grave clothes after how they have shamed womanhood and this country. I am really sick of all this..I guess you can tell..But I know we have to keep fighting!! And praying that God will go before us and fight this battle for us and tell us where to stand. He has already won, but it's still gonna get bloody. WWG1WGA!! Where is Q?

16608202? ago

Speaking of Christian persecution, look up the Noahide Laws and the bill that was passed in '91. They've been planning to take we Christians out for years...Scary shit, but if they want blood, I'm frosty...#WWG1WGA

16856459? ago

Can you give me a link to that? I looked up a couple of them and can't find the specific laws. I never heard of it but sounds like we need to know.

16868407? ago

I read it on here somewhere...it said it's sometimes spelled Noachide...

16628971? ago

I heard someone speaking of that Noahide Law this week. So now I have gotta go looking up. When you're thinking you're red-pilled, another pill comes up you've got to swallow. Thanks for that info. I had never heard it.

16602560? ago

Matthew 10

1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

19 But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that hour, what ye shall say.

20 For it is not ye that speak, but the spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.

21 And the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son, and the children shall rise against their parents, and shall cause them to die.

22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my Name: but he that endureth to the end, he shall be saved.

Luke 12:53 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father: the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother: the mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

16628996? ago

God's word never changes and I never understood how real it was. I was brought up in the south where girls always love their moms and even become best friends as they get older. I sure wasn't prepared for what my daughter did to me. I don't have even one other friend who has faced this situation. Thanks for your reply.

16612598? ago

wow that's just amazing to read in times like these. We were warned and very few listened.

16597980? ago

The Jews are ramming LGBT down your throat by how they depict perverts to be something magical.

Unfortunately some of the fags believe this and act on it, however this is another weapon the Jews are using against western civilization.

16609814? ago

Funny, that description doesn't fit any gays I've ever met. And I live in one of the Gay capitals of the USA.

16609843? ago

How do you know that most of the people you've met are gay if they don't parade around like peacocks and consider their personal life to be none of your business?

16599957? ago

Oh, it's the Jew's fault again. Not Democrats, or Communists, or liberals, or corrupt politicians, or stupid or crazy people, it's the Jew's fault. Well, since that makes sense to you, it's understandable why you hate Jew's. You likely have a problem understanding logical connections. Yeah, out of control emotional issues can do that to people..

16601941? ago

And yet when you investigate each of those things, you’ll find Jews behind them. I don’t think he’s the one that has the problem making connections.

17100923? ago

Those things? What things?. I don't doubt that when you investigate you find Jews behind everything, but most folks wouldn't how in hell you know who's a Jew and who isn't. How do you do that? How do you always find Jews behind everything you dislike?

16598814? ago

The "Jews....". You're an idiot. So tired of this bullshit. Gross. Not even going to go into it...you're not smart enough to have a serious convo with...Fucking moron.

16600280? ago

Why is it that forced immigration is was forced on the U.S. (and others) but NOT Israel? Members in US politics who hold dual US/Israeli citizenship:

