16357148? ago

Her s crosses through the i on the first 3, but not on the last signature.

16347688? ago

Good catch. Handwriting analyst here. Not only do her 'n's' not match, look at the l in Pelosi. Often forgers are trying too hard to be careful and the pen skips. See the gap in the L? The e is different as well. All her other signatures start with a tail on the e. This one doesn't. And look at the o and s. They always connect in a kind of weird way. They are separate in the last example. And the s is not connected to the line to the i. Another clue is where the i is dotted. She dotted all i's directly above, but the last one it's to the left of the i.

Excellent research, patriot! This is NOT her signature. And one would think, for such an important missive, she would be the one to sign it, yes?

So - what does it mean?

16392527? ago

We've been trying to open up a "What it means" department....

...It hasn't gone well...

16339184? ago

The first 3 signatures were by someone with shakes. The last signature is by someone who doesnt shake.

16338910? ago

One is in cursive and the others are in print, Nothing to see her my printed name looks nothing like my name in cursive.

16338025? ago

Hey, you try writing your signature have a fifth of Vodka.

16337786? ago

I am going to bet - she has had TIA’s and or strokes. Or the mind controls are affecting her.

16335982? ago

Maybe she signed it on her phone while boozing it up flying around the world and hit turbulence.

16334188? ago


there are slight variances in signatures, once you get older. Especially after 65!

16334102? ago

Clones aren't perfect replicas, they have um..glitches. They try, but this was not a replica of an original.

16333387? ago

She is incapable of signing it herself at Gitmo.

16332994? ago

I think she was hammered when she signed it...?

16332263? ago

Drunk sign

16332261? ago


16332156? ago

3 words. Enjoy the show.

16331991? ago

4 looks like a stamp of her signature. Totally unlike the other 3.

16331924? ago

Adrenochrome withdrawals. Watch her hands, not just her contoured face.

16331552? ago

It doesn't matter if her fucking dog signed the letter. What is Trump's next move to counter this fucking cunt?

16331376? ago

she cant remember how to spell her name

16330976? ago

nancy is being handled by the mexican mob

16330659? ago

Bitch is in GITMO, how the hell could she sign a letter in Washington?

16332410? ago

She isn't in GITMO. You are delusional.

16330481? ago

Not even a good forgery. Last one is completely different

16330434? ago

Maybe the first two were done with auto-pen and third is her actual signature. For those of you who don't know, lots of politicians use auto-pen, it's a machine that can write a signature. Source: interned in the Senate at one point.

16330405? ago

Next time anyone sees Pelosi she'll be wearing one boot and have a head injury...probably reason she can't give POTUS the House for SOTUA...all dems wearing new footwear.

16330087? ago

Those nasty Grey roots on her head must be impacting her handwriting

16329992? ago

Current Nancy P is a clone. proof.

16329831? ago

Come on now, she was drinking, had her dentures out and was sucking Schumer's dick at the time, give her a break!

16330744? ago


16329591? ago

Looks like the bottom signature was "traced"....over top of one of the others....close....but too heavy on the pen & wiggly lines...not light smooth strokes.

16329586? ago

Post links to letters that she has been verified to have signed and links to the most recent letters to Trump. So we can analyze it ourselves. It would be good to get some letters with a signature from her last stint as speaker of the house under Obama. Otherwise, this is just more unverified speculation and pointless. This photoshop comparison is BS because we do not know when or where they came from.

16329262? ago

Someone put this out there, knowing full well that somebody would notice. What I'm getting at is, why?

16329131? ago

Good catch. Would also include a hesitant rounding of the upper capital N, the missing upstroke into the 'a'...you caught the wrong 'n' formation. The c is never joined to the n stroke, the y has a full retraced downstroke of the let of the y letter and displays a hesitancy on the y, hard to see end downstroke but it looks slightly curved, which is not the case on top 3. The capital p loop is bigger, and is shaped differently from other 3. The e upward stroke from the baseline is missing. The skip on the upward l stroke is not on the other 3. The o is not a fully rounded o, is way too small. The s does not touch back to the baseline, is very different in shape from the top 3. There is a lift after the s upward stroke, pen lifts off paper to make a separate swoop i, almost like a checkmark, displaying end stroke as a very distinct straight angle upward rather than the rounded end of the bottom sample.

16329123? ago

In her first name, only the letter "c" matches, and the last name doesn't seem to match at all! What is up with this?

