15969648? ago

Yellow vest protests are created, sponsored, and paid for by the globalists, waiting for the situation to get out of hand so they can bring in the one they really want to rule the EU. We have a military, you don't. We have a president that is fighting for us. You don't. Our constitution is based on the rights of the individual. Yours isn't. Yellow isn't the color of our flag. We're not statists. You are.. We have a military … you don't. We have a president ..fighting for us … you don't.
We give our president support when we step back, and allow him to do his job, which is to fight for our Constitution. He's doing it.

15969857? ago

Yellow vest protests are created, sponsored, and paid for by the globalists, waiting for the situation to get out of hand so they can bring in the one they really want to rule the EU.

What a fu++ing bullshit! You are not reading Q Drops.

15974896? ago

Q does not form my opinions. Q is a psyop filled with a mix of fact, and disinfo. I take topics from his drops, and start digging. You, hivemind much? Do some of your own digging. I stand on what I stated above, and believe this will bear itself out.

15959903? ago

the media will twist such demonstrations to be ... demonstrations about dissatisfaction w/ trump

15958312? ago

Same place as Brazil, Italy, Hungary, and Poland's yellow vests.

15958605? ago

Totally right, Anon. Everywhere it is spreading! WWG1WGA :)

15956554? ago

Antifa doesn't have our numbers. The real issue with antifa is that they are protected. If one of us had to defend ourselves against one of them, we would be arrested and reported as a violent Trump supporting Nationalist. These are their real powers.

15956435? ago

You are protesting because your version of Hillary is leading your country. Trump won so we are letting him do his thing. If he gets ousted, that is when you'll see things start here.

15956732? ago

I have now heard every excuse an American can give to not join the yellow vests. To address some of those issues.... As far as Q post go, Q has stated before to be loud and be heard. His recent posts also sound as if he/ suggests protesting. Q CANNOT come right out and tell you to protest. As far as guns. The left protests all the time without guns. If you fear standing up for your rights simply because you aren't capable of doing anything without a weapon, then you got more problems than you know. We have jobs.. Lol, who don't. Protest in shifts. Donald J Trump has been fighting daily while we haven't given him shit for support. How do you expect to wake up the country hiding on the internet?

Best Anon answer ever.

15955971? ago

We are too stupid or lazy to riot.

But in the end the riots are what out pressure on the Deepstate.

The riots will force the media to ask the Question!!!

15955682? ago

Partly because a duty of Americans as land owners is to occupy and prepare for threats. The time for revolution isn't near especially as we have Q assuring us we've already won major battles. The streets are a rough place to be. We get in our vehicles, leave our property, go to our destinations, and do what we do. In Europe, you get to the street and head to the train or something. I've always been so embarrassed by protests unless they're major events gathered in Washington where the National Mall is almost a designated gathering space for such a thing. Perhaps those events have been sanctioned in the past by cabal actors, I don't know enough about history. The Jon Stewart / Colbert rally was likely a farce. But I have a strong feeling that if patriots took to the streets for a rebellion, plenty of sleeping reeee libs would counter march like the idiots they are. This subversive red pilling tactic on social media, a very real battleground, is a relevant fight.

15956460? ago

In Europe, you get to the street and head to the train or something.

Do you really think, Europeans don't they leave their houses and get into their car?

I am speechless how little you know about Europe...

15956652? ago

Yes, I realize Europeans have cars. Most of America doesn't have streets the way Europe has streets.

15956761? ago

I have now heard every excuse an American can give to not join the yellow vests. To address some of those issues.... As far as Q post go, Q has stated before to be loud and be heard. His recent posts also sound as if he/ suggests protesting. Q CANNOT come right out and tell you to protest. As far as guns. The left protests all the time without guns. If you fear standing up for your rights simply because you aren't capable of doing anything without a weapon, then you got more problems than you know. We have jobs.... Lol, who don't. Protest in shifts. Donald J Trump has been fighting daily while we haven't given him shit for support. How do you expect to wake up the country hiding on the internet?

Nothing to add.

