15975803? ago

OP's dumbass plan to not solve anything: /randomly arrest whomever is most easily available, giving every suspect who WASN'T available heads up as to arrests happening /immediately piss off every person the individual has in their corner, turning it from arresting one person to dealing with an entire group of angry people, most of whom are likely just civies brainwashed into liking them (though it sounds like you'd just off the innocent too, huh.) /manage to only arrest certain individuals, as the others fled and hid, and watch as your suspects all get out on bail and dissapear too /come up with your evidence AS arrests happen, and give every suspect a fair shot at colluding to change the rules into their favor again /manage to kill no bad guys because fair court of law has to happen without the un getting dragged into things /ARREST EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES telling the whole world in no uncertain terms the process is shady af and giving the cabal the perfect ammunition to scream "human rights violations!" Dragging the UN in anyways and thereby the world into your conflict /have the whole world come to play believing fully that you plan on arresting all your political enemies and the judges and et al to enforce your rule /world has proof of dictatorship, the cabal's war starts, trump loses legitimacy, game over

Here's a good reason to trust the plan: the people who made it put more than two seconds worth of thought into this, and you're a dumbass with shitty plans. If we did what you wanted we'd go from unfortunate losses and a chance to win to millions of innocent casualties practically overnight.

15976020? ago

Fuck all those assholes. Either you're helping to build the New World Order, or your fighting against it. Even if you are unwittingly helping to build the NWO, you're still helping the bad guys. Take out EVERYONE who is not on our side. Kill them all.

15977089? ago

"The NWO is evil! They do horrible things to innocent people! How should we get rid of tyem? Do horrible things to innocent people!" Y'know the Cabal is hiring right? You don't need to make your own, dumbass

15974273? ago

As a Q follower, and believer, I couldn't agree more. But in the same breath, I also understand that any arrest made will be grounds for the cabal to scream obstruction. I hate it.

15974303? ago

We need to get to the point where we don't give a shit what the bad guys think. Who cares? Kill them.

15976862? ago

I'm not sure when that time comes but think we are very, very, very close. I'm ready.

15976870? ago

It should have happened already. The fact that it hasn't is what concerns me.

15984937? ago

Me too. Whittaker needs to tell Meuller he has 24 hours to finish his report, submit it and it's over. He's produced nothing in weeks.

15973995? ago

I agree, there simply are no viable excuses today, we have evidences. What we lack is willpower.

15974110? ago

Exactly. We are all out of valid excuses. There is NO REASON why we haven't seen some amount of justice yet.

15975097? ago

But we have... You just choose to ignore the progress faggot.

15975562? ago

"choose to ignore the progress"

No. You have fallen into the jew mind trap, attempting to chastise someone else for not sharing your objectively absurd viewpoint. It is the reaction of cultists, democrats, and milennials. It is the weapon of the jew.

15975798? ago

Don't listen to this shill folks. Look up for your self all of President Trump's accomplish ments, Executive Orders, stances on topics, and read the QDrops and decide for yourselves.

15975728? ago

It wouldn't be shit coming at us after the fan it would be us being the fan and taking the full force of the shit.

15975696? ago

Yeah yeah... Nothing's happening. Piss off shill.

15973680? ago

"Ignore posts calling for violence" (https://voat.co/v/QRV/2806951) has been stickied on QRV for a long time.

15973775? ago

So, what would Thomas Jefferson say: https://imgoat.com/uploads/cdd60ea004/183132.jpg ?

Sometimes VIOLENCE is the answer.

15974076? ago

If that's the case then why not go out and commit some, instead of continuing to troll? We'll look for your story on the 11 p.m. news.

15974133? ago

One guy isn't going to make a difference. 10,000,000 guys will.

15973678? ago

Stop talking shit, get out and do something, since you're a badass. Otherwise STFU stupid shill

15975081? ago

Dude right. What shinning star of leadership by example. Hay OP. Picks or it didn't happen faggot.

15973535? ago

Go home schill you're drunk

15973568? ago

you spelled "shill" wrong you dumb fuck

To you, a "shill" is anyone who doesn't believe your LARP bullshit to be 100% true.

15973516? ago

Low IQ people always have impulse control issues. Take a break and calm down. The world doesn't depend on you to function and is very minimally affected by you whether you are ranting or laughing. Hopefully you feel better now but if not you should take a warm bath with some bubbles and let the adults do their job.

15973543? ago

Unfortunately, "the adults" aren't doing their fucking jobs. Nobody is being arrests. No justice is being dealt. No major events are happening. Today is Monday. Another fucking day. No delivery from Q. No action from POTUS. SOMEONE needs to get off their fucking ass and start arresting criminals. TODAY!

15973498? ago

Suck my hard nipples shill

15973555? ago

"shill" = anyone who doesn't follow the hivemind

15973660? ago

Yep you hive minded satanist are definitely a brain wash cult glad you seeing the light shill. First step is admitting you have a problem.

15973674? ago

I have never worshipped Satan a day in my life. A hivemind is a cult who all thinks the same.... like you Qtards here do.

15973814? ago

Poor shill we'll keep working on you to break you away from that hive mind cult you belong to.

15973588? ago

Don't feed the trolls!

15973607? ago

....says the person who told me to suck their nipples.

