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16578017? ago

No Hollywood! Yeah!

16579033? ago

Timothy Matson

He suffered multiple gunshot wounds and saved countless lives in that heinous, anti-Semitic attack.

Out of all the terrible attacks in 2018, his is an interesting one to select. On a completely separate note, I’m glad Trump came to his senses and is keeping US troops in the Middle East to protect Israel. I’m disappointed we couldn’t send them $50 billion instead of $38 billion so they could build their wall 10 feet higher.

16582232? ago

A holocaust survivor to boot. WWII ended 74 years ago. How long until we stop hearing from supposed survivors of the holohoax?

16586901? ago

You heard they're living longer than anyone else right? The Nazis must have done some kind of experiments on them. But God be praised, the Holocaust survivors will live to be 300years old!

16580174? ago

Bwahahahahahahahahaha Bwahahahahahahahahaha Stop! Bwahahahahaha Stop!

16580582? ago

I did it to prove a point in this comment thread:

As predicted, the comment is split 6 up 5 down.

16580678? ago

Bwahahahahahaha Sad! Bwahahahahahaha Wake Up people! Bwahahahahaha

16580775? ago

I assume this is you:

Thanks for the post but it doesn’t help further the argument there. Liberals argue based off emotions. Republicans argue based off facts. Posting attempts to provoke emotions won’t be effective there.

16590233? ago

Nope not me. This is what I was laughing about!

"Timothy Matson

He suffered multiple gunshot wounds and saved countless lives in that heinous, anti-Semitic attack.

Judah Samet is a member of the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh

On a completely separate note, I’m glad Trump came to his senses and is keeping US troops in the Middle East to protect Israel. I’m disappointed we couldn’t send them $50 billion instead of $38 billion so they could build their wall 10 feet higher. More importantly we MUST keep immigrants flowing into the US because it’s the only way we can sustain our population."

And He replied: "I did it to prove a point in this comment thread:

As predicted, the comment is split 6 up 5 down."

16580784? ago

Fair enough. Well played sir.

16580082? ago

Drink more Ovaltine?

16580855? ago

Eat less and fuck more...!

16579483? ago

Your hate is disappointing. Please pray more.

16579519? ago

And you’re a faggot bitch who can’t take a joke

16580225? ago

Libtards don't understand humor enough to construct a joke.

16582115? ago

Anti Jew is about the most patriotic position to hold. Dumb fucking pussy ass bitches like you enable the disgusting parasitic Jews - empowering them to control even more people and nations.

16583073? ago

Fucktards like yourself divert attention from the cabal, which need to be hung, to "muhjews" ... but it doesn't just end there. You worship Hitler and Naziism, invoking people's sympathy for the Holocaust (whether 6 mil or 600k or 6k matters not, because the populace believes it's 6 million), which is a defense against all accusations and automatically repulses everyone listening to what you have to say.

You convert the conversation to holding specific people accountable for specific crimes -- to "muhjews", all 4+ million of them, with no justice issued because you're not even alleging anything they've actually done that is illegal. You diminish people who listen to the cabal needing to be held accountable because nobody wants to listen to your "Hitler was right" worship.

Go jump off a cliff so actual Jews who did actual things wrong can be held accountable, stop defending them by deflecting to innocent.

16583914? ago

You don't understand the tragedy of your words. Truth becomes the solitary companion of those who seek it.

16583512? ago

Dumb ass - “the jews” does not mean “all Jews”.

Fact: the jews run the world

No way around it. They are cunning clever deceptive parasites. We MUST name the Jew.

16584065? ago

Here, I'll help you. "The cabal runs the world. Some of them happen to be Jews."

You're welcome.

16584098? ago

Actually... the jews run the world. The “cabal” are some chump ass bottom feeders with no power. Ever member of the cabal have sold out to the banks and the bankers have leverage on every “cabal member”

This is relevant and factual. Not dismissing the puppets and henchmen - just address the actual puppet masters.

16584419? ago

Which Presidents of the USA have been Jewish? Answer: None.

Obama had the US importing Islamists by the bulk, funding ISIS, launching Arab springs across the middle east ... the Awan brothers blackmailing half of congress on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama siding against Israel and plopping billions in cash of unmarked bills by the airplane load into Iran's lap ...

And to you that's a Jewish conspiracy, amIrite? Jews were in control that entire time, amIrite? muhjewfags are insane.

16584537? ago

Actually, for you to even assume that Obama or any president is making decisions is not just naive but ignorant. The jews have instigated every war by manipulating “puppets” to carry out their world strategies. There is always a Jew ready to wreak havoc on any nation by the hands of its own leaders

16584712? ago

Actually, for you to even assume that Obama or any president is making decisions is not just naive but ignorant.

Actually, for you to even assume that "Jews" are making decisions is not just naive but ignorant. It is equally ignorant to use the term "Jews" if, in reality, you mean a subset of Jews. In fact, you could use the terminology of "the cabal" and everyone would rally to your side ... without even mentioning that a significant proportion of the cabal are Jews.

You could say the pedophiles, the human traffickers, the elitists who control the MSM who start wars for profiteering ... and nearly all Q followers and Trump supporters would be on your side.

But you're not against the elite. You're not against the pedophiles. You're not against the human traffickers. You're not against the war profiteers ... you're a muhjewfag. In muhjewfag town, ridding the world of evil doesn't count if you can't vaguely accuse 4+ million people who had nothing to do with pedophiles/human trafficking/war profiteering while also throwing a few sieg heils for the mere shock value.

16584769? ago

Actually, we are better off understanding our enemy than assuming it’s some jungian evil that we face innate in all races.

Rather, the enemy is a TRIBE and a very unified and coordinated tribe that has attained power through leveraging humans, slaves, nations, and resources.

No other tribe exists without the blessing of the tribe of Judah.

This is not debatable, this is a material and forensically analyzed fact. All orders, all cults, all groups can be tracked backward to the Jews who have literally infected the world as a parasite does a host.

To place blame on mere politicians or pawns is the real distraction here. To focus on getting Hillary (a bottom feeder) in jail is the distraction. To focus on anything other than tracing these issues to the source is a waste of our very precious and little time and energy.

We MUST name the Jew. At all stops. Until our world awakens to this truth and eradicated them once and for all. (By eradicate, I do not mean “ethnic cleansing” or “genocide” - I mean removal of power by force)

16584840? ago

Rather, the enemy is a TRIBE

The cabal is a small group of people, the actual decision makers you could probably count on less than 2 hands.

It is feasible to put those people behind bars or jail them. That is a workable solution. It's possible, within reach, and Trump/Q will likely accomplish that without you or any of us having to lift a finger.

You have no solution to demand or force Jews to leave the US, and to think there is some solution is complete insanity. It's so insane it begs whether you're just a libtard pretending to be a muhjewfag in order to implicate everyone else as muhjewfags by association with you.

To place blame on mere politicians or pawns is the real distraction here. To focus on getting Hillary (a bottom feeder) in jail is the distraction. To focus on anything other than tracing these issues to the source is a waste of our very precious and little time and energy.

The source -- 4+ million Jews that you can't and won't be doing anything about. Pay no attention to the actual people responsible who were in high positions, they get to go free -- they were nobodies. It's those damn Jews who made them do it that we're after, all 4 million of them ...

Like I said, you're probably a libtard playing a muhjewfag and spouting the most insane positions hoping others read your Nazi drivel and say "I don't want to be here", i.e. a form of censorship.

16579064? ago

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