16291270? ago

I'm glad you said Patriots and White Nationalists.

Glad you made the distinction between them. As though they are completely different groups who should be mentioned separately.

Because they are.

Next time, don't use them in the same sentence.

16295735? ago

Enjoy your multicult, cuck

16301618? ago

Your wife is public opinion.

Your "white nationalism" is your weenie. You just can't get it up. You have a limp weenie. Nobody is interested in it. You've never had sex.

Then the guy pictured above, the teenager who stood his ground while smiling and keeping his mouth shut, he's a virile stud.

And you're like ... "Oh, I can't have sex, but that guy can, hey you ... teenager who stood your ground ... come over here and fuck my wife."

Then he fucks her, really good, as you stand there watching trying to get your own weenie a little stiff, and it seems to work a little bit.

When it's all done you march up and down the street yelling "We just had sex with my wife, it felt so good,"

No, no you didn't just have sex. You were cucked. You just watched. You didn't participate at all. In fact, if you did participate, it would have blown up in your face.

16286846? ago

Warning: BOT or Soros Shill Detected. Every post he/she/it creates earns as much as $1 per comment. Starve the Soros Troll/BOT®.

16286720? ago

Share this image! This is Brilliant!

16286590? ago

shill post, trying to associate the Q / MAGA movement with white supremacy and race wars.

16286437? ago

I like this MAGA hat kid.

The appropriate response when threatened by race baiters, libtards and shills, is to look at them like they're short bus riders, smile and shrug them off as though they were nothing.

He kept his mouth shut and brushed them off like the insignificant peons they are and won the PR battle. Right now there are libtards shitting their pants for how fake their news was, how liable they may be for encouraging violence against the innocent MAGA kid.

Now picture the average white nationalist piece of shits who frequent Voat being in that same situation. They would escalate the confrontation, probably throw the first punch and give every MAGA hat wearer a bad name.

16286321? ago

If i could downvote this i would.

16286185? ago

You got it so wrong bud. So very wrong.

The brave kid wearing a MAGA hat stood there with his mouth shut.

I'm convinced white nationalist are unable to keep their mouths shut.

Don't compare that kid with yourself if you're a white nationalist. You don't deserve the association.

16291206? ago

Whites are being replaced, dipshit

16291224? ago

Only the stupid ones.

Are Muslims and Hispanics preventing you from having kids?


Well damn, here's your Darwin Award.


16295763? ago

They just kill us. No big deal, right?

16301505? ago

You're typing. I'm typing. They haven't gotten you yet. They haven't gotten me.

The chances of me dying to a black or muslim or hispanic are 0%.

Sure, I may lose my right to walk downtown detroit at midnight with $100 bills hanging out of my pocket, but I'll survive.

16301981? ago

BS. You have no idea, polyanna

16286727? ago

Trump has called himself a nationalist, and since he's white....lol.

Try to forget what jewish hollywood has brainwashed you with your entire life and realize we are being replaced.

16287359? ago

and realize we are being replaced.

Now if you were as smart as the Jews you claim to loathe, you wouldn't care if you're surrounded by other races because you would flourish anyway.

Again, Jews were smart enough to have their cake and eat it too, because they also have Israel which is 75% Jews.

You sound like you really really want what Jews have, maybe you should convert to Judaism.

Personally, I'm not intimidated by minorities and I believe Trump/Q team have a handle on the situation to keep it from becoming worse, so I'm good.

16354046? ago

Imagine coping this hard.

16285054? ago

God Bless generation Z, what a role model that boy was, standing his ground with that man drumming in his face. He is a hero!

16283774? ago

I'm not white put I stand with all patriots of all color.

16283187? ago

"Hold the line, Patriot."

16283168? ago

You wont get anywhere until you NAME THE JEW

16288361? ago

Surely, another way is to attack the symptoms systematically.

16282654? ago

Obviously a shill/plant/troll here. MAGA is for ALL. KAG is for ALL. GTFO shill

16282607? ago

My skin is an organ and doesn't form thought. They want us divided and you are playing the game that they started and constantly manipulate to their end. This isn't about them being white its about the MAGA hat which represents the gretest threat to the Deep State

16286734? ago


Our fucked up demographics has enabled the DS cover.

