16276323? ago

Can we just ask Q if we should follow SB2's logic in the next Q+A?

16279211? ago

This gets dumber daily to test my patience I'm sure. SerialBrain2 is Q.

16276211? ago

Best Q decoder I know. Genius.

16279983? ago


16275352? ago

So wait - why is the extra T explosive again?

16280035? ago

Because someone else’s last name also starts with T. Duh!! Just go along with it, don’t question SB2.

16275338? ago

Serial Brain’s goal is one thing only: to impress you with how brilliant he is. You’re supposed to be completely overwhelmed and bewildered by his dizzying intellect. And then you’re supposed to leave comments about how brilliant he is, breathlessly praising his tremendous insight.

There are a few people who can follow that stuff. And they get to pat themselves on the back too.

There may be some meaningful stuff coming out of his posts, but for the most part, there’s never a fucking punch line. There’s never a point. Never a big picture. Just meaningless, random, unconnected details.

16280079? ago

There is a point, and it’s to believe that SB2 is special and gifted and that Trump and Q communicate with him directly so that SB2 can feel validated.

16281370? ago


16275165? ago

Serialbrain is an embarrassment. Disavow the fool. Cut them loose.

16274360? ago

Some people like all o that level. The Q posts are clear enough and compelling enough for me without all of that.

16273822? ago

Serial Fraud!

16272881? ago

OP is a gigantic bundle of sticks - why are you linking us to plebbit?


16291396? ago

gigantic bundle of sticks


That creative turn of phrase for 'faggot', alone, deserves a gigantic bundle of upvoats!

16272676? ago

Serialbrain2 is a schizoid

16272398? ago

OP Struck a nerve...shills working hard. Shariablue for sure.

16273064? ago

It’s like you have no idea that ShareBlue astroturfs SB2’s posts and attack the genuine users calling out his bullshit logic as shills.

Get some perspective.

16308477? ago

Lick a taint faggot...I call Shariblue the fuck out here and on 8Ch on the reg. Can't I have a momentary loss of...whatever it was I had a momentary loss of? fuck

16272752? ago

Can confirm. I work for ShareBlue. You wouldn't believe how many folks we have working on this. Shills, gaslighters, even decoders. Stringing you all along is easily the best job I've ever had.

16308488? ago

LMAO...you think you're the one doing the stringing along...

16271935? ago

Kamala is going to have a cell in the Obama wing of GITMO.

16271420? ago

The sheer genius of his decode leaves me in awe. The Y=25 is transformed to a T=20 by moving 21 steps forward in the alphabet or 5 steps backwards. The space after the Y, which is zero, becomes a Y=25 by moving 25 steps forward or 1 step backwards. To be able to figure that out and have a brain like that is so amazing. We are so lucky he speaks to us.

16271480? ago

Now I get it...I had been wondering Y

16271573? ago

Y Head is theirs

16271114? ago


16271000? ago

S+B+2 = 19+2+2 = 23 2 is hate. 3 is love. 23 is contradiction and tension. Ask the Crowleyites. Or for modern American fun look up Genesis P. Orridge and the Temple of Psychic Youth on the gnostic awesomeness of 23.

SB2 can't keep his shit in check. Most of us have similar difficulties but we don't spend others time and space exploring it.

16272422? ago

Two is Dualism you mongol, nothing to do with Hatred. Two is Polarity. The ability to hold two opposing and yet equivalent energies within oneself, the division of the All into two separate but equally important parts. Fuck and all to do with "hate". SMH.

16273361? ago

Wasn't my claim. Temple of Psychic Youth - postmodern Crowleyites, etc. I don't have the full explanation but I think I did adequately summarize the reason some made a big deal out of the number 23 years ago (pre-Q). The opposing tension I ascribed to the number 23 seems to be the same as you ascribe to the number 2. Hmm.

Meanwhile it was just a joke. I could do a numerology spin on all the letters in SB2's name and conjure up some message with 'meaning'. (I guess the base number would be 57 - heinz meanz beanz.) That's the ridiculous fun of English gematria.

