15869517? ago


15868789? ago

It already started. Look at the arrests in Little Rock recently. Some were money launderers, some were big pols. Search on Harold Moody Jr of Arkansas to see a hint. He's going to buy it on being a world class pedo from the Arkansas version of the DNC. If this guy squeals, then look out above!

15868008? ago


15867983? ago

Maybe we should begin tracking the count as they are unsealed to objectively look at trends. Doesn't really matter how many stack up, if they are later dismissed, or aren't acted upon.

15867791? ago

Somethings gotta give

15867777? ago


15867311? ago

It's all psyop to start a civil war if it doesn't happen.

15867735? ago

In 2018 we saw 66k sealed indictments, over 50k more than any year prior.
2019 will bring over 0129k sealed indictments, over 60k more than any year prior.
Think mirror
U ;)

15867790? ago

that is the dumbest thing i have read to date...do you have any idea how much man power 129k anything takes?? no you don't which is why Q is allowed to just go on...with NOTHING TO SHOW...but you zealots keep on marching right off the cliff

15867884? ago

Yes I have to agree and Q is supposed to be " a military intelligence op" for a "Christian God loving country" yet these Q people always throw gematria into the mix? Starting to feel like a Mossad psyop.

15867881? ago

that is the dumbest thing i have read to date...do you have any idea how much man power 129k anything takes?? no you don't which is why Q is allowed to just go on...with NOTHING TO SHOW...but you zealots keep on marching right off the cliff

I'll cry when I read an adult interpret your run-on sentence rambling. If you want something dumber to read, try proofreading.

15867935? ago

exactly why it is done, for the point, because as the author, i get to make my own rules, care not for what old fat tired lazy wanna-bes think that baby sit kids all day....teaching them nothing and making everyone around them worse.

15867952? ago

LOL. When you grow up I hope you're not super morbidly obese and a neck beard. Your future is dull kid

15869632? ago

i am grown up. six pack check

15867267? ago

Hahaha...you dumb shit. Qanon is going to go down as the biggest HOAX of modern day history and you all keep thinking arrests are coming. Dumb fucks. This shit is over a year old and not a single fucking arrest to date. This is hilarious!!!

15867247? ago

Sure hope so.

15867063? ago

Does a sealed indictment need to be unsealed at a certain point, or can they decide against unsealing it?

15867424? ago

Eventually, one of two things happens.

  1. Accused stands trial.

  2. Accused reaches a plea bargain with prosecutors.

An indictment is basically a jury saying, "Yep, you're not crazy, prosecutor. It looks like a crime may have been committed. Proceed to have a trial."

What's the purpose of an indictment? Well, the cops can't just arrest someone, and then the prosecutor takes them to trial. There is a burden of demonstrating that there was probable cause to arrest the person. They have to show that it was reasonable for them to have concluded that this person committed the crime for which they were arrested.

An indictment is a grand jury saying, "Yep, there was probable cause. The arrest is legitimate. The charges are legitimate."

It doesn't mean you're guilty. There's still the trial that can vindicate you. However, once you're indicted, if you did it, you might as well reach a plea bargain, unless you can afford a good lawyer. This is why many more cases end in a plea bargain than a trial.

And this is where, incidentally, the beef of the black community comes in. Poor people can't afford a good lawyer. Even if they're innocent, they have little hope of being found not guilty in a trial because they can't afford a lawyer good enough to make that happen. So they plead guilty to crimes they didn't commit. How often does this happen? Hard to say. It's a plausible narrative. The MSM and Obama would have had you believe that 99% of the blacks in jail are innocent. That's bullshit, obviously. But it's also plausible that some innocent people plead guilty.

But anyway, no, there's no such thing as just dropping an indictment or forgetting about it. Charges can be dropped when new evidence comes to light or when a plea bargain of some kind is reached.

15894654? ago

Excellent. Thank you for clearing it up for me.

15867758? ago

Sorry but an indictment can be anything including a warrant to search a property, wiretap a phone, or to get records.
There were many unsealed indictments in 2018. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2018/11/06/ex-jp-morgan-trader-pleads-guilty-to-manipulating-metals-markets.html

That's just one person but there were many sealed indictments to get that person to court. You won't know how many unless you file requests for info and look at how many were mentioned "unsealed" in the criminal complaint.

15869054? ago

Think about why that’s even a thing. Do you think one person alone is capable of manipulating the metal market all by himself? No he most likely had help and those other indictments are probally his associates, who also helped manipulate the market. So yes, one person can lead to several sealed indictments. Use your brain.

