16160188? ago

Germany and France are the founding members. They have the most to lose.

16158822? ago

What if Germany is not a real free country? What if Germany is just an occupied country? What if chancellor Merkel ist not the chancellor of a Former state called "Deutsches Reich" but instead the CEO of an administration of an occupied country? If so, who ist the real partner for negotiations about a peace treaty which POTUS offered to Germany? What if all the EU was Just a big hoax in order to cover this old truth step by step until the point of no Return? Questions and the Hope, that there are real good answers to these questions.

16157367? ago

The UN will expell more nergy trying to bring down Trump. The world wide cabal is fighting Trump!

16157203? ago

This good news has more than one silver lining. The fracturing of the EU will require the immediate attention of the cabal, that's less energy and resources they will have to fight President Trump, the battlefronts are expanding and we're winning.

16160890? ago

Great point and we’re gaining resources by bringing our military home from fake wars and ending the financial drain of illegal immigration.

16161107? ago

I can only assume, its all part of Q's plan. I don't think there are any coincidences, everything we see happening is by design. Its amazing how different we see the world when we are awake, alert, and disregard what the propaganda machine tells us.

16165453? ago

Totally agree, Patriot!

16155451? ago

Great article!! The EU is an artificial entity by the satanic deep state globalists. The deep state ist loosing control of this EU because he is loosing continually control of the people.

And: This process is getting strong support by Trump, our liberator!

16159193? ago

The EU is an artificial entity by the satanic deep state globalists

Agreed. So is the UN.
