15955415? ago

You can only build a new world order on the ashes of the old world. Yes. They want us to burn it down. It is easy for leftists to get violent and burn things down. But those of the right are logical and conservative. How do we get the right passionate? How about this... we pass gay marriage through the Supreme Court without us having a vote? How about getting transgender bathroom wars and push transgender to children in public libraries drag queen readings? How about pedophile priests and nothing happens? How about the House being stolen by Democrats and nothing happens?

Now is the Right emotional and without logical thinking? Shit it took enough crap to make us want to riot.

All of this was planned. We have to burn this world down so they can build a better one. Their New World Order.

15954868? ago

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15954834? ago

I'd be fine if this shit would just get underway already. Nobody wants to fire the first shot, but once someone decides to do it all hell is going to break loose. Someone just fucking do it already.

15954530? ago

Oh this made me laugh way harder than it should have.

15952887? ago

@PuttItOut you must be so proud to be the source of this new Nazi revival. Congrats!!

15953353? ago

Thanks, PuttItOut. I fight against this NeoNazis since ever. I'm German and know EXACTLY what NeoNazism means. We need every voice against them!

15952928? ago

You have been invited to moderate /v/MossadIsYourFriend

15954568? ago

Y’all really need some new memes...

15952776? ago

Blaming all of jews for the sins of a few at the top is no different than blaming all whites for the sins of a few at the top. Same mentality.

I'm sure those pictured in the meme just love that the rage against them is diffused among the many millions of jews in the world who had nothing to do with it.

Instead of bringing rage against the top tier cabal pictured, who happen to be Jewish, shills invoke rage against the entire Jewish population, invoking the theme of Jews being forced to wear the star of David in old Nazi Germany and promoting sympathy for all Jews (including the few actually pictured).

I defy the anti-semitic shills to make a case of how the average Jew walking down the street bears any guilt or blame for those specific 5 listed.

If you argue with them long enough, you can always get them to rage at Trump for having a Jewish son-in-law, Jewish daughter, 3 Jewish grandchildren and having appointed some Jews in his administration.

15952813? ago

Blaming all of jews for the sins of a few at the top

And not all Muslims are presumably rapists, but that didn't stop 'em making Sweden the rape capital of Europe.

The problem with Jews is the "bad Jews" and the "good Jews" always come as a matching set and they always protect each other and they always push the Holocaust lie.

Jews are the most treacherous people in human history. They ALWAYS strangle their host nations to death in a greedy attempt to steal wealth and power.

There's literally no rational reason to trust any Jew because history has shown them to be evil.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 1,030 times...

15952869? ago

Even if everything you say is true, everything I said about invoking Anne Frank / sympathy for Jews is also true.

There is a barrier to holding the few at the top in the cabal accountable, and that's diverting attention from them to millions of Jews. There are two routes to justice ... explain to the public the sins of the top cabal members and dish out justice to them, or this other route of passive aggressively blaming every Jew who is walking down the street.

What you going to do about that? Absolutely nothing. I defy you to even say out loud what you think could be done about every Jew in the US. You can't even say it without being branded a Nazi and criminal. Seriously, what the fuck you think you're going to do? Fill them up on a boat and ship them somewhere? Without due process? There's no fucking way you can even convince 1% of US citizens to do that to Jews, even if you owned the MSM and started forcing propaganda down the throat of everyone who wants to watch TV. Fuck that mentality.

Hold the cabal accountable. It's feasible. It's actionable. It can be done. The anti-semitic retards want to divert that action to "all Jews" because that's a defense for them. They'll never be held accountable if millions of Jews are held up as a meat shield that must be dealt with first.

The anti-semitic fuckers are trying to divert justice for the cabal into an exercise in pounding sand.

15952913? ago

everything I said about invoking Anne Frank / sympathy for Jews is also true.

Your view is childishly naive.

I've heard the problem of Muslim terrorist immigrants described as a bowl of candy where a number of the lollies are poisonous. No rational person would want to eat from that bowl...