15973684? ago

Uh, why you turning on me? Did you get out of sequence with your responses Anon?

15973760? ago

Yeah. Sorry. I lost track of which trolls were which.

15973920? ago

Don't let em shake you.

15973399? ago

Yep. At this point I'd be fine with some chaos and turmoil in the United States if it meant seeing arrests and executions.

The only real reason I can't see it going down that way is because we all see what happens when nations devolve into civil war and chaos these days. All other countries show up to influence the outcome.

15973430? ago

70,000,000 Americans own guns. I don't think that will be a problem.

15973579? ago

OK but I think the reason Q is going about things the way they are is so that a bloody revolution does not begin that results in the deaths of many Americans.

Believe me, I get your frustration.

15973635? ago


It's long overdue. Was Thomas Jefferson wrong?


15975126? ago

Not yet hang in there. It's coming soon. A few short years to go. Use this time to prep.

15975821? ago

YEARS?!!??!!? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!!?

I thought we were talking days. Jesus Fucking H. Christ! If we have to wait "years" then we are truly fucked.

15975939? ago

I know I want justice for all decades ago also.

15975906? ago

We need more preparations. Public opinion must be better or it will be the LA riots on steroids coast to coast.

15973756? ago

It needs to be bloody in regards to the ruling elites. Not everyday, innocent Americans.

15973805? ago

There is no way to have a bloodless Revolution. Someone, somewhere is going to get hurt and probably die. That is the price of freedom. I don't advocate killing women and children. But, in war, people die. That's how it works. I don't like it. But, sometimes, it has to happen in order for progress to be made.

15975170? ago

Wait. Brother. Chill for now w ith violence. Now is time for speeding the good words. Install doubt in everyone's mind. That is what is needed now.

15975841? ago

Violence IS the answer in this case.

15975892? ago

Yes but not now by us.

15973374? ago

Your solutions would work if the net were small. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

15973400? ago

Are you suggesting the entire US Military is not capable of rounding up and defeating this enemy?

15973508? ago

Are you suggesting all it takes is "rounding up"?

15973700? ago

What is so hard about "rounding up" a bunch of fat old politicians and rich people? We know where they live. We know their bank accounts. It really isn't that hard. Just fucking grab one and arrest them. Then, grab another. Then, keep going and going until you get them all. If anyone fights you or tries to stop you while going after them, kill them.

15973596? ago

Yes. Clearly.

15973587? ago

Or killing. Either way. I don't really care what happens to them. Either shoot them, arrest them, or freeze their assets. Eliminate the threat. How they do that is no concern to me. Just make it happen.

15975255? ago

At this point you would have to take on about 60% of America and also have to worry about UN and Russia and China all at once. Public opinion is Paramount to this operation and the proof of that is NPC news. I'm all for a state of lawlessness but I also realized we will be taken over by an outside source if we do go down that road.

15975791? ago

OK. Let's break down those numbers a bit:

At this point you would have to take on about 60% of America and also have to worry about UN and Russia and China all at once.

Out of that 60% -- the majority (90%) -- are sheep. They don't own guns. (Probably are afraid of guns) and won't do anything but complain. So, they are not a physical threat. Over time they will get over it and learn the truth. They may not be happy, but they won't do anything. They are beta males. As soon as you threaten them with force, they will back down.

The remaining 10% are the trouble. They will riot, and cause trouble. Out of that 10% most are followers. So, maybe 1-2% of them are truly dangerous. (Have guns, know how to shoot, will riot, have military training, etc.) They lead the remaining 8% and egg them on. You send in the US Marine Corp to deal with dangerous ones. You take them out. Kill them all. You give the remaining 8% the option of surrender. If they agree to put down their arms and stop fighting you arrest them and take them for jail for 10-15 years for rioting. The UN are a bunch of fucking pussies. They are useless. We should kick them off US soil and stop being members. Tell them to fuck off. Russia I don't think is really our enemy. They are a white, Christian nation trying to get rid of Jewish control. We have more in common them than other nations. We work WITH Russia to stop the Jews. If China attacks us, then we take them on. But, the one thing we have going for us with China is this --- all their shit is "Made in China". Those fuckers make everything cheap and shitty. Their guns will be falling apart, their missiles won't function correctly, their ships will be full of problems. The Chinese get all their technology by copying other people. They have a copy of a copy of a copy made by some guy who earns $1 a week using the shittiest materials possible.

15975835? ago

I'll just say one thing. You don't have the ammo to keep all the NPCs and Niggers that will be jumping in your window after a brick.

Military will be way to busy with outside powers to help you. Cops won't come. They will be home protecting thier nuts.

15973373? ago

Rocket science.

15973422? ago

I know it's tough to comprehend. But, it seems to me that it would work. It has worked perfectly in the last 2,000 yrs of human history.

15973575? ago

In fairness nothing has ever worked perfectly ever, but the other points still stand.

15973737? ago

True. But, corrupt leaders and governments throughout history have been "fixed" by arresting or killing the leaders and the bad people. If you remove enough of them the problem stops.

15974017? ago

But has the problem ever stopped? I'm going to bail on this one now friend, I was supporting your post, but the logic of the original argument has now given way to defending from a base flaw. Know when you are winning and let it roll. This got stupid.