16400710? ago

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16020423? ago

Great thread packed with good content.

16018676? ago

lol how people watch Alex Jones is beyond me. "I've talked to Trump" lol stfu

16018572? ago

@shizy and @srayzie

I know you two donโ€™t read Q but here is what he said. He didnโ€™t endorse the already existing site because itโ€™s deep state shills and you both act like shills. New VOAT Subverse Announced and Endorsed by Q 2269 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 21 Sep 2018 - 9:48:10 PM

3131408 https://voat.co/v/QRV๐Ÿ“ Thank you /BO/ Fully endorsed. Time to UNITE. Q

16019192? ago

Firstly, you're the ones that keep dragging us in to shit. Secondly, we're obviously two different people.

16018715? ago

Here's something you can read again:


16018659? ago

but here is what he said.

And then you proceed to give your opinion instead of showing what Q actually said!

Can you show where Q said not to use the existing Voat Q sub? Or where he said the reason was "deep state shills"?

Didn't think so!

You're a joke!

16019019? ago

Yeah. [He made the Reddit Replacement.](Reddit Replacement Why is that so hard to get thru your head? Stop trying to stir up drama

16019375? ago

@Kevdude @Shizy....

As soon as I pinged NeonRevolt, @youllrememberme shows up again as usual

16019433? ago

Of course he!

16019068? ago

What part of REDDIT REPLACEMENT are you struggling with? I didn't see a voat Q sub replacement mentioned by Q? If you have a link show it.

16019141? ago

Exactly dipshit. Q didnโ€™t replace the established Q subs. v/TheAwakening was supposed to move to QRV because they are from Reddit. Why arenโ€™t you all over them when the board owner is the one that called them out?

16019221? ago

Pssst: I'm on your side. Read it again.

16019351? ago

Oh sorry lol

16018898? ago

Q did NOT endorse the shill site for a reason. Why is that hard to understand? Read a couple posts and you will see why. If the site was legit, it would have no problem merging with the site Q said is โ€œfully endorsed.โ€ Why didnโ€™t Q endorse the fake site?

16018957? ago

Q did NOT endorse the shill site for a reason. Why is that hard to understand?

Because that's your biased opinion and you have provided no proof to back it up! Why is it so hard to understand that people on voat don't just take opinion as fact?

If the site was legit, it would have no problem merging with the site Q said is โ€œfully endorsed.

Why would it need to merge? Q never said it did.

Q endorsed QRV as the reddit replacement! That's it.

16019085? ago

Excuse me but why do you feel the need to come ovee here to defend the shill site if itโ€™s legitimate. Q never endorsed your fake ass site. The reason is because that site it total crap. It should be shut down.

16019199? ago

Excuse me but why do you feel the need to come ovee here to defend the shill site if itโ€™s legitimate.

Because I was pinged here! If you think it's a shill site, don't go there.

It should be shut down.

Why? Because someone told you it was a shill site and you believe it? Things don't get shut down here because some people don't like it. Welcome to voat redditfag!

16018880? ago

So still a no then.

16018911? ago

Do not use the shill site that Q didnโ€™t endorse @shizy

16019032? ago

Why would I want to be on a reddit replacement sub? I was never on reddit in the first place. I'm a goat. I'll stay on the voat Q sub and continue to not let people tell me what to do ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

16019117? ago

Well this sub is endorsed by Q. The other is not

New VOAT Subverse Announced and Endorsed by Q 2269 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 21 Sep 2018 - 9:48:10 PM

3131408 https://voat.co/v/QRV๐Ÿ“ Thank you /BO/ Fully endorsed. Time to UNITE. Q

16019129? ago

Endorsed by Q as the Reddit replacement

16019234? ago

Do you even read? It does not say that. It says Fully Endorsed!!!!! Time to Unite! That means get rid of the shill site.

https://voat.co/v/QRV๐Ÿ“ Thank you /BO/ Fully endorsed. Time to UNITE. Q

16019391? ago

Yes I can read.

You on the other hand lack comprehension.

16018999? ago

Why do you care what I do? Why don't you just stay on QRV, hiding in anon, and everyone's happy! It's really odd that you care so much about GreatAwakening and telling strangers what to do!

16019465? ago

Not knowing what it's anonymous

16018340? ago

So what you are saying is that Q is autistic? Good digging patriot ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

16018533? ago

Sorry this is off topic comment but be careful if you plant mint around your house because it will grow and grow and get everywhere.

16018972? ago

Plant chocolate mint, and it will smell like Peppermint Patties when you mow.

16019097? ago

Well yeah, sure - when you put it like that.

16019649? ago

https://i.redd.it/0lwidftmf3021.jpg #0p4c #0p6d #0p64s #0p4cQ #0p6dQ #0p64sQ #BMB #0p4cBMB #0p6dBMB #0p64sBMB #Q #Qanon