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15894637? ago

Implying Christianity was ever not corrupt and pushing an NWO.

GTFO of here with all this trash. So many ignorant ass people on third board post bogus shit like this with no apparent knowledge of context and history behind a subject, let alone without applying some sort of logic along with that knowledge.

Just because there are dots on a page doesnt mean they connect in whatever direction one wants them to simply because it can be done...

Christianity for all intensive purposes hasn't been much better throughout history compared to Muslims, they just happen to have been around longer and in the western world so have evolved/adapted some to be more civilized. Give Islam another 400 or so years to catch up to Christianity\s age and I bet it will mellow out as well.

15896588? ago

Have you read the Qu'ran? I have. The Qu'ran draws an extreme gap between the people of Islam and anyone who even dares to think about refusing to go along with their beliefs. The disbelievers are mentioned prominently throughout the entire book. The Qu'ran encourages segregation and forcing other people and religions to abide by Islamic laws or pay hefty taxes per day or die. There isn't much of a gray area in Islam to work with. They just hate people who dissent or call them out for radical beliefs because they leap into the notion that criticizing Islam is criticizing God. Islam will never change. Throughout history, it will never change. It's designed for the survival of the race that believes in it, not the prosperity of all races on the planet.

15897048? ago

I like how you are implying the bible doesn't have similar content.

do you know many muslims? with your view, i'm guessing not, and would further guess you probably never made it an aim to since 'oooh scary muslim god they all want us dead' ... you know, kinda how CHRISTIANITY behaved and made people feel back in the day.

get to know some muslims. go get some turkish coffee and chat with some of the hadji's at your local halal grocery/cafe. you may be surprised to find that they mirror christianity quite a bit. you have your older, fundamentalist types, your nutjobs, your sinners trying to appear sin free, your squeaky clean ones, and the majority being your casual ones who just want to get by and while they believe in their god and have faith are ultimately not being bound to a book especially word for word since after all it is written by men. something else is to understand their sarcasm. majority of the muslims i know are cool as fuck and have no will to violence nor want to annihilate christianity or take over things... some of them even go against what in your mind maybe applies to all muslims, which is some eat damn near anything and dont think twice about picking up some shell fish or eating pork and non halal products.

people are people, and behave as such. religion does nothing but divide people, not conquer them. quit being an ignorant cunt and get out and experience the world, get some cultural immersion.

the problem with islam/muslims is when there are countries who attempt to use it as law and essentially hold it over the heads of their citizens, and in turn use it to repress and oppress them from learning and evolving and adapting to modern life... similar to any dictatorship, north korea for example.

15898775? ago

Okay. So how about I challenge YOUR beliefs and tell you that I am a Muslim and that I know only half of what you said is remotely true?

You are absolutely right about certain types of Muslims being nice and acting similarly to Christianity, but those Muslims are nowhere near the majority, they make up a very tiny part of the overall group. I fall under that category, but just the act of admitting that I do so cut me off from both of my parents who view eating pork as a sin. Both of them refuse to talk to me at all. I have never done anything worthy of being cast out of any religion, but to them, indulging in a "sin" once, and then refusing to stop means that you are addicted and for some reason irredeemable. And don't even get me started on the completely out there views that some of my family members have. One of my uncles burned down a house he used to own because he viewed the house as "unlucky." The house was empty and no one was put in danger, but he was deported. There is a certain madness that runs through the Islamic culture, one that you can only experience first hand. And once you do, believe me, you never want to see it again. Don't believe me? Talk to a soldier stationed out in Afghanistan for a few years, and ask about if he ever was told to avoid certain areas because there is a literal danger of being raped.

Also, shellfish is totally okay for any Muslim to eat, what gave you idea that we could not? Any type of seafood is considered halal, you can only cook seafood in limited ways. It's other meats from animals like beef, pork, chicken, turkey, or sheep that need to be killed in a certain method to make the meat halal. Seems like you don't know anything about what you are talking about.

Regarding the laws of the countries that you are talking about? The leaders that govern those countries are still voted into power. Those leaders choose how the laws are enforced, not how the laws are made. The laws might tend to be moderate, but it's the enforcement of those laws that becomes extreme very quickly. Even then, remove a portion of the population and get them to govern themselves, watch how quickly those dictatorships will emerge. The Muslim world is fundamentally opposed to studying different political philosophies, so much so that dissenters are routinely killed for just reporting on negative aspects of laws and governments. You can't progress in a society that completely opposes truth and research. I may need to get out more, but you need to get more informed. Read about how many other journalists Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries kill on a regular basis. Khashoggi was nowhere near the first.

15903791? ago

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15901137? ago

Thanks for chiming in.

And yes I am speaking about my experience in the US. If history is a teacher that I am claiming it to be it's that majority of muslims still living under religious rule and in countries that arent free, yes have more of a bent and penchant towards going with violence or bad behavior and fundamentalism... this mirrors christianitys ascent to modern day quite well.

Yes I thought shellfish wasn't halal. That is enough to write me off.

What you say about how the bad laws and governing and society are going on is exactly supporting my point- which if yourecall, was that muslims/islam are mirroring the rise of christianity. In a few hundred years as long as progress continues, eventually it will hit a point of having caught up. It will have evolved essentially

The only big concern with having a religion so large but yet still coming out of its primitive phase, is that unlike during christianity, there are now technologies that could devastate the whole the name of God. At the same time, there are technologies, like the internet foe example, which could exponentially spread hate and disinformation but also stand to do the opposite and advance growth and enlightenment and peace. Similar to how the spread of libraries and presses did in the western world over time.

The key to all of this is to help the cavemen in our world (Christians, muslims or others) rise up and wise up.

And you're right I'm not well versed in everything Islamic culture but I know my friends here stateside and see how big of a change just being in a free culture has.. and yes I've heard of excommunication of their family and friends at times especially back home.. but the proof is in the pudding in that being exposed to a free society changes people, and that change when projected over the course of 3 generations (the amount purported to require change psychologically away from the imprints of the parents on the psyche) is a move towards a better society. It will take more time and that sadly is our worst enemy .. time... especially with all the qanon stuff going on, if that doesnt succeed then things will get worse as a whole before improving.