15976130? ago

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15975062? ago

Dark to LIGHT
Lifting up each Patriot.
Decreeing Divine Healing and Deliverance over them, mentally, emotionally and physically.
What the enemy has done in darkness is NOW exposed,
Decreeing Divine Swift Judgment on all, who are responsible for this evil.
Divine Recompense and Justice for each soldier.
Divine Protection around POTUS, Q and Patriots

15973938? ago

I've been saying for years those Bourne movies aren't fiction ...

15973673? ago

Im on adderall and know when i get hit aka zapped when using smartphone, tablet , laptop... I got hammered last year while researching conspiracy and Q related stuff. At my worse point I could hit the right side of my head and it rang like my brain was being shut down.. The cocksuckers can still hit me. I now know to leave all devices off and out of bedroom while sleeping.. I think our smartmeters are contributing .. Im trying to opt out, Its been a process of elimination... SIM cards also have way more info on us then were led to believe.

15974218? ago

I have always been concerned about my phone being where I sleep. But WiFi is throughout my entire home. It’s a must have for 2 of our IT jobs.

15973672? ago

How much longer can all for this take place? I'm tired of waiting and waiting and waiting...

15972949? ago

You can say "Fucking" here. Nobody cares.

16012886? ago

Fucking A right!

15972901? ago

Russ Dizdar has been talking about what he calls, the Black Awakening, for a long time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2caAxQT1_dg

15972330? ago

For those how thought that the people exposing this for YEARS! were a bunch of looney conspiracy theorists, eat crow! This is real and deep folks! MK Ultra more than we knew and alot more disturbing. I say time to rid ourselves of the clows in america.

15972017? ago

This is why i never wanted to talk to anyone about my depression when i got home i figured they would just give me pills that make things worse. what scum bags we have running things in this country.

15977407? ago

You got us by your side. DOn't forget that.

15974228? ago

Sorry man. You should be able to talk.

15971418? ago

Hell, the assholes in the gubmint were testing nuclear weapons after WWII and sending GI's right into radioactive blast zones or blowing that shit up right over their heads.


Just drugging soldiers seems passé after that.

15971294? ago

Can you imagine how expensive some of their main players must be and how much it would cost if they lost some?

15971268? ago

We are all victims of mind control one way or the other. Education system, TV, music, the internet, hollywood, politics the list is probably endless. That's not even touching fluoridated water, chemical food additives, medicines and so on. One huge effort to poison us, pollute, control us and ultimately enslave us.

15971178? ago

I know!!!!!! Now we’re getting into the real treason and manipulation! This is a very good sign that information has been stepped up.

15970962? ago

Is that what they used to kill Chris Kyle?

Was it a test?

15970850? ago

This drop is significant. When Q uses the brackets with spaces, I believe that is similar to a redaction, only Q, by giving us some context and the number of spaces is giving us clues we can use to figure out what those redacted terms are. Notice the first series of bracketed spaces has a comma also. There are two terms in that redaction. That FOIA release occurred in December and served, for me at least, as a major proof of

15970764? ago

"Program dev ongoing under offshore [not domestic] 'tangent' agency?" So the clowns mku bs still operating but off shore and still getting funding.

15970619? ago

15970397? ago

WHAT is the point of telling us all of this stuff? Do we really need more dismal newz to be even more depressed? Pick just one of these topics, and take it out, blow it up, assassinate the bad guys, JUST DO SOMETHING!

15970728? ago

No, my dear shill. This is The Great Awakening. The great evils perpetrated by your masters will be revealed to the whole world. Please keep trying to provoke doubt and emotional reactions.

15970361? ago

What's WIA?

15971559? ago

I took it as wounded in action

15972353? ago

Sounds legit to me, thx

15970323? ago

Its not just MKUltra, think about your daily trauma and one from past , why is it so common in these times and what is causing ?

15970231? ago

Kanye West?

Footage on youtube (I know) with him showing strong signs of 'switching' and going 'zombie' with DJT. With the little I know- His family are very suspicious. They have accessed the WH.

granted; he has been attacked by the MSM after being celebrated (launched). Perhaps his strings have been cut and assigned to a new master. We know so little about this dark realm, its great that Q raises it with strength.

15971626? ago

from what we saw and heard in 2018, kanye was actually unter mind-control for years and seems to have made his way out of it.

15970060? ago

If you haven't seen The Secret Life of Timothy McVeigh, you need to watch it... it is 1 hour long and I think it ties into Q's post.

15970054? ago

Ever notice how Adam Schitt sometimes looks "normal" ish............

and sometimes his resting face looks like he's seen his own ghost?

Any bets?

15970049? ago

A big part of mk is the practice known as "Twinning". Apart from Mengele's obssession........twinning facilitates the multiple personalities created by mk ultra.

See Hanna Montana See "Twins" (as a joke)

Miley can tell you it's more real than the show. Nice tatoos. It achy breaks my heart.

15970035? ago

Someday when we've all learned the symbols and methods, we'll go back and watch all those movies and listen to all those songs that were chock FULL of symbols and hints and themes of mk ultra and associated practice..........and wonder how we could have missed such a huge amount of revealing information. It was hidden in plain site and you got a big dose.

15971039? ago

the term "eyes wide shut" describes this. We are blinded to what is really going on, but think we see everything... until we really do see the truth, then we realize it was always right in front of us, we just couldn't see it.

15970243? ago

For real, go fucking watch Back to the Future 1 and the symbolism is DISGUSTINGLY OBVIOUS, from the 9/11 references to just some of the fucking word choices. It all looks so flawless, so good, so clean, people spend hours going over it, looking for the (((Details))) that they think are irrelevant.

What gets me is, these sick bastards literally Cremate "Care" every fucking year. They know the importance of taking Care when doing work and so they burn "Care" every year ritualistically to make you all lose a part of that "Care" that is fundamental in creation. They do these incredibly ornate rituals to channel the collected consciousness to affect reality, but the idea that the Director, who can shoot and reshoot the same fucking shot a hundred fucking times, is letting shit appear on his fucking screen by pure fucking (((Coincidence))).