Keep on shakin'.

16270996? ago

Explosive, like my orgasms.

16271099? ago

I was young once

16270377? ago

Can some tl;dr for a brother?

Tied up with my monsters for the next few hours. TIA

16271384? ago

TLDR is Comey's twitter activating sleeper cells to take out Trump. Taheb was the activated, was arrested about the same time Nancy, Adam Shiff and the CODEL attempted to skip the country.

At the same time, Donna Brazil's is tweeting about President Pelosi and MLK(who was also assassinated by the FBI-allegedly)

Same thing happened right before JFK assassination, CODEL was out of Country.

All just a coincidence? Or does MiLIntel have all the comms?

If so, game over for Pelosi and all collaborators.

16271769? ago


16271189? ago

tl;dr: typical serial brain bullshit, well really just nonsense rather than bullshit

16272446? ago

Typical CIA psyop response, mock and deride. Don't bother to try and understand it, don't give it any sort of legitimacy, don't recognize that JUST FUCKING MAYBE you aren't smart enough to handle it, or you're just too fucking lazy to do the legwork, either way it's on you.

The levels of narcicism among you "Woke" people is fucking delirious.

16277435? ago

Listen, I am a trained scientist with degrees in mathematics and computer science.

SB2s posts are not based on scientific or logical thinking - he's essentially doing magical thinking with a little bit of mixing in whatever the latest Q theories are.

Gemmatria is not a "code" nor is using it "decoding" anything...It's essentially reading tea leaves or tarot cards.

If people have spiritual beliefs that's fine but this idea that people who don't like him "can't understand" or "won't understand" is absurd.

Ive had many convos with SB2 supporters (the ones who aren't his sock puppets) and they usually don't even understand what he's saying properly...I've asked them to explain in their own words and 9/10 they were wrong.

Theyre just impressed by all the jargon he throws around or what they incorrectly think he is saying.

On the contrary people who don't like SB2 generally understand what he's saying better than the supporters.

16279929? ago

Oh shit, a well thought out argument that is concise, clear, and reasonable in a SB2 thread? Away with you!

16275010? ago

I have listened to serial brain. It's obvious bullshit. Fuck you

16273148? ago

Yikes, shareblue defends SB2 fiercely!

16270854? ago

The TLDR is that ShareBlue2 is a pied piper designed to derail any reasonable analysis of Q posting and make Q folks look like flat earthers

16272279? ago


16272432? ago

You intellectually lazy fuck. How dare you let someone else dictate to you what is and is not reality?

16271357? ago

Don't bring flat earth into this, it has more supporting facts than SB2

16273130? ago

True that, at least in flat earth the logic flows between notions and is based on distrust of authority and lack of experience rather than using circular reasoning to justify unreasonable conflations so you can leap around in your “logic” however you want it to fit.

16270364? ago

SerialBrain2. Could you not have spat that out in a sentence or two. No, because you like to dance around the fire like your father. I pray for stumbling blocks like you to be outed everyday.

16270882? ago

the root meaning of the word scandal is stumbling block.

16270351? ago

Holy shit the paid shills are all over this thread.

16273042? ago

I was banned from reddit for questioning SB2’s logic, the shills are the ones supporting him.

16274863? ago

Correct. He's clearly opposition or just crazy. Thinking former though, likely CIA

16275758? ago

If he were just crazy he would’ve stopped long ago due to feedback.

Now consider this logic:

Users agree there are shills both here and on Reddit, but agree that Reddit is far worse. SB2 only posts to Reddit anymore though, and you will only see comments praising him there. Here, you see 50/50 for/against him. But, people will believe that those attacking him are the shills, even though those people are completely absent on his Reddit posts.

SB2 is astroturfed opposition confirmed.

16270206? ago

People still believe this shit?

16274846? ago

Only the 14 year old tards

16271338? ago

I suppose you have other FACTS to present?

16273173? ago

Lol this one gave me a good laugh

16272409? ago

“Facts”?? U need an encyclopedia anon. Facts? Lol

16270376? ago

No, not all of us.