...but that metaphor doesn't do the Jew justice because history has shown that EVERY nation who takes even a single lolly from that bowl of Jew candy is poisoned to death or suffers permanent and crippling illness...

...and you want to encourage people to eat handfuls of that poison.

Your position is ridiculous - to trust the most deceitful and treacherous people in human history who are known for ALWAYS stabbing their host nations in the back.

You may as well be encouraging people to stick a fork in a live power point because you enjoy believing there is no danger.

America and western civilization has been brought to it's knees and almost enslaved by the Jew World Order and you are choosing NOW to insist that people trust the Jew? You may as well be working for Mossad.

15952969? ago

You walk up to anyone in the street and ask them what is wrong with Soros.

You'll hear that he destabilizes countries. He devastates economies, then buys everything of value up at firesale prices. He funds the overthrowing of countries. He spends billions promoting sick culture pushed upon the population. That fucker has killed literally hundreds of thousands of people.

You say that to anyone and they'll recognize where you're coming from. They'll recognize it as worthy of being put to death. They'll recognize it as a cause to fight against.

But you don't want that, no. Mass murderer? No. That's not what you want. You have a better criticism for him.

What is he? He's a Jew. You say that with a straight face. The people listening to fail to gasp with shock. "A jew, you mean like that guy walking down the road over there?" Yeah, like that guy.

It is a defense. You may be so retarded that you don't recognize it as such, but I assure you that every mass murderer would love to have the charge against them switched with "Jew".

You may as well be working for Mossad.

Mossad should be put to death as enemy combatants. But look at you now, blaming Mossad for anything. That's a laugh. Just a few minutes ago you were blaming every Jew in existence and NOW you're able to narrow it down a little bit? After I demanded that you narrow it down? And you want to pretend that it was your own idea? Funny.

15953050? ago

I don't think you understand what Judaism is or why Jews are the most exiled people in human history.

It's because Judaism teaches Jews they are a genetic Master Race and all other people are their inhuman (Baba mezia, 114b) disposable (Sepher ikkarim III c 25) slaves who were only put on the Earth to service their needs.

The Talmud, the foundational scripture of modern Jewish law and theology, teaches Jews to be sneaky about committing evil deeds (moed kattan, baba mezia, 114a-114b) and then lie about it (Baba Kamma 113a) and that non-Jews can be raped and murdered (Sepher ikkarim III c 25) and you can steal their money (Baba Kamma 37b) and you can steal their property (Babba Bathra 54 b) and rape their children / infants (Kethuboth 11b) and you should pretend not to hate Christians (Iore Dea 148, 12 h) even though your mission is to destroy Christianity (Shabbath 116a).

Judaism is far more dangerous the Islam and Isalm is intolerable.

Why do you think Jews need special antisemitism laws to stop us speaking honestly about them?

This is why Jews ALWAYS fail to integrate into other nations and why they steal and kill their host nations with the same moral ease as a farmer collects eggs from his chickens.

You are defending genocidal, pedophile, evil, anti-Christ theology.

15953146? ago

I don't think you understand what Judaism is or why Jews are the most exiled people in human history.

I can guarantee you don't have the time to make whatever spiel you're about to make, convincingly, the few hundred million times that would be necessary to actually change anything, even if what you have to say is true.

"Why hold these elites accountable for their specific, documented wrongdoings, when we can engage in an information campaign to persuade the public that Nazi's were the good guys and how millions upon millions of Jews, who had nothing to do with the cabal, should be held accountable?" Honestly, sounds like you're working overtime to make things easier for the cabal.

By the way, the fact that you didn't mention one specific thing you would ever do to fix what you're complaining about has been noted.

Judaism is far more dangerous the Islam and Isalm is intolerable.

Jesus was a Jew. All 12 disciples + Paul was a Jew. Jews wrote the entire bible, except for (maybe) Luke. You're not a preacher, are you? For your sake, I hope not ... as they are held to a higher standard.

You are defending genocidal, pedophile, evil, anti-Christ theology.

