16411216? ago

1) Ignore actual pizzagate claims. 2) Make up fake pizzagate claims. 3) Dispute fake claims.
4) Hire shills to post on voat.

16411490? ago

Uh huh.

When Fox News say's it was bull shit, then it's bullshit.

Oh and the Epic Times News who isn't corporate owned said it was bullshit.

Get educated and come out of that cave Troglodyte.

16407382? ago

they shoah'd one of the voice actors on the previous game for looking into pizzagate. dude even posts as a user here

16407414? ago

Yeah I know poor David Sarif aka Stephen Shelling. I was the one who made a post on him singe I felt so upset how they treated him.


16407358? ago

They tell you Pizzagate/sex trafficking by officials and police are fake than put stuff like this in a video game. Just something I noticed while playing.