16284377? ago

Your brain is also an organ. You inherited both your skin and brain from your parents, and grandparents, and on down the line of your kin, who form your true nation.

The skin of your people is different to the skin of other peoples. Likewise, the brain of your people different from the brain of other peoples. You can see the product of these disparate brains in the varying cultures and levels of civilization that they produce.

Your ancestor's civilization is your birthright and legacy, and you have been tricked into giving it up and denouncing it through a false narrative of equality and self-hate pushed by the Deep State.

Look around at the media controlled by the Deep State. Are they pushing for whites to be proud of who they are? Or are they pushing white hate? Why are they doing this? Who is the only race you can't defend in open society and in the media? Who is it, on the other hand, that you can't criticize? Why would the media show mixed race couples so much if the Deep State wants us divided? Why do they validate minority interests and decry the interests of whites? Why was Steve King censured? Why is it safe for Trump to mention black unemployment rates, but never mention whites as a group, with it's own interests?

White countries are under control of the Deep State, and they are their primary target. We're not looking to stop them from taking over. We're looking to break free.

Please take another look at the issue. Take another red-pill, and realize you might be on the wrong side of this issue of race.

You'll want to resist it because it's been Deep State propaganda for generations (they have been at this a long time, and they know what they are doing), but you owe it to yourself and your family to seek the truth, even if it is uncomfortable.

Best of luck

16286302? ago

The simple fact is, you can't objectively determine which culture is superior to any other.

For proof of this, your entire history is a lie, it's been forged and given to you and you don't even question it. You name the Jew just like they want you too. You swallow the bait whole and don't question the veracity of the history as it's been given to you.

Why should you? Simply put, because the Vatican has 40 foot high walls and fuck only knows how deep their vaults go, fuck only knows what they have hidden in there. But here's what we DO know. We know there were certain orders of the Monks that transcribed old documents with a slant that favored the papacy. We DO know that ancient secret societies find their links as far back as ancient egypt and and Sumer.

We do know there was a global civilization as near as a century ago that has been wiped from the history books.

What has Q said? They're creating a false history for everyone. Line up little boys and take what your masters feed you. Then feel superior for it, feel like you have entitlement towards acting like complete shit to others, because your melanin level is a bit different. Pathetic. You consider yourself so woke, yet you're still so asleep. There are of course differences between the races, but to act with any kind of superiority only demonstrates how asleep you've allowed yourself to become. The world is so sick, do diseased and most people can't even see it. They think things are just fine as they are, while the whole world burns itself over fiat currency, making itself sick and diseased, you're a fucking faggot who's still caught up in trying to prove his superiority because he was born in the right space suit.

Grow the fuck up.

16291236? ago

For all the talk about superiority, I would encourage you to try some humility.

The fact is we disagree on the race issue. But being in a Q board, I would consider you a fellow truth seeker.

We can both agree that there is a Deep State pushing for world domination and international/global power.

My hope was to have you consider that the race issue is a weapon they use against Whites, and White countries.

I never claimed Whites are superior people or have a superior culture. I agree with you that we are all just different.

Some of us are better at some things. Some of us are better at other things.

Being White, however, and having rejected the propaganda against my people, I prefer my culture, which aligns with my biological makeup. Wherever White people have ended up in the world, they produce some form of this culture, as is natural for them to do. Same with Blacks, or Asian peoples, who, no matter where in the world they congregate, they produce similar outcomes in culture and behavior.

When left to themselves, peoples naturally segregate with their own, eventually forming homogeneous nations. In order for humanity to flourish, I contend this must be allowed to occur.

The Deep State has the intention of bringing separate groups of people together to cause strife, and tension, and has been pitting these people against each other for generations.

Their efforts are concentrated in White countries, where most of the power in the world lies.

They take control of mass media to push propaganda, and take advantage of the Democratic system to chip power away.

They convince Whites that their ancestral links, and family bonds are meaningless; that they are alone and not part of a group; and that they are evil. In the meantime they encourage every other race to hate White people, infiltrate their countries and assume power by voting against their interests. Whites are cowed with endless taboos that prohibit their free expression. They eventually control the country's moral sense, until in order to be good people, Whites should bow down, and give their countries away.