16328976? ago

That is clearly different hand writing

16328947? ago

Alzheimer meds need amping up!

16328577? ago

That last signature is totally fake.

The 1st three are so similar that the last one stands out like a fire on a dark night

16327911? ago

She's old. Possible that her motor skills are deteriorating. Also possible that one of her staffers signed.

16327893? ago

Curious as to why so many people think this is such a big deal. Do we all of a sudden respect what she says, writes, types or otherwise? Or is this just the straw that broke the camels back for some people? Who cares if her signature is not exactly the same? Focus on the substance, we know she is a puppet, and always has been. During Q's absence it becomes a little bit desperate on here. Anyone who has hung around this long has awoken on some level. Notice the news? "Future proves past" is literally unfolding right before our eyes. Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie, Weiners Laptop. Its all being verified for the masses, the speaker of the House has literally refused entry to anyone in the White House into the House Representatives. She cannot do that. She is no more powerful than any one of us. If we are to believe we live in some type of democracy and have actual "Freedom" this should be unacceptable for any citizen of our country who is not blinded by ego. Our President is being told he cannot deliver the SOTU by this puppet? Trump and Q have shown everyone that the D's in power care more about themselves ,and their inflated egos, than the Lives of 800,000 government workers and their families, the safety of our citizens AND the people who truly need our help and make a desperate attempt to cross the border because they are being told they can by people like NP. Lines have been crossed, true colors have been shown. Arguing about a signature is pointless. Don't repeat the cycles of history, grow, learn, and move forward. There are MUCH bigger and productive things we can focus on if we truly want change. If you want to prove you are right to your friends and family, or even yourself, a signature is not going to change anyone's mind!! WWG1WGA! Take that literally instead of thinking it only applies to some of us. It is not just for the ones we agree with, but also the ones we disagree with.

16332649? ago

Paragraphs are your friend.

16339099? ago

Would have helped

16392474? ago

Mexico must pay for this wall of text!

16409028? ago

Let's not go too far with the Grammer of this post. V-O-A-T doesn't stand for "Violators Of Advanced Tagmemics"

16423715? ago

Google sez.....

Did you mean: grammar ?

16327786? ago

Walls keep people in, too. It's about capital flight... or, in the case of Pelosi and her ilk, payoff for treasonous crimes against humanity. They want out before the rip cord is pulled. They were promised a cushy spot for them and theirs in exchange for their betrayal.

16327614? ago

the last name is off a bit...........so WHO is runngin the Speaker of the House

16327565? ago

She's been cloned

16327483? ago

These are Pelosi's signatures. Pelosi was just drunk again.

You noticed she was returning to Capitol Hill when the press tracked her down? She was out for a 7 Courvoisier lunch when Trump's initial letter was released.

16327439? ago

None of the letters match. Not just the one highlighted.

16327396? ago

Definitely 2 different people signing. The first 3 looks like girly girl cursive writing. The Naucy one clearly didn't take their time and practice. Type A personality. Impatient and rushes through things.

16327222? ago

This is just a confirmation she started drink a few more than usual at brunch today and it is Whiskey Weds so there's that.

16326810? ago

She’s been arrested goofballs!

16326773? ago

She's hammered drunk with rage and TDS

16326704? ago

That is her drunk signature. The others are her signatures when she is sober.

16326527? ago

It's obvious that Nancy pants Pelosi is 1. Not in DC and someone else is signing her name making it look like she's at work or 2. She was extremely drunk and signed it with her opposite writing hand. Either way it's suspicious.

16326320? ago

you fucking retard. they use autopen.

16327562? ago

Bullshit. That autopen wouldn't change the way it writes every time.

16325784? ago

The e is not right eaither

16325563? ago

A quick Google search will show you that she almost always signs like the 4th one.

16326102? ago

I just tried that. I didn't get any decent results at all. Just a bunch of pictures of her signing things.

16336085? ago

Nancy Pelosi signature

16325517? ago

The first three are the same one

16325445? ago


16325365? ago

If Nazi Pelosi-Hole signed #4, she musta been going thru EXTREME adrenalchrome withdrawals, bee•otch be jonesing BADDDDD...hehe

16325347? ago

her little reptile hands were shaking

16325318? ago

She can direct someone to sign it for her. It is not a legal pleading filed in Court nor a bank draft signature. Unless the House has Rules against it, it does not seem to be a crime.