15973873? ago

Hollywood/Theater has this funny little ritual they hide as an 'audition' that serves as both. It also is a 'tell' as to whether prospects as actors or directors have a firm grasp on the ideology and their ability to show that in a scene.

It weeds out the 'wizards' from the Muggles so to speak, as well as shows an actor's ability to improvise...in theory. Most are just setups.

It involves dualism and other concepts as they are related to the Dark Art.

It's called Coffee and Cigarettes................search it on YouTube for examples.

15970280? ago

That's correct. It would be interesting to know if there is a real body under the effigy on the altar they burn.

"Weaving spiders come not here" Too late......we got you on the web.

15970031? ago

I'm starting to think that the MSM and anything in "popular culture" is all designed to "program" the regular populace.

It certainly explains why people are so NPC-like.

15971643? ago

I'm starting to think

better late than never ;)

15970440? ago

Television: tell-lies-vision

Hollywood: "
thus we have Holle, or Holly-wood (Hel-wood, the “place of magic”) and home of the Illuminati’s mass propaganda and conditioning machine in California. The holly wood was a favourite source of magic wands.” – David Icke

15969976? ago

Mk'd assassins have several times been sitting and reading the book "Catcher In The Rye" when they were arrested. See Chapman for example.

TPTB (The Powers That Be) or certain aristocratic families have a huge historic problem where one of their offspring don't appear to be willing or able to continue The Great Working in a productive manner. In fact, their actions may help bring things down. So what to do? As in the movie Manchurian Candidate (set to be released during Kennedy assass period but was pulled from theatres (why? lol).........the Senator's son was a liability to her career so she had him mk'd and he served in that stead as assassin. "Write what you know".

Sometime catchphrases used as triggers might be in books. The triggerword can 'turn on' or 'shut down' a "zombie". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem

And so "Catcher In The Rye" was a story about such a youth from a family of jewish doctors who couldn't make a career choice and instead.............was ..............a..............PEDOPHILE.

It's their 'curse'. And they have contingency plans.

Now you know the Catcher In The Rye meme.

15969963? ago

Hopefully watching the videoon The Sun website, which gave me a headache, doesn't trigger some people into action. That would be screwed up twist to the story. MKUltra is real..."fruity oaty bar"!!

15969950? ago

Relevant. /Pol/ thread


/Pol/acks have been digging deep and found Jerome Corsi's handler Avi Been Abraham who is trying to clone the Antichrist and alot of information from the 9/11 hacker leaks

15969923? ago

Now you all know what the Zombie Apocalypse meme was all about for Follywood. Robert Anton Wilson's brother as the Zombie sympathizer who kept them in his barn may have been a nod towards mk ultra programs.

They had plans to release a veritible ARMY of mk'd subjects as "zombies". That and the mindless public.

I've been marginalized my whole life trying to redpill people to this practice. If you're like me, you're relieved as hell that this is finally coming out.

15969800? ago

Such a sad thing to see such programs still exists in 2019. Total violation of Basic Human Rights. How will victims deal with Post Trauma stress and Personality Disorder as a result of these cruel programs

15970216? ago

Poorly. The Rapists get a hold of them and worse, we all blindly believe The Rapists are prepared to actually help you. If they were, there wouldn't be The Rapists, there would only be community outreach programs. Mental Illness must be recognized as an individual who has something to offer the world, if we can find the piece of the puzzle they best fit into. Mental illness is so greatly stigmatized because it gives The Rapists a fresh and bountiful supply of our most vulnerable individuals within our society for them to fuck with and mold as they see fit.

After all, they are called The Rapists, aren't they?

But then someone will call me a faggot and tell me that's not why they're called that. But they can't tell me why The Rapey is supposed to help, or how. Even though they've never studied the subject, they all think of themselves as "Experts', because it's just too hard to swallow how much is WRONG with our world.

16013018? ago

That has always been in the back of my mind almost my entire life if therapist was a coincidence, because if spaced incorrectly, would be the_rapist.

15971325? ago

The Rapists...wow; first I’ve seen that. Spot on.

15969549? ago

Fargin dirty bastages! Fargin iceholes!

15969314? ago

Still waiting on that DECLAS that would tear down the house.

Anyone? Anyone at all?

15970221? ago

Why would the Puppeteer want to cut the string????

15969204? ago

Aaand Q finally jumps the shark...

15969192? ago

Q is good at talking about problems. Not so good at solutions.

15970382? ago

Don't the problems need to be publicly identified BEFORE we can fix them?

Anything that is not in the public consciousness gets laughed off of the public stage.

15970572? ago

Q is a faction of deep state competing with another faction. He is not your friend.

15970654? ago

Newbie shill is not trying hard enough. Hiring anyone these days?

15970689? ago

Nice ad hominem. Refute my comment, nigger. Q has given no new Intel. Playing it too close to the chest.

15970745? ago

They are not sending their brightest here.

15970587? ago

Interesting dodge.

15970662? ago

Q only wants to disarm as much as required to gain control but wants to preserve the rest.

15971003? ago

I’ve been following Q from the beginning....mainly lurking....but this has always been in the back of my mind...just another power grab. I rarely talk about it on here because it sets off the shill alarms...but it’s a legit concern.

Civil war is the next option.

15970465? ago

Better ways to get problems out in the public than cryptic posts on an edgy image board.

16006944? ago

Making us dig for it, makes the answer "ours" that we found. It has more impact that way. Q is teaching us not to look for spoonfuls of baby food, and learn to research for ourselves.

16008322? ago

It makes the conclusions you reach pure speculation. You have no power of subpoena or the ability to search private records or the ability to prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt in the court of law.

So you have nothing but wasted time, and a "truth" nobody else will believe.