15869104? ago

Are you stupid or something? Did you just reply to my comment without reading and seeing I said one case/person has several sealed indictments? Did you read the article that clearly states he did this at the request of his bosses, while his bosses had other departments buying up the commodity he was shorting?

I'd tell you to use your brain but you may not know how

15869356? ago

You must be stupid if you think wiretapping a phone is the same as being charged with a crime.

Why don’t you source your definition of an indictment? Time to show me you have a brain.

15869375? ago

You're being a dense little shit, kid. A sealed indictment isn't a criminal complaint. It's a cause for action, sealed, to build a case.

There was a list of hundreds of unsealed indictments from October and they were all warrants for cellphones, not criminal complaints.

Put your phone down and return to class.

15869409? ago

Still waiting for the source of your definition.

Here’s my definition: a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime. https://dictionary.law.com/Default.aspx?selected=943

15869451? ago

No one cares what YOUR definition is.

How about the legal and official one?

A criminal complaint is a list of the charges that the prosecuting attorney will file against a person. It typically describes the nature of the offense and can become part of public record. An indictment is a written document presented to a grand jury who decides if the charges warrant further action, such as a trial. It is a formal accusation that is presented by the prosecuting attorney.

How do you get a warrant without an indictment? If you don't want the subject knowing they're under investigation you get a sealed indictment until you're ready to file the complaint.

How old do you think you are?

15869530? ago

If you don't want the subject knowing they're under investigation you get a sealed indictment until you're ready to file the complaint.

The sealed indictment is the complaint you fucking retard. Sealing it is how you prevent a subject from knowing their under investigation.

15869562? ago

You're a dumb fucking shill. I gave you two links that prove otherwise. They CLEARLY state there's a difference but you're here to shill and be a dumb fuck.

It's in the fucking url name "difference between indictment criminal complaint".


15869570? ago

Sorry, all I head was anyone I disagree with is a shill.

15869607? ago

Sorry, all I head was anyone I disagree with is a shill.

My point exactly. You're delusional using the term "my definition" and "all I heard". This is a typed conversation, not verbal. You can't hear anything.

You mice words and definitions to remain delusional. It's a side effect of entitlement and ignorance.

15869638? ago

I can hear the words in my mind as I read them you dumb fuck. Once again shows your inability to think, but I’m the ignorant one.

15869797? ago

I can hear the words in my mind

LOL, that's called thinking you dumb dense NPC. You can only hear sounds. You're mincing words again to hold on to your delusions or you have schizophrenia. Either way you're delusional to some extreme extent.

15869845? ago

Why do phrases like cant hear myself think exist? Your arguments are so fucking stupid.

15870331? ago

Because NPC's can talk. Ever heard a sapient person say that? No only a weak NPC that has no control over their thinking can't drown out the noise.

You're a sentient animal, just like Alex the Parrot and Koko the gorilla. You're human so you're capable of more than a bird and monkey, but there's a reason we have sentient < sapience and why IQ doesn't equal wise
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNV-WMmpU54
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpsvuEvfs1g

Niggers can't hear things without getting upset, why? What do you think the difference is between you and a nigger? How are you different?

15871351? ago

You’ve lost the argument so hard to have to dehumanize me to make yourself feel better. So pathetic.

15871596? ago

It's not dehumanizing you, this is where you continue your circular logic. I clearly said you're human, just not fully matured.

What's the difference between a kid and adult cognitively? The fact that you're still arguing this under the premise "lost so hard" is pretty clear you're "of childlike intellect"

I've asked you to disprove all my assertions and you've merely dismissed them. Like a kid that can't do anything but feel. As an adult it's called delusional, it's only excused for young children and even as an adolescent it's tolerated but at 18 you're an adult and legally responsible for yourself regardless of your cognitive progression. But lack of it doesn't exempt you from consequences for a reason.

15867040? ago

We are hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

We have a keyhole view of the most complex chess game in human history, so it's difficult to speculate with any degree of certainty.

The Jew World Order are also reading Q's drops, so we can't expect the plan to be compromised but we can expect for future insights to prove past Q White House intellegence leaks - "future proves past".

We have witnessed the entire globalist machine endlessly attack President Trump and we've witnessed the greatest Jew World Order purge of deep state operatives from within positions of power within the FBI and we have seen the greatest number of sealed criminal cases created in human history.

All we can do is stockpile weapons and supplies and research in an attempt to understand what is happening.

Those indictments will be unsealed when the time is right and not before.

Trust President Trump.

15867003? ago

You know that would be a real good damn start considering the level of shit we've been exposed to and expected to stay calm. Wtf- this is Not normal nor is it possibly to absorb and understand everything being exposed as well. Im hittin' the sack. Nite Patriot, Happy New Year and God bless you/family.