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16570092? ago

Before I die, I want to see this country back to pre-1965 racial demographics and affirmative action wiped off the books. Enough of us want this and it will happen.

16570526? ago

I’m a GenXer. I want this to happen before I go back home, too, for my nieces and nephew’s sake.

16575707? ago

Holy crap, QRV has awakened! 4 months ago these types of discussion would have been downvoted into oblivion. Truths seem to penetrate brains more easily than lies.

16575741? ago

Tbh I've never understood what the fuck some of you people are looking at, because its not QRV.

I've seen shit like this upvoted here since the sub started.

16579056? ago

If you wanna know, watch this comment:

0 now, but shortly it will get downvoted.

16579158? ago

As it should.

16580723? ago

Bwahahahahahaha Sad! Bwahahahahahaha Wake Up people! Bwahahahahaha

16580783? ago

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