15901151? ago

We handed the demtards a small win to shut the Russian collusion BS down

15900387? ago

https://archive.fo/tgjlE :

Bill Mitchell on Twitter: "There were three top issues in 2018:

1) The Economy. 2) Illegal Immigration. 3) Healthcare.

The Democrats had NO agenda on the first, the opposite agenda of what America wants on the second, and gave us the Obamacare trainwreck on the last.

How the hell did they win?"

This has been an automated message.

15900251? ago

Answer: the Democrats didn't win.

President Trump had two years to plan for the midterms and thanks to the Department of Homeland Security's investigation into 2016 election fraud, he knew who the criminals would be, how they would cheat and when they would cheat.

There's a very good reason why POTUS didn't have an "October Surprise" and only responded to obscene Democrat election fraud with a funny tweet about Brenda Snipes... because everything is going to plan.

Over the next few months, we'll see DHS release incriminating evidence of widespread midterm election fraud which will trigger the GOP to contest the results which will trigger special elections.

This is President Trump's "October Surprise" and the the Democratic Party won't survive the scandal.

15902327? ago

Right on cue with Hillary and Obama FISAgate thread.

15901960? ago

If you're right it will be like Christmas. If not then America is dead. Here's hoping you're right.

15901997? ago

I'm hoping for the best but planning for the worst.

I've got enough arms and munition and supplies to invade a small country.

I hope you have prepared too.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

15901866? ago

which will trigger the GOP to contest the results

Weren't the elections certified? Isn't it impossible to challenge the results anymore? What is the legal timeline on this?

15901936? ago

Weren't the elections certified?


15901461? ago

Predictions are getting out of hand. Ill wait and see.

15901471? ago

It's good that you're keeping an open mind.

15901500? ago

I do have an open mind, problem is sharing intel is not the same as predicting the Whitehats next move.

One is concrete, the other lends for disappointment.

15900249? ago

They cheated.

15900197? ago

Without reading the article, the economy - I don't know, immigration - they actually prefer open borders the same way they prefer transsexual self-diagnosisidentify (anyone is American if "they" "identify" as American), healthcare - you don't have healthcare, not like other civilised places do.