15970594? ago


15970613? ago

How about a presidential address to the nation... All channels prime time.

15970641? ago

12-year old's fantasy. Coming from someone who obviously has no clue.

15970810? ago

Or there is the time he joked about bombing the ussr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFCABnWlN8E

15970785? ago

I'm not suggesting that it couldn't be done. Merely that it wouldn't be effective. This is why you have a 12-year old's fantasy lodged in your head.

15970837? ago

No helping you people. Then make it before ever Youtube video or netflix movie or whatever. He already has the ability to directly message every phone.

There is a better way than obscure often wrong posts on what used to be childporn laden image boards.

15970843? ago

There may be but can you come up with a tactic that will work and isn't in the land of fantasy? The overton window needs to be moved first.

15973565? ago

Intel drops. Something on the scale of Panama papers or Podesta emails or vault 7. None of this cryptic crumb bullshit.

15974397? ago

Don't the "crumbs" often lead to already declassified but often overlooked items? Acting like a socratic laser pointer.

15970881? ago

No matter what some people will never believe. Despite the evidence, those people are a lost cause and have no hope. Just look at how many lunatic religious people still believe in a magic sky daddy.

15970908? ago

Magic Sky Daddy? You sure there is no God?

15970971? ago

I'm not any more sure there isn't a god, than I'm sure there is a god. I am sure mass religion is corrupt. Giving power, money and control over to them does you no favors.

Strange how it works. If you were born in a different place or at a different time you would have a different god. Right where I am now if I was born 500 years ago everyone around me for 1000's of miles would be worshiping animal spirits as gods. If I was born in the middle east, I'd have a different god or if I was born in 1st century Rome I'd have a bunch of them.

But, not to worry. The one you have right now today is the only real one and he is all mighty all powerful and all knowing and the only true god.

15971065? ago

How much of this outlook of yours is derived from real world experience with true believers? (Not the hucksters)

I agree that organized religion is all corrupt; but do you know which "god" they actually worship? (Most worship Lucifer/Satan if you study their symbology and holy books)

Are you familiar with occult symbolism? Spending time studying occult symbolism will open up an aspect of reality to greater understanding.

Past is prologue. To understand the past you have to understand religion and the actual role it is playing. If for no other reason, full understanding of religion will give you a truer understanding of the current state of the world. And I do not speak of the false "understanding" that we are inoculated with in our culture that is bolstered as a "true understanding," when it isn't.

15969954? ago

What about Giving power back to the people?

We can work out the solutions. We don't need an overlord to dictate everything.

15970137? ago

What are you waiting for? Go for it.

15970645? ago

Good Morning Shillenstein!

15969172? ago

The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave by Fritz Springmeier


15969081? ago

THIS is how and why all the High School kids when nutso crazy and shot the HSs up.

15969159? ago

It’s crazy to think, but they are victims.

15969840? ago

Can you even imagine the living hell it would be to be subjected to some diabolical puppet master triggering you like a wind-up doll to commit murder or mass murder and having no idea you had done it until you watch a video of yourself committing these horrific acts later and spend the rest of your life in prison or get the death penalty over something that you truly had no conception of even doing? I can't begin to imagine the horror that would be for the MKUltra puppet and their family. These vile creatures who are doing this insane shit need to be sent to the gallows for crimes against humanity!

15970096? ago

That's why they kill most of them at the crime scene... the parkland one escaped and was found at the Walmart down the street.

15970112? ago

Oh, like the Austin serial bomber last year who just so happened to die in his car as police surrounded his vehicle. The fake mail bomber guy in Broward was caught alive and the Parkland FF school shooter in Broward was caught alive - guess Sheriff Israel has a policy of letting them live there or something. Gosh, these people are sick bastards! Can't wait for the round-up! I saw the 2 barge prisons sent to Gitmo - me thinks they're "gonna need a bigger boat!"

15969032? ago

LSD is a drug that is used by a whole bunch of future traders and day traders that I have recently been introduced to. A lot of them have experimented with psychedelics in the past claiming that they unlock their brains ability to access its true potential. Steve Jobs was a habitual user of the drug. Plenty of other famous people have admitted that psychedelics have been a major role in their success. Even some famous YouTubers admit a huge drug history. I think the government knew exactly what they were doing when they chose to use LSD as the epicenter of the drugs that they forcibly administered to people during the MK Ultra drug trials. Considering that Whitey Bulger and several other notable American criminals have been found to have been forced participants, it raises the real question, did the CIA succeed in dosing LSD to the point where it causes enhanced thinking abilities?

15971064? ago

I liked that movie better the first time, when it was called Limitless

15969236? ago

LSD is currently being used to treat PTSD with success.

Does Q’s post mean that since 1988, some wounded in action soldiers with PTSD have been chipped & under mind control as black ops?

15969757? ago

So is MDMA (for PTSD).

15970233? ago

Auahuasca can also be good for helping clear PTSD

15969473? ago

My comment down further that seems to not fit the 1988 date and lends support to your theory better.


15969225? ago

I’m a wounded warrior and earmed my CIB in Iraq fighting during the Battle of Baqubah. I had a spinal cord injury and I’ve been suspecting a lot of these things have happened to me after having disc replacement surgery. I’ve been unknowingly dosed with lsd within last few years since medically retiring from the Army. I’m followed basically everywhere I go and have suspected I’m being targeted since I was diagnosed with ptsd. Way too many things have happened to me more than I want to say at this point. Q please help all of us veterans who are suffering and being targeted.

15969898? ago

God bless you soldier and thank you for your service. Very sorry to hear about your spinal cord injury - that sounds excruciating. Are you able to walk or stuck in a wheelchair? I really hope you are able to recover from your injuries!

It's heart-breaking and gut-wrenching to think that these demons are targeting our beloved vets as guinea pigs! How the hell have they been able to get away with something this horrendous - especially with our veterans - and even targeting the ones who were in a fragile state after being traumatized severely in war zones?!?