16325270? ago

Dear Cunt,



Donald J. Trump

The perfect response.

16325257? ago

That old dingbat was probably hitting the bottle again...

16325245? ago

Says only "Speaker of the House" under her name in regular type. All other provided signatures list "Speaker of the House of Representatives" in cursive under her signature.

16325223? ago

As a side effect of being MKULtra survivor you might have many signatures, or personalities

16325161? ago

Maybe she really is out of the country, Gitmo, Cuba. Her ass belongs there for being involved with the failed coup attempt on our President and our Country. Maybe these letters are just optics to keep the nutcases from going mental. Next pic we get of her, we should really look at, maybe a double or a clone. Regardless of what is going on, the bitch belongs on a gallow hanging from a rope, along side dozens of other traitors to our Nation.

16325096? ago

Imagine if this piece of insanity got in charge....

16325084? ago

After several small strokes both my parents began signing their names in ways that became more and more childlike. That's what this looks like to me. Recall Pelosi stuttering and stammering in the last few years. Freezing mid sentence. Mixing up words referring to Trump as Bush. Pelosi is not well and is most likely a top customer of Grubbs Pharmacy; the pharmacy that delivers meds to the Capitol.

16329611? ago

Like the Congress pharmacist said in a televised interview said, "You'd be surprised which of your representatives are on Alzheimer's medications..."

16325066? ago

That IS strange ...

16325048? ago

This just gives her an out, so she doesn't have to be seen on TV sitting behind him. I fully expect her to be MIA on the 29th.

16332349? ago

There is always an out with you people


-- a SHILL

16326878? ago


16325022? ago

Agreed, forgery.

16324989? ago

Politicians, including House Members, do not sign most letters themselves. Their aides use an autopen to affix their “official” signature to almost every letter they authorize, in one way or another. Oftentimes they even have one or more staff members who are given free reign to sign when the alternatives are inconvenient, who have practised cribbing their boss’s signature well enough to ‘pass.’ The best source I know of for finding a bona fide, authentic signature by a Congressman or Senator is in one of the dozens of hand-written notes they send each other weekly. Otherwise, you may be comparing signatures NONE of which are by Pelousy’s own hand.

“An autopen or signing machine is a device used for the automatic signing of a signature or autograph. Many celebrities, politicians and public figures receive hundreds of letters a day, many of which request a personal reply; this leads to a situation in which either the individual must artificially reproduce their signature or heavily limit the number of recipients who receive a personal response. Given the exact verisimilitude to the real hand signature, the use of the autopen allows for a small degree of wishful thinking and plausible deniability as to whether a famous autograph is real or reproduced, thus increasing the perception of the personal value of the signature by the lay recipient. However, known or suspected autopen signatures are also vastly less valuable as philographic collectibles; legitimate hand-signed documents from individuals known to also use an autopen usually require verification and provenance to be considered valid.

The early autopens used a plastic matrix of the original signature which is a channel cut into an engraved plate in the shape of a wheel. A stylus driven by an electric motor followed the x and y axis of a profile or shape engraved in the plate (which is why it is called a matrix). The stylus is mechanically connected to an arm which can hold almost any common writing instrument, so the favourite pen and ink can be used to suggest authenticity. The Autopen signature is made with even pressure (and indentation in the paper), which is how these machines are distinguishable from original handwriting where the pressure varies.[4]

Modern day autopens use a signature smart card or USB flash drive to store signatures and phrases instead of the plastic matrices. In addition, certain models can replicate entire pages of writing once a custom font has been created in a user's handwriting.”


16325272? ago

Sounds logical

16324902? ago

Well, maybe she wouldn't be able to attend because she is in Gitmo? Wish this was so. The way to keep it from being known is to cancel it and making it that she will not attend? The signature is not remotely hers.

16324877? ago

I did jury service just over a year ago and one of the evidences submitted was some handwriting that had been examined by experts. One of the things they said was that people can have 2 or 3 different styles of writing but the structure of those styles generally stays the same. The way someone writes more complicated letters, for example, might look different but we will still subconsciously write those letters in the same way.

They look at where the letters are started, how they flow, where they end, it's amazing how they break the letters down to decide if they are written by a particular person. In the case of the jury service I was in, the defendant faked his writing because he knew that the evidence was his and he was consciously trying to make his writing look different. However, the complicated letters that he had to think about gave him away. It was pretty funny in the end because it was so obvious, even to a layman. As a result, he added a charge of perverting the course of justice to his original crime, which wasn't so funny..