15956909? ago

Was the internet invented to hide? I've learned more about the world through the internet than I have from any other source. People in America are seeing and hearing about Yellowvests and they're still libtard ignorant and assuming it's the same as any other protest in France. They think the same thing will happen again another day, that everything will go back to normal once demands are met. "They're spreading to other countries." *NPC silence *

There are some yellow vests popping up in the USA I have seen, like in Texas.

I'm sorry, but I don't see what it would accomplish. People are sleeping in the trend-iverse where people would see yellow vests as LARPers mimicking France like the facebook photo filter after the terror attack. Nobody knows anything about terrorism or false flags. They just know there are bad guys out there.

I think you underestimate the Q plan. I don't think it's simply a matter of waking people up, it's about educating them. So many people have been held in perpetual ignorance to how our country even works. The education system here has been eroded away, and people are dumber than ever.

15955548? ago

With Trump in office it’s not the right time for Patriots to protest yet. When we should have been having any so-called protest was when our Government was being used against us. When Obama was using the IRS etc. against our people I oftentimes wondered what was wrong with our people that we allowed this sorta thing to take place. Now though we must give Trump a chance to do the right thing which he appears time and time again to be trying to do. We have a much different leader than EU States have.

15956514? ago

With Trump in office it’s not the right time for Patriots to protest yet.

WHY? Wouldn't it be a beautiful help and admittance for Trump, his military and the good guys? Wouldn't it show, that the MSM can't go on with their False Flags? I don't understand your American attitutde... You always argue, that it is NOT ON YOU. Sad.

15955651? ago

EU Anon...if your leader was Trump and he was acting on your behalf like he’s been doing for us like pulling out the Paris Accords, lowering your gas to $1.96 a gal and much more, would you be in the streets protesting?

15955167? ago

I guess you don't remember the Tea Party protest that got the ball rolling a decade before the yellow vests. The tide is now in the favor of Patriots so why would we upset what POTUS is currently trying to accomplish? If POTUS wanted us in the streets protesting I don't doubt one bit that he would say so directly. A few radio hosts ask us to call our Congressmen and the phone server melts. Don't doubt for a minute Americans willingness to deal with the situation.

15956544? ago

Maybe Trumps want to see, if his OWN PEOPLE show initiative. Not following a leader.

15954894? ago

only peacfully, plz.

15954886? ago

because in the US, with all its gun owners, this could quickly turn into a bloody civil war.

15956556? ago

Look into the comments. All said.

15954884? ago

We got a 2nd amendment you don't. Worry about your own problems. What a fuckin cluster fuck in the EU.

15956689? ago

Yes, I agree! I think this EuroAnon is just jealous that we have our beloved POTUS and they have socialists as head of state! Bottom line? Jealousy!

15957144? ago

Jealousy? You really didn't understand anything...

15957482? ago

And you do? You only look at the surface and what that EA wrote in broken English. READ between the lines! You'll get it! Or not!

15957600? ago

We can write in French, Spanish or German if you want! :D

Just take your ass off and do something, instead of criticising people how stand up for their rights. WWG1WGA. You'll get it. Or not.

15975218? ago

you're the one who is criticizing Americans! I say you mind your own business and we will mind ours! I don't care about French, Spanish, or German. English is all I need.

15975349? ago

That's the problem. You don't care about anybody else. You are Anti WWG1WGA. End of discussion.

15975480? ago

You end it. You're not the boss of me! Why would I care about people who claim to be pro-Q but criticize anons who believe in Q? Why don't you go out and wear a stupid looking yellow vest and protest? Nobody's stopping you! As for me, I'm sticking with my 2A!

15956780? ago

Yep EA should be asking this question to other EU people like Sweden etc....

15954731? ago

We have Trump. He is working to secure the borders, reduce immigration and clean up corruption and the swamp. The country is too far left and needs to come center right again but she is a big ship. We shall see. We are also waiting to see what he and the GOP senate will do and that elections get cleaned up for 2020. We are also not taxed as heavily as the working class in the EU and our economy is strong with lots of job growth in manufacturing. If any of this fails, if the far left looks like it will pass its' crazy bills and policies then you will see us turn out.

15954684? ago

This thread loaded with lame excuses, a million man march on DC is needed. Look at the effectiveness of tea party rallies, it was yuuuge and really led to Trump being elected

15956587? ago

This thread loaded with lame excuses

Thank you, my friend. Exactly my thought.