This is unbelievably disgusting on so many levels, my blood is boiling! My heart goes out to you, Patriot, and I pray that you have a FULL recovery and RESTITUTION and JUSTICE for the harm that has befallen you. May God bless you and keep you safe.

15971535? ago

No thankfully I still have all my limbs and can walk normal and started running some even did a triathlon recently. Several guys from my unit have died under weird suicides and circumstances so certainly makes you wonder. One of our medics even went crazy and dressed up like the joker and cops chased him for long time before they eventually killed him at a national park in Virginia I believe. That’s when I realized something is going on no way he would do that without being influenced somehow. I theorize they prob were using voice of god technology like they have on me before.

15975088? ago

Oh my God - this is so disturbing, I have no words! So sorry you have lost friends from your unit to these evil scumbags. They go to war and risk their lives for our country and survive that only to come home and be driven mad then suicided. This is so heinous and gut-wrenching, I can't begin to imagine what you and your fellow soldiers have been through. This has GOT TO STOP! Is this horrific practice with our vets part of what POTUS has often referenced as "there were some sadists in the VA and we couldn't get rid of them until the VA Accountability Act"?

Has this shit been officially reported to any and all authorities who could possibly have any influence over rooting out this evil? Are news outlets receptive to giving these victims a voice and getting their stories out in the public domain or are they all part of the cover up? I'd bet Sara A Carter and John Solomon would report on this if they had the information, and they'd talk about it on Hannity too. Something to consider.

Well, I am glad to hear that you haven't lost any limbs or mobility and that you're able to rebuild your physical prowess after your spinal injury. That's amazing to hear you did a triathlon!

15970223? ago

our beloved vets as guinea pigs!

It's not very surprising. SOLD-ier. solDIEr. SOLD-TO-DIE. They're a blood sacrifice, a payment owed for knowledge that the Elite traded for.

15970272? ago

Out of all the REALLY disturbing things I've found out about over the past 10 years, this diabolical practice with our traumatized veterans ranks in the top tier of the most appalling - right up there with the pedovore shit and adrenochrome ritual sacrifices. Praying that POTUS brings these evil S.O.B.s to justice - and PRONTO!

15969268? ago

Well, Q is fake, but our great President has your back!

15970227? ago

Yup, definitely fake and fraudulent, that's why the DS can't find one (((400 lbs sweaty neckbeard cryptographically demonstrating the slow and precise destruction of the Deep State, because he's just a LARP.)))

15970386? ago

Q isn’t accomplishing squat except maybe to keep people mollified. Q isn’t a threat to anything and the DS would know this.

15971054? ago

If Q wasn’t a threat you wouldn’t be here getting paid

15979295? ago

And if I spend about two minutes a day here without pay...?

15969214? ago

There's a link between Timothy Leary, LSD, Winona Ryder and MK Ultra. I'll just leave it at that.

15969403? ago

link between Timothy Leary, LSD..

Since learning about MK-Ultra and their use of LSD, I thought the same of Leary being involved all this shit. It would be just dumb stupid luck if it wasn't true at this point of the amount of astronomical coincidences.

15969233? ago

Winona Ryder is Timothy Leary's god-daughter who took and promoted LSD that was used (amongst a ton of other drugs) in MK Ultra.

15969287? ago

No, Leary is on “Shark Tank.” They call him “The Undertaker” because he’s where businesses go to die.

15968999? ago

I’m a vet, I’m pissed! I knew something was not right about my meds, they made things worse. Stopped in16,,my mind is so much clearer. IM Awake!!! Thank u Q for confirming my conspiracy theory since 2006 when I got back from Iraq. WWG1WGA

15976597? ago

My husband and I met in the Army. He flipped out one day, tried to kill the whole family, then killed himself. There was a "black box" warning on the drug...I was supposed to have been notified so I could keep an eye on his behavior. I had no clue. SSRI's are dangerous. #FuckBigPharma

15975389? ago

I was a zombie when the va had me on prob 15 or so prescriptions. Once I quit taking all that crap I started getting better. I used cannabis to get off everything else. I know my unit was involved in classified surveillance technology and we were the Army’s first Stryker battalion so we had access to lot of technology other units didn’t have. Mostly surveillance and phone tracking stuff which we used to capture HVTs. Maybe they hope keeping us like zombies we’re less likely to remember things we were involved with and later connect the dots to the bigger picture. Plus I definitely have worried if anything was done to me during my many surgeries or if any of the vaccines maybe had something in them.

15972288? ago

They have been used and abused on a dramatic scale. If people knew, there would be screams for the blood of the abusers.

Not to mention, how would all the folks know that they, and their brothers had been abused so terribly? In many cases, to the point of death.

They are seen as Soul-Diers, just how civvies are seen as cattle.

15971983? ago

Thank you for your service. I've always been wary of the medical industry since my mother got cancer. She opted for alternative treatments at the time and she's still kicking over a decade later. At some point I made the decision to go a doctor as little as possible and use whatever is prescribed even less. The anti anxiety and antidepressants are what worry me the most. I've seen friends completely change when they go on prescription drugs for their anxiety/depression.

I also theorize this is why weed was fought against so hard in the past, because it can help with mental health much better and safer than the pharmaceuticals ever can.

15970965? ago

Roger that. I took my meds for PTSD for about six months when i got back from my second tour then kicked em' when i noticed irrational thinking, and zombie mode effects. I know many WIA at WTB and yes, this pisses me off as well. Thsnk you for your service Patriot.