What stands out here is the capital N with that weird little line that sticks out on the right side in the top three signatures but missing in this case, not to mention the general shape of the letter. The n looks like a u. The y bends to the right half way down. The P has another little line that sticks out just to the left of the loop and the curvy bit is bigger and a totally different shape. The e is very neat, doesn't have that bit on the left side of it. The 'losi' part is a dead give away though. Broken loop on the l and leans forward more than the three signatures above, the o is a different shape altogether and much smaller, the s is a mess (one of those complicated letters, difficult to replicate) and the i is almost flat compared to the three signatures above..

I'm not an expert or professionally qualified in this field at all but applying what the experts said in the jury service, I'm pretty sure they would say this is someone else' attempt at her signature.

How strange. I wonder if media will pick up on this..

16328109? ago

didn't read, faggot

16324847? ago

January 23, 2019

The President

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest

Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:

When I extended an invitation on January 3rd for you to deliver the State of the Union address, it was on the mutually agreed upon date, January 29th. At that time, there was no thought that the government would still be shut down.

In my further correspondence of January 16th, I said we should work together to find a mutually agreeable date when government has re-opened and I hope that we can still do that.

I am writing to inform you that the House of Representatives will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the President’s State of the Union address in the House Chamber until government has opened.

Again, I look forward to welcoming you to the House on a mutually agreeable date for this address when government has been opened.



Speaker of the House


16335378? ago

Wow. Only four upvotes for the actual substance of the letter. The rest of these clowns are distracted by the distraction.

Now what? Where do you go from here?

Oh yeah, you guys don't have to worry about things like that. You just sit there and wait for other people to figure it out for you, right?

Dammit. I didn't want to get mad on the Internet, again. Anyways, have another upvote, good goat.

16335414? ago

Oh. Kindred spirit. "Distracted by the distraction..."

"...didn't want to get mad on the internet again." I feel you brother/sister.

16324814? ago

So, yes, these are CLEARLY not the same signature from the same person--- but, does this matter at all? In any way? Is it illegal to have an aide sign your name on something if you're not available or present? I guess it's forging a signature but, does that matter at all? Seeking some enlightenment on why this matters please.

16327247? ago

I don't understand either. I signed my bosses name in a variety of situations. They told me to. Granted, I didn't work for a Congresswoman that sent letters to the President. She could have or has more than one aide signing things.

16331466? ago

Absolutely. No way we are the only people asking why this matters lmao.

16324790? ago

A little wobbly on one! thats all

16324732? ago

OS in last name off too.

16324568? ago

Holy shit!!! Those totally don’t match!

16324422? ago

Her Alters all have different penmanship kek

16324265? ago


16324109? ago

Old amateur forging trick is to turn the original upside down. It's to keep you focused on the lines rather than the letter, so you don't put your natural variation in the script.

16324105? ago

Every single letters of her name are not the same...if you take the time it shows very easily... interesting and why...she is not around maybe...hiding far far away where Q already knows..with a team just standing by...ok I am just having fun here...

16324097? ago

Its probably a signature stamp...we use one at work when boss is away...you forget shes overseas?

16324073? ago

The first three look like they are the same electronic stamp (same slash hanging off the "N", dot inside the "l" loop, end of "s" stabbing through "i"). Last one looks like a hand signature.

16324050? ago

The first N doesn't match either.

Either shes pulling some bullshit or that isnt her at all.

16324038? ago

That's the post blood moon sig.

16324026? ago

Trump should send the handwriting to analysis and publically report that the signatures are indeed different and there is now a formal investigation into if Nancy has have been having an employee write her name in official letters and legislative measures and if the items are still legal since they were not signed specifically by her.

16325376? ago

excellent ! shut that reptilian witch down and nullify any and all shit she signed as invalid !

16325108? ago

I bet POTUS caught it!!!

16326334? ago

I bet you a thousand dollars fatso doesn't say a word about it, you dumb cuck

16325573? ago

And if he didn't.... He knows now! The Q-Team reads every thread and every comment here!

16326173? ago

Yep, that's why I'm here everyday, it's the closest we can get to Q and the Plan.

16355630? ago

No. It's not. You're being fucked with.