Name the anti-Christ theology I defended. Name the pedophiles you suppose I defended. I'm the one saying hold specific people who did specific things wrong as accountable for specific crimes, not you. You're the one who wants to to blame everyone of entire groups.

You're a pied piper, leading all you can to a dead end. As I noted above, you never said what you fancy you'd do about what you complain so much about. You gather all you can to do nothing instead of holding the cabal accountable. Hey ... you ... over there ... don't hold those specific people accountable for their specific lawbreaking, no ... come over here with me. We'll rant about how bad this entire group of people is, that we'll never do anything specific about.

15953183? ago

By the way, the fact that you didn't mention one specific thing you would ever do to fix what you're complaining about has been noted.

Make all the fucking notes you want - but it is impossible to discuss solutions with someone like you who isn't even red-pilled enough to accept the Jewish problem.

Jesus was a Jew.

I'm not a Christian and I don't give two fucks about your whataboutism and what Jesus was or wasn't.

What I care about is how the Jew World Order is trying to enslave my race and cripple mankind.

Name the anti-Christ theology I defended.


Jews follow Judaism and people act on their beliefs.

Judaism is what makes Jews so dangerous is exactly the same was as Islam makes Muslims so dangerous.

We'll rant about how bad this entire group of people is, that we'll never do anything specific about.

The first step is to get indoctrinated people like yourself to stop pretending that the biggest danger to America and western civilization isn't the Jew and their genocidal, master-race beliefs.

15953273? ago

Make all the fucking notes you want - but it is impossible to discuss solutions

There are no solutions to your stated problem. It's as though you're complaining about gravity with some notion that you could even do anything about it. Complete retardedness.

I'm not a Christian

Two seconds ago you were chiding me over anti-Christian ideology and you're not even Christian. Every time you open your mouth you make a greater case for how you're a libtard concern troll.

Jews follow Judaism and people act on their beliefs.

You are unable to explain how an average Jew walking down the street has broken any law. Again with the pissing into a hurricane, yelling at a cloud, complaining about gravity ... things you couldn't influence if you wanted to with a billion dollars in your pocket yet here you are.

Blah blah Nazi retoric

I will hold the specific Jews found to have done wrong accountable. That's probably your biggest fear. Hiding behind "Jews" in general isn't going to cut it, I want pain and suffering brought to specific people who have broken specific laws and they're not going to fucking hide behind the "you're only punishing me because I'm a Jew" meatshield of millions of innocent Jews to avoid justice.

15953953? ago

Classic jewish shill.

15962696? ago

Yes you are.

I'm the only one with a plan for holding a Jew accountable. You're doing nothing but constructing a massive meatshield defense of lawbreaking Jews by replacing justice with unattainable goals and unsolvable problems.

15980380? ago

While I'll agree the goals seem unattainable with the current selection of 'doers', I'm not seeing your plan as doing much of anything to cure the real problem.

15981294? ago

You sound as if it just takes more of you. Done. There are now 10 million of you who want to round Jews up and send them somewhere.

10 million. That's alot. But it's still a minority. 113 million voted in 2018. You're not even at 10%. Certainly you're never going to get any traction in voting candidates to office with your views.

You might as well say you're going to climb Mt. Everest, naked. Your stated goal is unattainable, even the preconditions you set for attaining your goal are unattainable.

But here you are, insisting that my plan isn't curing a problem. Q -- a group that's dedicated to building the wall, stopping immigration, cutting funding overseas, pulling out of Syria (y'know, that war your ilk says Israel is saddling us with), driving a stake through the heart of the MSM, but nooooooooooooooooo ... you don't want to support that. A movement that virtually accomplishes most of your goals, who votes for the party of Rand Paul who just denied Israel funding ...

No, that Q group, that's not for you. You don't like any of that. So you come here, being an antagonist and full fledged Nazi ... what does that accomplish? Fucking nothing but chasing away normal people who aren't into throwing Sieg Heils. Normal people who don't want to hear a murderer like Hitler "was right". So you chase people away and give ammunition to the far left to claim these boards are toxic.