June 2013 Past and Present: 1.Attorney General – Michael Mukasey 2. Head of Homeland Security – Michael Chertoff 3. Chairman Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Richard Perle 4. Deputy Defense Secretary (Former) – Paul Wolfowitz 5. Under Secretary of Defense – Douglas Feith 6. National Security Council Advisor – Elliott Abrams 7. Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff (Former) – “Scooter” Libby 8. White House Deputy Chief of Staff – Joshua Bolten 9. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs – Marc Grossman 10. Director of Policy Planning at the State Department – Richard Haass 11. U.S. Trade Representative (Cabinet-level Position) – Robert Zoellick 12. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – James Schlesinger 13. UN Representative (Former) – John Bolton 14. Under Secretary for Arms Control – David Wurmser 15. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Eliot Cohen 16. Senior Advisor to the President – Steve Goldsmith 17. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary – Christopher Gersten 18. Assistant Secretary of State – Lincoln Bloomfield 19. Deputy Assistant to the President – Jay Lefkowitz 20. White House Political Director – Ken Melman 21. National Security Study Group – Edward Luttwak 22. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Kenneth Adelman 23. Defense Intelligence Agency Analyst (Former) – Lawrence (Larry) Franklin 24. National Security Council Advisor – Robert Satloff 25. President Export-Import Bank U.S. – Mel Sembler 26. Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families – Christopher Gersten 27. Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs – Mark Weinberger 28. White House Speechwriter – David Frum 29. White House Spokesman (Former) – Ari Fleischer 30. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Henry Kissinger 31. Deputy Secretary of Commerce – Samuel Bodman 32. Under Secretary of State for Management – Bonnie Cohen 33. Director of Foreign Service Institute – Ruth Davis Current members (not up to date): Senate: •Senator Barbara Boxer (California) •Senator Benjamin Cardin (Maryland) •Senator Russ Feingold (Wisconsin) •Senator Al Franken (Minnesota) •Senator Dianne Feinstein (California) •Senator Herb Kohl (Wisconsin) •Senator Frank Lautenberg (New Jersey) •Senator Joe Lieberman (Connecticut) (Independent) •Senator Carl Levin (Michigan) •Senator Bernard Sanders (Vermont) (Independent) •Senator Charles Schumer (New York) •Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon) House of Representatives: •Representative Gary Ackerman (New York) •Representative John H. Adler (New Jersey) •Representative Shelley Berkley (Nevada) •Representative Howard Berman (California) •Representative Steve Cohen (Tennessee) •Representative Susan Davis (California) •Representative Eliot Engel (New York) •Representative Bob Filner (California) •Representative Barney Frank (Massachusetts) •Representative Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona) •Representative Alan Grayson (Florida) •Representative Jane Harman (California) •Representative Paul Hodes (New Hampshire) •Representative Steve Israel (New York) •Representative Steve Kagen (Wisconsin) •Representative Ronald Klein (Florida) •Representative Sander Levin (Michigan) •Representative Nita Lowey (New York) •Representative Jerry Nadler (New York) •Representative Jared Polis (Colorado) •Representative Steve Rothman (New Jersey) •Representative Jan Schakowsky (Illinois) •Representative Adam Schiff (California) •Representative Allyson Schwartz (Pennsylvania) •Representative Brad Sherman (California) •Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida) •Representative Henry Waxman (California) •Representative Anthony Weiner (New York) •Representative John Yarmuth (Kentucky) zatetic June 2013 jewishcurrents.org/the-112th-congress-3476 All the jews in congress are democrats or independents (basically democrats) except one, Eric Cantor. He may be the highest ranking Tea Partier elected lol. tinyurl.com/m3wdevf And if you believe the muslins and jews are not in bed together think Anthony Weiner and wife Huma of the Muslin Brotherhood

16599968? ago

Why is it that 90% of MSM is jews and they comprise only about 1% of the population. Who has been controlling the narrative all these years and who has been integrally complicit in EVERY False Flag since MSM existence. WAKE UP! Two planes hit two buildings and THREE buildings fell EXACTLY in their own respective footprints. Surely you must have some concept of how critical it is to place enough explosives in exactly the right places to facilitate that. How obvious does it have to be and how many times does it have to happen before YOU "suspect" you've been DUPED?

16599149? ago

If you don't believe Jews own our mainstream media then you need to do some research rather than throwing mud at me.

16599833? ago

You're interfacing with an exposed shill... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3017856

16599429? ago

Agreed, it is a big club and we are not in it, they control all of the MSM and yes they are Jewish don't believe well it is just a fact.

16597921? ago

I see a brand new Salem trials happening nationwide

16598704? ago

We need a fricken worldwide inquisition to root out these witches.

16597846? ago

Nothing makes more sense than a satanic plan to destroy the family.

16607490? ago

You forgot that its satanist jews**

16597834? ago

Dems have to push victim mentality to build a common bond with their base. Victims want others to take care of their needs!

16598604? ago

As a real outsider, I'm terribly dissapointed that Americans think they are awake while they are dreaming.

16600256? ago

Woke Patriots are a minority! We should get preferred treatment! We are small but mighty!

16599720? ago

life is but a dream