16355821? ago

Yeah right, like the DS is going to shine the light on their OWN SATANIC PEDOPHILIA! WOW! you SHILLS are RETARDED!😱

16325214? ago

Who do you think the Angel that bought Voat was?

Who do you think I am?

We aren't stupid, they are very stupid.

Who wins? God wins.


16355596? ago

Hey, larping faggot. Keeping these gullible people engaged like this is sick and cruel. Sadistic. Leave them alone.

16326116? ago

Yes, I've been wondering that too! Thank you Mr. Angel!😇

16326217? ago

Not me.

Thank DJT and friends.

16330762? ago

Are they reading??

16332829? ago

Everytime I post. Yes, someone reads them.

Sometimes they post.

Why do you think this board is locked down with Anon type postings?

Every post made is another put down in the history books for the Historians of the future to teach our children.

That's is how monumental this movement is to Humanity. Either we win or we perish.

Thank God, he made the game. I'm just the Captain.


16355967? ago

Do you really think your shit don't stink? LOL you're one of the worst larpers I've seen

16355608? ago

You are full of shit.

16326483? ago

Yep, everyday in my prayers! WWG1WGA!🇱🇷

16326911? ago

Thank you for everything!

16329847? ago


16325681? ago

I'm sure some of us figured it out..

Thank you for taking command of Voat. Thank you for your service to the USofA.. and it's citizens.
They ARE stupid and God and the Meek win. Matthew 5:5

16326187? ago

You're welcome. But men greater than I created Voat and now run it.

Me? I offer suggestions. They tend to be followed.

Who is ready for a King that will serve His people?

A King that isn't above the ones he commands?

A King that has felt the pains of humanity, he is a commoner, one that was put on a cross many years ago.

He still bears the marks and pain.

Because all you have to do is ask, and it will be given.


16338443? ago

Many living have been asking. All of the martyrs have been crying. SOON. WWG1WGA. Turn ONE away and be left behind.

16329063? ago

Ahhh yes. The difference between a Leader, and a ruler. Leaders lead from the front, rulers sit in a throne and bark orders from behind. ME? I'll follow a leader, but kick rocks on a ruler. Well, you reap what you sew.... and WWG1WGA. <digital sunglasses lower on to face> Deal with it.

16355974? ago

you've been had

16329420? ago

Get ready to follow.

This King isn't your normal ruler

He is one of you, an American, Father of Four and very upset.

God just put him in charge.

Look up Isiah 53 and get back to me.

If you haven't read this do it now. http://www.scriptural-truth.com/images/BookOfEnoch.pdf Feel proud Patriot.

Now listen with your heart and forget using your mind.

Your King is right here.

God never breaks a promise. He invented this Game.

Do you think he would leave his children?

wwg1wga Phaniel

16326104? ago

You guys are fucking retarded

16337047? ago

You sound happy

16325997? ago

Again, Yay!!!!! I have been behind enemy lines so to speak for almost a decade. Came to terms with knowing that even though my government had betrayed me I never lost honor of being an American. God and Country forever! "On Earth as it is in Heaven." I truly did not believe that could be a reality in my time until President Trump! God Bless all of the Patriots!!! I love you so much!!!

16325345? ago


16325343? ago

I hope you're who I hope you are

16323948? ago

oooooh good find

16323920? ago

With her hand shaking as much as it must be from rage, it's a wonder we can read it at all.

16323826? ago

Where did you get the first 3 signatures from? The last signature matches her letters sent previously.

16323824? ago

Yep, she's a hostage. This is all a movie. I'm enjoying it very much. I think this SOTU is going to be epic!

16335393? ago

I've been thinking that for a while. Especially now. There is no way Pelosi would actually do these stunts and risk so much on such awful optics. This is political suicide not only for herself, but for her party as well.

I mean, she's dumb, but not Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dumb.

16342135? ago

You are correct, she is dumb as a stump.

In Crowder's comeback video he calls her Alexandria Ocasio-Nina-Pinta-Santa Maria-Cortez and says it real fast a few times. I was cracking up, I can can barely say it while reading it, yet alone off the top of my head.

16326207? ago

Is there actually a time and a date for it? I can't keep track with everything that's going on! All for a LARP😉

16329269? ago

29th. I think it says it in the letter.

16326763? ago

I think he's going to deliver it next Tuesday, on schedule. Not sure where. Emergency Broadcast System? Would be awesome!