15957928? ago

Non violent Vocal support raoses awareness so people dont feel alone in their thinking, forces media to either cover deepstate crimes or be shown to be complicit. Tea party rallies were perfect examples of peaceful ways to unite people

I joined my local republucan precinct and i hope to become a state or national delegate to help recruit true patriots to office,

15958107? ago

Great! Well done, patriot! :)

15954618? ago

I have now heard every excuse an American can give to not join the yellow vests.

To address some of those issues.... As far as Q post go, Q has stated before to be loud and be heard. His recent posts also sound as if he/ suggests protesting. Q CANNOT come right out and tell you to protest.

As far as guns. The left protests all the time without guns. If you fear standing up for your rights simply because you aren't capable of doing anything without a weapon, then you got more problems than you know.

We have jobs.... Lol, who don't. Protest in shifts.

Donald J Trump has been fighting daily while we haven't given him shit for support. How do you expect to wake up the country hiding on the internet?

15956625? ago

I have now heard every excuse an American can give to not join the yellow vests. To address some of those issues.... As far as Q post go, Q has stated before to be loud and be heard. His recent posts also sound as if he/ suggests protesting. Q CANNOT come right out and tell you to protest. As far as guns. The left protests all the time without guns. If you fear standing up for your rights simply because you aren't capable of doing anything without a weapon, then you got more problems than you know. We have jobs.... Lol, who don't. Protest in shifts. Donald J Trump has been fighting daily while we haven't given him shit for support. How do you expect to wake up the country hiding on the internet?

BRILLIANT! Best answer of all! Thank you, my friend, you understood. :)

15954531? ago

We have our Patriots in our government who are working behind the scenes. They want us calm and out of their way for this phase. I'm sure if they need some help they will let us know.

15956682? ago

I have now heard every excuse an American can give to not join the yellow vests. To address some of those issues.... As far as Q post go, Q has stated before to be loud and be heard. His recent posts also sound as if he/ suggests protesting. Q CANNOT come right out and tell you to protest. As far as guns. The left protests all the time without guns. If you fear standing up for your rights simply because you aren't capable of doing anything without a weapon, then you got more problems than you know. We have jobs.... Lol, who don't. Protest in shifts. Donald J Trump has been fighting daily while we haven't given him shit for support. How do you expect to wake up the country hiding on the internet?

Best Anon answer ever. I copy this now for all of you.

15957734? ago

Well you don’t exactly have your president fighting for you do you. If the time comes we need to act we won’t be marching around in little yellow vests.

15958128? ago

Sorry - what a lame answer...

15958645? ago

You just keep marching in your little yellow vests. We’ll keep loading shells.

15954434? ago

We're in totally different scenarios at the current moment in time. For one, you have a SATANIC GLOBALIST running your country. We have our amazing POTUS who is not only trying to restore our Republic peacefully - he with Q are inviting the world to awaken by exposing who, what, why, when and where this all happened. Right now, we're fighting an information war more than anything. If we were to take to the streets and start rioting, our corrupt as shit media would use it as a weapon against Trump and we would never contribute to their game. We're not apathetic. We are smart and we are patient and we're in this for however long it takes to unshackle humanity from these monsters. Make no mistake that if the moment arrives, American Patriots will mobilize. Right now, Q is asking for our patience and that's what they'll get. That said, I fully support the French people and whatever you must do to take back your great country. We're cheering you on!!

15957984? ago

Best answer imo

15956685? ago

I have now heard every excuse an American can give to not join the yellow vests. To address some of those issues.... As far as Q post go, Q has stated before to be loud and be heard. His recent posts also sound as if he/ suggests protesting. Q CANNOT come right out and tell you to protest. As far as guns. The left protests all the time without guns. If you fear standing up for your rights simply because you aren't capable of doing anything without a weapon, then you got more problems than you know. We have jobs.... Lol, who don't. Protest in shifts. Donald J Trump has been fighting daily while we haven't given him shit for support. How do you expect to wake up the country hiding on the internet?

Best Anon answer ever. I copy this now for all of you.