15972871? ago

I'm a victim of an attempted gang assassination, and took some meds for PTSD. Fortunately, however, my doctors never did put me on anything all that strong....my diagnosis was "severe" PTSD, but not a threat to harm myself or others. I kept my firearms around, I'm sure because I had such a GREAT Psychologist - the man was brilliant; he could hypnotize himself at the dentist to the point of NOT NEEDING ANESTHESIA FOR DENTAL WORK, I mean WOW - so he knew I had to be armed to feel like I could go out again in society and have some means to defend myself. He knew I at least went and got trained well with it, and I wasn't talking about "going hunting" or anything. The attackers knew where I lived, having of course stolen my wallet, and what they DIDN'T know was, had they attempted a home invasion, they'd all EASILY been leaving in body bags, I'm now THAT self-confident with my handgun. But anyway, my point here is that people that have never had PTSD just don't know how bad it can be. Those who talk it down, like the ASS who said people with PTSD are just weak, are totally freakin' clueless and have never been through a trying situation like we have. God bless our servicemen and women! My step-father was in the Army for 30 years, 67Z...flew scout missions in Vietnam...but he came out okay, thankfully. He was more valuable knowing how to fix anything that flew rather than sending him out TO DO the missions, ultimately, so he was spared some of it. As for me, I've only taken Wellbutrin and anymore, that's for OCD to help me reduce the urge to reach for a cigarette...I actually have to "crave" one to light up, so I've cut my smoking down by 2/3rds but the patches give me an allergic reaction. I'm just glad I was never put on the real strong stuff like you or others have been...perhaps it's my CCW and need for carrying concealed that saved me from that, with the doc knowing NOT a good idea to mix with guns, but whatever the case, he helped me through HELL.

15971389? ago

What's WTB?

15979413? ago

When soldiers are injured in their unit and are going to med board out they usually will be taken off the unit's Alpha roster and move to WTB.

15971904? ago

It does indeed mean Warrior Transition Battalion. It's a unit where injured soldiers are sent to recover when the recovery will take more than a month, but where full recovery and return to duty is expected.

15970904? ago

It is one of the main reasons I never joined my own country's (aus)

15970196? ago

Plus who the fuck knows what's in all of the "Compulsory" shots while you guys are in the Service

15973761? ago

Do me a favor and make another thread from this story.

It needs its own headline.

15970300? ago

You ever try not getting the flu shot?

They threatened me with UCMJ/Captain's Mast for that shit.

15971956? ago

Concur. I tried seeking out a waiver for the flu shot while I was in. No way. They said not even a pregnant woman with history of vaccine reactions would be granted a waiver. How suspicious is that? For a flu shot when not even deployed?

15970995? ago

Yeah you would get hell if you tried to fight the flu shot. We tansitioned to the flu nose spray then we would just get a tissue and blow that shit out.

15970474? ago

I always made sure I was on a working party shot day and would pay doc to sign me off. The only shots i had to take was the Anthrax because the MO had to sign that one off, on the up side I haven't been sick in 20 years.

15971001? ago

Ooh that anthrax shot hurts like a bitch.

15969253? ago

Relax, good veteran. Q has been proven to spew nothing real except information already in the public domain. Your meds are fine, unless they make you prone to believing in delusions like Q. If so, you should probably be checked out by a doctor.

15969352? ago

Fuck off. You have no clue what it means to serve, or the secrets those of us with top secret clearances have seen and heard.

15969374? ago

You have no idea who I am. ‘Nuff said.

15983698? ago

Ditto, faggot.

15984404? ago

Except that you’ve got men on the mind....

15985452? ago

Only Trump.

15986331? ago

(But Trump is not a faggot.)

15969387? ago

Nobody cares who you are . . .

15969627? ago

Yes, you are clearly a Q “follower” and thus incapable of critical thinking.. My point is that you have no idea who I am, but still boast mindlessly about how I’m ‘less’ than you. Well I’ve got news for you, buddy. Anyone in the Cult of Q has zero credibility when it comes to their ability to assess and analyze anything.

15971103? ago

You're Sheldon from the Big Bang!! I knew your syntax sounded familiar!

15970087? ago

Fuck off, loser.

15970432? ago

Hey, you misspelled “I bend my knee to your greatness, oh Supreme Winner and Thinker of Circles Around Me.”

15970780? ago

No, i spelled "suck my fat cock and tickle my balls you kike loving faggot" exactly right.

15979318? ago

And another closeted Q fag exposes himself.

15981137? ago

What's your point, dick lick?

15981359? ago

Point made.

15983251? ago

You being a cock sucker is what makes you a faggot

15984415? ago

That’s why you talk about that shit...

15988247? ago

I call em like i see em, homo

15988385? ago

Of course that’s all you see, being a pole smoker.

15988890? ago

It's all i see when your faggot ass is bitching up a storm. Calm down, twink.

15970842? ago

I’m not your type, having the wrong anatomy.

15970133? ago

Haha these anti q people are just as bad as those flat earth people

15970172? ago

Lol right? If it's a larp, why stick around? They play their hand as soon as they start shilling

15970322? ago

Because you stay here and shit up Voat. Here, here's how you fix this- ONE of you Qtards make a website devoted Q and all of you can leave. This will remove90% of the 'shills'. But you wont, I don't think you're smart enough to do it. So you'll stay here and WE have to put up w you, and well end up in your delusional threads like now. No shilling required.

15970373? ago

You could just fuck off, since we have the right to free speech. You're a joke.

15970402? ago

You do have that right. And so do we. See how that works? Further you came here. We didn't follow you somewhere, you came to our home. So we are going to visit your little threads and we are going to make fun of you. Because you came to MY home, and I Do have freedom of speech. Suck it up buttercup. Or get the fuck out

15970772? ago

Funny, this place isnt your home, its OUR home. It's called an Annex. Now, go back to whatever it is you do on voat, nigger. You're not going to sway our opinions.

15970795? ago

I have no interest in changing your mind. I'm here to make fun of your delusions. What would I kill my own fun?

15979068? ago

No, you're delusional!

15970477? ago

These Qlowns are hopeless.