The Deep State will preserve this weapon by appealing to people's sense of fairness and vilifying any opposition to their methods. They bring up Nazis and the KKK as monsters we should be afraid we might turn into. They give you an enemy to attack, so that you turn your ire away from them and suspect your own kind.

The Deep State will bring up emotions so that you miss the arguments. They say it's all about hate.

It's not about hate; or love. It's about right or wrong.

I believe what I say is right, but I might be wrong, of course. The Deep State would have us fight each other, and call each other names, rather than discuss these issues and come to an informed position.

My position is:

Races exist

They have different interests.

They belong apart, where they can flourish.

Multiculturalism (as a feature of Cultural Marxism) is a weapon of the Deep State.

They are using this weapon mainly in White Countries, where the Deep State has the most to gain.

The more of us reject this narrative, the more we can take power back from them.

The more we buy into it, the quicker we lose.

Please consider.

16283741? ago

Take your organ and walk through South Chicago at night. You'll be lucky if your organ is still intact when the sun comes up. Why? Only one small reason. Your organ is white. You'd do well to pull your head out of your ass before you or someone you love becomes a statistic because of your silly ass naive thinking.

16286255? ago

Look at you, able to progress from hating all blacks to only hating only blacks in bad parts of Chicago.

There's hope for you yet.

16283891? ago

Yeah thatd be real fucking stupid wouldn't it? Me walking through there. Them being ignorant doesn't make it so that I have to respond in kind. Avoid the area. Especially at night. But that's more because of the presence of the MSM in their lives feeding them lies. What about the blacks who support trump? And they do exist. Or the Latinos who's support doubled in the last month. How far from a city are you? Cuz I actually live in one and have been out past my bedtime. Your just talking about it.

16285018? ago

How about a metroplex with eight million plus fuckhead? That count? I live in one of these shitholes too, and living in it I opened my eyes long ago. That is why I'm still alive in it. Luckily I won't be staying much longer. I have my ticket back to flyover land.

16284407? ago

Blacks vote Dem at 90%, and commit over 50% of murders. And look at africa.

16285036? ago

The black man in this country has been under the thumb of the democrat since almost as soon as they got off the boat. You could almost call them voting Stockholm syndrome. That is a position to be pitied, not reviled. Instead of hating blacks for voting dem and shunning them for their violent culture, how about trying to bring them to our cause? Show them the light and maybe they can fix their culture.

16285440? ago

They are violent, low IQ savages. Look at Africa, no democrats there

16282752? ago

DS is doing just fine, but Whites are being demographically displaced

16285057? ago

Whites are displacing themselves by not procreating at a replacement or better level.

16286780? ago

I fucking hate you, you fucking piece of trash fuck.

We cant breed our way back into power. The 3rd world has little to no standards. They will live 10 to a 2 br apartment. They will fuck and fuck, knock up multiple woman and not take care of their kids.

Whites tend to have kids they can support. This is a what a civilized world does. You moron fuck.

This isnt some race to the fucking bottom where we all have babies we cant take care of, producing more suffering and parentless kids.

Again, you are fucking garbage.


16287724? ago

Wow, chill out dude. You can’t just be reactionary, you need guiding principles that you use in every situation otherwise you are just a flimsy as the Dems. Racism doesn’t make for a better world. Your blind hatred does do you any good, it doesn’t make you sound like you know what you are talking about. Remember, the left shrouds itself is insults and hatred. If you resort to their tactics with no honor, you don’t deserve to get what you want. The left always says the ends justifies the means. They are wrong. Now, how about you try to respond without swearing/vulgarity to prove your point? It makes one sound smarter.

16354028? ago

.....uh huh.

All those words and you said notta. Fuck outta with that nigger tier, you mad bro, bullshit.

16285409? ago

No. Migrants are flooding in.

16286328? ago

"Whites are superior. But we can't handle a free market system with influx."

16282824? ago

I think your on the wrong board shill

16282932? ago

16283025? ago

The video makes it so? Rapture is coming. Declas is coming. Civil war? My man, stop it.

