15936207? ago

You are Doing a Great Work !

Thank You , Patriot !

Godspeed . GODS Bless YOU have . edie

15935043? ago

I have Red-Pilled over 35 families this past week

No you didn't. You sat in your room pretending that you talked to people.

15934743? ago

I quit telling my family about Q 6 months ago. Why? Because Q’s prophecies were nothing but empty jargon wrapped in delusional thinking. When predictions, comments and dates fell flat is when I realized how impressive this psyop was.

15934548? ago

Shit on shills week. Make it month

15934156? ago

I agree that Q was terrible. Glad to see you were able to de-program so many! It’s always a good thing when a Qlown awakens. :)

15934104? ago

Same. Just before Christmas I red pilled over 20 people at work. Things were quite and I said hey everyone come look at this. It was the video Q - The Plan To Save The World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vw9N96E-aQ As they watched it I could heads nodding in agreement and eyes wide open at times at the information they were seeing. But afterwards when the questions started the training against shills here really paid off. I answered everything they asked. Better still I printed up a bunch of links to information, videos, qmap.pub of coarse for them to take for the holidays and research themselves.

I can't say I can't wait to get back to work, its work, I can wait lol, but it will be interesting to see if anything comes of this. The seed has been planted, and best of all the elite establishment can't help themselves reinforcing everything I was sharing about the corruption and how they don't have Americas best interests in mind. Posting here has really sharpened my knowledge and I surprised myself at how much I had taken in and could answer when pressed. One woman I work with is D all the way, and she dug straight in attacking President Trump. For me to explain to her and everyone else it isn't about team blue or team red but about our nation and the combined corruption at the top regardless of party was awesome. She had no argument and stopped her Orange Man Bad NPC programming.

Thanks shills, you've sharpened my blade, well I'm actually more of a light-saber guy ....but thanks all the same.

15934183? ago

You just embarrassed yourself terribly, but are too immersed in the Qult to see it.

15934722? ago

Were you at the Christmas party?

15933893? ago

Yep. And they throw every illogical argument at you, so you're ready to take just about anything seriously and destroy it. So yeah thanks.

15933887? ago

Basically anyone that isn't 100% happy right now is a shill though. There are real shills ya, but not everyone is that isn't 100% satisfied waiting until their kids grow old for hope, while our kids may never experience freedom.

15933819? ago

I would very much like to be sold on Q . But it is way too convoluted for me at this point. I don't even know where the real posts are. Please give me the data that you are using on other people. As of right now, from what I can understand, Q made promises about new year's Eve that weren't delivered. But I do acknowledge Q's following is still strong.

15938537? ago

Nope. Q didn't make any promises about New Years Eve. The shills promote a date, and when that day comes and goes, the shills then make a big deal how nothing happened. It is just a tactic. That's why it's important to read the Q posts for yourself.

15938570? ago

I don't even know where they are now. 4chan is a train wreck of stupidity and childish anime shit that pisses me off to look at.

15939667? ago

Here is where I see the Q posts. There are several similar sites.


15933804? ago

Totally! Had someone ask recently why I get into arguments online and this is totally the answer! I'm getting much better at recalling all of the info I need to redpill people on a very wide range of subjects. Not only that, I'm WAY better at spotting logical fallacies and attempts to derail conversation.

15933761? ago

AMEN Shill under the user name ExpertShitposter was doxxed today. He was the "SHOOT BOOMERS WITH A GUN" guy totally exposed himself got spammed, pussed out, then deleted all his comments exposing himself On this thread: https://voat.co/v/milliondollarextreme/2952304/15924988/10

Good thing anons remember. Great job patriots. Victory and winning on all fronts even voat!


15935477? ago

looking at his(ExpertShitPoster) 'profile' (satanicuser/childraper&murderer) says it all

15933609? ago

Oy vey! Shut it down! The goyim mustn't know!

15933434? ago

The shills are shit bags. They’re corny people. In real life they often piss people off, whether it’s at the bank, in line at the grocery store etc. Theyre complainers, they want to speak to the manager. Their food often gets spit in/ thrown on the floor. Raw chicken juice is often splashed as a garnish by their most favorite chefs. I know for a fact that several shills will see this; it’s quite simple, you’ve already lost. Fuck your family.

15933006? ago

I get accused of being a shill all the time by low IQ patriots. I ain't mad at ya.

15934415? ago

Hey thanks for sharing

15933188? ago

You’re such an easy target. I ain’t mad either.

15932991? ago

Good job !!! You’ve now endangered the lives of more innocent people great fucking job bro.just joking you guys are stooooopid

15932885? ago

Votes are the only thing that count. You better hope all the people you spoke to are registered to vote. Asking them to become Registered Republicans would be even better. Good job. We all need your enthusiasm.

15932848? ago

Hey! Don't stop at the opportunity to shill the shills. They come here to trigger us but get so triggered when we fight back twice as hard, relentlessly, and it funny as hell. I have got so many replies where I've received the post of the day award. I love it.

15934166? ago

“Shill” is Qlown Speak. Don’t talk like a Qlown. Qlowns are idiots.

15940085? ago

I take NO orders from a pimple faced, sitter on a steel folding chair masturbating to internet porn of gay sex, 439 lbs. liver in their mommies basement, shopper for clothes at the local Tent & Awning company, loser, which means you fuckface shill.