15969153? ago

Dude you replied to me last week I believe. You talked about this! How they fucked with our vets mentally and that’s why so many are committing suicide. Really interesting that Q is touching on this now.

15971099? ago

It's not the meds, it's more that they are weak and PTSD fucked them up.

15972749? ago

George Patton even showed signs of PTSD at the end of the war. I guess he was a weakling, too. Thank you, you having never served...OBVIOUSLY.

15977979? ago

Don't try to cite away your gayness

15979941? ago

Rule #1: When you suffer from micropenis, don't swing it around in public to remove all doubt. Oh, well...too late for you.

15978104? ago

Yet another dumb fuck who has "keyboard courage" who lets his own stupidity be known to the entire planet. You see, people know that people like you, who say such idiotic things online, are actually the biggest COWARDS on the planet, too. You've never served, you call random anons names...yeah REAL "courageous" of ya, you little shit. I hope your life in your mama's basement is enjoyable for you, for you quite obviously have no skills other than being an asshole to strangers.

15990136? ago


15978214? ago

LOL yep! A legend in his own (what passes for a) mind. Typical libtard. Just like the ANTIFA dumbasses who cover their faces and group-up only to get knocked unconscious by Patriots who at least know how to block a punch, remember that from back like 6 months ago? Hilarious! He reminded me of that with those stupid Anon comments. I just betcha he's in some overpriced college majoring in "Women's Studies!" hahahahaha

15978149? ago

Thanks for saying what I was thinking. That guy's got bad issues. Probably is Projecting and Gaslighting, like almost all of them do who spew crap like he's doing. Probably doesn't have a life of any kind. I'd feel sorry for him but he apparently loves negativity so he brings it upon himself. Worthless.

15970564? ago

That was their plan. Why would cabal want soldiers on homeland possibly training patriots...so very fucking evil it makes my heart hurt.

15970523? ago

Vets are only now committing suicide at the same rate as the general population. The crisis is fake news.

15970714? ago

The suicide rate was 1.5 times greater for veterans than for adults who never served in the military, even after adjusting for age and gender.

Wed 26 Sep 2018


15970788? ago

I guess I was going off old data. Thanks for the link. I was able to get the article, but your formatting needed attention.

15969240? ago

I read that guy’s post too!

15968998? ago

YT vids show celebs when they zone out all of a sudden. They all have handlers. They are chipped and they turn them on when the celeb behaves badly. If you want to be famous you have to be chipped.

15968876? ago

Sounds like some Big Pharma people will also have some explaining to do....

15968840? ago

Not the first time talking about MK. look it up.

15969539? ago


15969623? ago

You lazy bastard. Qmap.pub and search for MKultra.

15974259? ago

777, 773, 772

I meant link to something that a non-crazy person could read

15968833? ago

Not the first time either...

15968795? ago


15968791? ago

Foreign Enemy combatants. Sounds like they’d fit the EO descriptions there in.

15968757? ago

'member those Abu Ghraib photos? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse

I have been reading Cisco Wheeler's books which describe some of the techniques used. It looks like this is actually what we are seeing in those photos. Look at the faces on the "programmers" - they are sadists.

I believe they have been programming large numbers of Muslims to radicalize them before shipping them into Europe.

15971197? ago

You’re right- I didn’t think of that.

15969920? ago

I'm fairly young- born in 1990. I've never heard of Abu Ghraib or obviously seen any of those photos. I'm in shock at all the smiling photos. it's one thing to take delight in the capture of a supposed American enemy. it's entirely another thing and really, not human, to take delight in unnecessary torture after capture.

15980190? ago

You would’ve been in high school when those pics came out maybe middle school

15977654? ago

We have to remember the DS was in full control at the time of those photos. What was the purpose of releasing those photos? Was it staged for an agenda? We have to remember to question every narrative we have been fed over the last couple of decades.

15972925? ago

especially an ugly young woman with a cigarette dangling from her mouth didn't help the case, either. Ugh, trashy at best...horrible for optics at worst

15969538? ago

Calling the muslims who strike terror at the infidel radicals is a false narrative. Every muslim has their role to play in Islam. Those assigned terror roles are usually the underclass of the Islamic society. They've been following the same playbook for 1,400 years in country after country. They stopped military aggression into Europe after WWI because Europe was far more militarily advanced. They found other ways with funding from the CIA.

15972898? ago

...to the shores of Tripoli....gotta love the Leathernecks kicking Muslim ass!

15972346? ago

You are correct. I should have thought of better wording. I am not an apologist for Islam. I am just trying to say how I think it's involved with MK Ultra and conquering Europe.

Listen to Pence's talk on China. He drops something about Muslims being brainwashed in China. I envision large camps where this is taking place, and probably in SA too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeVrMniBjSc

15977356? ago

Yeah, as for MK Ultra/Monarch Program, here is a link to a talk given by a psychologist to other psychologists who began to see more and more clients with similar symptoms and issues. This talk was given in 1992. greenbaum

15977188? ago

Yeah, those are the Uighur muslims. Muslims have lived in China for centuries, so China's government and people have a more comprehensive understanding of Islam. China's government has no issue with muslims as long as they give allegiance to China and follow the practices of China. In other words, China's laws supersede Islam's laws and whatever islamic practices they choose to abide by can not interfere with Chinese practices. For example, muslim butchers must sell pork to the public and public prayer is prohibited. In the last couple of decades imams from Turkey and elsewhere have been training the Uighur muslim youth to give their allegiance to Islam first. China's government contends the punishments/torture and chants inflicted upon the youth by the imams have brainwashed the youth to become fanatic, violent, and anti-China. China's government will not allow the Uighur muslim youth to demand an islamic state and behave in the same manner as their counterparts in Europe and elsewhere. China is using the camp as an intermediate step to re-integrate the youth trained by imams to be jihadists. I guess we will learn who has better brainwashing techniques, the islamists or the communists.

15977642? ago

Interdasting. Thank you for the info.