16283337? ago

Video just states facts, and Q is a LARP

16286339? ago

Q is a LARP

ZZZZzzzz Wake me up when you've got an actually original thought in that myopic brain of yours.

16282366? ago

"White nationalists" I wonder how this kid feels about you hijacking his cause for 'White nationalists'.

Go away Shill.

Patriots have no color.

"They want you divided" Q

16296009? ago

It depends on context.

A person is born into a family, hailing from a certain land. Rightfully, such a person would consider the land in which he/ she is born to be the land of the Father, fatherland, patria.

An immigrant can adopt another land as it's fatherland by adapting him/herself to the values and culture that land has.

Both however do not belong to the same nation. It is quite possible to have several nations in one country. It need not be an issue by default. In time, those immigrants would intermingle with the majority population gradually

The globalist and other left equality fantasisers belief that when both group only are tolerant, thing will be dandy. Quite the opposite. One or the other will to make way. What we observe is the mass immigration in for example Germany, France, Italy, Spain, etc, is that the country immigrants go to will have to adapt, and adopt different standards.

The protests around the treaty of Lisbon demonstrates the globalist wish to include Islam as a founding value of the EU. That idea did not go down well.

Islam itself teaches that it will only takeover as the leidmotif, second to none.

So yes, there are those who, from another nation, became Patriots to their adopted country. For the most part, these people remain foreigners at best, despite their passport.

Also, we live in a timeframe where a pushback against cultural equivalence can be seen. What is wrong with being a white etnocentrist, as many other countries profess to be centrist on the same or other faculties? What is wrong with halting the incessant influx of people who come from places where the only rule is: taking a life is power, and a total disconnect with anything that resembles a style of government based on enlightenment? In Europe, that happens to revolve around the leidmotif, being white culture. " this is how we do it".

As for the US. It was, since it's founding never a nation in the classical sense. The idea needed expansion, extension around not birth, but values.

The only real nationalistic rule governing the US, is that a person running for president, should be a natural born citizen, and resident of the US for a certain number of years prior to running.

Such a requirement is lacking in for instance The Netherlands where the Prime Minister can be anyone approved of by the Monarch.

So, what you will notice, from country to country, is that Patriots can work together, whether they are brown, yellow, white or red provided there are no dual loyalties in place.

16286685? ago

You stupid ass.

Picture what this country was when it was 90% white. Picture it now with whites at 62% white. Now picture it 50 years from now when we are 40% white.

They will burn this fucking country to the ground when they take over. Look at where they came from. The 3rd world sucks because its full of 3rd worlders.

16283185? ago

In a hurry? Here's your usual copypaste:























16286209? ago


Glad to see the community rejecting the antisemitics.

Feels good man.

16284846? ago


There is no doubt the Cabal is trying to destroy the Western heritage by targeting white people. BUt the answer is not 'white nationalism'. The answer lies in exposing that agenda for what it is: divide and conquer.

Anytime you shriek (ahem, where's mah ALL caps?) "White Nationalism" or any other racially defined solution, you're either are bona fide shill or playing like a complete dumb sucker into the Cabal's hands.

Open your eyes.

16285323? ago

anyone supporting white nationalism is a shill. Everyone knows the real way we defeat the cabals plan to flood every white country with non-whites is utterly stamping down on white nationalism and any concept of white countries for whites


cuckitisimus numquam perit

Inspiring words. I particuarly like how you counter their plans for white countries by proposing white countries carry on the actions they set in motion.

16285563? ago

So Sad. There's no way you'll ever be a factor in defeating the Cabal, because your mind is eclipsed by Racism.

And, to counter any person pointing this out, you have to create strawmen and self-justify on the basis of air. Facepalm. Don't you see how so very similar to the Leftists you are?

As for 'white countries' (a false premise), free sovereign nations around the world, like the USA, Britain, Australia, France or any other European nation, for example, should simply clamp down in the immigration flooding and allow themselves to stabilize to protect both their heritage and their sovereignty.

But racists like yourself appear to be unable to see anything in terms other than race. you're so lost.