15955255? ago

Amen, so many of us agree! We have a great Potus, best in my lifetime. Circumstances are different Don't be goated into killing each other, that is what the globalist would want. Remember the Georgia Guidestones? Keep winning your fellowman over to logic. We may have lost an entire generation over to the corrupt education system. We must get them back

15954374? ago

Because we are already fighting the global elitists through our president. We didn’t elect a socialist globalist who takes his orders from The Eu like Macron

If the democrats begin taking away our rights, and increase our taxes then you will see us in the streets with our guns

15956694? ago

I have now heard every excuse an American can give to not join the yellow vests. To address some of those issues.... As far as Q post go, Q has stated before to be loud and be heard. His recent posts also sound as if he/ suggests protesting. Q CANNOT come right out and tell you to protest. As far as guns. The left protests all the time without guns. If you fear standing up for your rights simply because you aren't capable of doing anything without a weapon, then you got more problems than you know. We have jobs.. Lol, who don't. Protest in shifts. Donald J Trump has been fighting daily while we haven't given him shit for support. How do you expect to wake up the country hiding on the internet?

Best Anon answer ever. I copy this now for all of you.

15954214? ago

Because we are armed...it would get messy and we dont want ppl to die unnecessary.

15954263? ago

Did you read any comment? This is one of them:

You don’t see the the French with knives and axes do you ? - they have them. Just because you have guns - you don’t ‘have’ to use them. Stupid excuse for your apathy and preference to sit on your fat lazy asses whilst someone else does what YOU should be doing. Shame and pity on you.

15954830? ago

We are a more war like people or haven't you noticed? The whites that immigrated here were aggressive, they had to be to survive as poor or working class in the 18th, 19th century. They built this country with their sweat and blood. German, Irish and Scots are the largest European groups. Plus we have to contend with asswipes like antifa and our patience is wearing thin with them. We also have the Bill of Rights, Constitution and Federalist Papers. They are a blueprint for taking back our country from Tyranny and the use of the 2nd amendment is pretty clear in this cause. We are already in a cold civil war. We prefer it not get hot and if it looks like it is going that way, we need to secure the military. The police? don't know if they can be trusted fully at least not in CA or NY.

15954401? ago

Look man, if we Americans take to the streets someone's going to get shot whether is our guys or DS False Flag plants. Then they'll call out the Military on armed(inevitable) protesters and it'll be a field day for taking gun rights from American citizens. No deal. We'll let the military and their guns handle the cabal(commander in chief + military).

15956859? ago

I have now heard every excuse an American can give to not join the yellow vests. To address some of those issues.... As far as Q post go, Q has stated before to be loud and be heard. His recent posts also sound as if he/ suggests protesting. Q CANNOT come right out and tell you to protest. As far as guns. The left protests all the time without guns. If you fear standing up for your rights simply because you aren't capable of doing anything without a weapon, then you got more problems than you know. We have jobs.... Lol, who don't. Protest in shifts. Donald J Trump has been fighting daily while we haven't given him shit for support. How do you expect to wake up the country hiding on the internet?

Some think different.

15957459? ago

Look man, someone will likely commit a false flag during the protests using a fire arm, and it'll be a Lefty with a MAGA hat on(Nicholas Cruz). The DS will shit-up our protest with plants if we take to the streets. Trump et.al. exists to prevent civil war in America. If Americans do take to the streets, they will be armed and it will be a last resort.

15957524? ago

I was hours outside in the pouring today. No matter, if someone else does something wrong. No matter, what the MSM will write - WE COME BACK! NExt weekend we go on. THIS is, how a soft revolution works...

15954184? ago

It's not time here yet.

15954191? ago

Why? Please explain. I think, there were never better times.

15955765? ago

What do you think it would accomplish? If things are going in an orderly fashion here, without chaos just yet... why force the chaos? There is no reason to be out in the streets screaming at this point. Will there be in the future? Possibly, but WE PATRIOTS will do what we need to do. Patriots aren't idiots who run out and start doing needless marches that will usually turn into full blown riots here due to DS-funded groups like Antifa. That's just putting the MESSAGE of the patriots in a bad light. The media wouldn't cover it anyway, they would just spin it as "Violent anti-government nazi woman hating groups clash with peacful loving anti-hate protestors".

No, Patriots bide their time and assess the situation and react accordingly.