15944377? ago

“Shill.” Don’t talk like a Qlown. Qlowns are idiots.

15944556? ago

Spoken like a loser. What a pathetic loser. Did you see Q posted? Again? You, are a loser.

15945008? ago

Now the Qult has been given something to think again. It’s fascinating to watch. You just can’t see it because you’re so immersed in it that you lack the objective perspective to see Q for the fraud that Q really is.

15945339? ago

Bwahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Qult. How original.

15947885? ago

Hmm.. There just may be a reason others call this a “Qult.” But I don’t expect a Qlown to be able to put it all together.

15951454? ago

I tell you what. If Q is real, you have to give me a blow job, but you have to shave first. If Q is a LARP, you get to tongue punch my butthole 1,000 times. Deal?

15951678? ago

Then I promise I’m not your type.

15951816? ago

You're right. I prefer the living.

15952576? ago

And you prefer men.

15958519? ago

Not actually, I really love women. But I also appreciate humiliation at it's finest and the thought of you swallowing a load of my Donald John Trump inspired protein a fitting act. How's your gag reflex?

15961738? ago

For that to be the first thing you think of for humiliation then you are definitely a faggot.

15967132? ago

Call me what you want, with my dick in your mouth, and make a humming sound. Ya, just like that. Good boy. Ever suck a sweeter dick than mine?

15932703? ago

They have been great tools!

15932478? ago

It's true

15932413? ago

I'm curious, when you redpilled people was it only on the political aspect?

15933408? ago

Nope, I definitely don't start politically. I start with the understanding the person I'm going to talk with has their set of beliefs that their life experiences has given to them. I need to find common ground. I talk humanity. I talk families. I talk safety. I would talk God but I'm new to spirituality so I'm still teaching myself that one.

I can't teach anyone anything. I can only show them information. They must teach themselves.

15933522? ago

make sense thanks

15932407? ago

Ha ha - me too. #MeToo

Debunking the misinformation the (((shills))) spread has led me down some interesting research rabbit holes.

15934993? ago

Wtf no nightmode

15934246? ago

Some of these idiots don't realize they're helping us so much. They seem to really enjoy it when you remind them about it, too.

15934508? ago

Shut up anyone who disagrees with you is a shill .. fuck you brainwasher.

15934144? ago

It’s encouraging that some Qlowns have reformed and seen the light as to the faQeness of it all.

15934031? ago

Forgive me if I'm not sure how the numbers work, but those aren't the exact same numbers... One ends in 07 and one ends in 16...

15934101? ago

The anonymized numeric username is randomized every time for everyone, even for the OP. You'll notice that, if you reply to this comment, you'll get a new number too which will be different from your last comment.

The reason we know this shill was talking to himself is because the color of his random numeric username is purple, which indicates he is the OP.

15934280? ago

Okay then how do we know he was talking to himself using the same login then, that loses me completely.... How could we know it's the same login if the number is randomized each comment. I'm lost on that theory.

Thanks for explaining the numbers, and TIA for clearing us this question if you can.

15934356? ago

Because each post can only be created by one user and that user is the OP (Original Poster).

We know it's the same user because even though the user-numbers are always different, the OP's user-number is always colored purple whereas every other user is blue.

Here's one of my old posts, for example. If you scroll through all the comments you can identify my comments because even though they all have a different user-number, they are all purple. The only reason they are purple and not blue like everyone else's is because I'm the one who created the post.

15934491? ago

Oh wait and DUHHH I knew that the [S] proves it even more.

Sorry I'm slow and the reason why is the way my browser is setup, any links I have already clicked on show up in the same shade of purple.. so it just looked like a followed link... And I missed the [S] next to the number...

Now it seems so obvious since I see the [S]

The purple was throwing me off because it just looked like you had clicked on his name and visited his profile to me so it wasn't registering to me that's the OP... But I should have noticed the [S] sorry didn't see that....

15934574? ago

Oh wait and DUHHH I knew that the [S] proves it even more.

Ha ha - I never even noticed that before. Thanks for pointing it out!

15934759? ago

No prob, and yeah OP has an [S] tag. There are others like mods have a tag I believe is a m.. etc.. not real sure what the S actually stands for but it denote OP and if you click it it even takes you to the OP..

15934268? ago

Testing testing my last comment was 15934031

15933714? ago

Wow. 1.7 hours and no reply from the All Caps Kike Shill? He's off his game tonight.

15933849? ago

I feeling short-changed that not a single shill has yet popped up to accuse me of being Neonrevolt.

15938416? ago

OK, Neon.

15933342? ago

Neonrevolt is a PAYtriot who is profiting off Q. I’ve seen people like you spamming his name on reddit. Actually you probably are neon. Go sell some shirts to the boomers somewhere.

15938431? ago

Neon has the best merch! He is also a great researcher.

15933874? ago

Nobody ever got rich from selling QAnon stickers and EVERY Q researcher and podcaster accepts donations.

Are you going to go to war against every QAnon supporter with a Patreon account, you silly, silly shilly?

15933921? ago

Probably just trying to spread the word and recoup his money spent, that's not a bad thing.

15934016? ago

I like that QAnon researchers and podcasters allow their fans to financially support them if they think their work is valuable.

15932941? ago

Well that was definitely a stupid moment.