I hope you find your way out of that paper bag, Shillmmeister

16296370? ago

Although, I agree with your sentiment, the facts are " it does not work that way".

Not in chechazslovakia, yugoslavia, the Kingdom of the Netherlands between 1815 and 1848, in Austria -Hungary, Poland simply look around.

When the French Hugenots came to The Republic of the 7 provinces, integration took some time. In terms of culture, not very much, but still, the number that came in, was insignificant to the local population.

Integration of Molukkers and people from the former Dutch - indies, was relatively easy. Though both groups have their own language and culture, for hundreds of years they have been part of Dutch history, government, and incorporated in Dutch military.

The real challenge was integrating people from Suriname.

But the numbers were relatively small and language was not really a barrier.

Then came the 85-2018 period. This whole period has been about integration of North Africans. It costed billions of Euro's and the sheer size of the problem has only grown.

No integration, Arabic/berber exists next to Dutch, and even the third/ fourth generation is reared on Arabic. Not Dutch.

On top, these people usually have their native nationality along with Dutch nationality. Dual loyalties, where loyalty to the Morrocan King, or In case of Turks, Turkey, reigns supreme.

However you wanne slice or dice it, it needs reversal.

16306037? ago

Now sure if you are former commentator, but thank you for an intelligent reply.

At a minimum, I would say that there are significant issues to be worked through, and its not an easy task.

I think the period that you refer to (85-2018) is most definitely a period when the globalist agenda was fully underway. For this reason, I would suggest the problems are actually manufactured, or at least, what would otherwise be certain difficulties have been amplified by a direct and consistent intent on the part of the manipulators to destroy and undermine the society.

Throughout history, mass integration was most commonly impossible. The only real examples we have (that I know of) are where Europeans infiltrated and took over the native environments of other peoples, for example, the native Americans (north) the native Americans (south), Australia, New Zealand, etc.

IN those cases, the native peoples usually suffered a lot of setback and difficulties. Personally, I think this was unavoidable, as the Christian culture (had) to spread throughout the world, and where it clashed too heavily with the native cultures - where they were unable to embrace and adapt to Christian civilization - those native cultures came off badly.

Mistakes of course were made, but the Europeans were bringing a much higher civilization and ethos, and clahs was almost a historical inevitability.

Today, however, with technological advancements, human beings, societies and civilizations interact and flow on a scale that is completely and absolutely unprecedented. Solutions need to face this reality, and find a way forward.

It will require a clarity of thought regarding true human nature vs. corrupted (distorted) human nature, and a sense of vision for a common human destiny.

If, for example, incoming migrants are either of the same civilization / culture, then assimilation is not too hard, as long as the process is managed sustainably, meaning, with a balance of pressures on the host society. The globalists have actively been working against that principle, using culture and inter-ethnic problems to destroy the host societies of Europe, America and Australia, etc.

Recognition of the real value and purpose of Christian civilization, Christian ethos, and the massive benefits it has brought (freedom both personal and political, prosperity, health, etc) is the key point. And, unlike the mistaken views of some commentators, this is NOT a racial thing. It is about higher values and ethics being preserved and lesser cultures, values and ideas assimilating or integrating up into that.

When any human culture practices the Christian ethic, it raises the quality of life, and the quality of the culture. Within that culture, there is TRUE diversity, because the people of different backgrounds, talents, skills, etc, adhere to a common and central value system that works and benefits the entire group.

(Globalist 'diversity' is the opposite: it is adherences to the principle of conflict and oppression, and centralizes power and benefit for an extremely small, elite group ruling via tyranny.)

However you wanne slice or dice it, it needs reversal.

I'm not sure that it can be reversed. I mean, the interaction and mixing. The destruction of the Christian ethos that underpinned all the successful European nations CAN be reversed, however. But we need solutions for moving forward, not for moving backward.

As I stated before, in my view, it will all hinge on a clearer view of true human nature, the true purpose and destiny of human history, and the real principles at work underlying ALL the massive benefits that the Europeans gained BECAUSE the Christian civilization developed there.

It seems an impossible task to many, because the situation is unprecedented, and we are now confronted with things we have not had to deal with before. But the way is forward, not backward, in my opinion.