Yellow Vests are doing an excellent job and all the patriots here in the US that I know, are totally behind them.

But we have different situations here, even though we're working with the same evil, it's just different situations.

So kindly, take your lectures elsewhere.

15956799? ago

I have now heard every excuse an American can give to not join the yellow vests. To address some of those issues.... As far as Q post go, Q has stated before to be loud and be heard. His recent posts also sound as if he/ suggests protesting. Q CANNOT come right out and tell you to protest. As far as guns. The left protests all the time without guns. If you fear standing up for your rights simply because you aren't capable of doing anything without a weapon, then you got more problems than you know. We have jobs.... Lol, who don't. Protest in shifts. Donald J Trump has been fighting daily while we haven't given him shit for support. How do you expect to wake up the country hiding on the internet?

Best answer of an American Anon.

15957029? ago

Why are you copying this response onto every single reply on this thread. Totally asinine. We can all read through the thread and see responses. You don't need to copy this ad nauseum. You just killed your own thread. Good job.

15957067? ago

Because I cound't say it better. It is now in my post, so I don't copy anymore.

15957267? ago

ok, fair enough.

15954061? ago

I cannot speak for anyone else I am 30 yes old, poor af and live paycheck to paycheck to support my wife and two small children. If I don't work my kids don't eat! I am a white male so welfare systems do not apply to me, at this point I wouldn't want them if they did. Also the people around me that I've tried to wake up don't want to hear what I have to say because they have had it in their minds for a long time that none of this effects them. Also the msm will not take the side of the American people, so most of the public has no clue that there is even a problem.

15954106? ago

Thank you patriot. This is a very good and honest answer. I respect your attitude and wish you and your family all the best for the future!

I pray for you, that you will find same minded people soon. Big hello from an also poor Yellow Vest Protester! :)

15954140? ago

And God bless you and all the Patriots across the pond WWG1WGA

15954037? ago

go help Sweden Eurofag

15954045? ago

Go help Canada, Amifag.

15954156? ago

Fuck canada. America first.

15954011? ago

Americans are lazy and stupid by nature.

15954021? ago

Sorry, I don't think so. IMHO they are much more brainwashed than we are.

15953994? ago

Thank you for your answers.

Most of you think, POTUS will do right and you shouldn't go onto the streets, because it will end in a blood bath.

For a European this sounds very.... medieval.

Either you trust the ruler (your POTUS) or you're afraid of violence before even a ONLY DEMONSTRANT puts on a yellow vest!

It was the same here in the Middle Ages, before people learned that non-violent protests can achieve much more.

The soft water breaks the stone.

15953976? ago

At least we vote a little better than your yellow vests, dare I say--and we generally don't go burning up the streets and businesses of our innocent fellow countrymen.

15954024? ago

How do you know, that this violence didn't come from the infiltrated ANTIFA Groups? But I know. I am one of the Yellow Vest Protesters. Don't judge from the other side of the pond without taking your ass onto the streets!

15956649? ago

You only take your asses out on the streets because you are powerless to do anything else! We have our 2nd amendment and we take it seriously. If we peacefully protest, antifa will bring violence. We could meet violence with violence but that would only play into the hands of the cabal/Deep State. US military is a formidable force, capable of doing exactly what has been planned for decades for such a time as this. WE WERE ASKED to stay out of the way so that operators could do their jobs. We respect our POTUS and we respect Q so we listened. However, patriots are ready, willing, and able to assist if and when our beloved President calls. Stop lecturing Americans! YOU DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO AND WE WILL DO WHAT WE HAVE TO DO!

15956788? ago

I have now heard every excuse an American can give to not join the yellow vests. To address some of those issues.... As far as Q post go, Q has stated before to be loud and be heard. His recent posts also sound as if he/ suggests protesting. Q CANNOT come right out and tell you to protest. As far as guns. The left protests all the time without guns. If you fear standing up for your rights simply because you aren't capable of doing anything without a weapon, then you got more problems than you know. We have jobs.... Lol, who don't. Protest in shifts. Donald J Trump has been fighting daily while we haven't given him shit for support. How do you expect to wake up the country hiding on the internet?

Answer of an American Anon. WWG1WGA

15956936? ago

Another copy and paste dumb ass!