15971308? ago

This is programming that is hard to overcome... Expect to be attacked..

15972831? ago

I had no idea about Carter involved in stirring up the muslum world. Great post.

15970200? ago

I'll bet they aren't injected full of Toxic Shit either while everyone in the West is...

15971333? ago

Just inbred

15970626? ago

No way they drug us through the food system to be docile.

15969330? ago

before shipping them into Europe.

Like you need it. The US bombings in the ME at the behest of Israel is designed to flood Europe with migrants because there is nothing the American hates more than nations more white than his own.

15969629? ago

Also ISIS was created to created a humanitarian crisis to get Europe to open its doors to a flood of Muslim terrorists. Sure, some are probably legit refugees, but it was a Trojan horse designed to destroy Europe from within.

15970915? ago

Civilization jihad. Look it up.

15970633? ago

And apefri a first

15970545? ago

There are no refugees. The vietnamese stood up to the United States. These fuckers can stay and fight too.

15969750? ago

ISIS is a minor problem and Europe has dealt with much worse incidents of terrorism as a matter of routine. The real problem is that we have an "ally" that is doing everything it can short of nuclear holocaust to destroy the continent and history of our people.

So fuck you very much. It's with no small sense of satisfaction that I'm watching China increasingly eating your lunch because you sold them the rope to hang you with.

15970932? ago

Nice allies that spies on our presidential candidate. Say which countries were involved in an assassination plot on my president? How come u shithole countries didn’t tell hussein and his globalist cabal to go fuck themsleves? Cowards.

15971230? ago

Because the US doesn't spy on anyone else, right? The US hasn't assassinated political leaders in Europe and elsewhere as a matter of routine for more than half a century. The US hasn't directly manipulated both the political and the electoral process even in allied nations, right?

The US is the worst possible ally you could ever have. It's all a one-way street with you. There is literally no incentive to being your allies whatsoever. Everyone knows NATO is a paper tiger too because there is no way you'd ever show up once the shit hit the fan unless your own interests were directly threatened.

And then you feign surprise that your constant meddling in internal affairs of other nations, sponsoring terrorist attacks against us and non-stop threats and blackmail leads people not to really like you all that much. Go figure.

It's you who are the globalists. You are the ones pushing this bullshit so fuck you very much you israeli puppet.

15971414? ago

Low IQ. Go get your shin box bitch!

15971405? ago

Yeah we r globalists right? I’ve been awake to this shit before trump ever thought about running. U don’t understand that this cabal has infiltrated govts worldwide. It’s just now that they’ve gotten so deep into America and America is the strongest thus now making the cabal stronger than ever. These globalists in America are late to the game. This shit starts in Europe and Israel son. Go read a few fucking books and get your shit straight clown. The children of the evil fucks that infiltrated Europe r the ones that came to America and infiltrated here. Seriously go learn something kid.

15971546? ago

This shit starts in Europe and Israel son

Get fucked. Europe has been a backwater since WWII as it's been under the booted heel of the US and the Soviet union. The US has been the epicenter of every degenerate counter-cultural movement and it's enforced the drive to degeneracy elsewhere, Europe in particular, with assassinations and literal vote manipulation.

You're a complete clown. The US is the enemy of western civilization and an israeli puppet state.

15970343? ago

China increasingly eating your lunch

Ahahahahaba you truly are delusional.

15969338? ago

You mean there is nothing the Jew hates more than White countries, and there's nothing America likes more than keeping the Jews happy so they don't release all the blackmail they have on a huge amount of our government..

15968740? ago

And the other 29 percent?

15968919? ago

Buried somewhere.

15968602? ago

Why does Q have a big empty kill box in this post? What does the kill box signify?

15969223? ago

It signifies the end of Q.

15970595? ago

LOL you need to try harder, shill. Are you new or something?

16013063? ago

Whoever this person is, it seems they are on my blocked list, so you maybe on to something here.

15970864? ago

You don’t even know what “shill” means, you Qlown.

15970875? ago

Sure I do. People like you.

15979342? ago

No, a “shill” is someone who... oh, nevermind. “Followers” are mindless idiots anyway.

15981571? ago

Name calling is the main sign of the shill.

15981936? ago

“Shill” IS name-calling, you emperor of imbecilic mastery.

15982115? ago

With a basis in fact given your behavior, unlike yours.

15969201? ago

I don't know who started the whole "killbox" thing but it's out of hand and demonstrably false. The brackets are simply emphasis.

15970116? ago

Agreed. They are 'focus points' not kill boxes.

15969067? ago

The boxes are meant to draw attention to people/things Q wants us to research. I don't know what an empty box means, but I have a good idea that it means- start digging.

15969383? ago

It isn't empty, but yes, we start digging. has [ then 9 spaces, a comma, then 2 spaces ]

15970583? ago

Nine One One

15969871? ago

City,State? Seattle,WA? Seattle isn't 9 letters, but something like that?

15969498? ago

Sounds like we need a MediFag to decode this.

15968847? ago

Fill in the blank. Q is saying that if there are mental criteria to be filled in meaning they have seen a therapist to designate their mental state then put into the program unkowingly, this was back in 1988. The programs have since been expanded then under Black ops of mind control are conducted let's just say on a larger scale than just military WIA, by people not in military (no affiliation). Think Clockwork Orange, the main character had a handler before he was ever arrested.

15969373? ago

Agree with you, fill in the blanks. It is 9 spaces, a comma, then 2 spaces. What fits?

15971123? ago

XXXXXXXXX, MD ? Doctor / Psychiatrist ?

15969550? ago


15969355? ago

Excellent analogy anon, when I learned about MKUltra and watched 2 authentic satanic videos of it (was on YT, might be still there, the title is random letters to avoid Ai and do not bookmark title, the first thing I thought of was ClockWork Orange and in second place was Robot Chicken. Then I heard about SG possibly being a..well that is another story and don't watch show anymore.