16269986? ago

Got as far as transposing letters and adding numerical values.... stopped right there. This is a useless and tortured "logic" to take seriously.

16272475? ago

I've been reading SB2's stuff since the reddit/GreatAwakening days and SOME of his stuff was useful. The majority seemed like a joke. I remember toward the end, he was accusing shills of voting down his threads, until regulars from the community were like "no I down voted it myself - this is just ridiculous". Then he asked the mods to stop sticking his threads.

16272993? ago

They starting banning people for questioning his logic on reddit. On both GA and T_GA, I was one of them. Fuck FartOnToast and SB2, I’m convinced they are a psyop.

16276689? ago

How is SB2 a psyop? He references Q constantly and stays true to Qs core principle. All he is doing is telling a story of what key be happening behind the scenes but it’s not like he’s trying to hijack the movement or lead people away from Q.

16279070? ago

Rational newcomers see his “logic” and think “wow everyone here is so gullible and can’t think for themselves” and believe that we are crazy conspiracy theorists without looking into the worthy notions. Especially when the comments admit that they can’t think for themselves and are so glad they have SB2 to guide them.

16278071? ago

This is a semi valid point. He's not a psy-op per se I suspect, but he is without a doubt pretty retarded

16271308? ago

We know for a FACT Trump doesn't make errors, he literally can't. So how do you explain this concealed message??

16272968? ago

Are you kidding? I know for a fact that anyone but Jesus makes errors, and many, constantly.

16281366? ago


16276724? ago

Q post #1141 on April 12, 2018 in reference to a misspelled Trump tweet:

Misspellings matter Q

16277183? ago

For goodness sakes learn to think logically and reasonably.

Q Saying misspellings matter IS NOT the same as saying POTUS never has typo or that EVERY one matters. It's patently absurd to think POTUS never makes a mistake.

16271167? ago

Why don't you believe SerialBullshitter2? Sad

16272348? ago

because the root is luciferianism. know your enemy.

16272385? ago

Deep and intense eye roll

The root of Numbers is not fucking luciferianism you fucking mongol. Jesus fucking Christ. I'm so sick and tired of people throwing around misinformation. Numerology is the study of numbers, numbers affect every element of the Universe around you. Every number has a purpose, an identity, an attitude, an idea that they create and alter. To claim it's "Luciferianism" is fucking intellecual laziness of the highest fucking order. Anyone who thinks the same as you deserves to be shamed for being so god damn lazy.

16272666? ago

At least you have an opinion. I thank you at least for that. Doesn't mean your right.

16270629? ago

Low information Q folks are still having trouble figuring out that shareblue / JIDF might actually support / upvote and AstroTurf support for something in order to intentionally mislead people.

16273433? ago

For idiots that can’t understand the notion of the above comment:

Imagine how likely it is that the “shills” you all fear are attacking SB2 are really the ones propping SB2 (and other bullshit “decoders”) up artificially because the insane drivel wastes time with falsehoods and drives away the rational thinkers we need because they see faulty logic being seemingly largely supported by our community and think “yikes! These people are crazy and will believe anything!” And that belief is supported by all of the comments that worship and glorify SB2 while admitting thoughtlessness on their own part.

How this strategy is not obvious to this community is deeply concerning.

16276652? ago

You can follow or believe SB2 if you want to or not but his decoding isn’t doing any harm to the movement. At all. He’s not seeing “look here” “don’t look there”, he’s just using existing info in order to tell a story of what’s going on behind the scenes. He’s not leading anyone away from Q or his core principle, in fact he encourages to stay with Qs message. All the SB2 hate is unwarranted and this is coming from someone who doesn’t follow him but I will occasionally read his posts. He’s no doing what CORSI did, not even close. You it’s da jewssss people need to fucking relax

16280077? ago

isn’t doing any harm to the movement.

The SB2 stuff is literally designed to harm the movement. You are being intentionally dishonest.

