15861971? ago

The Jesuit plan was to implant us, but they wanted to find a way to mind control us, that we would except. We ate it up: Smart phones. Keep them glued to your ear so the waves go straight to you brain. What a success, they even got us to pay for it.

15860163? ago

Earth is a loosh farm.

15859832? ago

Here's the original post OP is attempting to slide.

15865899? ago

I searched the thread, no one mentioned implants no one mentioned it.

15859997? ago

Ya hey, wtf man. I made that post yesterday, now this clown is trying to slide it because it blew up.

15860324? ago

Yup. Good post, too. F this guy

15859727? ago

You are really a nigger.

Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh! jumps off cliff

15859515? ago

humans ARE NOT the top of the food chain

15859430? ago

I do not think most awakened anons would be hospitalized. We have learned much of the disgusting deep web truths from 4 & 8chan autists, even if we don't have the full details, or care to see vids and photos. If any autists care to expose what they think the absolute worst they have researched is, that would enlighten us more, do tell. What we know: Pedophilia, pedovore while still alive, torturing children for adrenochrome, satanic ritual horrors. Could it be ground up human/abortion tissue/blood in our processed food chain? Could it be inventing cancer, ebola, aids, diabetes, autism, and other deadly diseases intentionally for population control, but mostly to make trillions on the treatments and pharmaceuticals? Alien DNA injections through vaccines? Are we are still hooked up to the matrix alien feeders until Q/Trump can help us awaken the worldwide citizens in sufficient numbers to overthrow the aliens of the DS? Where is NEO when we need him? Oh yeah...Q is NEO. Whatever it is, the anons should be able to keep the lights on to deal with it? Anyone have worse ideas?

15859587? ago

nanotech injected and sprayed into our systems acts as an antenna for 5g mind control, pain and population control.

cooked from the inside out...

maybe a hospital radiation, sonic or whatever type of scan can neutralize

15862029? ago


15859888? ago

Okay, that's a new one. Maybe I am so disgusted by the pedovore and ground up aborted fetus tissue, that that seems tame in comparison.

15859388? ago

We're probably all being abducted

15859001? ago

Are Humans having their consciousness altered? Are we being led through a program that ultimately destroys us, leaving a weak minded version of humans available to be hosts for a nanobot sized robotic intelligence?

15859381? ago

No, it is OBVIOUSLY unicorn farts. Don't be such a fucking shill. Trust the plan.

15859378? ago

Obviously. Try to keep up

15858874? ago

I don't believe that it's the Anunnaki or aliens in the normative sense of the term. But it is something metaphysical. The cabal are Luciferian Satanists, after all. And their "religious" practices are so evil that they would make the strongest man recoil in horror and disgust.

15862131? ago

Jesuits are satanists. Goal: Jesuit White elitist control of a dumbed down brown passive small population. Georgia guide stones done by Jesuits to tell the few who are left, how to act. They will go to their underground bases, then, fire up the 12 HAARPs set up across the globe, micro wave us all, and come out of the bunker.

15859367? ago

Nope. Still not going to put anyone in the hospital.

15858830? ago

Truth is 99% of the people got LARP'd.

15858730? ago

I have been lied too all my life. Just tell the truth for once. If its so repugnant or mind blowing, just get it out so everyone can deal with it.

15858551? ago

Great! PUT THEM IN THE FUCKING HOSPITAL! The American people deserve to hear the truth!

15859013? ago

The world needs to see the truth..those that can't deal with it will decrease the population

15858952? ago

I completely agree...cut the fucking crap and show the world what is really going on.. Everyday I watch people wearing their rose colored glasses and pretend everything is fine....While the rothchild and bush and queen of england and merkel and meron and......live in the finest through treachery and deceit

15858583? ago

Yeah. Even if the truth is the Anunnaki run us like a holodeck.

15859510? ago

Even a holodeck program like Moriarty?

15858596? ago

I don't give a shit what it is. (Chance are I've probably already heard it before). But, maybe that is what we need? Some massive shocker to wake people up and get them involved?