15953968? ago

We have jobs. Our culture has always evolved around hard work, while yours has always fought only for the right to be lazy assholes.

15954034? ago

Prejudices are so boring, guy.... Read and learn about history and than come back.

15965882? ago

Which history? The one that the jews made up after ww2?

15953933? ago


15953949? ago

Hahaha! Thats what you would like! :D

15953925? ago

Not silent for one. We voted them out . Take care of your business. WWG1WGA

15953924? ago

If we take to the streets corrupt MSN would paint it as anti trump protests.

15953957? ago

Depends on what posters you keep up!

15954847? ago

No it doesn't. Msm has ignored the protests in Europe and when someone tweets about it nobody in the U.S. has a clue what is happening or why!

15954225? ago

They would send in some paid shills wearing maga hats and only show them...

15954302? ago

In Europe we have the ANTIFA assholes - so what?!? This is NOT a reason to stay HOME!

15954332? ago

next time there is a Trump rally near me I promise to go...

15954343? ago

Great! Go to Trump rallies with Yellow Vests! That would be a good sign of Solidarity for all European Anons! :)

15953900? ago

Because we have POTUS. He fights for the users.

Your protests are designed to help you get your own Trump. We already have him. Don't worry. You'll benefit from the new, Greater America.

15953923? ago

Because we have POTUS. He fights for the users.

God - please throw Brain on Earth!

15953871? ago

We have guns so it would get bloody very fast. Also, we have more hope that our President and military are helping us.

I think it will get violent and bloody at some point....

15953888? ago

Heart that many times. Aren't you AMericans able to organize a peacefull Protest? Why not? It is an existential right to protest peaceful in a Democracy! Learn from Europe. I go out now to protest. It is cold and rainy and we do have no popcorn at all. We do it for us.

15958216? ago

Sure, we can, but what if we play into Soros' hand? The Hegelian Dialectic, right?

It seems like part of the plan is to get the DS to blow their wad. We will have to do something eventually, thought, but timing is critical.

If Trump is assassinated, then it will be open warfare.

15958628? ago

This is not a chess game. This basic democratic behavior. Stand up for your rights, bro!

15958916? ago

It is also not a suicide mission.

15956664? ago

Well, maybe because we are not a democracy but a constitutional republic!

15956746? ago

I have now heard every excuse an American can give to not join the yellow vests. To address some of those issues.... As far as Q post go, Q has stated before to be loud and be heard. His recent posts also sound as if he/ suggests protesting. Q CANNOT come right out and tell you to protest. As far as guns. The left protests all the time without guns. If you fear standing up for your rights simply because you aren't capable of doing anything without a weapon, then you got more problems than you know. We have jobs.... Lol, who don't. Protest in shifts. Donald J Trump has been fighting daily while we haven't given him shit for support. How do you expect to wake up the country hiding on the internet?

Best Anon answer. Nothing to add.

15956920? ago

Oh shill! You are too stupid to form your OWN answer and too obvious! Yeah, copy and paste someone else's answer! SHOW me where Q suggested to protest! Q and Q anons are all about verified information and sources to spread to the normies, not protesting! Who said we never supported POTUS? But Go right ahead, protest yourself! Nobody is stopping you! As for me, this woman is waiting for the call to action! Then me and my guns will come ablazin! You are telling anons what to do that YOU NEVER DID YOURSELF! I mean, REALLY?

15954373? ago

The answer is no, not really. Look at major events like hurricane Katrina. People were shooting at rescuers and police responding to looters. America is a tinderbox ready for a spark, I live here I know. People are ready to lose their shit and start shooting and we have to guard against that. We are having our revolution quietly and neatly, if it fails we will move to option b.

15953760? ago

It would be a blood bath. Do you understand. Believe us when we say that if that time ever came the amount of bullets in the streets would be coast to coast (well maybe not so much in WA, NY or CA), but everywhere else. There are millions here now as opposed to the days of our Forefathers. We wait until that last minute when we know for certain there would be no other way but to do the ultimate. We see what the President is doing and it makes much sense. How many retired and active military as well as special forces do we have here that you ready, willing and able? But at this point in time, it seems there is a plan set. We hope and pray it doesn't go fowl. If it ever did, many will be dead in the streets, literally. We wait, watch and pray for our President to avoid this for all of our sakes.