16279058? ago

Rational newcomers see his “logic” and think “wow everyone here is so gullible and can’t think for themselves” and believe that we are crazy conspiracy theorists without looking into the worthy notions.

That’s the damage being done by SB2.

16270577? ago

Even the gematria shit only runs from what is in it's database. Come on people, seriously?

16272332? ago

Gematria is crap Babylonian numerology ... it is more likely the deep state to use than trump

16285332? ago

Number fag here.

That's why TRUMP and Q use it. I don't agree with SB2 all the time, but I was able to find 911 in the time stamps he provided in that post, in a completely different way, and using more simple number reduction.

i.e. - Time stamp 18:29 = 1+8:2+9+11:9+911 mirrored. There is another there too.

I don't really agree with the method he used to get to 911. Just saying. It still works though.

Thanks. WWG1WGA!


16270394? ago

Good man/woman.

16269923? ago

Great decode

16269604? ago

Imagine being this gay

16270339? ago

You don’t have to imagine, faggot

16269570? ago

Oooh the shills are all over this one, good job OP

16274837? ago

Lol sb2 is CIA opposition

16276763? ago

How though? Don’t act like a liberal. Just because you don’t like what he’s doing makes him wrong. He’s not leading anyone away from Q or trying to hijack it like CORSI and Alex Jones. He’s simply using Q posts and trump tweets to prove together a story. Just like W has told us to do MANY times now. Learn our comms. WTF do you think that means?

You fucking omg everything I disagree with is a Jewish psyop faggots are the worst.

16279223? ago

“He’s not leading anyone away from Q”

False. Do you have any idea how many newcomers we lose because they see SB2’s posts consistently hitting the front page? We lose the rational ones because they think we are so gullible for believing him, and we only gain the retarded non-thinkers because of him.

He is severely crippling our movement by us not denouncing him and allowing support for him.

16277244? ago

He's leading people down a garden path of nonsense.His decodes are faulty garbage and people wasting time on him or taking him seriously is bad for the movement.

16277136? ago

Sb2 thinks Trump speaks to him... Directly... That's enough for meb and most to know to avoid him

16274934? ago

Sauce, bitch

16275343? ago

The CIA doesn't disclose the identity of their agents

16273017? ago

Yes, all over upvoting and astroturfing retarded and insane posts like SB2’s to muddy our waters.

16272437? ago

Alternative opinions are not neccessarily shills. Try and take your understanding to another level.

16276791? ago

But that requires thinking. These low IQ followers like everything hand fed to them just like how MSM shoves their bullshit down people’s throats. They still believe MSM but think they have Q all figured out. Sheep.

16269537? ago


16269505? ago

SB has yet to get anything right.

16271350? ago

Are you blind?

16273182? ago

Are you retarded?

16269393? ago

Why does anybody give this chode any respect

16271533? ago

Yes this. His "decodes" are rambling bullshit.. I guess you say anything with confidence the dumbasses will drool

16272456? ago

Better mock and deride, it's not like the movement is world wide and having a few voices that speak out is going to happen. NOPE! We better instead target this one specific autist with all our misguided hatred and derision, that will surely be the best solution.

See:Streizand Effect.

16280153? ago

Wow what an insane straw man argument against SB2 contention.

16270429? ago

SB2 does 100X more work than any MSM ”reporter”

16277531? ago

Amount of work != Quality of output

(Or even quantity for that matter)

16272454? ago

Yes that is true. Because they're darker than most.

16270898? ago

very funny

16270195? ago


16269329? ago

love SB2

16269324? ago

somebody have the Cliff Notes.........

16270840? ago

SB2 don't do no TDLR. You have to spend alot of time reading through things in multiple parts with various self-referencing links before you can tease out the conclusion, which is generally one we already suspect and SB2 can't otherwise verify. Free expression is cool but . . . .

16271323? ago


16272509? ago

Everyone is just giving opinions. The lack of being able to converse in anything other than shill is what's sad.

16279806? ago

You think SB2 thinks his decodes are opinion? Lol they are presented as fact and if you don’t take them as fact you are met with “expand your thinking.”