I'll admit, it will not be easy. Solving this problem will make development of quantum computing look like child's play. But all human beings have a right to life, liberty and happiness. We will need to join hands with the Creator to find the correct solution, imo.

16285865? ago

So Sad. There's no way you'll ever be a factor in defeating the Cabal, because your mind is eclipsed by Racism.

Ah yes. Wheras you, brave and bold anti-racist friend, will be a vital fulcrum upon which the back of the cabal shall be broken. All thanks to your lack of racism.

Here's a more serious point for you. You accept, presumably that soros, hrc, the MSM, google, facebook etc are all part of this satanic new age cult, right? You accept they've been manipulating society to push this argument? Would you like to take a guess what they say about racism? Is it, perhaps, something along the lines of "it's the ultimate evil, we need to get rid of this it's so bad we just need to move beyond it and everything will be better"? Sounds familiar, yes?

We're left with one of two possibilities - either that racism is sooooooooooooooo bad that even the deepstate couldn't possibly conceive of not helping to try and stamp it out. Satanists and christians, hand in hand joining forces to help snufff out the ultimate evil of racism.

Or, maybe just maybe

your view, and their view, are the same. You are supporting their view, and think its the way forward. Because racism is just the ultimate evil, right goys? As would be pointing out black crime rates or IQ's. Just close your eyes and lallallallalalalalalaala your way fowards towards a bettter future.

should simply clamp down in the immigration flooding and allow themselves to stabilize to protect both their heritage and their sovereignty. It's a sovereignty issue, not a race issue.

In what way is it not a race issue? Know whose immigration isn't an issue? Intra european migration. Especially intra anglosphere migration. It's a total non-issue. Why is that. Is it, perhaps, race? Which also explains why intra anglosphere migration of non-whites is still an issue? Or would you say 1,000,000 brits and 1,000,000 british pakis immigrating to america would be just as fine for heritage and sovereignity?

But racists like yourself appear to be unable to see anything in terms other than race. you're so lost.

But its literally just the opposite. Race IS A FACTOR. It simply is. You can not like that , you can bitch, whine, complain, and cry RACIST all you like, it changes NOTHING.





But its also one of MANY FACTORS. IT IS NOT REPEAT IT IS NOT the only factor. But the critical issue is that anti white anti racist people such as yourself are incapable of EVER VIEWING IT AS A FACTOR. You, repeat, YOU are the ones who blindly dismiss it, and are unable to ever see anything in terms of race, since you regard it as a total non issue.

I hope you find your way out of that paper bag, Shillmmeister. That's my last, best wish for you.

I have a degree and a masters in, to choose a term to loosely combine the two (different fields), evolutionary biology. Would you like to talk about racial clustering of traits that influence cognition? How about the heritability of IQ, or criminality, or political affiliation? How about we discuss how evolution can both be true and races genetically seperated for 40,000 years can somehow not have differentiated in any noticeable way? Not interested? How about we discuss voting habits by race and how these are both highly consistent across cultures and time, and how as a result race is of fundamental importance when discussing the political character of a country?

No? You're too interested in just saying "don't you see how similar to leftists you are, you silly person who can't see beyond race as if it matters (and btw no i won't give you citations to prove it doesn't silly kid), you should wise up kiddo".

What an inspiring argument.

As for 'white countries' (a false premise),

Also seriously fuck you for this line nigger. "white countries - a false premise". Oh, silly me. How CRAZY to notice that some countries were founded by whites, populated by whites, and their culture was the creation of whites. HOW SILLY. WHAT AN OBVIOUS FALSE FUCKING PREMISE. God I hate you.

16286704? ago

Until people understand that our demographics are our destiny we will continue to decline.

16284631? ago

Q, you Boomers, the media, the pussy hats, SJWs and Deep State are all in agreement...

16282674? ago

Thank you for the Truth

16282440? ago

16282401? ago

This kid is an assett to the White Nationalist movement. He stood up to those bullies and showed them that they don't even belong in this country. We aren't backing down, we aren't leaving!