15953835? ago

Did you really notice what you said? The best armed civilian population of the world can's protest, because they are armed too good?Makes that sense? No.

15953867? ago

Antifa is problematic just to name one. Your statement is appropriate, however. The natives here are restless. They are and something will happen soon. It's not the armed that is the violent types. It's the provocation of the others to owe violence and uncontrolled outbreak.

15953909? ago

Violence is NOT protest. Violence is violence. Define and differentiate. I don't know, what happens in the future, too. But I don't want to tell my children, I haven't tried everything to do the right thing.

15953770? ago

This shows me that you have no history of peaceful revolution. My tip: learn from Europe in this case. You can also achieve a lot with peaceful protests! Think of the fall of the wall in Germany!

If you think of violence when you protest, you are not a real democrat.

15969652? ago

EU walked right into the hands of the new world order. We'd rather not learn from Europe.

15958816? ago

People in the US concealed carry firearms for protection, and in some areas we can openly carry them. There is no avoiding that element here once conflict begins, and bloodshed should be avoided in favor of POTUS' methods until all else fails.

15955984? ago

No, what he is saying is that guns are the last resort. Read it again -

We wait until that last minute when we know for certain there would be no other way but to do the ultimate.

We have that option, Euros and much of the rest of the world does not.

15954943? ago

Whenever patriots gather here, (and they do), antifa shows up and quickly become violent. As long as things are going well for antifa, the police stand down and do nothing to protect the patriots. If we wanted to have large demonstrations nationally, it would look like a bloody civil war.

15956814? ago

I have now heard every excuse an American can give to not join the yellow vests. To address some of those issues.... As far as Q post go, Q has stated before to be loud and be heard. His recent posts also sound as if he/ suggests protesting. Q CANNOT come right out and tell you to protest. As far as guns. The left protests all the time without guns. If you fear standing up for your rights simply because you aren't capable of doing anything without a weapon, then you got more problems than you know. We have jobs.... Lol, who don't. Protest in shifts. Donald J Trump has been fighting daily while we haven't given him shit for support. How do you expect to wake up the country hiding on the internet?

Not every American thinks like that.

15953628? ago

Understood and from your prospective, makes sense that US should do as EU at this point. However, The Americans hold the gun rights here and any type of real intense, emotional situations that hit the streets.....well just think about it. For this moment in time, we are holding strong in your support, but hold strong as this is "trust the plan" for us here.

15954005? ago

You don’t see the the French with knives and axes do you ? - they have them.

Just because you have guns - you don’t ‘have’ to use them.

Stupid excuse for your apathy and preference to sit on your fat lazy asses whilst someone else does what YOU should be doing.

Shame and pity on you.

Trust the plan - LMAO

15956298? ago

The reason our corrupt gov esp under obummer hasn’t made more obvious and painful moves against the US people is because we have guns. MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF GUNS. There is a reason other nations don’t invade America. You think Afghanistan and Iraq is bad with a lot of guns? Lol doesn’t even come close to what the AMERICAN people have. It’s not just handguns and ARs either my friend.

15956007? ago

The French would respond exactly the same way, with kives & axes, if they are push to their limit.

15955941? ago

And all it takes are a couple false flag actors among the armed protests to wear some Nazi or KKK badge and shoot some kids and suddenly we all look like the bad guys. Wake the fuck up faggot.

If we go to the streets with guns we will be using them.

15954405? ago

Good effort, shill. Run along now.

15954238? ago

We'll let the military and their guns handle it.

15954161? ago

You don’t see the the French with knives and axes do you ? - they have them. Just because you have guns - you don’t ‘have’ to use them.

So true! Thanks you, Anon.

15954062? ago


15953664? ago

Trust the plan? Does it mean "do nothing"?!?

Did you read the latest Q Drops?

Part of Q 2645:


15953878? ago

Yes, nobody knows what the plan is. It is an excuse to do nothing and wait for our savior to rescue us.

15953895? ago


One soul understands me here. God bless you.

15958264? ago

Yep. No problem!

15953619? ago

Honestly, we are at a different stage.

We have a nationalist leader.

