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15968602? ago

Why does Q have a big empty kill box in this post? What does the kill box signify?

15968847? ago

Fill in the blank. Q is saying that if there are mental criteria to be filled in meaning they have seen a therapist to designate their mental state then put into the program unkowingly, this was back in 1988. The programs have since been expanded then under Black ops of mind control are conducted let's just say on a larger scale than just military WIA, by people not in military (no affiliation). Think Clockwork Orange, the main character had a handler before he was ever arrested.

15969355? ago

Excellent analogy anon, when I learned about MKUltra and watched 2 authentic satanic videos of it (was on YT, might be still there, the title is random letters to avoid Ai and do not bookmark title, the first thing I thought of was ClockWork Orange and in second place was Robot Chicken. Then I heard about SG possibly being a..well that is another story and don't watch show anymore.

I hate to question Q's 1988 reference that the program was evolving into, but it was my understanding that Mark Chappman was MK-Utra'd too, and he was taken to task to shoot John Lennon outside his NY apartment building on December 8, 1980 (for you GematriaFags and another date further below and feel free to post your findings to this) whom was returning from the recording. studio with his wife Yoko.

In order to add more credibility to this, here are the same patterns that we see over and over with these 'lone wolf' shooters.

He traveled all the way from Hawaii for this. (fits the new in town parameter)

After Mark shot John fatally killing him, Mark causally walked away and sat on the grass nearby and began reading The Catcher in the Rye while waiting for the police to arrest him while he read Catcher in the Rye. (Catcher in the Rye seems to be a popular book with MK-Ultra program)

He had mental issues of clinical depression and even tried committing suicide. (fits mental case criteria).

He was being treated by a psychiatrist. (fits the handler caveat)

Like the rest of the shooters that did survive and go to jail, during interrogation, he said he heard demonic voices telling him to kill Lennon. (parkland shooter something Cruz from last year said same thing in his interview too).

After all these years I remembered Mark was reading that book Catcher in the Rye (John Lennon fan here) and that clicked once I learned that MK-Ultra used it too, I was able to make that connection. I then began to think about the 'lone gunman' who tried to assassinate President Reagan on March 30, 1981 who's vice president was GHWB, Oh one more thing; John Hinkley Jr. (his father was a huge donor to GHWB in yet another freak coincidence) is in the same wikipedia link above innocently (coincidently) enough. White House Secretary James Brady was also shot while he survived, he had permanent injuries for life and this was the First Successful False Flag Event on the American people that began to chip away at the Second Amendment with the Brady Bill. Brady died 33 years (how masonic of them) later.

Oh one more thing; John Hinkley Jr. (his father was a huge donor to GHWB in yet another freak coincidence) is in the same wikipedia link above innocently (coincidently) enough. well I bet you can see where I am going with this, so I will stop right here.

I would have to disagree and this is has to be dis-info from Q or have another meaning to it.

15975219? ago

If Lennon's murder was a legit crazy fan: *He had a revolver *He put 4 rounds into JL *he had at least 1, probably 2 rounds left in the cylinder *Yoko was standing right there *Yoko doesn't get two to the dome


15996272? ago

On the evening of 8 December 1980, Lennon was shot and killed by Mark David Chapman in the archway of the Dakota, his residence in New York City. Lennon had just returned from Record Plant Studio with his wife, Yoko Ono.

Yup, seriously.

15971402? ago

I agree with you about the 1988 reference. The attached article does state that MK Ultra started in the 50’s and was ended (I believe allegedly ended) in 1972. So maybe it was officially re-started again in 1988. I don’t believe they ever stopped the program either. Looking back shows a great deal of support for this.

15970185? ago

Don't forget to look into MI6's ties with (((Faul))). After learning that Bill Hicks is Alex Jones, fucking nothing would surprise me anymore.

15969395? ago

DC Sniper fits this category too