16282248? ago

Take out one word and I'll agree with you. "White". I'm ok with nationalists, but not associated with any race.

16282438? ago

Who do you think built this country?

16284212? ago

People. People built this country. Of all colors and creeds in varying proportions. America is an idea, not a race. True Americans are bound by common ideals, not a skin color. I believe in merit and judging people on actions. There are bad people, judged by actions, of all colors.

16284307? ago

Immigration Act of 1790: Whites Only

16284405? ago

Point? Did the people who immigrated in 1790 build the entire country?

16285731? ago

The constitution mentions blacks are 3/5th of a white (and i think truth be told, they were being rather generous). It also mentions women were under no circumstances allowed for vote.

I'm all for your non racially nationalistic old style constitution governance, but can we at least go back to what was truly original? Blacks are legally subhuman, and women are banned from voting. In return, no "white" component to the nationalism. Fair trade?

16286644? ago

I’m not making you any deals. The 3/5ths clause was an effort to move towards an end to slavery in the climate as it was. It actually empowered the black population comparatively. It was by no means meant to classify them as subhuman. Oh, and good try trying to shoehorn sexism in with your racism there, just digging a deeper hole. White Nationalism isn’t supported by Q or by me, ergo, you are a shill?

16291283? ago

shoehorning in sexism with your racism

I'm sorry dude but this is literally historical revisionism. Lincoln wanted the blacks to be sent back to Africa (see : liberia), and the founding fathers absolutely did not want women voting. It's not "sexism", or if it is the foundational and ideological underpinnings of your constitution are sexist. I could hardly be accused of shoehorning it in when its the original text of the document that suggested this

Or are you saying the founding fathers were shills, or Q is somehow a better voice of reason than they were?

16286365? ago

Jesus fucking christ, you genuinely disgust me. I would sooner watch you drown in putrid vile shit than bother to save your ass if I had too. I can't even begin to empathize with such a base animal. Jesus christ, I'd pity you more, but you deeply alarm me.

16286293? ago

Oh winged monkey, sent here to chase away conservative blacks who support Trump, please answer my question.

Is that brown smudge on your nose Hillary scented?

16291277? ago

Oh winged monkey, sent here to chase away conservative blacks who support Trump


oh wait, you're serious? let me laugh even harder


Blacks vote for trump at a roughly 8% margin (if we're generous). Le based conservative blacks is a fucking meme, you'd be better off targeting literally anyone else, and especially with blacks the potential gains to be made from courting their votes is still minute - quite possibly small enough the lost votes from those tired of endless poorly thought out efforts to court the black vote instead of the white vote outweights any gains you might make from the black community.

16285376? ago

Europe and America are being demographically replaced with low IQ 3rd world savages

16282698? ago

Now you’re going to make me sound like a liberal with your dumbass comment. White slave owners built this country, faggot shill. Therefore, black and white built this country.

16282949? ago

Blacks are destroying the country, idiot

16285809? ago

Devils advocate: who brought the blacks here?

16286412? ago

Jews. 9X% of slavers were Jews.

But y'know, WHITE POWER and all that jazz. Fucking retards don't evne know their own cock sucking history. You've always been pawns you feckless neophytes. Wake the fuck up for once and stop interbreeding argumentation and stand tall against the enemy who doesn't see skin, only sees ability.

16286773? ago

You shills are always so angry. Easy to spot

16291216? ago

But factually correct

16282739? ago

Oh get real, who told them what to do.

16286441? ago

Jews. 9X% of slavers were Jewish in America.


16282377? ago

It's really ok to be white. Quit apologizing for it.

16282430? ago

No apologies needed, you should be fucking proud!!!

16284139? ago

I don’t have a problem being white, I do have a problem with people pushing a white nation/white nationalist world view. I believe in merit over race.

16281764? ago

Fuck that! Run!

16281738? ago

I'm lost on this story. The MSM reported it as evil MAGA people but the MAGA people were actors belonging to the left? In which case I don't understand this meme.

16281778? ago

16281661? ago

Yes, WE must ALL stand our ground. Quit letting these lefties call us names, control the message, etc.

Educate yourself to debunk ALL the BS they throw! This is WAR. Destroy them