Perhaps at impeach but even then it would require a massive betrayal by McConnell/Rinos most of whom are up for re-election

15953671? ago

I see- you don't want to engage yourself. Take your popcorn and wait, wait, wait...

15953828? ago

The USA is not in need of 'regime change'.

Europeans however are in desperate need of regime change and the reclaiming of yourselves and our ancestral homelands/ We support you and admire your taking the lead in MEGA because it is you who will lead the charge for nations under cabal occupation beyond the EU like Canada, NZ and AU- you are our front and center heroes.

When the time comes, if it comes time we too will step onto YOUR STAGE officially (versus all the stuff being done through back-channels)

As the other Anon pointed out, we are armed to the teeth as individuals, the cabal wants the USA to fall into civil war, so we are walking a tightrope already. Timing is everything, this is yall's charge, we support you fully, my family already has yellow and orange vest ready.

15953851? ago

The USA is not in need of 'regime change'.

No, you don't need a regime change. You need balls, American Anons....

When you follow Q, you surely KNOw about all the CORRUPTION and LIES in your country. You think, this Deep State is NOT A REASON to revolt? Ok - then I don't understand American Souls, sorry...

I'm going to another day of Yellow Protests now. Outside. In the rain. With no popcorn.

15954239? ago

We already revolted. We had a military coup, albeit a welcomed, voter supported coup.

The USA was the cabal's main military base and financial fleecing grounds. The cabal social models created to get yall to relinquish or reduce arms never worked on us. Our history with England and the Central Bankers taught us that a well armed society makes tyranny harder to fully take hold.

Since you follow Q you know it is our military who is providing tactical takeouts, hits and intel. Our local DS is in massive decline due to this coup. Our DS relied heavily and haughtily on rigging systems and blackmail. So our military focused on taking out/leveraging those operation. We are in the clean up phase where false flags and clashing civil outbreak are our only weak spots. If a civil war happened it would cause our military to withdraw it's behind the scene support of you and other worldwide operations so our marching orders are to keep a cool head, trust the plan and spread the word.

What you don't understand is this is a global war. We have battles going publicly and privately all around the world. In your neck of the woods its your boots on the ground because you cousins need to seize more for yourselves, you gave up more than we did and this is how you gain back empowerment. You need to feel such anger that you never let a state take your guns, liberty or national identity again, even when they parade virtuous ideals such as Continental peace. Fact is we never lost that much of ourselves, the military watched us and were gauging our level of "yellow vests", they stepped in because it was more productive to the plan to rally us via elections. If you had the military/paramilitary equivalents numbers we could have coordinated with them more easily vs having to go this route but it is what it is.... you are living and doing amazing things and we are so proud of you, we support you.

The USA and the EU are in different stages of this war, the USA is more or less under MAGA occupation, you are bringing MEGA to not only Europe but to others. It is your faces that the other nations need to see, not ours. This sets yall up to become the strong stock from which we sprang once again. We have your back, you know this, you really don't think Bannon was just criss-crossing Europe for kicks, right.

15954290? ago

Fact is we never lost that much of ourselves

I can't believe a Q Folower really thinks so. We have been reading for two years how broken and corrupt and contaminated your country is and YOU want US to believe that everything is much better with you?

Sorry - but this is a real brain washed answer.

15954605? ago

No one is suggesting the USA wasn't broke, corrupt and contaminated. We have problems, we got played, we don't shy away from those facts. We still have cabal fleas biting us.

We only got off easier because of location, steadfast belief in melting pot (Europe isn't a melting pot, yall have distinct identities that we cherish), rejecting multiculturalism, stubborn ideas about liberty, guns and military might.

As of today, the USA is more or less MAGA occupied territory. The DS is on the run, we are left with their minions who have orders to do as much damage as possible on their way to extermination.

Europe however is not, it is the home of many powerful cabal leaders. You are doing what has to be done, victory will be yours and the rest of the world will follow your lead.

It is erroneous to assume we don't support you, we do. We are in awe of your actions.

15953616? ago

Step one to not needing to protest, vote Trump.

15953681? ago

All the same answers here. That's what I c. Look at your toothless answers - no one wants to take action. Very sad...

15954874? ago

You listen but you do not hear. Confirmation bias.