And that's who you are and what you are. Your mission is to make voat toxic and chase people away. We'll overthrow the evil cabal, many of whom are Jewish, in spite of your efforts to stop us.

15981950? ago

Q -- a group that's dedicated to building the wall, stopping immigration, cutting funding overseas, pulling out of Syria...

"If" it's not a mossad/jew/globabist op. Sure, "Q" is making claims, but the plausibility is questionable. If I was a jew, or whatever, I'd certainly provide a movement for people who don't buy the popular narrative. Just like setting up a "competing" business in your town for other demographics. But maybe it's just my demographic that's skeptical of "riddles on a chan site".

A movement that virtually accomplishes most of your goals

Or potentially is designed to completely undercut everything. Sure, it would be great if "Q" turned out to be everything they claim it is. (ignoring all the multicultural bullshit)

15982944? ago

Sure, it would be great if "Q" turned out to be everything they claim it is.

You're willing to climb Mt. Everest naked for your plan, a plan you completely admit is impossible.

Yet, when presented with an actual working plan, you fight against it over the possibility it might not be real.

Because causing the public to distrust the Jewish-run MSM, pulling out of Syria and draining the swamp, not initiating new wars, ending old wars, building a wall to stop illegal immigration etc. just might be a sneaky plan to put Jews in control of the world.

Yeah, right. You're a fraud, like the libtards who paint swastikas on churches or go to Trump rallies dressed as Nazis because they think it reflects badly on us. You're a fraud, your life is a fraud, and in the end you lose.

15983648? ago

pulling out of Syria and draining the swamp, not initiating new wars, ending old wars, building a wall to stop illegal immigration etc.

You think those things are going to happen, and will even lead to 'the rest of it'. That is the difference between us. There might be a few bones tossed now and then for effect, but you're blinded by your desire for "all of our dreams to come true."

You're a fraud, like the libtards who paint swastikas on churches or go to Trump rallies dressed as Nazis because they think it reflects badly on us. You're a fraud, your life is a fraud, and in the end you lose.

I mean, look how desperate you are. This really says it all.

15953355? ago

There are no solutions to your stated problem.

1,030 nations of the past 3,200 years have attempted to solve the problem by exiling all the Jews.

That should be the first thing we try.

Additionally, we should withdraw all military support from Israel. Those kikes have been poking the caged, rabid Muslim dogs with a stick for decades knowing that we'd come and use our blood and treasure to fight their needless wars for them. By making it clear to the Muslim middle east that we will no longer be sacrificing our military brothers and sisters so Israel can finance wars, we will have opened the door of that dog cage.

Let the filthy sandniggers Cleanse the Temple of Israel.

Now, can we get back to the discussion rather than entertaining your irrelevant diversions?

You are unable to explain how an average Jew walking down the street has broken any law.

I don't need to. I only need to show how Jews, as a whole and generally speaking, are the most treacherous and dangerous people in human history and all they do is strangle their host nations to death in a greedy lust to steal wealth and power.

I will hold the specific Jews found to have done wrong accountable.

I'm not willing to take such a stupid risk on a people who do nothing but kill their host nations, again and again and again and again.

America and western civilization is on it's knees in the fight to survive and overcome the Jew World Order... and you're promoting that western civilization play a game of Russian Roulette with the Jews because, even though 1,030 people just blew their own brains out playing that game with the Jews, you have a happy feeling that this time the chamber might be empty.

15952355? ago

The OP is using this meme and topic as bait to spread racial hatred. The civil war is already being waged and started long ago. Its a war between Military Intelligence against the Satanic New World Order cabal. Its got nothing to do with blacks, whites, purples or greens you racist piece of shit. Its about freedom, unity and national sovereignty. Try all you might to paint the Q movement as racist, but you will fail shill. WWG1WGA!

15953913? ago

Try all you might to paint the Q movement as racist...

So you're an enemy of America. You know, there's a lot of collateral damage in a war of any type.