16326794? ago

yep can hardly wait!😉

16330673? ago

Guys, stop working yourselves up over this. SOTU is a report by the President delivered to the Congress. Used to be in writing. If they keep the POTUS out of the House of Representatives, he can't give a speech to them. Shrugs. If he does it somewhere else, it's not really a report to Congress, so what's the point? He can send a written report to them, but do a televised to the rest of us from somewhere else, I guess. It's OK, no bigee.

16330989? ago

Yeah I know what you're saying and I certainly don't want to be a 'futurefag'! I just love a good show and it's always fun to watch POTUS troll the DS😎

16325093? ago

Yes yes it's all a movie it's all handled now go back to sleep.

16326355? ago

trust Sessions. the midterms are safe.

16330837? ago

Paul Ryan and many of his herd of RINOS are gone. Ryan WOULD NOT give him his wall. Could Trump bitch slap Ryan like he's doing Pelosi? NO. Could he bad mouth Ryan like he's doing Pelosi and the Democrats? NO. Could he shut down the Government like he's done with Pelosi? NO. Could he RIF hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats draining the swamp? Not just NO but HELL NO. Could he declare a national emergency and build the wall over the objections of his own Party that controls both Houses of Congress? Now how would that look? Bad optics, probably not. I don't think we really lost.

16326258? ago

So you're only worried about WHO Q is?? WHY?? Why aren't you worried about the information Q has given us?? ELITE SATANIC PEDOPHILES HAVE BEEN RUNNING OUR WORLD FOR FAR TOO LONG AND TRUMP/Q are ending (((their))) reign of TERROR! Wake up you SHILL!😱

16332254? ago

Nothing Q says comes TRUE. Look at the FACTS and get your HEAD out of the SAND.


16333246? ago

yeah whatever. Then how do you explain all THE ELITE SATANIC PEDOPHILIA that has been brought to light by President Trump and Q?? You shills like to IGNORE that FACT don't you?? NASTY PERVERTS!🤢

16326718? ago

Exactly. Very well said!

16323820? ago

If you look at Pelosi, the S is way to close to far from the O and the S also doesn't cross the I so this is not the real signature or even close. Hell even the E is to neat. Whoever did this is an idiot. I could have done better in 7th grade but I pay attention to detail if copying something like that. So badly done, like they didn't have a real signature to even go by to use as a guide.

16323951? ago

Look up her previously sent letters...they match the last signature.

16323782? ago

"s" doesn't match either- SB3

16323773? ago

You are right! Not only does the n not match, but also the o,s connection. Also the capital N and P look different that the others. Very odd!

16323675? ago

It's not her signature

16323569? ago

Was already too drunk to sign it herself?

16325061? ago

Lol. That is what I was thinking!!!

16323957? ago

either drunk or her dentures were falling out of her mouth at the same time she was signing

16326343? ago

and yet she has your boys balls in her hand and squeezed.

16323543? ago

I use 2 different signatures myself. One for when "money" is not involved and one where it is. For no money I slant right, for money I slant left. Both signatures do have 2 things in common The first letter in my first name is always the same and I use a "period" at the same place Like This D.

16323903? ago

Even her capital Ns are differently rounded. Definitely not the same person

16323542? ago

That 's' in Pelosi is really consistent with that hard angle making up the bottom, and it is totally different in the last one. Some small loopy thing.

16323919? ago

The last one matches the signature on letters she previously sent.

16324057? ago

That's because it is the one from the letter, just scaled up

16324445? ago

I mean its the same as her letters dated Jan 3rd and Jan 16th

16323808? ago

Totally agree. That one decided it for me too.

16323530? ago

NAWWWW, it is just different vintages of wine ... Sh.t Faced as the norm ... They may be able to create clonzz .. can't teach them to write...

16323528? ago

The bottom signature's "Na" is different as well as the "Pe".
Could be the fifth glass of Chardonnay.

16323521? ago

If you do not know what is going on then I suggest you start from the beginning. I mean way back at the very beginning of the time before time.


He fooled the world into thinking he was god.

16323501? ago

That's obviously not her signature...wth?

16323470? ago

Pelosi means "hairy" in Italian. She should be signing it Nancy Hairy. This is the USA, not fucking Italy.

16325766? ago

nancy means "cunt" in Italian. So, I guess her full name would be "hairy cunt"?

16392489? ago

How could such an evil person be named after all my favorite things???