I hate to question Q's 1988 reference that the program was evolving into, but it was my understanding that Mark Chappman was MK-Utra'd too, and he was taken to task to shoot John Lennon outside his NY apartment building on December 8, 1980 (for you GematriaFags and another date further below and feel free to post your findings to this) whom was returning from the recording. studio with his wife Yoko.

In order to add more credibility to this, here are the same patterns that we see over and over with these 'lone wolf' shooters.

He traveled all the way from Hawaii for this. (fits the new in town parameter)

After Mark shot John fatally killing him, Mark causally walked away and sat on the grass nearby and began reading The Catcher in the Rye while waiting for the police to arrest him while he read Catcher in the Rye. (Catcher in the Rye seems to be a popular book with MK-Ultra program)

He had mental issues of clinical depression and even tried committing suicide. (fits mental case criteria).

He was being treated by a psychiatrist. (fits the handler caveat)

Like the rest of the shooters that did survive and go to jail, during interrogation, he said he heard demonic voices telling him to kill Lennon. (parkland shooter something Cruz from last year said same thing in his interview too).


After all these years I remembered Mark was reading that book Catcher in the Rye (John Lennon fan here) and that clicked once I learned that MK-Ultra used it too, I was able to make that connection. I then began to think about the 'lone gunman' who tried to assassinate President Reagan on March 30, 1981 who's vice president was GHWB, Oh one more thing; John Hinkley Jr. (his father was a huge donor to GHWB in yet another freak coincidence) is in the same wikipedia link above innocently (coincidently) enough. White House Secretary James Brady was also shot while he survived, he had permanent injuries for life and this was the First Successful False Flag Event on the American people that began to chip away at the Second Amendment with the Brady Bill. Brady died 33 years (how masonic of them) later.

Oh one more thing; John Hinkley Jr. (his father was a huge donor to GHWB in yet another freak coincidence) is in the same wikipedia link above innocently (coincidently) enough. well I bet you can see where I am going with this, so I will stop right here.

I would have to disagree and this is has to be dis-info from Q or have another meaning to it.

15975219? ago

If Lennon's murder was a legit crazy fan: *He had a revolver *He put 4 rounds into JL *he had at least 1, probably 2 rounds left in the cylinder *Yoko was standing right there *Yoko doesn't get two to the dome


15996272? ago

On the evening of 8 December 1980, Lennon was shot and killed by Mark David Chapman in the archway of the Dakota, his residence in New York City. Lennon had just returned from Record Plant Studio with his wife, Yoko Ono.


Yup, seriously.

15971402? ago

I agree with you about the 1988 reference. The attached article does state that MK Ultra started in the 50’s and was ended (I believe allegedly ended) in 1972. So maybe it was officially re-started again in 1988. I don’t believe they ever stopped the program either. Looking back shows a great deal of support for this.

15970185? ago

Don't forget to look into MI6's ties with (((Faul))). After learning that Bill Hicks is Alex Jones, fucking nothing would surprise me anymore.

15969395? ago

DC Sniper fits this category too

15968598? ago

I always suspected the killing of Chris Kyle was a hit. Way too strange. Perhaps CF got a big 'donation' to take him out.

15972950? ago

I had gotten my NRA handgun instructor license about 5 years ago, but never held a class simply because of all the stories I'd heard about Muslims (oddly enough, right?) "accidentally" shooting their instructors. I think the Kyle case was in the news "bigly" then, not sure now, but it was definitely a concern.

15970877? ago

Look at the circumstances. How could it not have been a hit? Drive out into the middle of nowhere to go shooting? Distressed driver "wakes up" hours after the fact with no recollection of what happened? It isn't very safe to become a famous sniper of repute, if your opinion runs contrary to the NWO objective you could destabilize the public opinion

15970108? ago

He didn't want to do the marathon bombing, his company did it without him after his death

15975152? ago

Huh? More info on this?

15972512? ago

I've thought this for years!

15968571? ago

Yep I the we are getting closer to the end of this shit show. Some big things are about to happen soon. I think maybe this month alone is gonna have some HUGE drops.

15970736? ago

Pain soon..?

15969220? ago

We don't need drops, we need action. Time to go on the offensive and start taking them down.

15970561? ago

You first, shill.

15978088? ago

Shill, have look at my posting history before you make accusations dip shit.

15981540? ago

Your "posting history" on QRV? Shills trying humor now?

15969774? ago

So long as the government is shut down, they are being strangled to death. Imagine what a Mexican drug cartel does to you when it doesn't get paid for the children it delivered.

15970590? ago

The whole point of black ops fundraising is the money is not from the public coffers and not tracked. CIA black ops are going along as normal.

15969219? ago

The shit show IS these Q plops.

15970554? ago

OMG what a clever shill you are

15970851? ago

You don’t even know what “shill” means, you Qtard.

15970878? ago

You didn’t get a good grade on your shill course.

15979306? ago

You don’t even know what “shill” means. Fucking Qtard.

15981566? ago

Try a new line, shill.

15969050? ago

I'm waiting for the false flag. These sick fucks will do anything to take the focus off of them.

15970109? ago

Dems better start playing ball soon or there will be a lot of poor struggling families pissed off and hungry because their food stamp card isn't going to loaded because that department is currently closed too.

15969310? ago

If TSA goes down due to the shutdown, I'd wager that would be a prime target.

15970156? ago

LOL Imagine the TSA actually doing something useful.

Y'all need to remember the TSA is an (((Alphabet Soup Agency)))

15977275? ago

I'm suggesting a false flag be carried out via a airliner so they can point the finger at trump/"confirm"the need for tsa

15968697? ago

It's actually starting to look like the end of everything!

15969480? ago

I haven't slept since I woke up And found my whole life was a lie, motherfucker This is the end of everything You are the end of everything

15970212? ago

Welcome to a BIG fucking club....

15969708? ago

Great song. They're all good really.