15952393? ago

We have a duty to protect our children's birthright by naming our enemy as the Jews who are poisoning the minds of our children and corrupting our government and protecting the Deep State and sabotaging our legal system and entangle us in needless wars.

Even President Trump isn't afraid to name the enemy.

You are presenting your apathy as moral superiority, which is cowardly and pathetic.

If you truly loved this country then you'd be angry too.

15952463? ago

You've been drinking the cabal soda for way too long.

15952009? ago

im ashamed to say i dont know who bottom right guy of the hydra is. ben bernake?

15952287? ago

Lloyd Blankfein I suspect.

15951940? ago

Civil war starts, there are a few who are very eager for this cover. Only they're not going to be after their country men.

15951935? ago

Beautiful meme.

15951803? ago

war is a bad idea. Cabal wants the death of police and republican gun owners. It is a win-win for them. Rather look behind the curtain and see who is enslaving the population. deal with them first.

15952122? ago

The cabal wants to kill Democrats just as much as it wants to kill Republican gun owners. Stupid libtards pushing for the New World Order agenda will make the kill list before anyone else. The Old Guard isn't racist. They won't separate families. They'll kill them all. Liberal, conservative, young, old, black, white, Christian, Jew, college professor, computer programmer, and Wichita Lineman will all be killed without discrimination of any kind. If you're an eater, you're a useless eater to the Cabal.

15951878? ago

I agree, however the only way to solve our Muslim and nigger problems will be with a civil war.

15952031? ago

We are going to hang your family. While they rot away on the rope, you will be tied to a tree watching them. You will be raped every 3 hours by the biggest, blackest man we can find. After that, your real hell will begin.

15956385? ago

Not going to happen. People of African and island heritage will go after all the niggers first for selling out their own people.

15954537? ago

You have some serious issues bro.

15952993? ago

No, you wont, nigger.

15951949? ago

It's not a civil war we need, it's another Revolutionary War, Patriots vs. Loyalists. The only way to cleanse our country of violent leftists, communists, illegals and America haters will be a war of Patriotic Nationalism to weed out the traitors, hang the traitors and send the message that if you're not with us, you're against us, and you do not belong here. Perhaps turn California into a penal colony, the bulk of the America haters are already there.

15951744? ago

The Civil war has already started.

ref. American Civil War.

We are just waiting for the call to arms, and there won't be any quenching it.

Unless of course, NSA, Q and Mil, bring back law and order.

Look at France: They are in the process of re-establishing government.

15951967? ago

It's nice that the Frog Police don't carry guns. That dude punching the gendarmes would have been shot immediately here. That level of anti-authoritarianism will be a blood bath for both sides. We need law enforcement on our side,

15951778? ago

I started seriously prepping well before the 2016 presidential election because I thought we were going to need to march on Washington and lynch every last politician.

Now I have enough guns and ammo and supplies to invade a small country and survive for decades without power or water infrastructure.

15952465? ago

I wish I was married to you!

15954860? ago

What if he looks like John Goodman and is all rapey etc etc? Ever see that Cloverfield Lane movie?

15960033? ago

I'm female. If you're a male & don't understand that women look first & foremost to men for security, then you have zero understanding of women. Remember Ellen Barkin marrying ugly little Ron Perelman? Do you think it was for his looks? You can reply "it was for his money"...but what does money buy first & foremost? Security. Now men, they go for looks...

is all rapey etc etc?

Further proves you don't understand human behavior. The anon shared prepping knowledge for the betterment of us all. Nope, hardly think said anon is a person who rapes others.

And where's your sense of humor? I am married & love my husband to pieces. He just doesn't prep. I admire a man who does.

15952988? ago

I posted this prepping guide if you're interested, but it is only intended for beginners because it focuses on the cheapest and easiest measures so as not to scare away the normies.

15959849? ago

Thank you - this is true patriotism!

15951795? ago

Eventually the National Guard will get involved, and do massive round ups.

15953461? ago

NG is a bunch of overweight losers

15952029? ago

Massive clean-ups. Bye, muzzies. Bye, antifa. Bye niggers.