16326304? ago


16323465? ago

I honestly think the differences can be chalked up to just being a pissed off old chick, signing in anger. I do think POTUS will bitch slap her back though.

16324113? ago

That's not how it works. Muscle memory would still produce closer angles and shapes

16323432? ago

Who is this Naucy?

16323490? ago

Ha ha... Saucy Naucy

16323855? ago

I thought it was Wino Nancy since she is so elite she owns her own vinyard aka distillery.

16330903? ago

When I was a kid, me and some friends wandered into a vineyard. Never tasted grapes that were so sweet. And they turn that into wine? What a waste.

16334021? ago

I kept hearing growing up how wine had a fruity taste and then I tried it and thought this is just nasty shit. You are so right, grape juice is better and eating grapes is the best way.

16323403? ago

If you signed with a trembling hand like she likely did...........

16323323? ago

not her signature

16323907? ago

Maybe she's already in custody and this is her double taking over her duties. If it is that double will go to jail for several decades at least for impersonating a House Speaker and member of Congress.

16323321? ago

I cannot make any of my sigs match, plz don't examine me.

16323385? ago

Myself, different many times.

16323905? ago

Me too, however she has a very consistent signature as seen above. I bet you just think your signatures don't match, but you would be able to see something similar in several characters. Not one of these characters match, it doesn't even look like they tried to make it match.

16324048? ago

Might have been too hasty, I'll check it out again.

16323319? ago

I see several discrepancies

16323719? ago

Mostly with the last name letters squished together more and the y in Nancy looks a little fishy

16323702? ago

Me too, shape of the first N, inversion of the second n, the e has no starting tail, Shape of the P, broken l, shape of the a, size and shape of the s and the o, size and slant of the i. Not one character matches.

16323943? ago

Oh and a very telling thing, the N and a are connected in her original sigs, the pen doesn't leave the paper as it moves from N to a. The signature in question has a very defined end of N and beginning of a, as the N doesn't curve back up and under to start the a.

16323307? ago

Lol. That last signature does not look remotely like the first three. WTH, indeed.

16332089? ago

Probably drunk when she signed it

16325856? ago

Lots of good info about Pelosi in this video


16325788? ago

The first three are all the same signature.

16330639? ago

The angle of the stem on the y seems at slight variance for all three. The angle.

You can imagine she's signed her signature so much, positioning would often be the same. But the angles vary in certain places.

But, to really know, we need source. The graphic itself is a little bit too close to fake news to be credible.

And yet so many people go nuts over this kinda stuff without credibility.

Some folks are woke, but still so gullible......

16331504? ago

You’re so right, and this is exactly the sort of thing that we need to be extra careful about.

16330421? ago

1 and 3, maybe, but 2 has slight differences especially in the way the capital N is slanted. 4 is totally different.

16330584? ago

Yes, four is totally out of whack with the slant, but some similarities remain. Would be interested in a real expert’s opinion, because that’s the real question.

16326331? ago

Uh. No. They are different. You are retarded or blind. Likely both.

16327079? ago

these match in the first three: N A N C Y P E L O S I

16326609? ago

They all even have the exact same imperfection black dot in the middle of the “l” in “Pelosi.” Geez. You need to pay closer attention to details before outing yourself as a moron.

16326827? ago

Except the first "l" doesnt.

16327105? ago

You’re right! And I see the “H” is different on that one, too.. Curious it goes through the same spot. That means the first two are auto-signed and the third one was a copy of the auto-signed second one.

16326265? ago

Prob a stamp or computer generated

16326321? ago

No, it’s the exact same signature copied three times.

16324472? ago

The P and S (with way it connects to O right before it) does not match either.

16327751? ago

Look at the left tail on the a in Nancy on the first 3. All identical. Then look at the last one.

16326066? ago

And the "o".

16325482? ago

And the first N in Nancey doesnt match, it's much more flat on top.

16336639? ago

and the little line btween tha capital N and tha a. she's out of town

16324470? ago

I agree - the signature on this letter is no where near the others, many differences (the other samples are very consistent)

16324361? ago

The last signature is the same as on all her other letters though.

16324309? ago

She likely has Tardive dyskinesia from one of her medications. Likely treated with botox. Motor function and speech affected.

16326080? ago

Thank you, Dr.

16323800? ago

The ‘s’ in Pelosi is very consistent, except for the last one!